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** Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
// Used by ParticleEditor.rc
#define IDD_PSEd 1000
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticleSystem 1000
#define IDC_PSEd_Go 1001
#define IDC_PSEd_ParentSystem 1002
#define IDD_PSEd_EditColorAndAlpha 1002
#define IDC_PSEd_EmissionType 1003
#define IDD_PSEd_EmissionPanelLine 1003
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleXMin 1004
#define IDD_PSEd_EmissionPanelSphere 1004
#define IDC_PSEd_VelocityType 1005
#define IDD_PSEd_EmissionPanelBox 1005
#define IDC_PSEd_LineStartY 1005
#define IDC_PSEd_DriftVelocityX 1005
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticleType 1006
#define IDD_PSEd_EmissionPanelCylinder 1006
#define IDC_PSEd_LineStartZ 1006
#define IDC_PSEd_SlaveOffsetX 1006
#define IDC_PSEd_ShaderType 1007
#define IDC_PSEd_LineEndX 1007
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleYMin 1008
#define IDC_PSEd_LineEndY 1008
#define IDD_PSEd_EmissionPanelPoint 1008
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleZMin 1009
#define IDC_PSEd_LineEndZ 1009
#define IDD_PSEd_VelocityPanelOrtho 1009
#define IDC_PSEd_AngularRateXMin 1010
#define IDD_PSEd_VelocityPanelSphere 1010
#define IDC_PSEd_AngularRateYMin 1011
#define IDD_PSEd_VelocityPanelHemisphere 1011
#define IDC_PSEd_AngularRateZMin 1012
#define IDD_PSEd_VelocityPanelCylinder 1012
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleXMax 1013
#define IDD_PSEd_VelocityPanelOutward 1013
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleYMax 1014
#define IDD_PSEd_ParticlePanelDrawable 1014
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleZMax 1015
#define IDD_PSEd_ParticlePanelParticle 1015
#define IDC_PSEd_AngularRateXMax 1016
#define IDD_PSEd_EditMoreParms 1016
#define IDR_FileMenu 1016
#define IDC_PSEd_AngularRateYMax 1017
#define IDD_PSEd_EditSwitchesDialog 1017
#define IDC_PSEd_AngularRateZMax 1018
#define IDD_PSEd_ParticlePanelStreak 1018
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleDampingMin 1019
#define IDC_PSEd_DriftVelocityY 1019
#define IDC_PSEd_AngleDampingMax 1020
#define IDC_PSEd_DriftVelocityZ 1020
#define IDC_PSEd_VelocityDampingMin 1021
#define IDC_PSEd_VelocityDampingMax 1022
#define IDC_PSEd_SlaveOffsetY 1023
#define IDC_PSEd_Save 1023
#define IDC_PSEd_Priority 1023
#define IDC_PSEd_Gravity 1024
#define IDC_PSEd_SlaveOffsetZ 1025
#define IDC_PSEd_Reload 1025
#define IDC_PSEd_KillAll 1025
#define IDC_PSEd_SystemLifetime 1026
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticleLifetimeMin 1027
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticleLifetimeMax 1028
#define IDC_PSEd_SizeRateMin 1029
#define IDC_PSEd_SizeRateMax 1030
#define IDC_PSEd_Color1 1031
#define IDC_PSEd_Color2 1032
#define IDC_PSEd_Color3 1033
#define IDC_PSEd_Color4 1034
#define IDC_PSEd_Color5 1035
#define IDC_PSEd_Color6 1036
#define IDC_PSEd_Color7 1037
#define IDC_PSEd_Color8 1038
#define IDC_PSEd_EditColorButton 1039
#define IDC_PSEd_Continued 1040
#define IDC_PSEd_EditSwitchesButton 1041
#define IDC_EmissionProperties 1045
#define IDC_PSEd_CylRadius 1046
#define IDC_PSEd_CylLength 1047
#define IDC_PSEd_BoxHalfSizeX 1048
#define IDC_PSEd_BoxHalfSizeY 1049
#define IDC_PSEd_BoxHalfSizeZ 1050
#define IDC_PSEd_LineStartX 1051
#define IDC_PSEd_SphereRadius 1052
#define IDC_PSEd_EmissionPanel 1053
#define IDC_PSEd_CylinderRadialMax 1053
#define IDC_PSEd_VelocityPanel 1054
#define IDC_PSEd_CylinderNormalMin 1054
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticlePanel 1055
#define IDC_PSEd_CylinderNormalMax 1055
#define IDC_VelocityProperties 1057
#define IDC_PSEd_CylinderRadialMin 1059
#define IDC_PSEd_HemisphereRadialMin 1060
#define IDC_PSEd_HemisphereRadialMax 1061
#define IDC_PSEd_SphereRadialMin 1062
#define IDC_PSEd_SphereRadialMax 1063
#define IDC_PSEd_OutwardOtherMin 1064
#define IDC_PSEd_OutwardOtherMax 1065
#define IDC_PSEd_OutwardSpeedMin 1066
#define IDC_PSEd_OutwardSpeedMax 1067
#define IDC_PSEd_CF1_Frame 1068
#define IDC_PSEd_OrthoZMin 1068
#define IDC_PSEd_CF2_Frame 1069
#define IDC_PSEd_OrthoZMax 1069
#define IDC_PSEd_CF3_Frame 1070
#define IDC_PSEd_OrthoXMin 1070
#define IDC_PSEd_CF4_Frame 1071
#define IDC_PSEd_OrthoXMax 1071
#define IDC_PSEd_CF5_Frame 1072
#define IDC_PSEd_OrthoYMin 1072
#define IDC_PSEd_CF6_Frame 1073
#define IDC_PSEd_OrthoYMax 1073
#define IDC_PSEd_CF7_Frame 1074
#define IDC_PSEd_OneShot 1074
#define IDC_PSEd_CF8_Frame 1075
#define IDC_PSEd_Hollow 1075
#define IDC_PSEd_AF1_Min 1076
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticleTypeDrawable 1076
#define IDC_PSEd_AF2_Min 1077
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticleTypeParticle 1077
#define IDC_PSEd_AF3_Min 1078
#define IDC_PSEd_BurstDelayMin 1078
#define IDC_PSEd_AF1_Max 1079
#define IDC_PSEd_BurstDelayMax 1079
#define IDC_PSEd_AF2_Max 1080
#define IDC_PSEd_InitialDelayMin 1080
#define IDC_PSEd_AF3_Max 1081
#define IDC_PSEd_InitialDelayMax 1081
#define IDC_PSEd_AF4_Min 1082
#define IDC_PSEd_BurstCountMin 1082
#define IDC_PSEd_AF5_Min 1083
#define IDC_PSEd_BurstCountMax 1083
#define IDC_PSEd_AF6_Min 1084
#define IDC_PSEd_ColorScaleMin 1084
#define IDC_PSEd_AF4_Max 1085
#define IDC_PSEd_ColorScaleMax 1085
#define IDC_PSEd_AF5_Max 1086
#define IDC_PSEd_AF6_Max 1087
#define IDC_PSEd_SlaveSystem 1087
#define IDC_PSEd_AF7_Min 1088
#define IDC_PSEd_PerParticleSystem 1088
#define IDC_PSEd_AF8_Min 1089
#define IDC_PSEd_SizeMin 1089
#define IDC_PSEd_AF7_Max 1090
#define IDC_PSEd_SizeMax 1090
#define IDC_PSEd_AF8_Max 1091
#define IDC_PSEd_SizeDampingMin 1091
#define IDC_PSEd_CurrentParticleCap 1091
#define IDC_PSEd_AF1_Frame 1092
#define IDC_PSEd_SizeDampingMax 1092
#define IDC_PSEd_CurrentParticleCount 1092
#define IDC_PSEd_AF2_Frame 1093
#define IDC_PSEd_GroundAligned 1093
#define IDC_PSEd_StartSizeRateMin 1093
#define IDC_PSEd_AF3_Frame 1094
#define IDC_PSEd_EmitAboveGroundOnly 1094
#define IDC_PSEd_StartSizeRateMax 1094
#define IDC_PSEd_AF4_Frame 1095
#define IDC_PSEd_ParticleUpTowardsEmitter 1095
#define IDC_PSEd_AF5_Frame 1096
#define IDC_PSEd_AF6_Frame 1097
#define IDC_PSEd_AF7_Frame 1098
#define IDC_PSEd_WindAngleChangeMin 1098
#define IDC_PSEd_AF8_Frame 1099
#define IDC_PSEd_WindPingPongStartAngleMin 1099
#define IDC_PSEd_WindPingPongStartAngleMax 1100
#define IDC_PSEd_WindMotion 1101
#define IDC_PSEd_WindAngleChangeMax 1102
#define IDC_PSEd_WindPingPongEndAngleMin 1103
#define IDC_PSEd_WindPingPongEndAngleMax 1104
#define ID_FILE_SAVEALL 32771
#define ID_FILE_RELOADALL 32775
// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 1000