local mod_name = minetest.get_current_modname() local mod_path = minetest.get_modpath(mod_name) local me = sum_hot_air_balloon me.vars = { lift = 4, speed = 3, fuel_time = 30, } local ship = { physical = true, pointable = true, collisionbox = {-0.6, -0.2, -0.6, 0.6, 0.3, 0.6}, selectionbox = {-0.7, -0.35, -0.7, 0.7, 0.3, 0.7}, hp_max = 3, visual = "mesh", backface_culling = false, mesh = "sum_airship_boat.b3d", textures = {"sum_airship_texture.png"}, animations = { idle = {x= 10, y= 90}, fly = {x= 91, y= 170}, boost = {x= 91, y= 170}, }, on_rightclick = me.on_rightclick, on_activate = me.on_activate, get_staticdata = me.get_staticdata, on_death = me.on_death, on_step = me.on_step, _driver = nil, _removed = false, _flags = {}, _itemstring = "sum_hot_air_balloon:balloon_item", } local sounds = { engine_idle = { sound_name = "sum_airship_lip_trill", gain = 1.4, max_hear_distance = 10, loop = false, pitch = 0.75, }, engine_stop = { sound_name = "sum_airship_lip_trill_end", gain = 2.2, max_hear_distance = 10, loop = false, pitch = 1, }, engine_boost = { sound_name = "sum_airship_lip_trill", gain = 40, max_hear_distance = 10, loop = false, pitch = 1, }, } function ship.sound_play(self, sound_obj, sound_instance) sound_instance.handle = minetest.sound_play(sound_obj.sound_name, { gain = sound_obj.gain, max_hear_distance = sound_obj.max_hear_distance, loop = sound_obj.loop, pitch = sound_obj.pitch or 1, object = self.object, }) sound_instance.playing = true sound_instance.time_elapsed = 0 end function ship.sound_stop(sound_instance) if sound_instance.handle then minetest.sound_stop(sound_instance.handle) end sound_instance.playing = false sound_instance.time_elapsed = 0 sound_instance.handle = nil end function ship.update_sound(self, dtime, forward) local fuel = self._fuel local is_thrust = forward ~= 0 and self._driver if not fuel or not type(fuel) == "number" then self._fuel = 0 end if self._sounds.engine.time_elapsed > 2.1 and self._sounds.engine.handle and self._sounds.engine.playing then ship.sound_stop(self._sounds.engine) end if not self._sounds.engine.playing then if self._fuel > 1 then ship.sound_play(self, sounds.engine_boost, self._sounds.engine) elseif is_thrust then ship.sound_play(self, sounds.engine_idle, self._sounds.engine) end if self._fuel > 1 and self._sounds.engine_stop.playing then ship.sound_stop(self._sounds.engine_stop) end end if self._fuel <= 1 and self._sounds.engine.playing then if self._fuel > 0 and not self._sounds.engine_stop.playing and self._sounds.engine_stop.time_elapsed == 0 then ship.sound_play(self, sounds.engine_stop, self._sounds.engine_stop) end if not is_thrust or (self._sounds.engine_stop.time_elapsed == 0 and self._sounds.engine_stop.playing) then ship.sound_stop(self._sounds.engine) end end end minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(detach_object) function ship.on_rightclick(self, clicker) local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() local item_name = item:get_name() if clicker and (string.find(item_name, ":coal") or string.find(item_name, ":charcoal")) then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(clicker:get_player_name()) then item:take_item() clicker:set_wielded_item(item) end self._fuel = self._fuel + sum_airship.fuel_time ship.sound_stop(self._sounds.engine) minetest.sound_play("sum_airship_fire", { gain = 1, object = self.object, }) else attach_object(self, clicker) end end ship.chimney_dist = -1.0 ship.chimney_yaw = 0.13 ship.chimney_height = 0.9 function ship.get_chimney_pos(self) local p = self.object:get_pos() local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local ret = { x = p.x + (ship.chimney_dist * math.sin(-yaw + ship.chimney_yaw)), y = p.y + ship.chimney_height, z = p.z + (ship.chimney_dist * math.cos(-yaw + ship.chimney_yaw))} return ret end function me.on_activate(self, staticdata, dtime_s) local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if type(data) == "table" then self._v = data.v self._last_v = self._v self._itemstring = data.itemstring self._fuel = data.fuel if data._driver then self._driver = minetest.get_player_by_name((data._driver:get_player_name())) else self._driver = nil end self._flags = data._flags if self._driver then me.detach(self) end end self.object:set_animation({x=0, y=149}, 24) end function me.get_staticdata(self) return minetest.serialize({ itemstring = self._itemstring, _driver = ((self._driver and self._driver:is_player()) and self._driver:get_player_name()) or nil, _flags = self._flags, }) end function me.attach(self, player) if not (player and player:is_player()) then return false end self._driver = player self._driver:set_attach(self.object, "", {x = 0, y = -3.0, z = 0}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) self._driver:set_look_horizontal(self.object:get_yaw()) end function me.detach(self) if not self._driver then return false end self._driver:set_detach() self._driver = nil return true end function me.on_death(self, killer) if killer and killer:is_player() and not minetest.is_creative_enabled(killer:get_player_name()) then local inv = killer:get_inventory() inv:add_item("main", self._itemstring) else minetest.add_item(self.object:get_pos(), self._itemstring) end me.detach(self) self._driver = nil end function me.on_rightclick(self, clicker) local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() local item_name = item:get_name() if clicker and item and item_name and (string.find(item_name, ":coal") or string.find(item_name, ":charcoal")) then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(clicker:get_player_name()) then item:take_item() clicker:set_wielded_item(item) end else me.attach(self, clicker) end end -- 10, 5, 5 -- this system ensures collision kind of works with balloons. -- does not include entity to entity collisions local balloon = {} balloon.offset = 4.5 balloon.length = 3 balloon.height = 2.5 local balloon_nodes = {} balloon_nodes[0] = { -- top p = vector.new(0, balloon.offset + balloon.height, 0), dir = vector.new(0, -5, 0),} balloon_nodes[1] = { -- front p = vector.new(0, balloon.offset, balloon.length), dir = vector.new(0, -0.5, -1),} balloon_nodes[2] = { -- back p = vector.new(0, balloon.offset, -balloon.length), dir = vector.new(0, 0, 1),} balloon_nodes[3] = { -- left or right p = vector.new(balloon.length, balloon.offset, 0), dir = vector.new(-1, 0, 0),} balloon_nodes[4] = { -- left or right p = vector.new(-balloon.length, balloon.offset, 0), dir = vector.new(1, 0, 0),} -- diagonals local vdiag = 0.7 balloon_nodes[5] = { p = vector.new(-balloon.length*vdiag, balloon.offset, -balloon.length*vdiag), dir = vector.new(vdiag, 0, vdiag),} balloon_nodes[6] = { p = vector.new(balloon.length*vdiag, balloon.offset, -balloon.length*vdiag), dir = vector.new(-vdiag, 0, vdiag),} balloon_nodes[7] = { p = vector.new(-balloon.length*vdiag, balloon.offset, balloon.length*vdiag), dir = vector.new(vdiag, 0, -vdiag),} balloon_nodes[8] = { p = vector.new(balloon.length*vdiag, balloon.offset, balloon.length*vdiag), dir = vector.new(-vdiag, 0, -vdiag),} function me.get_balloon_collide(self) local force = vector.new() local o = self.object:get_pos() for _, check in pairs(balloon_nodes) do local n = minetest.get_node(vector.add(check.p, o)) -- minetest.add_particle({ -- pos = vector.add(o, check.p), -- velocity = vector.new(0, 1, 0), -- expirationtime = math.random(0.5, 2), -- size = math.random(0.1, 4), -- texture = "sum_wood_ash_planks.png", -- }) if n and minetest.registered_nodes[n.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[n.name].walkable then force = vector.add(force, check.dir) end end return force end function me.on_step(self, dtime, moveresult) local exit = false local ctrl = nil -- allow to exit if self._driver and self._driver:is_player() then local name = self._driver:get_player_name() ctrl = player_info.p[name] exit = ctrl.just_pressed.sneak end if exit then me.detach(self) return false end local climb = 0 local right = 0 local forward = 0 local v = self.object:get_velocity() local p = self.object:get_pos() local node_below = minetest.get_node(vector.offset(p, 0, -0.8, 0)).name local is_on_floor = minetest.registered_nodes[node_below].walkable local in_water = minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(p).name, "liquid") ~= 0 local on_water = (minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(vector.offset(p, 0, -0.2, 0)).name, "liquid") ~= 0 and not in_water) if ctrl then if ctrl.ctrl.up then forward = 1 elseif ctrl.ctrl.down then forward = -1 end if ctrl.ctrl.jump then climb = 1 elseif ctrl.ctrl.aux1 then climb = -1 end if ctrl.ctrl.right then right = 1 elseif ctrl.ctrl.left then right = -1 end local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local dir = minetest.yaw_to_dir(yaw) self.object:set_yaw(yaw - right * dtime) local added_vel = vector.multiply(dir, forward * dtime * me.vars.speed) added_vel.y = added_vel.y + (climb * dtime * me.vars.lift) v = vector.add(v, added_vel) end if self._driver then local collide_force = me.get_balloon_collide(self) -- collide_force = vector.normalize(collide_force) if collide_force ~= vector.new() then collide_force = vector.multiply(collide_force, 0.1) v = vector.multiply(v, 0.95) end v = vector.add(v, collide_force) end if not self._driver then v.y = v.y - dtime end if sum_air_currents ~= nil then if self._driver or not is_on_floor then local wind_vel = sum_air_currents.get_wind(p) wind_vel = vector.multiply(wind_vel, dtime) v = vector.add(wind_vel, v) end end if in_water then v.y = 1 elseif on_water and not self._driver then v.y = 0 end if (not self._driver) and is_on_floor then v.x = v.x * 0.8 v.y = v.y * 0.95 v.z = v.z * 0.8 else v.x = v.x * (1 - (dtime * 0.5)) v.y = v.y * (1 - (dtime * 0.5)) v.z = v.z * (1 - (dtime * 0.5)) end self.object:set_velocity(v) end minetest.register_entity("sum_hot_air_balloon:balloon_ENTITY", ship) minetest.register_craftitem("sum_hot_air_balloon:balloon_item", { description = "Hot air balloon", inventory_image = "sum_hot_air_balloon_item.png", groups = { vehicle = 1, airship = 1, transport = 1}, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return itemstack end local node = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) if placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick(pointed_thing.under, node, placer, itemstack) or itemstack end end local pos = vector.offset(pointed_thing.above, 0, 0.5, 0) local self = minetest.add_entity(pos, "sum_hot_air_balloon:balloon_ENTITY"):get_luaentity() if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(placer:get_player_name()) then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end, })