239 lines
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239 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name: Command & Conquer *
* *
* Archive: /Sun/Point.h *
* *
* Author: Joe_b *
* *
* Modtime: 2/02/98 10:09a *
* *
* Revision: 24 *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#pragma once
#ifndef POINT_H
#define POINT_H
#include <math.h>
//#include "always.h"
//#include "cctypes.h"
//#ifdef __cplusplus
//extern "C"{
//#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct Point2DStruct
int X;
int Y;
} Point2DStruct;
//#pragma pack()
//#ifdef __cplusplus
template<class T> class TRect;
** This class describes a point in 2 dimensional space using arbitrary
** components. The interpretation of which is outside the scope
** of this class. This class is the successor to the old style COORDINATE
** and CELL types but also serves anywhere an X and Y value are treated
** as a logical object (e.g., pixel location).
template<class T>
class TPoint2D {
TPoint2D(void) {} // Default constructor does nothing by design.
TPoint2D(T x, T y) : X(x), Y(y) {}
// Equality comparison operators.
bool operator == (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(X==rvalue.X && Y==rvalue.Y);}
bool operator != (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(X!=rvalue.X || Y!=rvalue.Y);}
// Addition and subtraction operators.
TPoint2D<T> const & operator += (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) {X += rvalue.X;Y += rvalue.Y;return(*this);}
TPoint2D<T> const & operator -= (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) {X -= rvalue.X;Y -= rvalue.Y;return(*this);}
TPoint2D<T> const operator - (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(X - rvalue.X), T(Y - rvalue.Y)));}
TPoint2D<T> const operator + (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(X + rvalue.X), T(Y + rvalue.Y)));}
// Scalar multiplication and division.
TPoint2D<T> const operator * (T rvalue) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(X * rvalue), T(Y * rvalue)));}
TPoint2D<T> const & operator *= (T rvalue) {X *= rvalue; Y *= rvalue;return(*this);}
TPoint2D<T> const operator / (T rvalue) const {if (rvalue == T(0)) return(TPoint2D<T>(0,0));return(TPoint2D<T>(T(X / rvalue), T(Y / rvalue)));}
TPoint2D<T> const & operator /= (T rvalue) {if (rvalue != T(0)) {X /= rvalue;Y /= rvalue;}return(*this);}
// Dot and cross product.
TPoint2D<T> const operator * (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(X * rvalue.X), T(Y * rvalue.Y)));}
T Dot_Product(TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return((T(X * rvalue.X + Y * rvalue.Y)));}
TPoint2D<T> const Cross_Product(TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(Y - rvalue.Y), T(rvalue.X - X)));}
// Negation operator -- simple and effective
TPoint2D<T> const operator - (void) const {return(TPoint2D<T>(T(-X), T(-Y)));}
// Vector support functions.
T Length(void) const {return(T(sqrt(double(X*X + Y*Y))));}
TPoint2D<T> const Normalize(void) const {
double len = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y);
if (len != 0.0) {
return(TPoint2D<T>((T)(X / len), (T)(Y / len)));
} else {
// Find distance between points.
T Distance_To(TPoint2D<T> const & point) const {return((*this - point).Length());}
T X;
T Y;
** This typedef provides an uncluttered type name for use by simple integer points.
class Point2D : public TPoint2D<int>
Point2D(void) {} // Default constructor does nothing by design.
Point2D(int x, int y) : TPoint2D<int>(x, y) {}
Point2D(Point2DStruct const & rvalue) : TPoint2D<int>(rvalue.X, rvalue.Y) {}
Point2D(TPoint2D<int> const & rvalue) : TPoint2D<int>(rvalue) {}
operator Point2DStruct (void) const {Point2DStruct pt;pt.X = X;pt.Y = Y;return(pt);}
Point2D const & operator += (Point2D const & rvalue) {X += rvalue.X;Y += rvalue.Y;return(*this);}
Point2D const & operator -= (Point2D const & rvalue) {X -= rvalue.X;Y -= rvalue.Y;return(*this);}
Point2D const operator - (Point2D const & rvalue) const {return(Point2D(int(X - rvalue.X), int(Y - rvalue.Y)));}
Point2D const operator + (Point2D const & rvalue) const {return(Point2D(int(X + rvalue.X), int(Y + rvalue.Y)));}
template<class T>
T Distance(TPoint2D<T> const & point1, TPoint2D<T> const & point2)
return((point1 - point2).Length());
template<class T>
TPoint2D<T> const Cross_Product(TPoint2D<T> const & lvalue, TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue)
** This describes a point in 3 dimensional space using arbitrary
** components. This is the successor to the COORDINATE type for those
** times when height (Z axis) needs to be tracked.
** Notice that it is NOT implemented as a virtually derived class. This
** is for efficiency reasons. This class chooses to be smaller and faster at the
** expense of polymorphism. However, since it is publicly derived, inheritance is
** the next best thing.
template<class T>
class TPoint3D : public TPoint2D<T> {
typedef TPoint2D<T> BASECLASS;
TPoint3D(void) {} // Default constructor does nothing by design.
TPoint3D(T x, T y, T z) : BASECLASS(x, y), Z(z) {}
TPoint3D(BASECLASS const & rvalue, T z /*= 0*/) : BASECLASS(rvalue), Z(z) {}
// Equality comparison operators.
bool operator == (TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(X==rvalue.X && Y==rvalue.Y && Z==rvalue.Z);}
bool operator != (TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(X!=rvalue.X || Y!=rvalue.Y || Z!=rvalue.Z);}
// Addition and subtraction operators.
TPoint3D<T> const & operator += (TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) {X += rvalue.X;Y += rvalue.Y;Z += rvalue.Z;return(*this);}
TPoint2D<T> const & operator += (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) {BASECLASS::operator += (rvalue);return(*this);}
TPoint3D<T> const & operator -= (TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) {X -= rvalue.X;Y -= rvalue.Y;Z -= rvalue.Z;return(*this);}
TPoint2D<T> const & operator -= (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) {BASECLASS::operator -= (rvalue);return(*this);}
TPoint3D<T> const operator - (TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint3D<T>(X - rvalue.X, Y - rvalue.Y, Z - rvalue.Z));}
TPoint3D<T> const operator - (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint3D<T>(X - rvalue.X, Y - rvalue.Y, Z));}
TPoint3D<T> const operator + (TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint3D<T>(X + rvalue.X, Y + rvalue.Y, Z + rvalue.Z));}
TPoint3D<T> const operator + (TPoint2D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint3D<T>(X + rvalue.X, Y + rvalue.Y, Z));}
// Scalar multiplication and division.
TPoint3D<T> const operator * (T rvalue) const {return(TPoint3D<T>(X * rvalue, Y * rvalue, Z * rvalue));}
TPoint3D<T> const & operator *= (T rvalue) {X *= rvalue;Y *= rvalue;Z *= rvalue;return(*this);}
TPoint3D<T> const operator / (T rvalue) const {if (rvalue == T(0)) return(TPoint3D<T>(0,0,0));return(TPoint3D<T>(X / rvalue, Y / rvalue, Z / rvalue));}
TPoint3D<T> const & operator /= (T rvalue) {if (rvalue != T(0)) {X /= rvalue;Y /= rvalue;Z /= rvalue;}return(*this);}
// Dot and cross product.
TPoint3D<T> const operator * (TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(TPoint3D<T>(X * rvalue.X, Y * rvalue.Y, Z * rvalue.Z));}
T Dot_Product(TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) const {return(T(X * rvalue.X + Y * rvalue.Y + Z * rvalue.Z));}
TPoint3D<T> const Cross_Product(TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue) const {return TPoint3D<T>(Y * rvalue.Z - Z * rvalue.Y, Z * rvalue.X - X * rvalue.Z, X * rvalue.Y - Y * rvalue.X);}
// Negation operator -- simple and effective
TPoint3D<T> const operator - (void) const {return(TPoint3D<T>(-X, -Y, -Z));}
// Vector support functions.
T Length(void) const {return(T(sqrt(double(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z))));}
TPoint3D<T> const Normalize(void) const {
double len = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z);
if (len != 0.0) {
return(TPoint3D<T>((T)(X / len), (T)(Y / len), (T)(Z / len)));
} else {
** The Z component of this point.
T Z;
** This typedef provides a simple uncluttered type name for use by
** integer 3D points.
typedef TPoint3D<int> Point3D;
template<class T>
TPoint3D<T> const Cross_Product(TPoint3D<T> const & lvalue, TPoint3D<T> const & rvalue)