local noon = 0.5 local midnight = 1.0 local fixedTime = noon minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) minetest.set_timeofday(fixedTime) end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) player:set_sky({ base_color = "#87CEEB", --"#87CEEB", -- Explicitly set color to skyblue type = "plain", clouds = false, }) -- please go away sun player:set_sun({ visible = false, -- set sun visibility sunrise = nil, -- god damn sunrisebg.png is still visibe! sunset = nil, -- "sunset.png", -- sunset texture texture = "sun.png", -- take a wild guess -__- }) player:set_moon({ visible = false, texture = "moon.png", }) player:set_stars({ visible = false, -- Explicitly setting stars visibility count = 1000, -- Custom number of stars (if needed) star_color = "#FFFFFF", -- Custom star color (if needed) }) end)