-- Register proposals_admin privilege minetest.register_privilege("proposals_admin", { description = "Allows the player to administer proposals", give_to_singleplayer = false, give_to_admin = true }) local proposals = {} -- Load and deserialize proposals from mod storage local mod_storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local stored_proposals = mod_storage:get_string("proposals") if stored_proposals and stored_proposals ~= "" then proposals = minetest.deserialize(stored_proposals) or {} end -- Function to save proposals to mod storage local function save_proposals() mod_storage:set_string("proposals", minetest.serialize(proposals)) end -- Function to check if a player has already voted on a proposal local function has_voted(player_name, proposal) return proposal.votes_cast and proposal.votes_cast[player_name] end -- Function to show the main formspec to a player local function show_formspec(player_name) local formspec = "size[10,8]" .. "label[0.5,0.5;Vote on Changes]" .. "textlist[0.5,1;9,4;proposals;" for i, proposal in ipairs(proposals) do formspec = formspec .. minetest.formspec_escape(proposal.title .. " by " .. proposal.author) .. "," end formspec = formspec:sub(1, -2) -- Remove last comma formspec = formspec .. "]" .. "button[0.5,6;3,1;add_proposal;Add Proposal]" .. "button_exit[6.5,6;3,1;exit;Exit]" minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "vote_changes:main", formspec) end -- Function to show the add proposal formspec local function show_add_proposal_formspec(player_name) local formspec = "size[8,4]" .. "field[0.5,1;7,1;proposal_title;Title;]" .. "textarea[0.5,2;7,2;proposal_description;Description;]" .. "button[3,3.5;2,1;submit_proposal;Submit]" minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "vote_changes:add_proposal", formspec) end -- Function to show proposal details and voting options, with delete button for the author local function show_proposal_details(player_name, proposal_index) local proposal = proposals[proposal_index] if not proposal then return end local player_has_privilege = minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {proposals_admin=true}) local is_author = proposal.author == player_name local formspec = "size[8,7]" .. "label[0.5,0.5;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(proposal.title) .. " by " .. proposal.author .. "]" .. "textarea[0.5,1.5;7.5,2;;" .. minetest.formspec_escape(proposal.description) .. ";]" .. "label[0.5,4;Votes: Yes(" .. proposal.votes.yes .. ") No(" .. proposal.votes.no .. ") Abstain(" .. proposal.votes.abstain .. ")]" if not has_voted(player_name, proposal) then formspec = formspec .. "button[0.5,5;2,1;vote_yes;Vote Yes]" .. "button[3,5;2,1;vote_no;Vote No]" .. "button[5.5,5;2,1;vote_abstain;Abstain]" end if is_author or player_has_privilege then formspec = formspec .. "button[2.5,6;3,1;delete_proposal;Delete Proposal]" end minetest.show_formspec(player_name, "vote_changes:proposal_" .. proposal_index, formspec) end -- Register the /vote_changes command minetest.register_chatcommand("proposals", { description = "Open the voting interface", func = function(name) show_formspec(name) return true end, }) -- Handle formspec submissions minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if formname == "vote_changes:main" then if fields.add_proposal then show_add_proposal_formspec(player_name) elseif fields.proposals then local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.proposals) if event.type == "CHG" then show_proposal_details(player_name, event.index) end end elseif formname:find("vote_changes:proposal_") then local proposal_index = tonumber(formname:match("proposal_(%d+)")) local proposal = proposals[proposal_index] if proposal then local player_has_privilege = minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {proposals_admin=true}) local is_author = proposal.author == player_name if fields.delete_proposal and (is_author or player_has_privilege) then table.remove(proposals, proposal_index) save_proposals() show_formspec(player_name) elseif not has_voted(player_name, proposal) then if fields.vote_yes then proposal.votes.yes = proposal.votes.yes + 1 elseif fields.vote_no then proposal.votes.no = proposal.votes.no + 1 elseif fields.vote_abstain then proposal.votes.abstain = proposal.votes.abstain + 1 end proposal.votes_cast = proposal.votes_cast or {} proposal.votes_cast[player_name] = true save_proposals() show_formspec(player_name) end end elseif formname == "vote_changes:add_proposal" and fields.submit_proposal then if fields.proposal_title ~= "" and fields.proposal_description ~= "" then table.insert(proposals, { title = fields.proposal_title, description = fields.proposal_description, author = player_name, votes = { yes = 0, no = 0, abstain = 0 }, votes_cast = {} }) save_proposals() show_formspec(player_name) end end end)