# textdomain: pep Air Potion= Drinking it gives you breath underwater for 30 seconds.= Drinking it makes you regenerate health quickly. Every second you get 2 HP, 10 times in total.= Drinking it makes you regenerate health. Every 2 seconds, you get 1 HP, 10 times in total.= Drinking it will increase your mana regeneration rate by 0.5 for 10 seconds.= Drinking it will increase your mana regeneration rate by 1 for 10 seconds.= Drinking it will make you jump higher for 30 seconds.= Drinking it will make you jump lower for 30 seconds.= Drinking it will make you run faster for 30 seconds.= Drinking it will make you walk slower for 30 seconds.= Drinking it will start an effect which will magically attempt to mine any two blocks in front of you horizontally, as if you were using a steel pickaxe on them. The effect lasts for 18 seconds.= Drinking it will stop all gravity effects you currently have.= Drinking it will stop all jumping effects you may currently have.= Drinking it will stop all speed effects you may currently have.= Glass Bottle (@1)= Gravity Neutralizer= Gravity neutralizer= High Jumping Potion= High jump= High speed= Hold it in your hand, then left-click to drink it.= Jump Neutralizer= Jump height neutralizer= Low Jumping Potion= Low jump= Low speed= Mole Potion= Mole mode= No gravity= Non-Gravity Potion= Perfect breath= Regeneration= Running Potion= Slug Potion= Speed Neutralizer= Speed neutralizer= Strong Healing Potion= Strong Mana Potion= Strong mana boost= Strong regeneration= Weak Healing Potion= Weak Mana Potion= Weak mana boost= When you drink this potion, gravity stops affecting you, as if you were in space. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.=