local dofile, print, error, type, table, ipairs, string, tostring if import then dofile = import("dofile") print = import("print") error = import("error") type = import("type") table = import("table") ipairs = import("ipairs") string = import("string") tostring = import("tostring") end project = "Cleaner" title = "Cleaner mod for Minetest" format = "markdown" not_luadoc=true boilerplate = false style = true icon = "textures/cleaner_pencil.png" favicon = "https://www.minetest.net/media/icon.svg" file = { "settings.lua", "api.lua", "chat.lua", "tools.lua", ".ldoc/config.luadoc", } new_type("chatcmd", "Chat Commands") new_type("setting", "Settings") new_type("tool", "Tools") new_type("json", "JSON Configurations") local function video_frame(src) return '' end local tags tags, custom_tags = dofile(".ldoc/tags.ld") -- START: handling items to prevent re-parsing local registered_items = {} local function is_registered(item) if not registered_items[item.type] then return false end for _, tbl in ipairs(registered_items[item.type]) do if item == tbl then return true end end return false end local function register(item) if not registered_items[item.type] then registered_items[item.type] = {} end if not is_registered(item) then table.insert(registered_items[item.type], item) end end -- END: local function format_setting_tag(desc, value) return "\n- `" .. desc .. ":` `" .. value .. "`" end local function setting_handler(item) if not ipairs or not type then return item end local tags = { {"settype", "type"}, {"default"}, {"min", "minimum value"}, {"max", "maximum value"}, } local def = { ["settype"] = format_setting_tag("type", "string"), } for _, t in ipairs(tags) do local name = t[1] local desc = t[2] if not desc then desc = name end local value = item.tags[name] if type(value) == "table" then if #value > 1 then local msg = item.file.filename .. " (line " .. item.lineno .. "): multiple instances of tag \"" .. name .. "\" found" if error then error(msg) elseif print then print("WARNING: " .. msg) end end if value[1] then def[name] = format_setting_tag(desc, value[1]) end end end item.description = item.description .. "\n\n**Definition:**\n" .. def.settype for _, t in ipairs({def.default, def.min, def.max}) do if t then item.description = item.description .. t end end return item end local function chatcmd_handler(item) for _, p in ipairs(item.params) do if item.modifiers.param[p].opt then item.name = item.name .. " [" .. p .. "]" else item.name = item.name .. " <" .. p .. ">" end end if #item.params > 0 then local pstring = "### Parameters:\n" for k, param in pairs(item.params) do if type(k) == "number" then local value = item.params.map[param] pstring = pstring .. '\n- ' .. param .. '' local modifiers = item.modifiers.param[param] if modifiers and modifiers.type then pstring = pstring .. ' `' .. modifiers.type .. '`' end if value then pstring = pstring .. value end if modifiers and modifiers.opt then pstring = pstring .. " *(optional)*" end end end item.description = item.description .. "\n\n" .. pstring -- clear parameter list item.params = {} end return item end function custom_display_name_handler(item, default_handler) if not is_registered(item) then if item.type == "setting" then item = setting_handler(item) elseif item.type == "chatcmd" then item = chatcmd_handler(item) end local parse_tags = {"priv", "note"} for _, pt in ipairs(parse_tags) do local tvalues = item.tags[pt] if tvalues then local tstring = "" local title = tags.get_title(pt) if title then tstring = tstring .. "\n\n### " .. title .. ":\n" end for _, tv in ipairs(tvalues) do tstring = tstring .. "\n- " .. tags.format(pt, tv) end item.description = item.description .. tstring end end end register(item) return default_handler(item) end