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FinalSun/FinalAlert 2 Mission Editor
Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Electronic Arts, Inc.
Authored by Matthias Wagner
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <afx.h>
#include <memory>
#include <array>
bool deleteFile(const std::string& u8FilePath);
// set the status bar text in the main dialog
void SetMainStatusBar(const char* text);
// set the status bar text in the main dialog to ready
void SetMainStatusBarReady();
// change all %n (where n is an int) in an string, to another specified string
CString TranslateStringVariables(int n, const char* originaltext, const char* inserttext);
// Alliance->Korea etc...
CString TranslateHouse(CString original, BOOL bToUI=FALSE);
// show options dialog
void ShowOptionsDialog();
// repairs a trigger (sets flags correctly)
void RepairTrigger(CString& triggerdata);
// coordinate functions
void PosToXY(const char* pos, int* X, int* Y);
// HSV -> RGB
void HSVToRGB(const unsigned char hsv[3], unsigned char rgb[3]);
std::array<unsigned char, 3> HSVToRGB(float h, float s, float v);
std::array<unsigned char, 3> HSVToRGB(const unsigned char hsv[3]);
void GetDrawBorder(const BYTE* data, int width, int line, int& left, int& right, unsigned int flags, BOOL* TranspInside = NULL);
// String conversion
std::wstring utf8ToUtf16(const char* utf8);
std::wstring utf8ToUtf16(const std::string& utf8);
std::string utf16ToUtf8(const std::wstring& utf16);
std::string utf16ToACP(const std::wstring& utf16);
// map functions
int GetNodeAt(string& owner, string& type, int x, int y);
int SetNodeAt(string owner, string type, int x, int y);
void ClearNode(int n, string owner);
CString GetFreeID();
void HandleParamList(CComboBox &cb, int type);
// sets 0 if there is a space in the string, so truncates it at the first space occupation
void TruncSpace(string& str);
void TruncSpace(CString& str);
// checks if a file exists
BOOL DoesFileExist(LPCSTR szFile);
// Lists some things
void ListHouses(CComboBox &cb, BOOL bNumbers=FALSE, BOOL bCountries=FALSE, BOOL bPlayers=FALSE);
void ListTeamTypes(CComboBox &cb, BOOL bListNone=FALSE);
void ListWaypoints(CComboBox &cb);
void ListTargets(CComboBox& cb);
void ListTags(CComboBox& cb, BOOL bListNone);
void ListMovies(CComboBox& cb, BOOL bListNone, BOOL bListParam=FALSE);
void ListBuildings(CComboBox& cb, BOOL bININame=FALSE);
void ListUnits(CComboBox& cb);
void ListAircraft(CComboBox& cb);
void ListInfantry(CComboBox& cb);
void ListTutorial(CComboBox& cb);
void ListTriggers(CComboBox& cb);
void ListYesNo(CComboBox& cb);
void ListSounds(CComboBox& cb);
void ListThemes(CComboBox& cb);
void ListSpeeches(CComboBox& cb);
void ListSpecialWeapons(CComboBox& cb);
void ListAnimations(CComboBox& cb);
void ListParticles(CComboBox& cb);
void ListCrateTypes(CComboBox& cb);
void ListSpeechBubbleTypes(CComboBox& cb);
void ListGlobals(CComboBox& cb);
void ListRulesGlobals(CComboBox& cb);
void ListTechtypes(CComboBox& cb);
// some easy-to-use functions
CString GetText(CWnd* wnd);
CString GetText(CComboBox* wnd);
CString GetText(CSliderCtrl* wnd);
CString GetHouseSectionName(CString lpHouse);
// fix bug
int RepairRulesHouses();
// strcpy_safe allows overlapping of source & destination. strcpy may be faster though!
char *strcpy_safe( char *strDestination, const char *strSource );
language support functions [12/18/1999]
// retrieve the string name in the correct language (name is an ID).
// the returned string is in the active codepage (UTF-8 on Windows 10 1909+)
CString GetLanguageStringACP(CString name);
// tranlate a string/word by using the table from english to the current language
// the returned string is in the active codepage (UTF-8 on Windows 10 1909+)
CString TranslateStringACP(CString u8EnglishString);
// tranlate a string/word by using the table from english to the current language
// the returned string is in the active codepage (UTF-8 on Windows 10 1909+)
CString TranslateStringACP(WCHAR* u16EnglishString);
sound functions [03/16/2001]
// general play sound function. uses parameter in defines.h. Does only play if user has not deactivated sounds
void Sound(int ID);
class BitmapNotFound : std::runtime_error
BitmapNotFound(): std::runtime_error("Bitmap not found") {}
std::unique_ptr<CBitmap> BitmapFromResource(int resource_id);
std::unique_ptr<CBitmap> BitmapFromFile(const CString& filepath);
CComPtr<IDirectDrawSurface4> BitmapToSurface(IDirectDraw4 * pDD, const CBitmap& bitmap);