<small> Other Screenshots: [screenshot1] | [screenshot2] | [screenshot3] </small>


It adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, Strongbox in homes interconnected with ATMs in stores.

**Itens adicionados:**
| Types of Moneys | Amount of Minecash |
| :-- | --: |
| ```Minercoin```			| equal 01 minercash. |
| ```Minermoney Blue```		| equal 09 minercash. |
| ```Minermoney Green```	| equal 81 minercash. |
| ```Minermoney Yellow```	| equal 729 minercash. |
| ```Minermoney Orange```	| equal 6,561 minercash. |
| ```Minermoney Red```		| equal 59,049 minercash. |
| ```Minermoney Black```	| equal 531,441 minercash. |

| Bankary Items | Descryption |
| :--: | :-- |
| ```Public ATM```  | Save your minercash (money type) in the ATM, and withdraw your minercash in other ATM in the shops scattered around the map. |
| ```Credit Card``` | Transfers between bank accounts, issuing a bank transfer receipt. |

| Shopping Items | Descryption |
| :--: | :-- |
| ```Exchange Table (P2P)```	| It makes safe exchanges from player to player without the need to put your items on the ground. |
| ```Dispensing Machine``` 		| Sells your items, even if you are not online. |


| Mod Name | Dependency Type | Descryption |
| :--: | :--: | :-- |
| default | Mandatory |  Minetest Game Included. | 
| dye | Mandatory | Minetest Game Included. |
| [intllib] | Optional | Facilitates the translation of this mod into your native language, or other languages. |
| [correio] | Optional |  Issues a letter to the owner of the ```Dispensing Machine``` when the machine needs the owner's intervention. | 


GNU AGPL v3 ou +: 

* [License in English language] 
* [License in Portuguese language]


* Lunovox Heavenfinder: [email](mailto:lunovox@disroot.org), [social web](http:mastodon.social/@lunovox), [WebChat](https://cloud.disroot.org/call/9aa2t7ib), [xmpp](xmpp:lunovox@disroot.org?join), [audio conference](mumble:mumble.disroot.org), [more contacts](https:libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Lunovox)


In **minetest.conf** file:

You don't need to do any of these presets mentioned below to make this mod work. But it's worth knowing the configuration values ​​in case you want to directly change the ````minetest.conf```` file.

| Settings | Descryption |
| :-- | :-- |
| ````minertrade.debug = <boolean>```` 					| If show debug info of this mod. Only util to developers. Default: ````false````. | 
| ````minertrade.save_compressed = <boolean>```` 		| If enabled will save database bank in file '.db64', else in file '.tbl'. Default: ````true````. | 
| ````minertrade.bank.max_statements = <number>```` 	| Specifies the amount statement records to each player in databade bank.  Default: ````30````; Min: ````1````, Max: ````300````. | 
| ````minertrade.salary.enabled = <boolean>```` 		| Allows for daily distribution of Salary. Default: ````true````. | 
| ````minertrade.salary.value = <number>```` 			| Specifies the amount of salary paid daily.  Default: ````1````. | 
| ````minertrade.salary.intervalcheck = <number>```` 	| Specifies how many seconds the salary will be checked who still has to receive. Values below 5 can cause server lag. Default: ````60````. | 

**Translate to Others Languages:**

* Read the file [locale/README.md]

 * Lets you check the contents of another players strongbox.
 	* /checkstrongbox <player_name>
 	* /csb <player_name>


[License in English language]:https://gitlab.com/lunovox/minertrade/-/raw/master/LICENSE
[License in Portuguese language]:https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Affero_General_Public_License