It adds various types of money, exchange table, Dispensing Machines, Strongbox in homes interconnected with ATMs in stores. Itens adicionados: * Types of Moneys: → Minercoin → Minermoney → Piggy Bank → Credit Card * Exchange Table (P2P) → It makes safe exchanges from player to player without the need to put your items on the ground. * Dispensing Machine → Sells your items, even if you are not online. * Personal Strongbox → Save your money in this safe and withdraw your money at any shop that has an ATM. * Public ATM → Save your money in the ATM, and withdraw your money in your Personal Safe or other ATM in the shops scattered around the map. Licence: * GNU AGPL: Developers: * Lunovox Comandos: * Lets you check the contents of another players strongbox. * /checkstrongbox * /csb Settings: * Change the file 'config.lua' to change the initial settings of the mod, such as: * Path of Database * Delay of Install Strongbox and ATM, * Size of inventory of Strongbox and ATM, Translate to Others Languages: * This mod currently are configured to language: * English * Portuguese * To add a new language to this mod just follow the steps below: * Enable the complementary mod 'intllib'. * Set your language in 'minetest.conf' by adding the [language = ] property. * Example for French Language: language = fr * Make a copy of the file [ pt.txt ] in the [ locale ] folder that is inside the mod for [locale/.txt]. * Example for French language: locale/fr.txt * Open the file [locale/.txt] in a simple text editor. * Translate all lines. But, just here that stems the right of the equals symbol (=). * Example for French Language: DISPENSING MACHINE = MACHINE DE DISTRIBUTION