E.g. in stone where it had already been spawned in maps prior to this change,
in structures made with the old block, etc.
Mese ore (of a sort), as default:stone_with_mese, is generated now instead of
default:mese (which is not generated at all now).
The new default:mese_block is substituted in place of default:mese by way of an
Crystals still come from Mese Crystals in Stone, while digging buried Mese
Blocks returns exactly those (the same as can be crafted from 9 crystals). If
necessary, they can be split up into Mese Crystals again via the existing
crafting recipe.
This alters the value of the various Mese items a little, but avoids breaking
old structures that were made of mese.
The original default:mese, if needed, can be obtained by crafting one Mese
Crystal with one cooked stone. Yields 1.
object found *among* the stone.
That is, mese should behave such that you get something potentially useful out
of the aggregate block you just broke, rather than just collecting the whole
block when mined.
Mese crystals in stone give a single Mese Crystal when mines. Craft three of
those + 2 sticks for Mese Pickaxe, or 9 for a Mese block. Craft one Mese
Crystal by itself to get 9 Mese Crystal fragments, which all mods should use
when a full Mese Crystal is too much.
This includes new textures for the above objects, tweaks to the sounds used for
them, and naming tweaks for the textures used for default mese in stone, so
that old texture packs don't use the "wrong" image.
This represents my best effort to match C55's suggestions.
Update player script to match the animations in the previous commit
Shorten the still mine animation so the hand matches the speed of the walk-mine animation
Reduce animation speed to half when sneaking
Also get the mine animation working when holding the left mouse button. Walk animations have priority over it, and sadly you can't play both at the same time
Set initial player animation to stand
Add a function which allows registering different frame ranges for different player models
Cosmetic improvements to the player script
More progress on the player animation functions, this commit adds useles code currently
I forgot frame range definitions need to be per-model, since each model could have its own animations. Specify current ones as being player.x's
Add death animation, and correct many mesh issues I didn't notice last time
Rename player to character, to avoid conflicting with the default player sprite
New skin by Jordach
Add licenses to readme for the model and skin
Fix bad mirroring of left arm for player model
Consists of a simple standi animation currently being looped.
Compatible with any MineCraft skin, no texture included on GIT for licensing reasons.
Walk animations for the player (forward, backward, strafe left and strafe right). This commit removes other test cases from the default script, so that player.lua can be brought to what it's intended for
Punch / mine animation, and some consistency improvements to the player script
Entries for the newly added animation features
Update player script to work with the latest code
Add a test case for attachments. A LUA entity is attached to the player with a specified name 10 seconds after the server starts
Add a detachment test case (5 seconds after attaching)
Update function names, plus add a test case for both player to player and lua-entity to player attachments
Trigger the player.lua file in init.lua
Commit the ugly and temporary test model and texture. We'll get to a real animated player mesh once the code for that is ready
Set visual_size accordingly so the player model doesn't stretch vertically (default of the sprite player)
Attempt to use the b3d model format, although it doesn't seem to work so far