local context = debug and debug.getinfo(1, "S").source:match("mods[/\\][/\\]?([^/]*)") or error("They broke debug!") local modname = minetest and minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest and minetest.get_modpath(modname) -- Table main_table --registrate namespace aliases, shorthands, spelling errors, and A.R.G. hint declarations --that will delegate the function call to _G[context] --TODO:127 is the hint, stop asking! _G[string.char(127+1)]={} -- Γ‡ setmetatable(_G[string.char(127+1)], { __index = _G[context] }) --_G[string.char(127)]={} -- βŒ‚ --setmetatable(_G[string.char(127)], { __index = _G[context] }) _G[string.char(99)]={} -- c setmetatable(_G[string.char(99)], { __index = _G[context] }) _G[string.char(67)]={} -- C setmetatable(_G[string.char(67)], { __index = _G[context] }) --[[ ALPHABET SOUP xD: Anise, Basil, Cilantro, Dill, Epazote, Fennel, Garlic, Horehound, Italian parsley, Jasmine, Khorne (Pre-Seasoned), Lemongrass, Mint, Nasturtium, Oregano, Parsley Quinine, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Uva Ursi, Vietnamese coriander Wasabi, Xylopia, Yuca, Zapote --]] --[[ --The Four Classical Elements: --🜁 (Alchemical Symbol for Air) : Represents intellect, communication, and self-awareness. --πŸœ‚ (Alchemical Symbol for Fire) : Symbolizes energy, transformation, passion, and self-motivation. --πŸœƒ (Alchemical Symbol for Earth) : Represents physical sensations and stability, and mastery over the flesh --πŸœ„ (Alchemical Symbol for Water) : Symbolizes intuition and emotional depth. --The Three Primes (Tria Prima) --☿ (Mercury) : Symbolizes the mind and volatility. --πŸœ” (Salt) : Represents the body and solidity. --🜍 (Sulfur) : Represents the soul and combustibility. --The Seven Planetary Metals --β˜‰(Gold) : Associated with the Sun, symbolizes perfection and enlightenment. --☽(Silver) : Associated with the Moon, represents purity and reflection. --β™‚(Iron) : Associated with Mars, symbolizes strength and aggression. --☿(Mercury) : Associated with Mercury, represents fluidity and adaptability. --♃(Tin) : Associated with Jupiter, symbolizes wisdom and expansion. --♀(Copper) : Associated with Venus, represents love and beauty. --β™„(Lead) : Associated with Saturn, symbolizes endurance and transformation. --Other Alchemical Symbols --πŸœ”(Philosopher’s Stone) : Represents the ultimate goal of alchemy, transformation and enlightenment. --πŸœ“(Ouroboros) : Symbolizes infinity and the cyclical nature of life. --πŸœ‡(Alchemical Flask) Represents the vessel used in alchemical processes. --βš•(Staff of Asclepius) Symbolizes healing and balance. See also: Caduceus ☀ --Other Symbols --β˜₯ (Ankh) --⚘ (Flower) --βš– (Scales) --β™Ύ (Infinity) --☯ (Yin Yang) --]]