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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
// XLStuff.h
#ifndef XLSTUFF_H
#define XLSTUFF_H
#include "noxstringDlg.h"
typedef enum {
xlAll = -4104,
xlAutomatic = -4105,
xlBoth = 1,
xlCenter = -4108,
xlChecker = 9,
xlCircle = 8,
xlCorner = 2,
xlCrissCross = 16,
xlCross = 4,
xlDiamond = 2,
xlDistributed = -4117,
xlDoubleAccounting = 5,
xlFixedValue = 1,
xlFormats = -4122,
xlGray16 = 17,
xlGray8 = 18,
xlGrid = 15,
xlHigh = -4127,
xlInside = 2,
xlJustify = -4130,
xlLightDown = 13,
xlLightHorizontal = 11,
xlLightUp = 14,
xlLightVertical = 12,
xlLow = -4134,
xlManual = -4135,
xlMinusValues = 3,
xlModule = -4141,
xlNextToAxis = 4,
xlNone = -4142,
xlNotes = -4144,
xlOff = -4146,
xlOn = 1,
xlPercent = 2,
xlPlus = 9,
xlPlusValues = 2,
xlSemiGray75 = 10,
xlShowLabel = 4,
xlShowLabelAndPercent = 5,
xlShowPercent = 3,
xlShowValue = 2,
xlSimple = -4154,
xlSingle = 2,
xlSingleAccounting = 4,
xlSolid = 1,
xlSquare = 1,
xlStar = 5,
xlStError = 4,
xlToolbarButton = 2,
xlTriangle = 3,
xlGray25 = -4124,
xlGray50 = -4125,
xlGray75 = -4126,
xlBottom = -4107,
xlLeft = -4131,
xlRight = -4152,
xlTop = -4160,
xl3DBar = -4099,
xl3DSurface = -4103,
xlBar = 2,
xlColumn = 3,
xlCombination = -4111,
xlCustom = -4114,
xlDefaultAutoFormat = -1,
xlMaximum = 2,
xlMinimum = 4,
xlOpaque = 3,
xlTransparent = 2,
xlBidi = -5000,
xlLatin = -5001,
xlContext = -5002,
xlLTR = -5003,
xlRTL = -5004,
xlVisualCursor = 2,
xlLogicalCursor = 1,
xlSystem = 1,
xlPartial = 3,
xlHindiNumerals = 3,
xlBidiCalendar = 3,
xlGregorian = 2,
xlComplete = 4,
xlScale = 3,
xlClosed = 3,
xlColor1 = 7,
xlColor2 = 8,
xlColor3 = 9,
xlConstants = 2,
xlContents = 2,
xlBelow = 1,
xlCascade = 7,
xlCenterAcrossSelection = 7,
xlChart4 = 2,
xlChartSeries = 17,
xlChartShort = 6,
xlChartTitles = 18,
xlClassic1 = 1,
xlClassic2 = 2,
xlClassic3 = 3,
xl3DEffects1 = 13,
xl3DEffects2 = 14,
xlAbove = 0,
xlAccounting1 = 4,
xlAccounting2 = 5,
xlAccounting3 = 6,
xlAccounting4 = 17,
xlAdd = 2,
xlDebugCodePane = 13,
xlDesktop = 9,
xlDirect = 1,
xlDivide = 5,
xlDoubleClosed = 5,
xlDoubleOpen = 4,
xlDoubleQuote = 1,
xlEntireChart = 20,
xlExcelMenus = 1,
xlExtended = 3,
xlFill = 5,
xlFirst = 0,
xlFloating = 5,
xlFormula = 5,
xlGeneral = 1,
xlGridline = 22,
xlIcons = 1,
xlImmediatePane = 12,
xlInteger = 2,
xlLast = 1,
xlLastCell = 11,
xlList1 = 10,
xlList2 = 11,
xlList3 = 12,
xlLocalFormat1 = 15,
xlLocalFormat2 = 16,
xlLong = 3,
xlLotusHelp = 2,
xlMacrosheetCell = 7,
xlMixed = 2,
xlMultiply = 4,
xlNarrow = 1,
xlNoDocuments = 3,
xlOpen = 2,
xlOutside = 3,
xlReference = 4,
xlSemiautomatic = 2,
xlShort = 1,
xlSingleQuote = 2,
xlStrict = 2,
xlSubtract = 3,
xlTextBox = 16,
xlTiled = 1,
xlTitleBar = 8,
xlToolbar = 1,
xlVisible = 12,
xlWatchPane = 11,
xlWide = 3,
xlWorkbookTab = 6,
xlWorksheet4 = 1,
xlWorksheetCell = 3,
xlWorksheetShort = 5,
xlAllExceptBorders = 6,
xlLeftToRight = 2,
xlTopToBottom = 1,
xlVeryHidden = 2,
xlDrawingObject = 14
} Constants;
typedef enum {
xlHairline = 1,
xlMedium = -4138,
xlThick = 4,
xlThin = 2
} XlBorderWeight;
typedef enum {
xlContinuous = 1,
xlDash = -4115,
xlDashDot = 4,
xlDashDotDot = 5,
xlDot = -4118,
xlDouble = -4119,
xlSlantDashDot = 13,
xlLineStyleNone = -4142
} XlLineStyle;
typedef enum {
xlInsideHorizontal = 12,
xlInsideVertical = 11,
xlDiagonalDown = 5,
xlDiagonalUp = 6,
xlEdgeBottom = 9,
xlEdgeLeft = 7,
xlEdgeRight = 10,
xlEdgeTop = 8
} XlBordersIndex;
enum {
#define ROW_COUNT 1
#define COLUMN_COUNT 2
#define ROW_LANGUAGE 1
int OpenExcel ( void );
void CloseExcel ( void );
int NewWorkBook ( const char *path );
int SaveWorkBook ( const char *filename, int protect = FALSE );
int OpenWorkBook ( const char *filename );
void CloseWorkBook ( void );
int PutCell ( int row, int column, OLECHAR *string, int val );
int PutSeparator ( int row );
int PutSection ( int row, OLECHAR *title );
void SelectActiveSheet ( void );
int GetInt ( int row, int cell );
int GetString ( int row, int cell, OLECHAR *buffer );
#endif // XLSTUFF_H