# Mail format
The mail format in the api hooks

mail = {
	from = "sender name",
	to = "players, which, are, addressed",
	cc = "carbon copy",
	bcc = "players, which, get, a, copy, but, are, not, visible, to, others",
	subject = "subject line",
	body = "mail body",
	-- 8 attachments max
	attachments = {"default:stone 99", "default:gold_ingot 99"}

The fields `to`, `cc` and `bcc` can contain a player, multiple player names separated by commas, or be empty. Players in `to` are the recipiants, who are addressed directly. `cc` specifies players that get the mail to get notified, but are not immediate part of the conversation. There is no technical difference between `to` and `cc`, it just implies meaning for the players. Players can see all fields making up the mail except `bcc`, which is the only difference to `cc`.

Attachments need to be provided for each player getting the mail. Until this is implemented, trying to send a mail to multiple players will fail.

The `from` and `to` fields were renamed from the previous format:

mail = {
	src = "source name",
	dst = "destination name",
	subject = "subject line",
	body = "mail body",
	-- 8 attachments max
	attachments = {"default:stone 99", "default:gold_ingot 99"}

## Sending mail
Old variant (pre-1.1)
mail.send("source name", "destination name", "subject line", "mail body")

New variant (1.1+)
	from = "sender name",
	to = "destination name",
	cc = "carbon copy",
	bcc = "blind carbon copy",
	subject = "subject line",
	body = "mail body"

# Hooks
On-receive mail hook:

	-- "m" is an object in the form: "Mail format"

# internal mail format (on-disk)
The mail format on-disk

> (worldfolder)/mails/(playername).json

	"unread": true,
	"sender": "sender name",
	"subject": "subject name",
	"body": "main\nmultiline\nbody",
	"time": 1551258349,
	"attachments": [
		"default:stone 99",
		"default:gold_ingot 99"
