--[[ Cleaner mod License: MIT ]] cleaner = {} cleaner.name = core.get_current_modname() local debug = core.settings:get_bool('enable_debug_mods') local function log(level, msg) core.log(level, '[' .. cleaner.name .. '] ' .. msg) end local function logDebug(msg) if debug then core.log('DEBUG: [' .. cleaner.name .. '] ' .. msg) end end -- ENTITIES local old_entities = {} -- Populate entities list from file in world path local e_list = nil local e_path = core.get_worldpath() .. '/clean_entities.txt' local e_file = io.open(e_path, 'r') if e_file then e_list = e_file:read('*a') e_file:close() else -- Create empty file e_file = io.open(e_path, 'w') if e_file then e_file:close() end end if e_list then logDebug('Loading entities to clean from file ...') e_list = string.split(e_list, '\n') for _, entity_name in ipairs(e_list) do table.insert(old_entities, entity_name) end end for _, entity_name in ipairs(old_entities) do logDebug('Cleaning entity: ' .. entity_name) core.register_entity(':' .. entity_name, { on_activate = function(self, staticdata) self.object:remove() end, }) end -- NODES local old_nodes = {} -- Populate nodes list from file in world path local n_list = nil local n_path = core.get_worldpath() .. '/clean_nodes.txt' local n_file = io.open(n_path, 'r') if n_file then n_list = n_file:read('*a') n_file:close() else -- Create empty file n_file = io.open(n_path, 'w') if n_file then n_file:close() end end if n_list then logDebug('Loading nodes to clean from file ...') n_list = string.split(n_list, '\n') for _, node_name in ipairs(n_list) do table.insert(old_nodes, node_name) end end for _, node_name in ipairs(old_nodes) do logDebug('Cleaning node: ' .. node_name) core.register_node(':' .. node_name, { groups = {old=1}, }) end core.register_abm({ nodenames = {'group:old'}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node) core.remove_node(pos) end, })