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(9^6 M$) | ### 🏦 Bank Items: | Items | Descryption | | :--: | :-- | | ```Public ATM``` | Save your minercash (money type) in the ATM, and withdraw your minercash in other ATM in the shops scattered around the map. | | ```Credit Card``` | Transfers between bank accounts, issuing a bank transfer receipt. | ### πŸ™οΈ Store Items: | Items | Descryption | | :--: | :-- | | ```Exchange Table (P2P)``` | It makes safe exchanges from player to player without the need to put your items on the ground. | | ```Dispensing Machine``` | Sells your items, even if you are not online. | ## **Dependencies:** | Mod Name | Dependency Type | Descryption | | :--: | :--: | :-- | | default | Mandatory | Minetest Game Included. | | dye | Mandatory | Minetest Game Included. | | [intllib][mod_intllib] | Optional | Facilitates the translation of this mod into your native language, or other languages. | | [correio][mod_correio] | Optional | Issues a letter to the owner of the ```Dispensing Machine``` when the machine needs the owner's intervention. | | [eurn][mod_eurn] | Optional | Select by vote who will be the president of the server with access to the public safe. | | [computing][mod_computing] | Optional | Add multiple devices, such as mobile phones and desktops, that allow you to access the bank remotely. | ## **License:** * [![license_code_icon]][license_code_link] * [![license_media_icon]][license_media_link] See more details in wiki: [![wiki_en_icon]][wiki_en_link] [![wiki_pt_icon]][wiki_pt_link] ## **Developers:** * Lunovox Heavenfinder: [email](mailto:lunovox@disroot.org), [social web](https://qoto.org/@lunovox), [WebChat](https://cloud.disroot.org/call/9aa2t7ib), [xmpp](xmpp:lunovox@disroot.org?join), [audio conference](mumble:mumble.disroot.org), [more contacts](https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Lunovox) ## **Downloads:** * [Stable Versions] : There are several versions in different stages of completion. Usually recommended for servers because they are more secure. * [Git Repository] : It is the version currently under construction. There may be some stability if used on servers. It is only recommended for testers and mod developers. ## **Translate this mod to Your Language:** See more details in file: [locale/README.md] ## **Settings:** In **minetest.conf** file: You don't need to do any of these presets mentioned below to make this mod work. But it's worth knowing the configuration values ​​in case you want to directly change the ````minetest.conf```` file. | Settings | Descryption | | :-- | :-- | | ````minertrade.debug = ```` | If show debug info of this mod. Only util to developers. Default: ````false````. | | ````minertrade.save_compressed = ```` | If enabled will save database bank in file '.db64', else in file '.tbl'. Default: ````true````. | | ````minertrade.bank.max_statements = ```` | Specifies the amount statement records to each player in databade bank. Default: ````30````; Min: ````1````, Max: ````300````. | | ````minertrade.salary.enabled = ```` | Allows for daily distribution of Salary. Default: ````true````. | | ````minertrade.salary.value = ```` | Specifies the amount of salary paid daily. Default: ````1````. | | ````minertrade.salary.intervalcheck = ```` | Specifies how many seconds the salary will be checked who still has to receive. Values below 5 can cause server lag. Default: ````60````. | [01]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot.png [02]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot2.png [03]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot3.png [04]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot4.png [05]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot5.png [06]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot6.png [07]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot7.png [08]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot8.png [09]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/screenshot9.png [English]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Affero_General_Public_License [Git Repository]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade [license_code_icon]:https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=LICENSE%20CODE&message=GNU%20AGPL%20v3.0&color=yellow [license_code_link]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/LICENSE_CODE [license_media_icon]:https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=LICENSE%20MEDIA&message=CC%20BY-SA-4.0&color=yellow [license_media_link]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/LICENSE_MEDIA [locale/README.md]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/tree/master/locale?ref_type=heads [mod_minertrade]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade [minetest_icon]:https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=Minetest&message=Mod&color=brightgreen [minetest_link]:https://minetest.net [mod_computing]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/computing [mod_correio]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/correio [mod_eurn]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/e-urn [mod_intllib]:https://content.luanti.org/packages/kaeza/intllib/ [mod_tradelands]:https://gitlab.com/Lunovox/tradelands [Portuguese]:https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Affero_General_Public_License [Stable Versions]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/tags [wiki_en_icon]:https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=GNU%20AGPL%20v3.0&message=EN&color=blue [wiki_en_link]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Affero_General_Public_License [wiki_pt_icon]:https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=GNU%20AGPL%20v3.0&message=PT&color=blue [wiki_pt_link]:https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Affero_General_Public_License [ContentDB_en_icon]:https://content.luanti.org/packages/Lunovox/minertrade/shields/title/ [ContentDB_en_link]:https://content.luanti.org/packages/Lunovox/minertrade/ [DownloadsCDB_en_icon]:https://content.luanti.org/packages/Lunovox/minertrade/shields/downloads/ [DownloadsCDB_en_link]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/tags