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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: EditWindow.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Westwood Studios Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: RTS3
// File name: EditWindow.h
// Created: Colin Day, July 2001
// Desc: Main edit window for the GUI editing tool
#pragma once
#ifndef __EDITWINDOW_H_
#define __EDITWINDOW_H_
// SYSTEM INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
// USER INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "GUIEditColor.h"
#include "Lib/BaseType.h"
#include "GameClient/Image.h"
#include "GameClient/GameWindow.h"
#include "WW3D2/AssetMgr.h"
#include "WW3D2/Render2D.h"
// FORWARD REFERENCES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// TYPE DEFINES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// EditWindow -----------------------------------------------------------------
/** The edit window singleton definition, this is where we create and
* interact with GUI controls for this tool */
class EditWindow
EditWindow( void );
~EditWindow( void );
/// initialize the edit window singleton
void init( UnsignedInt clientWidth, UnsignedInt clientHeight );
void shutdown( void ); ///< free all data
void draw( void ); ///< draw the edit window
void updatePulse( void ); ///< pulse message from timer
HWND getWindowHandle( void ); ///< get window handle
void setSize( ICoord2D *size ); ///< set width and height for edit window
void getSize( ICoord2D *size ); ///< get width and height for edit window
RGBColorReal getBackgroundColor( void ); ///< return the background color
void setBackgroundColor( RGBColorReal color ); ///< set background color
void setDragMoveOrigin( ICoord2D *pos ); ///< for drag moving
void setDragMoveDest( ICoord2D *pos ); ///< for drag moving
ICoord2D getDragMoveOrigin( void ); ///< for keybord moving
ICoord2D getDragMoveDest( void ); ///< for keyboard moving
void notifyWindowDeleted( GameWindow *window ); ///< window has been deleted
/// mouse event has occurred, button up/down, move etc.
void mouseEvent( UnsignedInt windowsMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
void getPopupMenuClickPos( ICoord2D *pos ); ///< get popup menu click loc
void openPopupMenu( Int x, Int y ); ///< open floating popup right click menu
// **************************************************************************
/// draw a line on the display in screen coordinates
void drawLine( Int startX, Int startY, Int endX, Int endY,
Real lineWidth, UnsignedInt lineColor );
/// draw a rect border on the display in pixel coordinates with the specified color
void drawOpenRect( Int startX, Int startY, Int width, Int height,
Real lineWidth, UnsignedInt lineColor );
/// draw a filled rect on the display in pixel coords with the specified color
void drawFillRect( Int startX, Int startY, Int width, Int height,
UnsignedInt color );
/// draw an image fit within the screen coordinates
void drawImage( const Image *image, Int startX, Int startY,
Int endX, Int endY, Color color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
/// image clipping support
void setClipRegion( IRegion2D *region ) {m_clipRegion = *region; m_isClippedEnabled = TRUE;}
Bool isClippingEnabled( void ) { return m_isClippedEnabled; }
void enableClipping( Bool onoff ) { m_isClippedEnabled = onoff; }
void registerEditWindowClass( void ); ///< register class with OS
/// callback from windows, NOTE that it's static and has no this pointer
static LRESULT CALLBACK editProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
void drawGrid( void ); ///< draw the grid
void drawSeeThruOutlines( GameWindow *windowList, Color c );
void drawHiddenOutlines( GameWindow *windowList, Color c );
void drawUIFeedback( void ); ///< draw UI visual feedback
/// if mouse is close to selected window allow resize
void handleResizeAvailable( Int mouseX, Int mouseY );
// these methods check to see if the mouse is close enough to the
// given geometry region (usually for resizing controls)
Bool inCornerTolerance( ICoord2D *dest, ICoord2D *source, Int tolerance );
Bool inLineTolerance( ICoord2D *dest, ICoord2D *lineStart, ICoord2D *lineEnd,
Int tolerance );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
static Bool m_classRegistered; ///< TRUE when we've register with OS
static char *m_className; ///< name for windows class
ICoord2D m_size; ///< width and height of edit window
UnsignedByte m_bitDepth; ///< bit depth for edit window
HWND m_editWindowHWnd; ///< edit window handle
Int m_pulse; ///< for visual feedback that looks cool!
RGBColorReal m_backgroundColor; ///< the background color
Bool m_w3dInitialized; ///< TRUE once W3D is up
WW3DAssetManager *m_assetManager; ///< asset manager for WW3D
Render2DClass *m_2DRender; ///< our 2D renderer
ICoord2D m_popupMenuClickPos; ///< position where popup menu was created at
GameWindow *m_pickedWindow; ///< picked window from mouse click editing
ICoord2D m_dragMoveOrigin; ///< mouse click position to start drag move
ICoord2D m_dragMoveDest; ///< destination for drag move
Bool m_dragSelecting; ///< TRUE when drawing a selection box
IRegion2D m_selectRegion; ///< region for selection box
Bool m_resizingWindow; ///< TRUE when drag resizing a window
GameWindow *m_windowToResize; ///< the window to resize
ICoord2D m_resizeOrigin; ///< mouse clicked down here to drag resize
ICoord2D m_resizeDest; ///< mouse pos when dragging around to resize
IRegion2D m_clipRegion; ///< the clipping region for images
Bool m_isClippedEnabled; ///<used by 2D drawing operations to define clip re
}; // end EditWindow
// INLINING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
inline HWND EditWindow::getWindowHandle( void ) { return m_editWindowHWnd; }
inline void EditWindow::getSize( ICoord2D *size ) { *size = m_size; }
inline void EditWindow::getPopupMenuClickPos( ICoord2D *pos ) { *pos = m_popupMenuClickPos; }
inline void EditWindow::setDragMoveDest( ICoord2D *pos ) { if( pos ) m_dragMoveDest = *pos; }
inline void EditWindow::setDragMoveOrigin( ICoord2D *pos ) { if( pos ) m_dragMoveOrigin = *pos; }
inline ICoord2D EditWindow::getDragMoveDest( void ) { return m_dragMoveDest; }
inline ICoord2D EditWindow::getDragMoveOrigin( void ) { return m_dragMoveOrigin; }
// EXTERNALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
extern EditWindow *TheEditWindow; ///< edit window singleton extern
#endif // __EDITWINDOW_H_