local misc = dofile(cleaner.modpath .. "/misc_functions.lua") -- populate entities list from file in world path local e_list = {remove={}} local e_path = core.get_worldpath() .. "/clean_entities.json" local e_file = io.open(e_path, "r") if e_file then local data_in = core.parse_json(e_file:read("*a")) e_file:close() if data_in then e_list = data_in end end -- backward compat local e_path_old = core.get_worldpath() .. "/clean_entities.txt" e_file = io.open(e_path_old, "r") if e_file then cleaner.log("action", "found deprecated clean_entities.txt, converting to json") local data_in = string.split(e_file:read("*a"), "\n") for _, e in ipairs(data_in) do e = e:trim() if e ~= "" and e:sub(1, 1) ~= "#" then table.insert(e_list.remove, e) end end e_file:close() os.rename(e_path_old, e_path_old .. ".bak") -- don't read deprecated file again end e_list.remove = misc.clean_duplicates(e_list.remove) -- update json file with any changes e_file = io.open(e_path, "w") if e_file then local data_out = core.write_json(e_list, true):gsub("\"remove\" : null", "\"remove\" : []") e_file:write(data_out) e_file:close() end for _, e in ipairs(e_list.remove) do cleaner.log("debug", "Cleaning entity: " .. e) cleaner.register_entity_removal(e) end