minetest_game API ====================== GitHub Repo: https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game Introduction ------------ The minetest_game gamemode offers multiple new possibilities in addition to Minetest's built-in API, allowing you to add new plants to farming mod, buckets for new liquids, new stairs and custom panes. For information on the Minetest API, visit https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt Please note: [XYZ] refers to a section the Minetest API [#ABC] refers to a section in this document ^ Explanation for line above Bucket API ---------- The bucket API allows registering new types of buckets for non-default liquids. bucket.register_liquid( "default:lava_source", -- Source node name "default:lava_flowing", -- Flowing node name "bucket:bucket_lava", -- Name to be used for bucket "bucket_lava.png", -- Bucket texture (for wielditem and inventory_image) "Lava Bucket" -- Bucket description ) Doors API --------- The doors mod allows modders to register custom doors. doors.register_door(name, def) ^ name: "Door name" ^ def: See [#Door definition] #Door definition ---------------- { description = "Door description", inventory_image = "mod_door_inv.png", groups = {group = 1}, tiles_bottom: [Tile definition], ^ the tiles of the bottom part of the door {front, side} tiles_top: [Tile definition], ^ the tiles of the bottom part of the door {front, side} node_box_bottom = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL, node_box_top = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL, selection_box_bottom = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL, selection_box_top = regular nodebox, see [Node boxes], OPTIONAL, only_placer_can_open = true/false, ^ If true, only placer can open the door (locked for others) } Farming API ----------- The farming API allows you to easily register plants and hoes. farming.register_hoe(name, hoe definition) -> Register a new hoe, see [#hoe definition] farming.register_plant(name, Plant definition) -> Register a new growing plant, see [#Plant definition] #Hoe Definition --------------- { description = "", -- Description for tooltip inventory_image = "unknown_item.png", -- Image to be used as wield- and inventory image max_uses = 30, -- Uses until destroyed recipe = { -- Craft recipe {"air", "air", "air"}, {"", "group:stick"}, {"", "group:stick"}, } } #Plant definition ----------------- { description = "", -- Description of seed item inventory_image = "unknown_item.png", -- Image to be used as seed's wield- and inventory image steps = 8, -- How many steps the plant has to grow, until it can be harvested ^ Always provide a plant texture for ech step, format: modname_plantname_i.png (i = stepnumber) minlight = 13, -- Minimum light to grow maxlight = LIGHT_MAX -- Maximum light to grow } Stairs API ---------- The stairs API lets you register stairs and slabs and ensures that they are registered the same way as those delivered with minetest_game, to keep them compatible with other mods. stairs.register_stair(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds) -> Registers a stair. -> subname: Basically the material name (e.g. cobble) used for the stair name. Nodename pattern: "stairs:stair_subname" -> recipeitem: Item used in the craft recipe, e.g. "default:cobble" -> groups: see [Known damage and digging time defining groups] -> images: see [Tile definition] -> description: used for the description field in the stair's definition -> sounds: see [#Default sounds] stairs.register_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, description, sounds) -> Registers a slabs -> subname: Basically the material name (e.g. cobble) used for the stair name. Nodename pattern: "stairs:stair_subname" -> recipeitem: Item used in the craft recipe, e.g. "default:cobble" -> groups: see [Known damage and digging time defining groups] -> images: see [Tile definition] -> description: used for the description field in the stair's definition -> sounds: see [#Default sounds] stairs.register_stair_and_slab(subname, recipeitem, groups, images, desc_stair, desc_slab, sounds) -> A wrapper for stairs.register_stair and stairs.register_slab -> Uses almost the same arguments as stairs.register_stair -> desc_stair: Description for stair node -> desc_slab: Description for slab node Xpanes API ---------- Creates panes that automatically connect to each other xpanes.register_pane(subname, def) -> subname: used for nodename. Result: "xpanes:subname_{1..16}" -> def: See [#Pane definition] #Pane definition ---------------- { textures = {"texture_Bottom_top", "texture_left_right", "texture_front_back"}, ^ More tiles aren't supported groups = {group = rating}, ^ Uses the known node groups, see [Known damage and digging time defining groups] sounds = SoundSpec, ^ See [#Default sounds] recipe = {{"","","","","","","","",""}}, ^ Recipe field only on_construct = function(pos) update_pane(pos, "pane") end, ^ Required to handle rotation correctly } Default sounds -------------- Sounds inside the default table can be used within the sounds field of node definitions. default.node_sound_defaults() default.node_sound_stone_defaults() default.node_sound_dirt_defaults() default.node_sound_sand_defaults() default.node_sound_wood_defaults() default.node_sound_leaves_defaults() default.node_sound_glass_defaults() Player API ---------- The player API can register player models and update the player's appearence default.player_register_model(name, def) ^ Register a new model to be used by players. -> name: model filename such as "character.x", "foo.b3d", etc. -> def: See [#Model definition] default.registered_player_models[name] ^ Get a model's definition -> see [#Model definition] default.player_set_model(player, model_name) ^ Change a player's model -> player: PlayerRef -> model_name: model registered with player_register_model() default.player_set_animation(player, anim_name [, speed]) ^ Applies an animation to a player -> anim_name: name of the animation. -> speed: frames per second. If nil, default from the model is used default.player_set_textures(player, textures) ^ Sets player textures -> player: PlayerRef -> textures: array of textures ^ If <textures> is nil, the default textures from the model def are used default.player_get_animation(player) ^ Returns a table containing fields "model", "textures" and "animation". ^ Any of the fields of the returned table may be nil. -> player: PlayerRef Model Definition ---------------- { animation_speed = 30, -- Default animation speed, in FPS. textures = {"character.png", }, -- Default array of textures. visual_size = {x=1, y=1,}, -- Used to scale the model. animations = { -- <anim_name> = { x=<start_frame>, y=<end_frame>, }, foo = { x= 0, y=19, }, bar = { x=20, y=39, }, -- ... }, }