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synced 2025-03-18 05:41:23 +00:00
Update Malay translations
1. Added missing translation to the following files: beds.ms.tr, creative.ms.tr, default.ms.tr, farming.ms.tr, fire.ms.tr, sethome.ms.tr 2. Changes some translation as per following: a. beds.ms.tr - Leave Bed changed from Bangun (wake up) to Tinggalkan Katil (leave bed, in literal sense) just because the button would be interpreted by some people as 'wake up on next morning' (ie. skipping night) instead of 'wake up interrupting current sleep progress' which is the intended meaning. b. boats.ms.tr - Boat cruise mode changed from Mod bot layar makan angin to Mod jelajah bot, the original translation is more like direct translation, and this has been changed to more natural one to make sure player know that the mode is a cruise control. - Reset changed from Set semula to Tetap semula, this is for standardizing with existing term used in various places. c. default.ms.tr - Page \@1 of \@2 changed from the short form to the long form. - Mese Crystal Fragment had missing word 'Kristal' re-added. d. dye.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead. e. game_commands.ms.tr - respawn changed from lahir semula (reborn) to jelma semula (reappear), this is to make it consistent with the language used in multiple other games that had similar respawning system, and avoiding the religious context of life that is implied by the use of previous translation. - spawnpoint changed from titik permulaan (starting point) to titik jelma ((re)appear point), see previous point. f. tnt.ms.tr - Gun Powder changed from Serbuk Senjata Api (firearms powder) to Serbuk Letupan (explosion powder) because that is the proper translation, the latter is still the term used even when talking about actual firearm, the former didn't exist g. vessels.ms.tr - item changed from barang (thing) to item, this is mainly because some of the 'item' that could be stored are not some solid 'thing' where the word barang could be used for, so using the word item here keep it neutral. h. wool.ms.tr - Dark Grey changed from Kelabu Gelap to Kelabu Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Dark Green changed from Hijau Gelap to Hijau Tua to make it standardized with the colour name elsewhere. - Magenta changed from Merah Lembayung to Magenta, because the colour Merah Lembayung is now used to refer to purplish red and no longer equal to magenta, the loanword is used instead.
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 92 additions and 39 deletions
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# textdomain: beds
Fancy Bed=Katil Beragam
Simple Bed=Katil Biasa
This bed is already occupied!=
You have to stop moving before going to bed!=
This bed is already occupied!=Katil ini sudah diduduki!
You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Anda perlu berhenti bergerak sebelum tidur!
Good morning.=Selamat pagi.
@1 of @2 players are in bed=@1 daripada @2 pemain sedang tidur
Force night skip=Paksa langkau malam
You can only sleep at night.=Anda hanya boleh tidur pada waktu malam.
Leave Bed=Bangun
Leave Bed=Tinggalkan Katil
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: boats
Boat cruise mode on=Mod bot layar makan angin dibolehkan
Boat cruise mode off=Mod bot layar makan angin dilumpuhkan
Boat cruise mode on=Mod jelajah bot dihidupkan
Boat cruise mode off=Mod jelajah bot dimatikan
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# textdomain: creative
Allow player to use creative inventory=Benarkan pemain menggunakan inventori kreatif
No items to show.=
No items to show.=Tiada item untuk ditunjukkan.
Reset=Set semula
Reset=Tetap semula
Previous page=Halaman sebelumnya
Next page=Halaman seterusnya
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ Locked Chest (owned by @1)=Peti Berkunci (milik @1)
You do not own this chest.=Ini bukan peti milik anda.
a locked chest=peti berkunci
by @1=oleh @1
Page @1 of @2=Ms. @1 / @2
The book you were writing to mysteriously disappeared.=
Page @1 of @2=Halaman @1 daripada @2
The book you were writing to mysteriously disappeared.=Buku yang anda tulis hilang secara misterinya.
"@1" by @2="@1" oleh @2
Blueberries=Beri Biru
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Gold Ingot=Jongkong Emas
Gold Lump=Longgokan Emas
Iron Lump=Longgokan Besi
Mese Crystal=Kristal Mese
Mese Crystal Fragment=Serpihan Mese
Mese Crystal Fragment=Serpihan Kristal Mese
Obsidian Shard=Serpihan Obsidia
Steel Ingot=Jongkong Keluli
@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ Obsidian Block=Bongkah Obsidia
Dirt with Grass=Tanah Berumput
Dirt with Grass and Footsteps=Tanah Berumput dan Tapak Kaki
Dirt with Savanna Grass=
Dirt with Savanna Grass=Tanah Berumput Savana
Dirt with Snow=Tanah Bersalji
Dirt with Rainforest Litter=Tanah Bersarap Hutan Hujan
Dirt with Coniferous Litter=Tanah Bersarap Hutan Konifer
Savanna Dirt=
Savanna Dirt with Savanna Grass=
Savanna Dirt=Tanah Savana
Savanna Dirt with Savanna Grass=Tanah Savana Berumput Savana
Permafrost=Ibun Abadi
Permafrost with Stones=Ibun Abadi Berbatu
Permafrost with Moss=Ibun Abadi Berlumut
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Papyrus=Papirus
Dry Shrub=Pokok Renek Kering
Jungle Grass=Rumput Hutan
Savanna Grass=
Savanna Grass=Rumput Savana
Fern=Paku Pakis
Marram Grass=Rumput Maram
Bush Stem=Batang Belukar
@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ Glass=Kaca
Obsidian Glass=Kaca Obsidia
Brick Block=Bongkah Bata
Mese Lamp=Lampu Mese
Apple Wood Mese Post Light=
Acacia Wood Mese Post Light=
Jungle Wood Mese Post Light=
Pine Wood Mese Post Light=
Aspen Wood Mese Post Light=
Apple Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Epal
Acacia Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Akasia
Jungle Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Hutan
Pine Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Pain
Aspen Wood Mese Post Light=Lampu Tiang Mese Kayu Aspen
Wooden Pickaxe=Beliung Kayu
Stone Pickaxe=Beliung Batu
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# textdomain: dye
White Dye=Pewarna Putih
Grey Dye=Pewarna Kelabu
Dark Grey Dye=Pewarna Kelabu Gelap
Dark Grey Dye=Pewarna Kelabu Tua
Black Dye=Pewarna Hitam
Violet Dye=Pewarna Ungu
Blue Dye=Pewarna Biru
Cyan Dye=Pewarna Biru Kehijauan
Dark Green Dye=Pewarna Hijau Gelap
Dark Green Dye=Pewarna Hijau Tua
Green Dye=Pewarna Hijau
Yellow Dye=Pewarna Kuning
Brown Dye=Pewarna Perang
Orange Dye=Pewarna Jingga
Red Dye=Pewarna Merah
Magenta Dye=Pewarna Merah Lembayung
Magenta Dye=Pewarna Magenta
Pink Dye=Pewarna Merah Jambu
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# textdomain: farming
Wooden Hoe=Cangkul Kayu
Stone Hoe=Cangkul Batu
Steel Hoe=Cangkul Keluli
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Cotton=Kapas
Wet Soil=Tanih Lembap
Savanna Soil=
Wet Savanna Soil=
Savanna Soil=Tanih Savana
Wet Savanna Soil=Tanih Savana Lembap
Desert Sand Soil=Tanih Pasir Gurun
Wet Desert Sand Soil=Tanih Pasir Gurun Lembap
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Straw Stair=Tangga Jerami
Inner Straw Stair=Tangga Jerami Dalaman
Outer Straw Stair=Tangga Jerami Luaran
Straw Slab=Papak Jerami
Wild Cotton=
Wild Cotton=Kapuk
##### not used anymore #####
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# textdomain: fire
Permanent Fire=
Permanent Fire=Api Abadi
Flint and Steel=Pemetik Api
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: game_commands
Kill yourself to respawn=Bunuh diri anda untuk lahir semula
No static_spawnpoint defined=Tiada titik permulaan statik (tetapan static_spawnpoint) ditakrifkan
Kill yourself to respawn=Bunuh diri anda untuk jelma semula
No static_spawnpoint defined=Tiada titik jelma statik (tetapan static_spawnpoint) ditakrifkan
You need to be online to be killed!=Anda mesti berada dalam talian untuk dibunuh!
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# textdomain: mtg_craftguide
Any coal=Sebarang arang
Any sand=Sebarang pasir
Any wool=Sebarang bulu biri-biri
Any stick=Sebarang serpihan kayu
Any vessel=Sebarang bekas kaca
Any wood planks=Sebarang papan kayu
Any kind of stone block=Sebarang jenis bongkah batu
Any red flower=Sebarang bunga merah
Any blue flower=Sebarang bunga biru
Any black flower=Sebarang bunga hitam
Any green flower=Sebarang bunga hijau
Any white flower=Sebarang bunga putih
Any orange flower=Sebarang bunga jingga
Any violet flower=Sebarang bunga ungu
Any yellow flower=Sebarang bunga kuning
Any red dye=Sebarang pewarna merah
Any blue dye=Sebarang pewarna biru
Any cyan dye=Sebarang pewarna biru kehijauan
Any grey dye=Sebarang pewarna kelabu
Any pink dye=Sebarang pewarna merah jambu
Any black dye=Sebarang pewarna hitam
Any brown dye=Sebarang pewarna perang
Any green dye=Sebarang pewarna hijau
Any white dye=Sebarang pewarna putih
Any orange dye=Sebarang pewarna jingga
Any violet dye=Sebarang pewarna ungu
Any yellow dye=Sebarang pewarna kuning
Any magenta dye=Sebarang pewarna magenta
Any dark grey dye=Sebarang pewarna kelabu tua
Any dark green dye=Sebarang pewarna hijau tua
# Label for group ingredients
Any item belonging to the group(s): @1=Sebarang item milik kumpulan: @1
Unknown Item=Item Tidak Diketahui
Fuel=Bahan Api
Usage @1 of @2=Kegunaan @1 daripada @2
Recipe @1 of @2=Resipi @1 daripada @2
Previous recipe=Resipi sebelumnya
Next recipe=Resipi seterusnya
Recipe is too big to be displayed.=Resipi terlalu besar untuk dipaparkan.
Shapeless=Tidak Berbentuk
Cooking time: @1=Masa memasak: @1
Reset=Tetap Semula
Previous page=Halaman sebelumnya
Next page=Halaman seterusnya
No items to show.=Tiada item untuk ditunjukkan.
No usages.=Tiada kegunaan.
Click again to show recipes.=Klik lagi untuk tunjuk resipi.
No recipes.=Tiada resipi.
Click again to show usages.=Klik lagi untuk tunjuk kegunaan.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# textdomain: sethome
This command can only be executed in-game!=
This command can only be executed in-game!=Perintah ini hanya boleh dijalankan dalam permainan!
Can use /sethome and /home=Boleh guna /sethome dan /home
Teleport you to your home point=Teleportasikan anda ke titik rumah anda
Teleported to home!=Diteleportasikan ke rumah!
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# textdomain: tnt
Gun Powder=Serbuk Senjata Api
Gun Powder=Serbuk Letupan
TNT Stick=Batang TNT
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# textdomain: vessels
Empty Vessels Shelf=Rak Bekas Kaca Kosong
Vessels Shelf (@1 items)=Rak Bekas Kaca (@1 barang)
Vessels Shelf (@1 items)=Rak Bekas Kaca (@1 item)
Vessels Shelf=Rak Bekas Kaca
Empty Glass Bottle=Botol Kaca Kosong
Empty Drinking Glass=Gelas Minuman Kosong
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# textdomain: wool
White Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Putih
Grey Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Kelabu
Dark Grey Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Kelabu Gelap
Dark Grey Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Kelabu Tua
Black Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Hitam
Violet Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Ungu
Blue Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Biru
Cyan Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Biru Kehijauan
Dark Green Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Hijau Gelap
Dark Green Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Hijau Tua
Green Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Hijau
Yellow Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Kuning
Brown Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Perang
Orange Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Jingga
Red Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Merah
Magenta Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Merah Lembayung
Magenta Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Magenta
Pink Wool=Bulu Biri-Biri Merah Jambu
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