# Pep: Player Effect Potions Version 1.5.0 ## Introduction This little mod adds some simple potions which add temporary effects when consumed. Currently, the potions affect breath, health, player gravity, running speed and jump height. * License of everything: MIT License ## List of potions and crafting recipes All crafting recipes are shapeless. ### Breath #### Air potion Gives you breath underwater for 30s. Craft: 1 cyan coral, 1 green coral, 1 pink coral, 1 glass bottle. All 8 papyri must occupy one slot. ### Gravity #### Non-gravity potion Negates all gravity for you, for 20s. Craft: 1 mese crystal, 1 glass bottle #### Gravity neutralizer Clears all your gravity effects. Craft: 1 non-gravity potion, 1 iron lump ### Jump height #### High jumping potion Lets you jump higher for 30s. Craft: 1 orange tulip, 1 grass, 2 mese crystal fragments, 1 glass bottle #### Low jumping potion Makes you jump lower for 30s. Craft: 1 leaves block, 1 jungle leaves block, 1 iron lump, 1 yellow dandelion, 1 glass bottle #### Jump neutralier Clears all jump effects. Craft: 1 high jumping potion, 1 low jumping potion. ### Health #### Weak healing potion Gives you 1 HP every 2 seconds, 10 times. Craft: 1 cactus, 1 flour, 1 brown mushroom, 1 glass bottle. #### Strong healing potion Gives you 2 HP every second, 10 times. Craft: 1 gold lump, 1 flour, 1 weak healing potion. ### Walking speed #### Running potion Makes you run faster for 30s. Craft: 1 pine sapling, 1 cactus, 1 yellow dandelion, 1 jungle grass, 1 glass bottle. #### Slug potion Makes you walk slower for 30s. Craft: 1 dry grass, 1 ice, 1 glass bottle. #### Speed neutralizer Clears all running speed effects. Craft: 1 running potion, 1 slug potion. ### Mana (needs Mana mod) #### Weak mana potion Increases mana regeneration rate by 0.5 for 10 seconds. Craft: 2 dry shrubs, 1 cotton seed, 1 mese crystal fragment, 1 glass bottle. #### Strong mana potion Increases mana regeneration rate by 1 for 10 seconds. Craft: 4 dry shrubs, 1 jungle sapling, 1 marram grass, 1 mese crystal fragment, 1 weak mana potion. ### Other potions #### Mole potion Digs out two blocks directly in front of you, for 18 seconds. Craft: 1 steel pickaxe, 1 steel shovel, 1 glass bottle.