# Translated by # chat commands entity= node= radius= old_item= new_item= old_node= new_node= ore= Usage:= Params:= Search radius.= Entity technical name.= Node technical name.= Technical name of node to be replaced.= Technical name of node to be used in place.= Technical name of item to be replaced.= Technical name of item to be used in place.= Ore technical name.= Remove an entity from game.= Remove a node from game.= Replace an item in game.= Replace a node in game.= Find names of unknown nodes.= Remove an ore from game.= Missing parameter.= Too many parameters.= Radius must be a number.= Cannot use unknown item "@1" as replacement.= Cannot use unknown node "@1" as replacement.= Replaced @1 nodes.= Removed @1 nodes.= Removed @1 entities.= Found unknown nodes: @1= No unknown nodes found.= Ore "@1" not found, not unregistering.= Unregistered @1 ores (this will be undone after server restart).= Success!=