-------------------------------------------------------- -- Minetest :: Pride Flags Mod (pride_flags) -- -- See README.txt for licensing and other information. -- Copyright (c) 2022, Leslie E. Krause -- -- ./games/minetest_game/mods/pride_flags/init.lua -------------------------------------------------------- local wind_noise = PerlinNoise( 204, 1, 0, 500 ) local active_flags = { } local pi = math.pi local rad_180 = pi local rad_90 = pi / 2 local flag_list = { -- original flags (from first version) "rainbow", "lesbian", "bisexual", "transgender", "genderqueer", "nonbinary", "pansexual", "asexual", -- sexual orientation "vincian", "polysexual", "omnisexual", "graysexual", "demisexual", -- romantic orientation "homoromantic", "biromantic", "polyromantic", "panromantic", "omniromantic", "aromantic", "grayromantic", "demiromantic", -- gender "genderqueer", "androgyne", "demigender", "multigender", "agender", "genderfluid", -- intersex "intersex", -- non-monogamous "polyamorous", -- queer "queer", } minetest.register_entity( "pride_flags:wavingflag", { initial_properties = { physical = false, visual = "mesh", visual_size = { x = 8.5, y = 8.5 }, collisionbox = { -0.1, -0.85, -0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.1 }, backface_culling = false, pointable = false, mesh = "wavingflag.b3d", textures = { "prideflag_rainbow.png" }, use_texture_alpha = false, }, on_activate = function ( self, staticdata, dtime ) self:reset_animation( math.random( 1, 50 ) ) -- random starting frame to desynchronize multiple flags self.object:set_armor_groups( { immortal = 1 } ) if staticdata ~= "" then local data = minetest.deserialize( staticdata ) self.flag_idx = data.flag_idx self.node_idx = data.node_idx if not self.flag_idx or not self.node_idx then self.object:remove( ) return end self:reset_texture( self.flag_idx ) active_flags[ self.node_idx ] = self.object else self.flag_idx = 1 end end, on_deactivate = function ( self ) if self.sound_id then minetest.sound_stop( self.sound_id ) end end, on_step = function ( self, dtime ) self.anim_timer = self.anim_timer - dtime if self.anim_timer <= 0 then minetest.sound_stop( self.sound_id ) self:reset_animation( 1 ) end end, reset_animation = function ( self, start_frame ) local cur_wind = wind_noise:get2d( { x = os.time( ) % 65535, y = 0 } ) * 30 + 30 print( cur_wind ) local anim_speed local wave_sound if cur_wind < 10 then anim_speed = 10 -- 2 cycle wave_sound = "flagwave1" elseif cur_wind < 20 then anim_speed = 20 -- 4 cycles wave_sound = "flagwave1" elseif cur_wind < 40 then anim_speed = 40 -- 8 cycles wave_sound = "flagwave2" else anim_speed = 80 -- 16 cycles wave_sound = "flagwave3" end if self.object then self.object:set_animation( { x = start_frame, y = 575 }, anim_speed, 0, true ) self.sound_id = minetest.sound_play( wave_sound, { object = self.object, gain = 1.0, loop = true } ) end self.anim_timer = ( 576 - start_frame ) / 5 -- default to 115 seconds to reset animation end, reset_texture = function ( self, flag_idx ) if not flag_idx then self.flag_idx = self.flag_idx % #flag_list + 1 -- this automatically increments else self.flag_idx = flag_idx end local texture = string.format( "prideflag_%s.png", flag_list[ self.flag_idx ] ) self.object:set_properties( { textures = { texture } } ) end, get_staticdata = function ( self ) return minetest.serialize( { node_idx = self.node_idx, flag_idx = self.flag_idx, } ) end, } ) minetest.register_node( "pride_flags:lower_mast", { description = "Flag Pole", drawtype = "mesh", paramtype = "light", mesh = "mast_lower.obj", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = { cracky = 2, post = 1 }, tiles = { "default_baremetal.png", "default_baremetal.png" }, groups = { cracky = 1, level = 2 }, --sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults( ), selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -3/32, -1/2, -3/32, 3/32, 1/2, 3/32 } }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -3/32, -1/2, -3/32, 3/32, 1/2, 3/32 } }, }, } ) minetest.register_node( "pride_flags:upper_mast", { description = "Flag Pole", drawtype = "mesh", paramtype = "light", mesh = "mast_upper.obj", paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = { cracky = 2 }, tiles = { "default_baremetal.png", "default_baremetal.png" }, groups = { cracky = 1, level = 2 }, --sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults( ), selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -3/32, -1/2, -3/32, 3/32, 27/16, 3/32 } }, }, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -3/32, -1/2, -3/32, 3/32, 27/16, 3/32 } }, }, on_rightclick = function ( pos, node, player ) local node_idx = minetest.hash_node_position( pos ) if minetest.check_player_privs( player:get_player_name( ), "server" ) then active_flags[ node_idx ]:get_luaentity( ):reset_texture( ) end end, on_construct = function ( pos ) local node_idx = minetest.hash_node_position( pos ) local param2 = minetest.get_node( pos ).param2 local facedir_to_pos = { [0] = { x = 0, y = 0.6, z = -0.1 }, [1] = { x = -0.1, y = 0.6, z = 0 }, [2] = { x = 0, y = 0.6, z = 0.1 }, [3] = { x = 0.1, y = 0.6, z = 0 }, } local facedir_to_yaw = { [0] = rad_90, [1] = 0, [2] = -rad_90, [3] = rad_180, } local flag_pos = vector.add( pos, vector.multiply( facedir_to_pos[ param2 ], 1 ) ) local obj = minetest.add_entity( flag_pos, "pride_flags:wavingflag" ) obj:get_luaentity( ).node_idx = node_idx obj:set_yaw( facedir_to_yaw[ param2 ] - rad_180 ) active_flags[ node_idx ] = obj end, on_destruct = function ( pos ) local node_idx = minetest.hash_node_position( pos ) if active_flags[ node_idx ] then active_flags[ node_idx ]:remove( ) end end, } )