/* ** Command & Conquer Generals(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "global.h" #include "matcher.h" #include "encrypt.h" #include "timezone.h" #include "debug.h" #ifdef _WINDOWS #define usleep(x) Sleep((x)/100000) #endif MatcherClass::MatcherClass(void) { m_lastRotation = 0; m_baseNick = "matcher"; m_joinSuccess = false; done = 0; m_rotateLogs = false; quiet = false; } Wstring MatcherClass::getString(const Wstring& key) { Wstring res; Global.GetString(key, res); return res; } void logIt(const char *Txt) { // intentionally crash if we can't open it FILE *fp = fopen("logIt.txt", "w"); fputs(Txt, fp); fclose(fp); } void MatcherClass::readLoop(void) { int delay = -1; Global.config.getInt("ROTATEDELAY", delay); DBGMSG("ROTATEDELAY: " << delay); do { static time_t lastLogTime = 0; time_t now = time(NULL); if (now > lastLogTime + 300) { lastLogTime = now; INFMSG("still here" << endl); } logIt("peerThink\n"); peerThink(m_peer); logIt("peerIsConnected\n"); if (peerIsConnected(m_peer)) { logIt("checkMatches()\n"); checkMatches(); logIt("checkMatches() done\n"); } else done = true; msleep(1); // rotate logs if it's time if (delay != -1) { #ifdef _UNIX Xtime xtime; time_t curtime; curtime = time(NULL); // get the number of seconds that have passed since midnight // of the current day. curtime -= TimezoneOffset(); time_t timeofday = curtime % (delay); if ((timeofday > 0) && (timeofday <= 300)) { rotateOutput(); rotateParanoid(); } #endif } } while (!done); DBGMSG("Bailing out of readLoop!" << endl); INFMSG("Bailing out of readLoop!" << endl); ERRMSG("Bailing out of readLoop!" << endl); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void DisconnectedCallback ( PEER peer, const char * reason, void * param) { DBGMSG("Disconnected: " << reason); MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handleDisconnect( reason ); } static void RoomMessageCallback ( PEER peer, RoomType roomType, const char * nick, const char * message, MessageType messageType, void * param) { DBGMSG("(PUBLIC) " << nick << ": " << message); MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handleRoomMessage( nick, message, messageType ); } static void PlayerMessageCallback ( PEER peer, const char * nick, const char * message, MessageType messageType, void * param) { DBGMSG("(PRIVATE) " << nick << ": " << message); MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handlePlayerMessage( nick, message, messageType ); } static void PlayerJoinedCallback ( PEER peer, RoomType roomType, const char * nick, void * param) { DBGMSG(nick << " joined the room"); MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handlePlayerJoined( nick ); } static void PlayerLeftCallback ( PEER peer, RoomType roomType, const char * nick, const char * reason, void * param) { DBGMSG(nick << " left the room"); MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handlePlayerLeft( nick ); } static void PlayerChangedNickCallback ( PEER peer, RoomType roomType, const char * oldNick, const char * newNick, void * param) { INFMSG(oldNick << " changed nicks to " << newNick); MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handlePlayerChangedNick( oldNick, newNick ); } static void EnumPlayersCallback ( PEER peer, PEERBool success, RoomType roomType, int index, const char * nick, int flags, void * param) { MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handlePlayerEnum( success == PEERTrue, index, nick, flags); } static int s_groupID = 0; static void ListGroupRoomsCallback ( PEER peer, PEERBool success, int groupID, SBServer server, const char * name, int numWaiting, int maxWaiting, int numGames, int numPlaying, void * param) { if (success && name && !strcasecmp(name, "QuickMatch")) { s_groupID = groupID; } } static void ConnectCallback ( PEER peer, PEERBool success, void * param) { MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handleConnect( success == PEERTrue ); } static void JoinCallback ( PEER peer, PEERBool success, PEERJoinResult result, RoomType roomType, void * param) { MatcherClass *matcher = (MatcherClass *)param; if (matcher) matcher->handleJoin( success == PEERTrue ); } static void NickErrorCallback ( PEER peer, int type, const char * badNick, void * param) { ERRMSG("Nick error with " << badNick); if(type == PEER_IN_USE) { int len = strlen(badNick); std::string nickStr = badNick; int newVal = 0; if (badNick[len-1] == '}' && badNick[len-3] == '{' && isdigit(badNick[len-2])) { newVal = badNick[len-2] - '0' + 1; nickStr.erase(len-3, 3); } nickStr.append("{"); char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = '0'+newVal; tmp[1] = '\0'; nickStr.append(tmp); nickStr.append("}"); DBGMSG("Nickname taken: was "<= 1); } } void MatcherClass::connectAndLoop(void) { // Game-specific initializations, if neccessary init(); // Check for possible quit from init()-based self-tests if (done) return ; // Defaults. //////////// Wstring title = "gmtest"; Wstring secretKey = "HA6zkS"; Wstring serialNo = ""; m_profileID = 0; Global.config.getString("Nick", m_baseNick, "LOGIN"); DBGMSG("base nick is " << m_baseNick.get()); m_baseNick.toLower(); Global.config.getString("Title", title, "LOGIN"); Global.config.getString("SecretKey", secretKey, "LOGIN"); Global.config.getInt("ProfileID", m_profileID, "LOGIN"); Global.config.getString("CDKey", serialNo, "LOGIN"); PEERCallbacks callbacks; PEERBool pingRooms[NumRooms]; PEERBool crossPingRooms[NumRooms]; // Setup the callbacks. /////////////////////// memset(&callbacks, 0, sizeof(PEERCallbacks)); callbacks.disconnected = DisconnectedCallback; callbacks.playerChangedNick = PlayerChangedNickCallback; callbacks.playerJoined = PlayerJoinedCallback; callbacks.playerLeft = PlayerLeftCallback; callbacks.roomMessage = RoomMessageCallback; callbacks.playerMessage = PlayerMessageCallback; callbacks.param = this; // Init. //////// m_peer = peerInitialize(&callbacks); if(!m_peer) { ERRMSG("Failed to init peer object" << endl); return; } // Ping/cross-ping in no room. ///////////////////////////////// pingRooms[TitleRoom] = PEERFalse; pingRooms[GroupRoom] = PEERFalse; pingRooms[StagingRoom] = PEERFalse; crossPingRooms[TitleRoom] = PEERFalse; crossPingRooms[GroupRoom] = PEERFalse; crossPingRooms[StagingRoom] = PEERFalse; // Set the title. ///////////////// if(!peerSetTitle(m_peer, title.get(), secretKey.get(), title.get(), secretKey.get(), 0, 30, PEERTrue, pingRooms, crossPingRooms)) { peerShutdown(m_peer); ERRMSG("Failed to set the title" << endl); return; } // Connect. /////////// m_connectSuccess = false; m_nick = m_baseNick.get(); peerConnect(m_peer, m_baseNick.get(), m_profileID, NickErrorCallback, ConnectCallback, this, PEERTrue); if(!m_connectSuccess) { peerShutdown(m_peer); ERRMSG("Failed to connect" << endl); return; } bool cdOk = false; peerAuthenticateCDKey(m_peer, serialNo.get(), AuthenticateCDKeyCallback, &cdOk, PEERTrue); if (!cdOk) { peerShutdown(m_peer); ERRMSG("Failed to auth CDKey " << serialNo.get() << endl); return; } m_groupID = 0; peerListGroupRooms(m_peer, NULL, ListGroupRoomsCallback, &m_groupID, PEERTrue); m_groupID = s_groupID; DBGMSG("QuickMatch room is " << m_groupID); // Join the title room. /////////////////////// peerJoinGroupRoom(m_peer, m_groupID, JoinCallback, this, PEERTrue); if(!m_joinSuccess) { peerDisconnect(m_peer); peerShutdown(m_peer); ERRMSG("Failed to join the title room" << endl); return; } // Connected, so lets do our thing readLoop(); peerDisconnect(m_peer); peerShutdown(m_peer); }