885 lines
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885 lines
39 KiB
** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created with ClassWizard
// Workbooks wrapper class
class Workbooks : public COleDispatchDriver
Workbooks() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
Workbooks(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
Workbooks(const Workbooks& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
LPDISPATCH Add(const VARIANT& Template);
void Close();
long GetCount();
LPDISPATCH GetItem(const VARIANT& Index);
LPUNKNOWN Get_NewEnum();
LPDISPATCH Open(LPCTSTR Filename, const VARIANT& UpdateLinks, const VARIANT& ReadOnly, const VARIANT& Format, const VARIANT& Password, const VARIANT& WriteResPassword, const VARIANT& IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, const VARIANT& Origin,
const VARIANT& Delimiter, const VARIANT& Editable, const VARIANT& Notify, const VARIANT& Converter, const VARIANT& AddToMru);
void OpenText(LPCTSTR Filename, const VARIANT& Origin, const VARIANT& StartRow, const VARIANT& DataType, long TextQualifier, const VARIANT& ConsecutiveDelimiter, const VARIANT& Tab, const VARIANT& Semicolon, const VARIANT& Comma,
const VARIANT& Space, const VARIANT& Other, const VARIANT& OtherChar, const VARIANT& FieldInfo, const VARIANT& TextVisualLayout);
LPDISPATCH Get_Default(const VARIANT& Index);
// _Application wrapper class
class _Application : public COleDispatchDriver
_Application() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
_Application(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
_Application(const _Application& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
LPDISPATCH GetActiveCell();
LPDISPATCH GetActiveChart();
CString GetActivePrinter();
void SetActivePrinter(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetActiveSheet();
LPDISPATCH GetActiveWindow();
LPDISPATCH GetActiveWorkbook();
LPDISPATCH GetAssistant();
void Calculate();
LPDISPATCH GetColumns();
LPDISPATCH GetCommandBars();
long GetDDEAppReturnCode();
void DDEExecute(long Channel, LPCTSTR String);
long DDEInitiate(LPCTSTR App, LPCTSTR Topic);
void DDEPoke(long Channel, const VARIANT& Item, const VARIANT& Data);
VARIANT DDERequest(long Channel, LPCTSTR Item);
void DDETerminate(long Channel);
VARIANT Evaluate(const VARIANT& Name);
VARIANT _Evaluate(const VARIANT& Name);
VARIANT ExecuteExcel4Macro(LPCTSTR String);
LPDISPATCH Intersect(LPDISPATCH Arg1, LPDISPATCH Arg2, const VARIANT& Arg3, const VARIANT& Arg4, const VARIANT& Arg5, const VARIANT& Arg6, const VARIANT& Arg7, const VARIANT& Arg8, const VARIANT& Arg9, const VARIANT& Arg10,
const VARIANT& Arg11, const VARIANT& Arg12, const VARIANT& Arg13, const VARIANT& Arg14, const VARIANT& Arg15, const VARIANT& Arg16, const VARIANT& Arg17, const VARIANT& Arg18, const VARIANT& Arg19, const VARIANT& Arg20,
const VARIANT& Arg21, const VARIANT& Arg22, const VARIANT& Arg23, const VARIANT& Arg24, const VARIANT& Arg25, const VARIANT& Arg26, const VARIANT& Arg27, const VARIANT& Arg28, const VARIANT& Arg29, const VARIANT& Arg30);
LPDISPATCH GetRange(const VARIANT& Cell1, const VARIANT& Cell2);
VARIANT Run(const VARIANT& Macro, const VARIANT& Arg1, const VARIANT& Arg2, const VARIANT& Arg3, const VARIANT& Arg4, const VARIANT& Arg5, const VARIANT& Arg6, const VARIANT& Arg7, const VARIANT& Arg8, const VARIANT& Arg9,
const VARIANT& Arg10, const VARIANT& Arg11, const VARIANT& Arg12, const VARIANT& Arg13, const VARIANT& Arg14, const VARIANT& Arg15, const VARIANT& Arg16, const VARIANT& Arg17, const VARIANT& Arg18, const VARIANT& Arg19,
const VARIANT& Arg20, const VARIANT& Arg21, const VARIANT& Arg22, const VARIANT& Arg23, const VARIANT& Arg24, const VARIANT& Arg25, const VARIANT& Arg26, const VARIANT& Arg27, const VARIANT& Arg28, const VARIANT& Arg29,
const VARIANT& Arg30);
VARIANT _Run2(const VARIANT& Macro, const VARIANT& Arg1, const VARIANT& Arg2, const VARIANT& Arg3, const VARIANT& Arg4, const VARIANT& Arg5, const VARIANT& Arg6, const VARIANT& Arg7, const VARIANT& Arg8, const VARIANT& Arg9,
const VARIANT& Arg10, const VARIANT& Arg11, const VARIANT& Arg12, const VARIANT& Arg13, const VARIANT& Arg14, const VARIANT& Arg15, const VARIANT& Arg16, const VARIANT& Arg17, const VARIANT& Arg18, const VARIANT& Arg19,
const VARIANT& Arg20, const VARIANT& Arg21, const VARIANT& Arg22, const VARIANT& Arg23, const VARIANT& Arg24, const VARIANT& Arg25, const VARIANT& Arg26, const VARIANT& Arg27, const VARIANT& Arg28, const VARIANT& Arg29,
const VARIANT& Arg30);
LPDISPATCH GetSelection();
void SendKeys(const VARIANT& Keys, const VARIANT& Wait);
LPDISPATCH GetThisWorkbook();
LPDISPATCH Union(LPDISPATCH Arg1, LPDISPATCH Arg2, const VARIANT& Arg3, const VARIANT& Arg4, const VARIANT& Arg5, const VARIANT& Arg6, const VARIANT& Arg7, const VARIANT& Arg8, const VARIANT& Arg9, const VARIANT& Arg10, const VARIANT& Arg11,
const VARIANT& Arg12, const VARIANT& Arg13, const VARIANT& Arg14, const VARIANT& Arg15, const VARIANT& Arg16, const VARIANT& Arg17, const VARIANT& Arg18, const VARIANT& Arg19, const VARIANT& Arg20, const VARIANT& Arg21,
const VARIANT& Arg22, const VARIANT& Arg23, const VARIANT& Arg24, const VARIANT& Arg25, const VARIANT& Arg26, const VARIANT& Arg27, const VARIANT& Arg28, const VARIANT& Arg29, const VARIANT& Arg30);
LPDISPATCH GetWindows();
LPDISPATCH GetWorkbooks();
LPDISPATCH GetWorksheetFunction();
LPDISPATCH GetWorksheets();
LPDISPATCH GetExcel4IntlMacroSheets();
LPDISPATCH GetExcel4MacroSheets();
void ActivateMicrosoftApp(long Index);
void AddChartAutoFormat(const VARIANT& Chart, LPCTSTR Name, const VARIANT& Description);
void AddCustomList(const VARIANT& ListArray, const VARIANT& ByRow);
BOOL GetAlertBeforeOverwriting();
void SetAlertBeforeOverwriting(BOOL bNewValue);
CString GetAltStartupPath();
void SetAltStartupPath(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
BOOL GetAskToUpdateLinks();
void SetAskToUpdateLinks(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetEnableAnimations();
void SetEnableAnimations(BOOL bNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetAutoCorrect();
long GetBuild();
BOOL GetCalculateBeforeSave();
void SetCalculateBeforeSave(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetCalculation();
void SetCalculation(long nNewValue);
VARIANT GetCaller(const VARIANT& Index);
BOOL GetCanPlaySounds();
BOOL GetCanRecordSounds();
CString GetCaption();
void SetCaption(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
BOOL GetCellDragAndDrop();
void SetCellDragAndDrop(BOOL bNewValue);
double CentimetersToPoints(double Centimeters);
BOOL CheckSpelling(LPCTSTR Word, const VARIANT& CustomDictionary, const VARIANT& IgnoreUppercase);
VARIANT GetClipboardFormats(const VARIANT& Index);
BOOL GetDisplayClipboardWindow();
void SetDisplayClipboardWindow(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetCommandUnderlines();
void SetCommandUnderlines(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetConstrainNumeric();
void SetConstrainNumeric(BOOL bNewValue);
VARIANT ConvertFormula(const VARIANT& Formula, long FromReferenceStyle, const VARIANT& ToReferenceStyle, const VARIANT& ToAbsolute, const VARIANT& RelativeTo);
BOOL GetCopyObjectsWithCells();
void SetCopyObjectsWithCells(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetCursor();
void SetCursor(long nNewValue);
long GetCustomListCount();
long GetCutCopyMode();
void SetCutCopyMode(long nNewValue);
long GetDataEntryMode();
void SetDataEntryMode(long nNewValue);
CString Get_Default();
CString GetDefaultFilePath();
void SetDefaultFilePath(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
void DeleteChartAutoFormat(LPCTSTR Name);
void DeleteCustomList(long ListNum);
LPDISPATCH GetDialogs();
BOOL GetDisplayAlerts();
void SetDisplayAlerts(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetDisplayFormulaBar();
void SetDisplayFormulaBar(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetDisplayFullScreen();
void SetDisplayFullScreen(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetDisplayNoteIndicator();
void SetDisplayNoteIndicator(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetDisplayCommentIndicator();
void SetDisplayCommentIndicator(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetDisplayExcel4Menus();
void SetDisplayExcel4Menus(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetDisplayRecentFiles();
void SetDisplayRecentFiles(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetDisplayScrollBars();
void SetDisplayScrollBars(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetDisplayStatusBar();
void SetDisplayStatusBar(BOOL bNewValue);
void DoubleClick();
BOOL GetEditDirectlyInCell();
void SetEditDirectlyInCell(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetEnableAutoComplete();
void SetEnableAutoComplete(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetEnableCancelKey();
void SetEnableCancelKey(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetEnableSound();
void SetEnableSound(BOOL bNewValue);
VARIANT GetFileConverters(const VARIANT& Index1, const VARIANT& Index2);
LPDISPATCH GetFileSearch();
void FindFile();
BOOL GetFixedDecimal();
void SetFixedDecimal(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetFixedDecimalPlaces();
void SetFixedDecimalPlaces(long nNewValue);
VARIANT GetCustomListContents(long ListNum);
long GetCustomListNum(const VARIANT& ListArray);
VARIANT GetOpenFilename(const VARIANT& FileFilter, const VARIANT& FilterIndex, const VARIANT& Title, const VARIANT& ButtonText, const VARIANT& MultiSelect);
VARIANT GetSaveAsFilename(const VARIANT& InitialFilename, const VARIANT& FileFilter, const VARIANT& FilterIndex, const VARIANT& Title, const VARIANT& ButtonText);
void Goto(const VARIANT& Reference, const VARIANT& Scroll);
double GetHeight();
void SetHeight(double newValue);
void Help(const VARIANT& HelpFile, const VARIANT& HelpContextID);
BOOL GetIgnoreRemoteRequests();
void SetIgnoreRemoteRequests(BOOL bNewValue);
double InchesToPoints(double Inches);
VARIANT InputBox(LPCTSTR Prompt, const VARIANT& Title, const VARIANT& Default, const VARIANT& Left, const VARIANT& Top, const VARIANT& HelpFile, const VARIANT& HelpContextID, const VARIANT& Type);
BOOL GetInteractive();
void SetInteractive(BOOL bNewValue);
VARIANT GetInternational(const VARIANT& Index);
BOOL GetIteration();
void SetIteration(BOOL bNewValue);
double GetLeft();
void SetLeft(double newValue);
CString GetLibraryPath();
void MacroOptions(const VARIANT& Macro, const VARIANT& Description, const VARIANT& HasMenu, const VARIANT& MenuText, const VARIANT& HasShortcutKey, const VARIANT& ShortcutKey, const VARIANT& Category, const VARIANT& StatusBar,
const VARIANT& HelpContextID, const VARIANT& HelpFile);
void MailLogoff();
void MailLogon(const VARIANT& Name, const VARIANT& Password, const VARIANT& DownloadNewMail);
VARIANT GetMailSession();
long GetMailSystem();
BOOL GetMathCoprocessorAvailable();
double GetMaxChange();
void SetMaxChange(double newValue);
long GetMaxIterations();
void SetMaxIterations(long nNewValue);
long GetMemoryFree();
long GetMemoryTotal();
long GetMemoryUsed();
BOOL GetMouseAvailable();
BOOL GetMoveAfterReturn();
void SetMoveAfterReturn(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetMoveAfterReturnDirection();
void SetMoveAfterReturnDirection(long nNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetRecentFiles();
CString GetName();
LPDISPATCH NextLetter();
CString GetNetworkTemplatesPath();
long GetODBCTimeout();
void SetODBCTimeout(long nNewValue);
void OnKey(LPCTSTR Key, const VARIANT& Procedure);
void OnRepeat(LPCTSTR Text, LPCTSTR Procedure);
void OnTime(const VARIANT& EarliestTime, LPCTSTR Procedure, const VARIANT& LatestTime, const VARIANT& Schedule);
void OnUndo(LPCTSTR Text, LPCTSTR Procedure);
CString GetOnWindow();
void SetOnWindow(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
CString GetOperatingSystem();
CString GetOrganizationName();
CString GetPath();
CString GetPathSeparator();
VARIANT GetPreviousSelections(const VARIANT& Index);
BOOL GetPivotTableSelection();
void SetPivotTableSelection(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetPromptForSummaryInfo();
void SetPromptForSummaryInfo(BOOL bNewValue);
void Quit();
void RecordMacro(const VARIANT& BasicCode, const VARIANT& XlmCode);
BOOL GetRecordRelative();
long GetReferenceStyle();
void SetReferenceStyle(long nNewValue);
VARIANT GetRegisteredFunctions(const VARIANT& Index1, const VARIANT& Index2);
BOOL RegisterXLL(LPCTSTR Filename);
void Repeat();
BOOL GetRollZoom();
void SetRollZoom(BOOL bNewValue);
void SaveWorkspace(const VARIANT& Filename);
BOOL GetScreenUpdating();
void SetScreenUpdating(BOOL bNewValue);
void SetDefaultChart(const VARIANT& FormatName, const VARIANT& Gallery);
long GetSheetsInNewWorkbook();
void SetSheetsInNewWorkbook(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetShowChartTipNames();
void SetShowChartTipNames(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetShowChartTipValues();
void SetShowChartTipValues(BOOL bNewValue);
CString GetStandardFont();
void SetStandardFont(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
double GetStandardFontSize();
void SetStandardFontSize(double newValue);
CString GetStartupPath();
VARIANT GetStatusBar();
void SetStatusBar(const VARIANT& newValue);
CString GetTemplatesPath();
BOOL GetShowToolTips();
void SetShowToolTips(BOOL bNewValue);
double GetTop();
void SetTop(double newValue);
long GetDefaultSaveFormat();
void SetDefaultSaveFormat(long nNewValue);
CString GetTransitionMenuKey();
void SetTransitionMenuKey(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
long GetTransitionMenuKeyAction();
void SetTransitionMenuKeyAction(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetTransitionNavigKeys();
void SetTransitionNavigKeys(BOOL bNewValue);
void Undo();
double GetUsableHeight();
double GetUsableWidth();
BOOL GetUserControl();
void SetUserControl(BOOL bNewValue);
CString GetUserName_();
void SetUserName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
CString GetValue();
CString GetVersion();
BOOL GetVisible();
void SetVisible(BOOL bNewValue);
void Volatile(const VARIANT& Volatile);
void Wait(const VARIANT& Time);
double GetWidth();
void SetWidth(double newValue);
BOOL GetWindowsForPens();
long GetWindowState();
void SetWindowState(long nNewValue);
long GetUILanguage();
void SetUILanguage(long nNewValue);
long GetDefaultSheetDirection();
void SetDefaultSheetDirection(long nNewValue);
long GetCursorMovement();
void SetCursorMovement(long nNewValue);
long GetControlCharacters();
void SetControlCharacters(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetEnableEvents();
void SetEnableEvents(BOOL bNewValue);
// _Workbook wrapper class
class _Workbook : public COleDispatchDriver
_Workbook() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
_Workbook(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
_Workbook(const _Workbook& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
BOOL GetAcceptLabelsInFormulas();
void SetAcceptLabelsInFormulas(BOOL bNewValue);
void Activate();
LPDISPATCH GetActiveChart();
LPDISPATCH GetActiveSheet();
long GetAutoUpdateFrequency();
void SetAutoUpdateFrequency(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetAutoUpdateSaveChanges();
void SetAutoUpdateSaveChanges(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetChangeHistoryDuration();
void SetChangeHistoryDuration(long nNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetBuiltinDocumentProperties();
void ChangeFileAccess(long Mode, const VARIANT& WritePassword, const VARIANT& Notify);
void ChangeLink(LPCTSTR Name, LPCTSTR NewName, long Type);
void Close(const VARIANT& SaveChanges, const VARIANT& Filename, const VARIANT& RouteWorkbook);
CString GetCodeName();
CString Get_CodeName();
void Set_CodeName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
VARIANT GetColors(const VARIANT& Index);
void SetColors(const VARIANT& Index, const VARIANT& newValue);
LPDISPATCH GetCommandBars();
long GetConflictResolution();
void SetConflictResolution(long nNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetContainer();
BOOL GetCreateBackup();
LPDISPATCH GetCustomDocumentProperties();
BOOL GetDate1904();
void SetDate1904(BOOL bNewValue);
void DeleteNumberFormat(LPCTSTR NumberFormat);
long GetDisplayDrawingObjects();
void SetDisplayDrawingObjects(long nNewValue);
BOOL ExclusiveAccess();
long GetFileFormat();
void ForwardMailer();
CString GetFullName();
BOOL GetHasPassword();
BOOL GetHasRoutingSlip();
void SetHasRoutingSlip(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetIsAddin();
void SetIsAddin(BOOL bNewValue);
VARIANT LinkInfo(LPCTSTR Name, long LinkInfo, const VARIANT& Type, const VARIANT& EditionRef);
VARIANT LinkSources(const VARIANT& Type);
void MergeWorkbook(const VARIANT& Filename);
BOOL GetMultiUserEditing();
CString GetName();
void OpenLinks(LPCTSTR Name, const VARIANT& ReadOnly, const VARIANT& Type);
CString GetPath();
BOOL GetPersonalViewListSettings();
void SetPersonalViewListSettings(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetPersonalViewPrintSettings();
void SetPersonalViewPrintSettings(BOOL bNewValue);
LPDISPATCH PivotCaches();
void Post(const VARIANT& DestName);
BOOL GetPrecisionAsDisplayed();
void SetPrecisionAsDisplayed(BOOL bNewValue);
void PrintOut(const VARIANT& From, const VARIANT& To, const VARIANT& Copies, const VARIANT& Preview, const VARIANT& ActivePrinter, const VARIANT& PrintToFile, const VARIANT& Collate);
void PrintPreview(const VARIANT& EnableChanges);
void Protect(const VARIANT& Password, const VARIANT& Structure, const VARIANT& Windows);
void ProtectSharing(const VARIANT& Filename, const VARIANT& Password, const VARIANT& WriteResPassword, const VARIANT& ReadOnlyRecommended, const VARIANT& CreateBackup, const VARIANT& SharingPassword);
BOOL GetProtectStructure();
BOOL GetProtectWindows();
BOOL GetReadOnly();
BOOL GetReadOnlyRecommended();
void RefreshAll();
void Reply();
void ReplyAll();
void RemoveUser(long Index);
long GetRevisionNumber();
void Route();
BOOL GetRouted();
LPDISPATCH GetRoutingSlip();
void RunAutoMacros(long Which);
void Save();
void SaveAs(const VARIANT& Filename, const VARIANT& FileFormat, const VARIANT& Password, const VARIANT& WriteResPassword, const VARIANT& ReadOnlyRecommended, const VARIANT& CreateBackup, long AccessMode, const VARIANT& ConflictResolution,
const VARIANT& AddToMru, const VARIANT& TextCodepage, const VARIANT& TextVisualLayout);
void SaveCopyAs(const VARIANT& Filename);
BOOL GetSaved();
void SetSaved(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetSaveLinkValues();
void SetSaveLinkValues(BOOL bNewValue);
void SendMail(const VARIANT& Recipients, const VARIANT& Subject, const VARIANT& ReturnReceipt);
void SendMailer(const VARIANT& FileFormat, long Priority);
void SetLinkOnData(LPCTSTR Name, const VARIANT& Procedure);
BOOL GetShowConflictHistory();
void SetShowConflictHistory(BOOL bNewValue);
void Unprotect(const VARIANT& Password);
void UnprotectSharing(const VARIANT& SharingPassword);
void UpdateFromFile();
void UpdateLink(const VARIANT& Name, const VARIANT& Type);
BOOL GetUpdateRemoteReferences();
void SetUpdateRemoteReferences(BOOL bNewValue);
VARIANT GetUserStatus();
LPDISPATCH GetCustomViews();
LPDISPATCH GetWindows();
LPDISPATCH GetWorksheets();
BOOL GetWriteReserved();
CString GetWriteReservedBy();
LPDISPATCH GetExcel4IntlMacroSheets();
LPDISPATCH GetExcel4MacroSheets();
BOOL GetTemplateRemoveExtData();
void SetTemplateRemoveExtData(BOOL bNewValue);
void HighlightChangesOptions(const VARIANT& When, const VARIANT& Who, const VARIANT& Where);
BOOL GetHighlightChangesOnScreen();
void SetHighlightChangesOnScreen(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetKeepChangeHistory();
void SetKeepChangeHistory(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetListChangesOnNewSheet();
void SetListChangesOnNewSheet(BOOL bNewValue);
void PurgeChangeHistoryNow(long Days, const VARIANT& SharingPassword);
void AcceptAllChanges(const VARIANT& When, const VARIANT& Who, const VARIANT& Where);
void RejectAllChanges(const VARIANT& When, const VARIANT& Who, const VARIANT& Where);
void ResetColors();
void FollowHyperlink(LPCTSTR Address, const VARIANT& SubAddress, const VARIANT& NewWindow, const VARIANT& AddHistory, const VARIANT& ExtraInfo, const VARIANT& Method, const VARIANT& HeaderInfo);
void AddToFavorites();
BOOL GetIsInplace();
// _Worksheet wrapper class
class _Worksheet : public COleDispatchDriver
_Worksheet() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
_Worksheet(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
_Worksheet(const _Worksheet& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
void Activate();
void Copy(const VARIANT& Before, const VARIANT& After);
void Delete();
CString GetCodeName();
CString Get_CodeName();
void Set_CodeName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
long GetIndex();
void Move(const VARIANT& Before, const VARIANT& After);
CString GetName();
void SetName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetPageSetup();
LPDISPATCH GetPrevious();
void PrintOut(const VARIANT& From, const VARIANT& To, const VARIANT& Copies, const VARIANT& Preview, const VARIANT& ActivePrinter, const VARIANT& PrintToFile, const VARIANT& Collate);
void PrintPreview(const VARIANT& EnableChanges);
void Protect(const VARIANT& Password, const VARIANT& DrawingObjects, const VARIANT& Contents, const VARIANT& Scenarios, const VARIANT& UserInterfaceOnly);
BOOL GetProtectContents();
BOOL GetProtectDrawingObjects();
BOOL GetProtectionMode();
BOOL GetProtectScenarios();
void SaveAs(LPCTSTR Filename, const VARIANT& FileFormat, const VARIANT& Password, const VARIANT& WriteResPassword, const VARIANT& ReadOnlyRecommended, const VARIANT& CreateBackup, const VARIANT& AddToMru, const VARIANT& TextCodepage,
const VARIANT& TextVisualLayout);
void Select(const VARIANT& Replace);
void Unprotect(const VARIANT& Password);
long GetVisible();
void SetVisible(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetTransitionExpEval();
void SetTransitionExpEval(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetAutoFilterMode();
void SetAutoFilterMode(BOOL bNewValue);
void SetBackgroundPicture(LPCTSTR Filename);
void Calculate();
BOOL GetEnableCalculation();
void SetEnableCalculation(BOOL bNewValue);
LPDISPATCH ChartObjects(const VARIANT& Index);
void CheckSpelling(const VARIANT& CustomDictionary, const VARIANT& IgnoreUppercase, const VARIANT& AlwaysSuggest, const VARIANT& IgnoreInitialAlefHamza, const VARIANT& IgnoreFinalYaa, const VARIANT& SpellScript);
LPDISPATCH GetCircularReference();
void ClearArrows();
LPDISPATCH GetColumns();
long GetConsolidationFunction();
VARIANT GetConsolidationOptions();
VARIANT GetConsolidationSources();
BOOL GetEnableAutoFilter();
void SetEnableAutoFilter(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetEnableSelection();
void SetEnableSelection(long nNewValue);
BOOL GetEnableOutlining();
void SetEnableOutlining(BOOL bNewValue);
BOOL GetEnablePivotTable();
void SetEnablePivotTable(BOOL bNewValue);
VARIANT Evaluate(const VARIANT& Name);
VARIANT _Evaluate(const VARIANT& Name);
BOOL GetFilterMode();
void ResetAllPageBreaks();
LPDISPATCH OLEObjects(const VARIANT& Index);
LPDISPATCH GetOutline();
void Paste(const VARIANT& Destination, const VARIANT& Link);
void PasteSpecial(const VARIANT& Format, const VARIANT& Link, const VARIANT& DisplayAsIcon, const VARIANT& IconFileName, const VARIANT& IconIndex, const VARIANT& IconLabel);
LPDISPATCH PivotTables(const VARIANT& Index);
LPDISPATCH PivotTableWizard(const VARIANT& SourceType, const VARIANT& SourceData, const VARIANT& TableDestination, const VARIANT& TableName, const VARIANT& RowGrand, const VARIANT& ColumnGrand, const VARIANT& SaveData,
const VARIANT& HasAutoFormat, const VARIANT& AutoPage, const VARIANT& Reserved, const VARIANT& BackgroundQuery, const VARIANT& OptimizeCache, const VARIANT& PageFieldOrder, const VARIANT& PageFieldWrapCount, const VARIANT& ReadData,
const VARIANT& Connection);
LPDISPATCH GetRange(const VARIANT& Cell1, const VARIANT& Cell2);
LPDISPATCH Scenarios(const VARIANT& Index);
CString GetScrollArea();
void SetScrollArea(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);
void ShowAllData();
void ShowDataForm();
double GetStandardHeight();
double GetStandardWidth();
void SetStandardWidth(double newValue);
BOOL GetTransitionFormEntry();
void SetTransitionFormEntry(BOOL bNewValue);
long GetType();
LPDISPATCH GetUsedRange();
LPDISPATCH GetHPageBreaks();
LPDISPATCH GetVPageBreaks();
LPDISPATCH GetQueryTables();
BOOL GetDisplayPageBreaks();
void SetDisplayPageBreaks(BOOL bNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetComments();
LPDISPATCH GetHyperlinks();
void ClearCircles();
void CircleInvalid();
LPDISPATCH GetAutoFilter();
// Range wrapper class
class Range : public COleDispatchDriver
Range() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
Range(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
Range(const Range& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
void Activate();
VARIANT GetAddIndent();
void SetAddIndent(const VARIANT& newValue);
CString GetAddress(const VARIANT& RowAbsolute, const VARIANT& ColumnAbsolute, long ReferenceStyle, const VARIANT& External, const VARIANT& RelativeTo);
CString GetAddressLocal(const VARIANT& RowAbsolute, const VARIANT& ColumnAbsolute, long ReferenceStyle, const VARIANT& External, const VARIANT& RelativeTo);
void AdvancedFilter(long Action, const VARIANT& CriteriaRange, const VARIANT& CopyToRange, const VARIANT& Unique);
void ApplyNames(const VARIANT& Names, const VARIANT& IgnoreRelativeAbsolute, const VARIANT& UseRowColumnNames, const VARIANT& OmitColumn, const VARIANT& OmitRow, long Order, const VARIANT& AppendLast);
void ApplyOutlineStyles();
CString AutoComplete(LPCTSTR String);
void AutoFill(LPDISPATCH Destination, long Type);
void AutoFilter(const VARIANT& Field, const VARIANT& Criteria1, long Operator, const VARIANT& Criteria2, const VARIANT& VisibleDropDown);
void AutoFit();
void AutoFormat(long Format, const VARIANT& Number, const VARIANT& Font, const VARIANT& Alignment, const VARIANT& Border, const VARIANT& Pattern, const VARIANT& Width);
void AutoOutline();
void BorderAround(const VARIANT& LineStyle, long Weight, long ColorIndex, const VARIANT& Color);
LPDISPATCH GetBorders();
void Calculate();
LPDISPATCH GetCharacters(const VARIANT& Start, const VARIANT& Length);
void CheckSpelling(const VARIANT& CustomDictionary, const VARIANT& IgnoreUppercase, const VARIANT& AlwaysSuggest, const VARIANT& IgnoreInitialAlefHamza, const VARIANT& IgnoreFinalYaa, const VARIANT& SpellScript);
void Clear();
void ClearContents();
void ClearFormats();
void ClearNotes();
void ClearOutline();
long GetColumn();
LPDISPATCH ColumnDifferences(const VARIANT& Comparison);
LPDISPATCH GetColumns();
VARIANT GetColumnWidth();
void SetColumnWidth(const VARIANT& newValue);
void Consolidate(const VARIANT& Sources, const VARIANT& Function, const VARIANT& TopRow, const VARIANT& LeftColumn, const VARIANT& CreateLinks);
void Copy(const VARIANT& Destination);
long CopyFromRecordset(LPUNKNOWN Data, const VARIANT& MaxRows, const VARIANT& MaxColumns);
void CopyPicture(long Appearance, long Format);
long GetCount();
void CreateNames(const VARIANT& Top, const VARIANT& Left, const VARIANT& Bottom, const VARIANT& Right);
void CreatePublisher(const VARIANT& Edition, long Appearance, const VARIANT& ContainsPICT, const VARIANT& ContainsBIFF, const VARIANT& ContainsRTF, const VARIANT& ContainsVALU);
LPDISPATCH GetCurrentArray();
LPDISPATCH GetCurrentRegion();
void Cut(const VARIANT& Destination);
void DataSeries(const VARIANT& Rowcol, long Type, long Date, const VARIANT& Step, const VARIANT& Stop, const VARIANT& Trend);
VARIANT Get_Default(const VARIANT& RowIndex, const VARIANT& ColumnIndex);
void Set_Default(const VARIANT& RowIndex, const VARIANT& ColumnIndex, const VARIANT& newValue);
void Delete(const VARIANT& Shift);
LPDISPATCH GetDependents();
VARIANT DialogBox_();
LPDISPATCH GetDirectDependents();
LPDISPATCH GetDirectPrecedents();
VARIANT EditionOptions(long Type, long Option, const VARIANT& Name, const VARIANT& Reference, long Appearance, long ChartSize, const VARIANT& Format);
LPDISPATCH GetEnd(long Direction);
LPDISPATCH GetEntireColumn();
LPDISPATCH GetEntireRow();
void FillDown();
void FillLeft();
void FillRight();
void FillUp();
LPDISPATCH Find(const VARIANT& What, const VARIANT& After, const VARIANT& LookIn, const VARIANT& LookAt, const VARIANT& SearchOrder, long SearchDirection, const VARIANT& MatchCase, const VARIANT& MatchByte,
const VARIANT& MatchControlCharacters, const VARIANT& MatchDiacritics, const VARIANT& MatchKashida, const VARIANT& MatchAlefHamza);
LPDISPATCH FindNext(const VARIANT& After);
LPDISPATCH FindPrevious(const VARIANT& After);
VARIANT GetFormula();
void SetFormula(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetFormulaArray();
void SetFormulaArray(const VARIANT& newValue);
long GetFormulaLabel();
void SetFormulaLabel(long nNewValue);
VARIANT GetFormulaHidden();
void SetFormulaHidden(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetFormulaLocal();
void SetFormulaLocal(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetFormulaR1C1();
void SetFormulaR1C1(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetFormulaR1C1Local();
void SetFormulaR1C1Local(const VARIANT& newValue);
void FunctionWizard();
BOOL GoalSeek(const VARIANT& Goal, LPDISPATCH ChangingCell);
VARIANT Group(const VARIANT& Start, const VARIANT& End, const VARIANT& By, const VARIANT& Periods);
VARIANT GetHasArray();
VARIANT GetHasFormula();
VARIANT GetHeight();
VARIANT GetHidden();
void SetHidden(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetHorizontalAlignment();
void SetHorizontalAlignment(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetIndentLevel();
void SetIndentLevel(const VARIANT& newValue);
void InsertIndent(long InsertAmount);
void Insert(const VARIANT& Shift);
LPDISPATCH GetInterior();
VARIANT GetItem(const VARIANT& RowIndex, const VARIANT& ColumnIndex);
void SetItem(const VARIANT& RowIndex, const VARIANT& ColumnIndex, const VARIANT& newValue);
void Justify();
VARIANT GetLeft();
long GetListHeaderRows();
void ListNames();
long GetLocationInTable();
VARIANT GetLocked();
void SetLocked(const VARIANT& newValue);
void Merge(const VARIANT& Across);
void UnMerge();
LPDISPATCH GetMergeArea();
VARIANT GetMergeCells();
void SetMergeCells(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetName();
void SetName(const VARIANT& newValue);
void NavigateArrow(const VARIANT& TowardPrecedent, const VARIANT& ArrowNumber, const VARIANT& LinkNumber);
LPUNKNOWN Get_NewEnum();
CString NoteText(const VARIANT& Text, const VARIANT& Start, const VARIANT& Length);
VARIANT GetNumberFormat();
void SetNumberFormat(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetNumberFormatLocal();
void SetNumberFormatLocal(const VARIANT& newValue);
LPDISPATCH GetOffset(const VARIANT& RowOffset, const VARIANT& ColumnOffset);
VARIANT GetOrientation();
void SetOrientation(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetOutlineLevel();
void SetOutlineLevel(const VARIANT& newValue);
long GetPageBreak();
void SetPageBreak(long nNewValue);
void Parse(const VARIANT& ParseLine, const VARIANT& Destination);
void PasteSpecial(long Paste, long Operation, const VARIANT& SkipBlanks, const VARIANT& Transpose);
LPDISPATCH GetPivotField();
LPDISPATCH GetPivotItem();
LPDISPATCH GetPivotTable();
LPDISPATCH GetPrecedents();
VARIANT GetPrefixCharacter();
LPDISPATCH GetPrevious();
void PrintOut(const VARIANT& From, const VARIANT& To, const VARIANT& Copies, const VARIANT& Preview, const VARIANT& ActivePrinter, const VARIANT& PrintToFile, const VARIANT& Collate);
void PrintPreview(const VARIANT& EnableChanges);
LPDISPATCH GetQueryTable();
LPDISPATCH GetRange(const VARIANT& Cell1, const VARIANT& Cell2);
void RemoveSubtotal();
BOOL Replace(const VARIANT& What, const VARIANT& Replacement, const VARIANT& LookAt, const VARIANT& SearchOrder, const VARIANT& MatchCase, const VARIANT& MatchByte, const VARIANT& MatchControlCharacters, const VARIANT& MatchDiacritics,
const VARIANT& MatchKashida, const VARIANT& MatchAlefHamza);
LPDISPATCH GetResize(const VARIANT& RowSize, const VARIANT& ColumnSize);
long GetRow();
LPDISPATCH RowDifferences(const VARIANT& Comparison);
VARIANT GetRowHeight();
void SetRowHeight(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT Run(const VARIANT& Arg1, const VARIANT& Arg2, const VARIANT& Arg3, const VARIANT& Arg4, const VARIANT& Arg5, const VARIANT& Arg6, const VARIANT& Arg7, const VARIANT& Arg8, const VARIANT& Arg9, const VARIANT& Arg10,
const VARIANT& Arg11, const VARIANT& Arg12, const VARIANT& Arg13, const VARIANT& Arg14, const VARIANT& Arg15, const VARIANT& Arg16, const VARIANT& Arg17, const VARIANT& Arg18, const VARIANT& Arg19, const VARIANT& Arg20,
const VARIANT& Arg21, const VARIANT& Arg22, const VARIANT& Arg23, const VARIANT& Arg24, const VARIANT& Arg25, const VARIANT& Arg26, const VARIANT& Arg27, const VARIANT& Arg28, const VARIANT& Arg29, const VARIANT& Arg30);
void Select();
void Show();
void ShowDependents(const VARIANT& Remove);
VARIANT GetShowDetail();
void SetShowDetail(const VARIANT& newValue);
void ShowErrors();
void ShowPrecedents(const VARIANT& Remove);
VARIANT GetShrinkToFit();
void SetShrinkToFit(const VARIANT& newValue);
void Sort(const VARIANT& Key1, long Order1, const VARIANT& Key2, const VARIANT& Type, long Order2, const VARIANT& Key3, long Order3, long Header, const VARIANT& OrderCustom, const VARIANT& MatchCase, long Orientation, long SortMethod,
const VARIANT& IgnoreControlCharacters, const VARIANT& IgnoreDiacritics, const VARIANT& IgnoreKashida);
void SortSpecial(long SortMethod, const VARIANT& Key1, long Order1, const VARIANT& Type, const VARIANT& Key2, long Order2, const VARIANT& Key3, long Order3, long Header, const VARIANT& OrderCustom, const VARIANT& MatchCase, long Orientation);
LPDISPATCH GetSoundNote();
LPDISPATCH SpecialCells(long Type, const VARIANT& Value);
VARIANT GetStyle();
void SetStyle(const VARIANT& newValue);
void SubscribeTo(LPCTSTR Edition, long Format);
void Subtotal(long GroupBy, long Function, const VARIANT& TotalList, const VARIANT& Replace, const VARIANT& PageBreaks, long SummaryBelowData);
VARIANT GetSummary();
void Table(const VARIANT& RowInput, const VARIANT& ColumnInput);
VARIANT GetText();
void TextToColumns(const VARIANT& Destination, long DataType, long TextQualifier, const VARIANT& ConsecutiveDelimiter, const VARIANT& Tab, const VARIANT& Semicolon, const VARIANT& Comma, const VARIANT& Space, const VARIANT& Other,
const VARIANT& OtherChar, const VARIANT& FieldInfo);
void Ungroup();
VARIANT GetUseStandardHeight();
void SetUseStandardHeight(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetUseStandardWidth();
void SetUseStandardWidth(const VARIANT& newValue);
LPDISPATCH GetValidation();
VARIANT GetValue();
void SetValue(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetValue2();
void SetValue2(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetVerticalAlignment();
void SetVerticalAlignment(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetWidth();
LPDISPATCH GetWorksheet();
VARIANT GetWrapText();
void SetWrapText(const VARIANT& newValue);
LPDISPATCH AddComment(const VARIANT& Text);
LPDISPATCH GetComment();
void ClearComments();
LPDISPATCH GetPhonetic();
LPDISPATCH GetFormatConditions();
long GetReadingOrder();
void SetReadingOrder(long nNewValue);
LPDISPATCH GetHyperlinks();
// Border wrapper class
class Border : public COleDispatchDriver
Border() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
Border(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
Border(const Border& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
VARIANT GetColor();
void SetColor(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetColorIndex();
void SetColorIndex(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetLineStyle();
void SetLineStyle(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetWeight();
void SetWeight(const VARIANT& newValue);
// Borders wrapper class
class Borders : public COleDispatchDriver
Borders() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
Borders(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
Borders(const Borders& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
VARIANT GetColor();
void SetColor(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetColorIndex();
void SetColorIndex(const VARIANT& newValue);
long GetCount();
LPDISPATCH GetItem(long Index);
VARIANT GetLineStyle();
void SetLineStyle(const VARIANT& newValue);
LPUNKNOWN Get_NewEnum();
VARIANT GetValue();
void SetValue(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetWeight();
void SetWeight(const VARIANT& newValue);
LPDISPATCH Get_Default(long Index);
// Interior wrapper class
class Interior : public COleDispatchDriver
Interior() {} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
Interior(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
Interior(const Interior& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}
// Attributes
// Operations
LPDISPATCH GetApplication();
long GetCreator();
VARIANT GetColor();
void SetColor(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetColorIndex();
void SetColorIndex(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetInvertIfNegative();
void SetInvertIfNegative(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetPattern();
void SetPattern(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetPatternColor();
void SetPatternColor(const VARIANT& newValue);
VARIANT GetPatternColorIndex();
void SetPatternColorIndex(const VARIANT& newValue);