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1285 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: Save.cpp /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Westwood Studios Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: GUIEdit
// File name: Save.cpp
// Created: Colin Day, July 2001
// Desc: Save the window layout to a file
// SYSTEM INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
// USER INCLUDES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "GUIEdit.h"
#include "Common/Debug.h"
#include "Common/NameKeyGenerator.h"
#include "Common/FunctionLexicon.h"
#include "GameClient/Display.h"
#include "GameClient/GameWindow.h"
#include "GameClient/GameWindowManager.h"
#include "GameClient/GadgetRadioButton.h"
// DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#define BUFFER_SIZE (2048)
#define INDENT_SIZE (2)
// PRIVATE TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// PRIVATE DATA ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static char buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ]; ///< buffer for writing data to before file output
static char offendingNames[ 65536 ];
// PUBLIC DATA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// PRIVATE PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// PRIVATE FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// fileNewLine ================================================================
/** Write a blank line to the file */
static void fileNewLine( FILE *fp )
fprintf( fp, "\n" );
fflush( fp );
} // end fileNewLine
// writeBufferToFile ==========================================================
/** Write the contents of the buffer to the file */
static void writeBufferToFile( FILE *fp, char *buffer )
// do the write
fprintf( fp, buffer );
// flush the file stream so that if errors occur and we don't properly
// recover it will be useful debugging information to see exactly how
// far we got
fflush( fp );
} // end writeBufferToFile
// clearBufferToSpaces ========================================================
/** Clear the buffer to all spaces */
static void clearBufferToSpaces( void )
Int i;
for( i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++ )
buffer[ i ] = ' ';
} // end clearBufferToSpaces
// saveType ===================================================================
/** Save type of window */
static Bool saveType( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
char *type;
if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_PUSH_BUTTON ) )
type = "PUSHBUTTON";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_RADIO_BUTTON ) )
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_TAB_CONTROL ) )
type = "TABCONTROL";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_TAB_PANE ) )
type = "TABPANE";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_CHECK_BOX ) )
type = "CHECKBOX";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_VERT_SLIDER ) )
type = "VERTSLIDER";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_HORZ_SLIDER ) )
type = "HORZSLIDER";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_SCROLL_LISTBOX ) )
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_COMBO_BOX ) )
type = "COMBOBOX";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_ENTRY_FIELD ) )
type = "ENTRYFIELD";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_STATIC_TEXT ) )
type = "STATICTEXT";
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_PROGRESS_BAR ) )
type = "USER";
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "WINDOWTYPE = %s;\n", type );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveType
// savePosition ===============================================================
/** Save window position data */
static Bool savePosition( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
IRegion2D screenRect;
ICoord2D size;
// get the 4 screen position points of the window
window->winGetScreenPosition( &screenRect.lo.x, &screenRect.lo.y );
window->winGetSize( &size.x, &size.y );
screenRect.hi.x = screenRect.lo.x + size.x;
screenRect.hi.y = screenRect.lo.y + size.y;
// write those 4 screen points out with the ratio divisor that we
// created them in (the edit window size) so we can scale them by
// that ratio if need be
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "SCREENRECT = UPPERLEFT: %d %d,\n",
screenRect.lo.x, screenRect.lo.y );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " BOTTOMRIGHT: %d %d,\n",
screenRect.hi.x, screenRect.hi.y );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " CREATIONRESOLUTION: %d %d;\n",
TheDisplay->getWidth(), TheDisplay->getHeight() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end savePosition
// saveName ===================================================================
// Save name */
static Bool saveName( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
WinInstanceData *instData = window->winGetInstanceData();
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "NAME = \"%s:%s\";\n",
TheEditor->getSaveFilename(), instData->m_decoratedNameString.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveName
// saveStatus =================================================================
/** Save status information */
static Bool saveStatus( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
Int i;
Bool bitWritten;
UnsignedInt bit;
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "STATUS = " );
i = 0;
bitWritten = FALSE;
while( WindowStatusNames[ i ] )
bit = 1 << i;
if( BitTest( window->winGetStatus(), bit ) )
// if this is an additional bit add a +
if( bitWritten == TRUE )
strcat( buffer, "+");
// add status name
strcat( buffer, WindowStatusNames[ i ] );
bitWritten = TRUE;
} // end
} // end while
// if no bits written write NONE in the file
if( bitWritten == FALSE )
strcat( buffer, "NONE" );
// complete line and write
strcat( buffer, ";\n" );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveStatus
// saveStyle ==================================================================
/** Save style information */
static Bool saveStyle( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
Int i;
Bool bitWritten;
UnsignedInt bit;
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "STYLE = " );
i = 0;
bitWritten = FALSE;
while( WindowStyleNames[ i ] )
bit = 1 << i;
if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), bit ) )
// if this is an additional bit add a +
if( bitWritten == TRUE )
strcat( buffer, "+");
// add status name
strcat( buffer, WindowStyleNames[ i ] );
bitWritten = TRUE;
} // end
} // end while
// if no bits written write NONE in the file
if( bitWritten == FALSE )
strcat( buffer, "NONE" );
// complete line and write
strcat( buffer, ";\n" );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveStyle
// saveCallbacks ==============================================================
/** Save string representations of the window function callbacks into
* the save file */
static Bool saveCallbacks( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
GameWindowEditData *editData = window->winGetEditData();
// if no edit data don't write anything for callbacks
if( editData == NULL )
return FALSE;
// system
AsciiString name;
name = editData->systemCallbackString;
if( name.isEmpty() )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "SYSTEMCALLBACK = \"%s\";\n", name.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
// input
name = editData->inputCallbackString;
if( name.isEmpty() )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "INPUTCALLBACK = \"%s\";\n", name.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
// tooltip
name = editData->tooltipCallbackString;
if( name.isEmpty() )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "TOOLTIPCALLBACK = \"%s\";\n", name.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
// draw
name = editData->drawCallbackString;
if( name.isEmpty() )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "DRAWCALLBACK = \"%s\";\n", name.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveCallbacks
// saveHeaderTemplate =========================================================
/** Save HeaderTemplate for a window */
static Bool saveHeaderTemplate(GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
AsciiString headerName = window->winGetInstanceData()->m_headerTemplateName;
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "HEADERTEMPLATE = \"%s\";\n", headerName.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
// saveFont ===================================================================
/** Save font name for a window */
static Bool saveFont( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
GameFont *font = window->winGetFont();
// if no font data don't write anything
if( font == NULL )
return TRUE;
// write the font data
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "FONT = NAME: \"%s\", SIZE: %d, BOLD: %d;\n",
font->nameString.str(), font->pointSize, font->bold );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveFont
// saveTooltipText ===================================================================
/** Save the text for a window */
static Bool saveTooltipText( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
WinInstanceData *instData = window->winGetInstanceData();
// save the text label
if (instData->getTooltipTextLength())
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "TOOLTIPTEXT = \"%s\";\n", instData->m_tooltipString.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
} // end if
return TRUE;
} // end saveTooltipText
// saveTooltipDelay ===================================================================
/** Save the delay for a window */
static Bool saveTooltipDelay( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
WinInstanceData *instData = window->winGetInstanceData();
// save the text label
//if (instData->getTooltipTextLength())
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "TOOLTIPDELAY = %d;\n", instData->m_tooltipDelay );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
//} // end if
return TRUE;
} // end saveTooltipText
// saveText ===================================================================
/** Save the text for a window */
static Bool saveText( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
WinInstanceData *instData = window->winGetInstanceData();
// save the text label
if (!instData->m_textLabelString.isEmpty())
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "TEXT = \"%s\";\n", instData->m_textLabelString.str() );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
} // end if
return TRUE;
} // end saveText
// saveTextColor ==============================================================
/** Save the text colors for enabled, disable, and hilite with
* drop border colors */
static Bool saveTextColor( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
Int i, max = 3; // 3 states, enabled, hilite and disabled
UnsignedByte r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba;
Color color, border;
for( i = 0; i < max; i++ )
switch( i )
case 0: color = window->winGetEnabledTextColor();
border = window->winGetEnabledTextBorderColor();
case 1: color = window->winGetDisabledTextColor();
border = window->winGetDisabledTextBorderColor();
case 2: color = window->winGetHiliteTextColor();
border = window->winGetHiliteTextBorderColor();
// get color components
GameGetColorComponents( color, &r, &g, &b, &a );
GameGetColorComponents( border, &br, &bg, &bb, &ba );
if( i == 0 )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "TEXTCOLOR = ENABLED: %d %d %d %d, ENABLEDBORDER: %d %d %d %d,\n",
r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba );
else if( i == max - 1 )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " HILITE: %d %d %d %d, HILITEBORDER: %d %d %d %d;\n",
r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " DISABLED: %d %d %d %d, DISABLEDBORDER: %d %d %d %d,\n",
r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
} // end for i
return TRUE;
} // end saveTextColor
// tokenIsEnabledData =========================================================
/** Token refers to enabled draw data */
static Bool tokenIsEnabledData( char *token )
if( strcmp( token, "ENABLEDDRAWDATA" ) == 0 ||
strcmp( token, "SLIDERTHUMBENABLEDDRAWDATA" ) == 0 )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // end tokenIsEnabledData
// tokenIsDisabledData ========================================================
/** Token refers to Disabled draw data */
static Bool tokenIsDisabledData( char *token )
if( strcmp( token, "DISABLEDDRAWDATA" ) == 0 ||
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // end tokenIsDisabledData
// tokenIsHiliteData ==========================================================
/** Token refers to Hilite draw data */
static Bool tokenIsHiliteData( char *token )
if( strcmp( token, "HILITEDRAWDATA" ) == 0 ||
strcmp( token, "LISTBOXHILITESLIDERDRAWDATA" ) == 0 ||
strcmp( token, "SLIDERTHUMBHILITEDRAWDATA" ) == 0 )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
} // end tokenIsHiliteData
// saveDrawData ===============================================================
/** Save the draw data array */
static Bool saveDrawData( char *token, GameWindow *window,
FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
Int i;
WinInstanceData *instData = window->winGetInstanceData();
char spaces[ 128 ];
// format spaces so it looks pretty and lines up in the text file
Int len = strlen( token );
assert( len < sizeof( spaces ) );
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
spaces[ i ] = ' ';
spaces[ i ] = 0; // terminate
for( i = 0; i < MAX_DRAW_DATA; i++ )
WinDrawData *drawData;
UnsignedByte r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba;
const Image *image;
// get the right draw data
if( tokenIsEnabledData( token ) )
drawData = &instData->m_enabledDrawData[ i ];
else if( tokenIsDisabledData( token ) )
drawData = &instData->m_disabledDrawData[ i ];
else if( tokenIsHiliteData( token ) )
drawData = &instData->m_hiliteDrawData[ i ];
DEBUG_LOG(( "Save draw data, unknown token '%s'\n", token ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end else
image = drawData->image;
GameGetColorComponents( drawData->color, &r, &g, &b, &a );
GameGetColorComponents( drawData->borderColor, &br, &bg, &bb, &ba );
if( i == 0 )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "%s = IMAGE: %s, COLOR: %d %d %d %d, BORDERCOLOR: %d %d %d %d,\n",
token, image ? image->getName().str() : "NoImage", r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba );
else if( i == MAX_DRAW_DATA - 1 )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "%s IMAGE: %s, COLOR: %d %d %d %d, BORDERCOLOR: %d %d %d %d;\n",
spaces, image ? image->getName().str() : "NoImage", r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "%s IMAGE: %s, COLOR: %d %d %d %d, BORDERCOLOR: %d %d %d %d,\n",
spaces, image ? image->getName().str() : "NoImage", r, g, b, a, br, bg, bb, ba );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
} // end for i
return TRUE;
} // end saveDrawData
// saveListboxData ============================================================
/** Save listbox data to the file */
static Bool saveListboxData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
ListboxData *listData = (ListboxData *)window->winGetUserData();
// sanity
if( listData == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "No listbox data to save for window '%d'\n",
window->winGetWindowId() ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end if
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "LISTBOXDATA = LENGTH: %d,\n", listData->listLength );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " AUTOSCROLL: %d,\n", listData->autoScroll );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " SCROLLIFATEND: %d,\n", listData->scrollIfAtEnd );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " AUTOPURGE: %d,\n", listData->autoPurge );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " SCROLLBAR: %d,\n", listData->scrollBar );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " MULTISELECT: %d,\n", listData->multiSelect );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " COLUMNS: %d,\n", listData->columns );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
if(listData->columns > 1)
for(Int i = 0; i < listData->columns; i++ )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " COLUMNSWIDTH%%: %d,\n", listData->columnWidthPercentage[i] );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " FORCESELECT: %d;\n", listData->forceSelect );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
// save the up button draw data for the listbox
if( listData->upButton )
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXENABLEDUPBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->upButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXDISABLEDUPBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->upButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXHILITEUPBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->upButton, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
// save down button draw data for listbox
if( listData->downButton )
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXENABLEDDOWNBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->downButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXDISABLEDDOWNBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->downButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXHILITEDOWNBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->downButton, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
// save the slider draw data on the listbox
if( listData->slider )
GameWindow *thumb = listData->slider->winGetChild();
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXENABLEDSLIDERDRAWDATA", listData->slider, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXDISABLEDSLIDERDRAWDATA", listData->slider, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXHILITESLIDERDRAWDATA", listData->slider, fp, dataIndent );
if( thumb )
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBENABLEDDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBDISABLEDDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBHILITEDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
} // end if
return TRUE;
} // end saveListboxData
// saveComboBoxData ============================================================
/** Save Combo Box data to the file */
static Bool saveComboBoxData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
ComboBoxData *comboData = (ComboBoxData *)window->winGetUserData();
// sanity
if( comboData == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "No comboData data to save for window '%d'\n",
window->winGetWindowId() ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end if
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "COMBOBOXDATA = ISEDITABLE: %d,\n", comboData->isEditable );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " MAXCHARS: %d,\n", comboData->maxChars );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " MAXDISPLAY: %d,\n", comboData->maxDisplay );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " ASCIIONLY: %d,\n", comboData->asciiOnly );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " LETTERSANDNUMBERS: %d;\n", comboData->lettersAndNumbersOnly );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
//Save teh dropDownButton draw data for the combo box
if( comboData->dropDownButton )
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXDROPDOWNBUTTONENABLEDDRAWDATA", comboData->dropDownButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXDROPDOWNBUTTONDISABLEDDRAWDATA", comboData->dropDownButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXDROPDOWNBUTTONHILITEDRAWDATA", comboData->dropDownButton, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
if( comboData->editBox )
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXEDITBOXENABLEDDRAWDATA", comboData->editBox, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXEDITBOXDISABLEDDRAWDATA", comboData->editBox, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXEDITBOXHILITEDRAWDATA", comboData->editBox, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
ListboxData *listData = (ListboxData *)comboData->listBox->winGetUserData();
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXLISTBOXENABLEDDRAWDATA", comboData->listBox, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXLISTBOXDISABLEDDRAWDATA", comboData->listBox, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "COMBOBOXLISTBOXHILITEDRAWDATA", comboData->listBox, fp, dataIndent );
// save the up button draw data for the listbox
if( listData->upButton )
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXENABLEDUPBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->upButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXDISABLEDUPBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->upButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXHILITEUPBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->upButton, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
// save down button draw data for listbox
if( listData->downButton )
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXENABLEDDOWNBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->downButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXDISABLEDDOWNBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->downButton, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXHILITEDOWNBUTTONDRAWDATA", listData->downButton, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
// save the slider draw data on the listbox
if( listData->slider )
GameWindow *thumb = listData->slider->winGetChild();
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXENABLEDSLIDERDRAWDATA", listData->slider, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXDISABLEDSLIDERDRAWDATA", listData->slider, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "LISTBOXHILITESLIDERDRAWDATA", listData->slider, fp, dataIndent );
if( thumb )
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBENABLEDDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBDISABLEDDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBHILITEDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
} // end if
}// end if
return TRUE;
} // end saveComboBoxData
// saveRadioButtonData ========================================================
/** Save radio button specific data */
static Bool saveRadioButtonData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
RadioButtonData *radioData = (RadioButtonData *)window->winGetUserData();
if( radioData == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "No radio button data to save for window '%d'\n",
window->winGetWindowId() ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end if
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "RADIOBUTTONDATA = GROUP: %d;\n", radioData->group );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveRadioButtonData
// saveSliderData =============================================================
/** Save slider specific data */
static Bool saveSliderData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
SliderData *sliderData = (SliderData *)window->winGetUserData();
// sanity
if( sliderData == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "No slider data in window to save for window %d\n",
window->winGetWindowId() ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end if
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "SLIDERDATA = MINVALUE: %d,\n", sliderData->minVal );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " MAXVALUE: %d;\n", sliderData->maxVal );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
// save data about the slider thumb
GameWindow *thumb = window->winGetChild();
if( thumb )
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBENABLEDDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBDISABLEDDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "SLIDERTHUMBHILITEDRAWDATA", thumb, fp, dataIndent );
} // end if
return TRUE;
} // end saveSliderData
// saveStaticTextData =========================================================
/** Save static text data entry */
static Bool saveStaticTextData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
TextData *textData = (TextData *)window->winGetUserData();
// sanity
if( textData == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "No text data in window to save for window %d\n",
window->winGetWindowId() ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end if
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "STATICTEXTDATA = CENTERED: %d;\n", textData->centered );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveStaticTextData
// saveTextEntryData ==========================================================
/** Save static text data entry */
static Bool saveTextEntryData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
EntryData *entryData = (EntryData *)window->winGetUserData();
// sanity
if( entryData == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "No text entry data in window to save for window %d\n",
window->winGetWindowId() ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end if
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "TEXTENTRYDATA = MAXLEN: %d,\n", entryData->maxTextLen );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " SECRETTEXT: %d,\n", entryData->secretText );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " NUMERICALONLY: %d,\n", entryData->numericalOnly );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " ALPHANUMERICALONLY: %d,\n", entryData->alphaNumericalOnly );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " ASCIIONLY: %d;\n", entryData->aSCIIOnly );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
} // end saveTextEntryData
// saveTabControlData ==========================================================
/** Save tab control entry */
static Bool saveTabControlData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
TabControlData *tabControlData = (TabControlData *)window->winGetUserData();
// sanity
if( tabControlData == NULL )
DEBUG_LOG(( "No text entry data in window to save for window %d\n",
window->winGetWindowId() ));
assert( 0 );
return FALSE;
} // end if
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "TABCONTROLDATA = TABORIENTATION: %d,\n", tabControlData->tabOrientation );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " TABEDGE: %d,\n", tabControlData->tabEdge );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " TABWIDTH: %d,\n", tabControlData->tabWidth );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " TABHEIGHT: %d,\n", tabControlData->tabHeight );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " TABCOUNT: %d,\n", tabControlData->tabCount );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " PANEBORDER: %d,\n", tabControlData->paneBorder );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], " PANEDISABLED: %d,", NUM_TAB_PANES );//number of entries to follow
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
for( Int paneIndex = 0; paneIndex < NUM_TAB_PANES; paneIndex ++ )
if( paneIndex == NUM_TAB_PANES - 1 )
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "%d;", tabControlData->subPaneDisabled[paneIndex] );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "%d,", tabControlData->subPaneDisabled[paneIndex] );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "\n" );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return TRUE;
// saveGadgetData =============================================================
/** Save data for specific gadgets */
static Bool saveGadgetData( GameWindow *window, FILE *fp, Int dataIndent )
if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_SCROLL_LISTBOX ) )
return saveListboxData( window, fp, dataIndent );
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_COMBO_BOX ) )
return saveComboBoxData( window, fp, dataIndent );
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_RADIO_BUTTON ) )
return saveRadioButtonData( window, fp, dataIndent );
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_VERT_SLIDER |
return saveSliderData( window, fp, dataIndent );
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_STATIC_TEXT ) )
return saveStaticTextData( window, fp, dataIndent );
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_ENTRY_FIELD ) )
return saveTextEntryData( window, fp, dataIndent );
else if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_TAB_CONTROL ) )
return saveTabControlData( window, fp, dataIndent );
return TRUE;
} // end saveGadgetData
// saveWindow =================================================================
/** Save a single window and any of its child windows. Note that child
* widows are saved in reverse order just as the main window list is
* so that the same widow will be restored upon loading */
static Bool saveWindow( FILE *fp, GameWindow *window, Int indent )
GameWindow *child;
Bool success = TRUE;
Int dataIndent = indent + INDENT_SIZE;
// WinInstanceData *instData = window->winGetInstanceData();
// clear the buffer with all spaces
// start window definition
sprintf( &buffer[ indent ], "WINDOW\n" );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
// save the this window data
saveType( window, fp, dataIndent );
savePosition( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveName( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveStatus( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveStyle( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveCallbacks( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveFont( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveHeaderTemplate( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveTooltipText( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveTooltipDelay( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveText( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveTextColor( window, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "ENABLEDDRAWDATA", window, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "DISABLEDDRAWDATA", window, fp, dataIndent );
saveDrawData( "HILITEDRAWDATA", window, fp, dataIndent );
if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_TAB_CONTROL ) )
{//Seems cleaner to put this before the children list since this Gadget needs both
saveGadgetData( window, fp, dataIndent );
// save child data if present, we do not save child data of GUI controls
// themselves, only generic stuff, except for the Tab Control again, which
// is the gadget with children exception
if( (TheEditor->windowIsGadget( window ) == FALSE) || BitTest(window->winGetStyle(), GWS_TAB_CONTROL) )
child = window->winGetChild();
if( child )
// traverse to end of child list
while( child->winGetNext() != NULL )
child = child->winGetNext();
// save children windows in reverse order
while( child )
// write child marker
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "CHILD\n" );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
// save child data
success = saveWindow( fp, child, indent + INDENT_SIZE );
if( success == FALSE )
// previous child
child = child->winGetPrev();
} // end while
// all children saved
sprintf( &buffer[ dataIndent ], "ENDALLCHILDREN\n" );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
} // end if, children present
} // end if
// save specific gadget data
saveGadgetData( window, fp, dataIndent );
} // end else
// end of window definition
sprintf( &buffer[ indent ], "END\n" );
writeBufferToFile( fp, buffer );
return success;
} // end saveWindow
// GUIEdit::validateNames =====================================================
/** Stored in the m_decorated field for each window is a name given
* by the user. When we write this name into the window file it
* will be prefixed by the filename and a : such as (MainMenu.wnd:OKButton).
* When we re-load these window definitions the whole decorated name
* will be read and loaded into the decorated name field, therefore we
* must make sure the entire name once decorated will fit into the field
void GUIEdit::validateNames( GameWindow *root, char *filename, Bool *valid )
// the end of recursion
if( root == NULL )
// trivial case
if( strlen( filename ) >= MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN )
sprintf( offendingNames, "Filename '%s' is too long. The max is '%d' for filename AND window name!\n",
filename, MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN );
*valid = FALSE;
} // end if
// check this name for too long
WinInstanceData *instData = root->winGetInstanceData();
if( strlen( filename ) + instData->m_decoratedNameString.getLength() >= MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN )
strcat( offendingNames, "[Too Long] " );
strcat( offendingNames, filename );
strcat( offendingNames, ":" );
strcat( offendingNames, instData->m_decoratedNameString.str() );
strcat( offendingNames, "\n");
*valid = FALSE;
} // end if
// check for a duplicate filename
if( TheEditor->isNameDuplicate( TheWindowManager->winGetWindowList(),
root, instData->m_decoratedNameString ) )
strcat( offendingNames, "[Duplicate] " );
strcat( offendingNames, filename );
strcat( offendingNames, ":" );
strcat( offendingNames, instData->m_decoratedNameString.str() );
strcat( offendingNames, "\n" );
*valid = FALSE;
} // end if
//You only call this on the first child since the call right after it will handle siblings (depth first)
GameWindow *child = root->winGetChild();
validateNames( child, filename, valid );
// onto the next window
validateNames( root->winGetNext(), filename, valid );
} // end validateNames
// GUIEdit::updateRadioScreenIdentifiers ======================================
/** update all radio button screen identifiers with the new identifier */
void GUIEdit::updateRadioScreenIdentifiers( GameWindow *window, Int screenID )
// end recursion
if( window == NULL )
// is this a radio button
if( BitTest( window->winGetStyle(), GWS_RADIO_BUTTON ) )
RadioButtonData *radioData = (RadioButtonData *)window->winGetUserData();
GadgetRadioSetGroup( window, radioData->group, screenID );
} // end if
// check our children
GameWindow *child;
for( child = window->winGetChild(); child; child = child->winGetNext() )
updateRadioScreenIdentifiers( child, screenID );
// check the next one
updateRadioScreenIdentifiers( window->winGetNext(), screenID );
} // end updateRadioScreenIdentifiers
/** Write layout block for a window file */
static void writeLayoutBlock( FILE *fp )
// start marker
fprintf( fp, "STARTLAYOUTBLOCK\n" );
// callback methods
fprintf( fp, " LAYOUTINIT = %s;\n", TheEditor->getLayoutInit().str() );
fprintf( fp, " LAYOUTUPDATE = %s;\n", TheEditor->getLayoutUpdate().str() );
fprintf( fp, " LAYOUTSHUTDOWN = %s;\n", TheEditor->getLayoutShutdown().str() );
// end marker
fprintf( fp, "ENDLAYOUTBLOCK\n" );
} // end writeLayoutBlock
// GUIEdit::saveData ==========================================================
/** Save all our data to the file specified in filePath, which is a full
* absolute path to a filename */
Bool GUIEdit::saveData( char *filePathAndFilename, char *filename )
Int version = WindowLayoutCurrentVersion;
FILE *fp;
GameWindow *window;
Bool success = TRUE;
// write the editor config file
// write our loaded fonts into the font file if we can
// sanity
if( filePathAndFilename == NULL )
return FALSE;
// check for empty layout and just get out of here
window = TheWindowManager->winGetWindowList();
if( window == NULL )
return TRUE;
// check all the names for sizes once decorated with filename
Bool valid = TRUE;
sprintf( offendingNames, "\nOne or more window names are illegal. A window name PLUS the filename must be under '%d' characters and names cannot be duplicates.\n\nList of illegal window names:\n\n",
validateNames( window, filename, &valid );
if( valid == FALSE )
MessageBox( TheEditor->getWindowHandle(), offendingNames, "Window Name Error", MB_OK );
return FALSE;
} // end if
// update all radio button screen identifiers with the filename
updateRadioScreenIdentifiers( TheWindowManager->winGetWindowList(),
TheNameKeyGenerator->nameToKey( AsciiString(m_saveFilename) ) );
// open the file
fp = fopen( filePathAndFilename, "w" );
if( fp == NULL )
return FALSE;
// write out a single line for our window file version
fprintf( fp, "FILE_VERSION = %d;\n", version );
// write the layout block for the file
writeLayoutBlock( fp );
// save each of the windows in reverse order, when we load a layout
// file in this reverse order, the original window order we presently
// see in the editor will be recreated because windows loaded after
// other windows are placed on the top of the widnow stack
// go to end of window list
window = TheWindowManager->winGetWindowList();
while( window->winGetNext() != NULL )
window = window->winGetNext();
// loop backwards saving all windows
while( window )
success = saveWindow( fp, window, 0 );
if( success == FALSE )
window = window->winGetPrev();
} // end while
// close the file
fclose( fp );
return success;
} // end saveData
// PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////