2021-07-31 21:38:58 +00:00

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<title>Cleaner mod for Minetest</title>
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<h1>Topic <code>tools</code></h1>
<p>Cleaner Tools</p>
<h2><a href="#Tools">Tools</a></h2>
<table class="function_list">
<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#cleaner:pencil">cleaner:pencil</a></td>
<td class="summary">Master Pencil</td>
<h2 class="section-header "><a name="Tools"></a>Tools</h2>
<dl class="function">
<a name = "cleaner:pencil"></a>
Master Pencil
<h3>Required Privileges:</h3>
<img src="../data/cleaner_pencil.png" style="width:32px; height:32px;" />
<pre class="example">place (right-click):
- when <span class="keyword">not</span> pointing at a node, changes modes
- when pointing at a node, sets node to be used
use (left-click):
- executes action <span class="keyword">for</span> current mode:
- erase: erases pointed node
- write: adds node
- swap: replaces pointed node</pre>
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<i>generated by <a href="">LDoc 1.4.6-antum-dev</a></i>
<i style="float:right;">Last updated 2021-07-31 21:38:57 </i>
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