diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7b5b4f5..50fa845 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-[screenshot1] [screenshot2] [screenshot3]
+ Other Screenshots: [screenshot1] | [screenshot2] | [screenshot3]
@@ -39,18 +39,13 @@ It adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, Strongbox i
GNU AGPL v3 ou +:
- * [License in English language]
- * [License in Portuguese language]
+* [License in English language]
+* [License in Portuguese language]
- * Lunovox Heavenfinder: [email](mailto:lunovox@disroot.org), [social web](http:mastodon.social/@lunovox), [WebChat](https://cloud.disroot.org/call/9aa2t7ib), [xmpp](xmpp:lunovox@disroot.org?join), [audio conference](mumble:mumble.disroot.org), [more contacts](https:libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Lunovox)
+* Lunovox Heavenfinder: [email](mailto:lunovox@disroot.org), [social web](http:mastodon.social/@lunovox), [WebChat](https://cloud.disroot.org/call/9aa2t7ib), [xmpp](xmpp:lunovox@disroot.org?join), [audio conference](mumble:mumble.disroot.org), [more contacts](https:libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Lunovox)
@@ -58,18 +53,27 @@ In **minetest.conf** file:
You don't need to do any of these presets mentioned below to make this mod work. But it's worth knowing the configuration values in case you want to directly change the ````minetest.conf```` file.
-* ````minertrade.debug = ```` : If show debug info of this mod. Only util to developers. Default: ````false````
-* ````minertrade.save_compressed = ```` : If enabled will save database bank in file '.db64', else in file '.tbl'. Default: ````true````
-* ````minertrade.bank.max_statements = ```` : Specifies the amount statement records to each player in databade bank. Default: ````30````; Min: ````1````, Max: ````300````.
-* ````minertrade.salary.enabled = ```` : Allows for daily distribution of Salary. Default: ````true````
-* ````minertrade.salary.value = ```` : Specifies the amount of salary paid daily. Default: ````1````
-* ````minertrade.salary.intervalcheck = ```` : Specifies how many seconds the salary will be checked who still has to receive. Values below 5 can cause server lag. Default: ````60````
+| Settings | Descryption |
+| :-- | :-- |
+| ````minertrade.debug = ```` | If show debug info of this mod. Only util to developers. Default: ````false````. |
+| ````minertrade.save_compressed = ```` | If enabled will save database bank in file '.db64', else in file '.tbl'. Default: ````true````. |
+| ````minertrade.bank.max_statements = ```` | Specifies the amount statement records to each player in databade bank. Default: ````30````; Min: ````1````, Max: ````300````. |
+| ````minertrade.salary.enabled = ```` | Allows for daily distribution of Salary. Default: ````true````. |
+| ````minertrade.salary.value = ```` | Specifies the amount of salary paid daily. Default: ````1````. |
+| ````minertrade.salary.intervalcheck = ```` | Specifies how many seconds the salary will be checked who still has to receive. Values below 5 can cause server lag. Default: ````60````. |
**Translate to Others Languages:**
* Read the file [locale/README.md]