Topic commands

Cleaner Chat Commands

Chat Commands

remove_entities Removes nearby entities.
remove_nodes Removes nearby nodes.
replace_items Replaces an item.
replace_nodes Replaces nearby nodes.
find_unknown_nodes Checks for nearby unknown nodes.
find_nearby_nodes Finds names of nearby nodes.
ctool Manages settings for wielded cleaner tool.

Unsafe Commands

remove_ores Registers an ore to be removed.

Chat Commands

Removes nearby entities.
  • entity Entity technical name.
  • radius int (optional)
Removes nearby nodes.
  • node Node technical name.
  • radius int (optional)
Replaces an item.
  • old_item Technical name of item to replace.
  • new_item Technical name of item to be used in place.
Replaces nearby nodes.
  • old_node Technical name of node to replace.
  • new_node Technical name of node to be used in place.
  • radius int (optional)
Checks for nearby unknown nodes.
  • radius int Search radius. (optional)
Finds names of nearby nodes.
  • radius int Search radius. (optional)
Manages settings for wielded cleaner tool.
  • action Action to execute. Can be "status", "setmode", or "setnode".
  • value Mode or node to be set for tool (not required for "status" action)..

Unsafe Commands

Enabled with cleaner.unsafe setting.
Registers an ore to be removed.
  • ore Ore technical name.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6-antum-dev Last updated 2021-07-31 11:21:08