/* FinalSun/FinalAlert 2 Mission Editor Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Electronic Arts, Inc. Authored by Matthias Wagner This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #if !defined(AFX_LOADING_H__5D5C3284_8962_11D3_B63B_AAA51FD322E3__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_LOADING_H__5D5C3284_8962_11D3_B63B_AAA51FD322E3__INCLUDED_ #include "FinalSunDlg.h" #include "MissionEditorPackLib.h" #include <memory> #include <optional> #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 // Loading.h : header file // class VoxelNormalTables; struct EXPANDMIX { HMIXFILE hExpand; // NULL if expansion mix does not exist HMIXFILE hECache; // NULL if no ECache HMIXFILE hConquer; // NULL if no Conquer HMIXFILE hLocal; HMIXFILE hIsoSnow; // NULL if no IsoSnow HMIXFILE hIsoTemp; // NULL if no IsoTemp HMIXFILE hIsoUrb; HMIXFILE hIsoGen; HMIXFILE hIsoLun; HMIXFILE hIsoDes; HMIXFILE hIsoUbn; HMIXFILE hIsoGenMd; HMIXFILE hIsoLunMd; HMIXFILE hIsoDesMd; HMIXFILE hIsoUbnMd; HMIXFILE hTemperat; // NULL if no Temperat HMIXFILE hSnow; HMIXFILE hUrban; HMIXFILE hLunar; HMIXFILE hUrbanN; HMIXFILE hDesert; HMIXFILE hGeneric; HMIXFILE hTem; HMIXFILE hSno; HMIXFILE hUrb; HMIXFILE hLun; HMIXFILE hDes; HMIXFILE hUbn; HMIXFILE hBuildings; HMIXFILE hMarble; EXPANDMIX() {memset(this, 0, sizeof(EXPANDMIX));}; }; class CFinalSunDlg; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dialog field CLoading struct FindShpResult { FindShpResult(HMIXFILE mixfile_, TheaterChar mixfile_theater_, CString filename_, TheaterChar theat_, HTSPALETTE palette_): mixfile(mixfile_), mixfile_theater(mixfile_theater_), filename(filename_), theat(theat_), palette(palette_) { } HMIXFILE mixfile; TheaterChar mixfile_theater; CString filename; TheaterChar theat; HTSPALETTE palette; }; class CLoading : public CDialog { // Construction public: void CreateConvTable(RGBTRIPLE* pal, int* iPal); void FetchPalettes(); void PrepareUnitGraphic(LPCSTR lpUnittype); void LoadStrings(); void FreeAll(); void FreeTileSet(); BOOL InitDirectDraw(); void InitTMPs(CProgressCtrl* prog=NULL); void InitPalettes(); ~CLoading(); void Unload(); BOOL InitMixFiles(); void InitSHPs(CProgressCtrl* prog=NULL); void LoadTSIni(LPCTSTR lpFilename, CIniFile* lpIniFile, BOOL bIsExpansion, BOOL bCheckEditorDir = FALSE); void CreateINI(); CLoading(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // Standardconstructor void InitPics(CProgressCtrl* prog=NULL); void Load(); BOOL LoadUnitGraphic(LPCTSTR lpUnittype); void LoadBuildingSubGraphic(const CString& subkey, const CIniFileSection& artSection, BOOL bAlwaysSetChar, char theat, HMIXFILE hShpMix, SHPHEADER& shp_h, BYTE*& shp); void LoadOverlayGraphic(LPCTSTR lpOvrlName, int iOvrlNum); void InitVoxelNormalTables(); HTSPALETTE GetIsoPalette(char theat); HTSPALETTE GetUnitPalette(char theat); std::optional<FindShpResult> FindUnitShp(const CString& image, char preferred_theat, const CIniFileSection& artSection); char cur_theat; // Dialog data //{{AFX_DATA(CLoading) enum { IDD = IDD_LOADING }; CStatic m_Version; CStatic m_BuiltBy; CStatic m_cap; CProgressCtrl m_progress; //}}AFX_DATA // Overwriteables // class wizard generated overwriteables //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CLoading) protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV-support virtual void PostNcDestroy(); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Implementation protected: void PrepareBuildingTheaters(); // generated message handlers //{{AFX_MSG(CLoading) virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnDestroy(); afx_msg void OnPaint(); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: void HackRules(); void PrepareHouses(void); void CalcPicCount(); int m_pic_count; int m_bmp_count; BOOL LoadTile(LPCSTR lpFilename, HMIXFILE hOwner, HTSPALETTE hPalette, DWORD dwID, BOOL bReplacement); HTSPALETTE m_hPalIsoTemp; HTSPALETTE m_hPalIsoSnow; HTSPALETTE m_hPalIsoUrb; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUnitTemp; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUnitSnow; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUnitUrb; HTSPALETTE m_hPalTemp; HTSPALETTE m_hPalSnow; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUrb; HTSPALETTE m_hPalLib; // YR pals: HTSPALETTE m_hPalLun; HTSPALETTE m_hPalDes; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUbn; HTSPALETTE m_hPalIsoLun; HTSPALETTE m_hPalIsoDes; HTSPALETTE m_hPalIsoUbn; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUnitLun; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUnitDes; HTSPALETTE m_hPalUnitUbn; HMIXFILE FindFileInMix(LPCTSTR lpFilename, TheaterChar* pTheaterChar=NULL); HMIXFILE m_hLocal; HMIXFILE m_hSno; HMIXFILE m_hTem; HMIXFILE m_hUrb; HMIXFILE m_hLun; HMIXFILE m_hDes; HMIXFILE m_hUbn; HMIXFILE m_hTibSun; HMIXFILE m_hBuildings; EXPANDMIX m_hExpand[101]; // 1 added for ra2md.mix HMIXFILE m_hECache[100]; HMIXFILE m_hIsoSnow; HMIXFILE m_hIsoTemp; HMIXFILE m_hIsoUrb; HMIXFILE m_hIsoGen; HMIXFILE m_hIsoLun; HMIXFILE m_hIsoDes; HMIXFILE m_hIsoUbn; HMIXFILE m_hTemperat; HMIXFILE m_hSnow; HMIXFILE m_hUrban; HMIXFILE m_hUrbanN; HMIXFILE m_hLunar; HMIXFILE m_hDesert; HMIXFILE m_hCache; HMIXFILE m_hConquer; HMIXFILE m_hLanguage; HMIXFILE m_hLangMD; HMIXFILE m_hMarble; BOOL loaded; std::unique_ptr<VoxelNormalTables> m_voxelNormalTables; }; //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Visual C++ fügt unmittelbar vor der vorhergehenden Zeile zusätzliche Deklarationen ein. #endif // AFX_LOADING_H__5D5C3284_8962_11D3_B63B_AAA51FD322E3__INCLUDED_