/* ** Command & Conquer Generals(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /****************************************************************************\ wtime Neal Kettler \****************************************************************************/ #include #include "wtime.h" static char *DAYS[]={"Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"}; static char *FULLDAYS[]={"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday","Saturday"}; static char *MONTHS[]={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul", "Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; static char *FULLMONTHS[]={"January","February","March","April","May","June", "July","August","September","October","November","December"}; // MDC: Windows doesn't provide a localtime_r, so make our own... #ifdef _WINDOWS #ifdef _REENTRANT #include "critsec.h" static CritSec localtime_critsec; #undef localtime _CRTIMP struct tm *localtime(const time_t *clockval); #endif // _REENTRANT static struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *clockval, struct tm *res) { #ifdef _REENTRANT localtime_critsec.lock(); #endif struct tm *static_tm = localtime(clockval); res = (struct tm *)memcpy(res, static_tm, sizeof(tm)); #ifdef _REENTRANT localtime_critsec.unlock(); #endif return res; } #endif // _WINDOWS Wtime::Wtime(void) { Update(); } Wtime::Wtime( Wtime &other ) { sign=other.sign; sec=other.sec; usec=other.usec; } Wtime::Wtime( uint32 other ) { sign=POSITIVE; sec=other; usec=0; } Wtime::~Wtime() { } void Wtime::Update(void) { sign=POSITIVE; #ifdef _WINDOWS struct _timeb wintime; _ftime(&wintime); sec=wintime.time; usec=(wintime.millitm)*1000; #endif #ifndef _WINDOWS struct timeval unixtime; struct timezone unixtzone; gettimeofday(&unixtime,&unixtzone); sec=unixtime.tv_sec; usec=unixtime.tv_usec; #endif } // Parses a date string that's in modified RFC 1123 format // Can have a +minutes after the normal time // eg: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 17:33:49 +100 // Returns true if successfully parsed, false otherwise bit8 Wtime::ParseDate(char *in) { int i; uint32 minOffset; struct tm t; char *ptr=in; while ((!isgraph(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; // skip to start of string if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); t.tm_wday=-1; for (i=0; i<7; i++) // parse day of week if (strncmp(ptr,DAYS[i],strlen(DAYS[i]))==0) t.tm_wday=i; if (t.tm_wday==-1) return(FALSE); while ((!isdigit(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; // skip to day of month if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); t.tm_mday=atoi(ptr); while ((!isalpha(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; // skip to month if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); t.tm_mon=-1; for (i=0; i<12; i++) // match month if (strncmp(ptr,MONTHS[i],strlen(MONTHS[i]))==0) t.tm_mon=i; if (t.tm_mon==-1) return(FALSE); while ((!isdigit(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); t.tm_year=atoi(ptr); if (t.tm_year<70) // if they specify a 2 digit year, we'll be nice t.tm_year+=2000; else if (t.tm_year<100) t.tm_year+=1900; if (t.tm_year>2200) // I doubt my code will be around for another 203 years return(FALSE); while ((isdigit(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; // skip to end of year if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); while ((!isgraph(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; // skip to start of time if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); t.tm_hour=atoi(ptr); while ((*ptr!=':')&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; ptr++; // skip past colon if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); t.tm_min=atoi(ptr); while ((*ptr!=':')&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; ptr++; // skip past colon if (*ptr==0) return(FALSE); t.tm_sec=atoi(ptr); t.tm_year%=100; // 1996 is stored as 96, not 1996 t.tm_isdst=-1; // daylight savings info isn't available sec=(uint32)(mktime(&t)); if ((sint32)sec==-1) return(FALSE); // The next part of the time is OPTIONAL (+minutes) // first skip past the seconds while ((isdigit(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; if (*ptr==0) return(TRUE); // skip past any spaces while ((isspace(*ptr))&&(*ptr!=0)) ptr++; if (*ptr!='+') { //printf("\nNOPE ptr was '%s'\n",ptr); return(TRUE); } ptr++; if (*ptr==0) { //printf("\nPTR WAS 0\n"); return(TRUE); } minOffset=atol(ptr); //printf("\n\nAdding %d minutes!\n\n",minOffset); sec+=minOffset*60; // add the minutes as seconds return(TRUE); } // This takes the standard Microsoft time formatting string // make sure the out string is big enough // An example format would be "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss" // CHANGE: Joe Howes 06/30/99 // To specify 12-hour format, use "aa" instead of "hh". // The hours will be 12 hour and the string will be // appended with " AM" or " PM". bit8 Wtime::FormatTime(char *out, char *format) { int lastWasH=0; int ampmflag = 0; out[0]=0; char *ptr=format; if (*ptr=='"') ptr++; // skip past open quote if exists while (*ptr!=0) { if (lastWasH>0) lastWasH--; if (isspace(*ptr)) { if (lastWasH==1) lastWasH=2; sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%c",*ptr); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"\"",1)==0) { break; } else if (strncmp(ptr,":",1)==0) { if (lastWasH==1) lastWasH=2; sprintf(out+strlen(out),":"); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"/",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"/"); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"c",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld/%ld/%02ld %ld:%02ld:%02ld",GetMonth(), GetMDay(),GetYear()%100,GetHour(),GetMinute(),GetSecond()); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"dddddd",6)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%s %02ld, %ld",FULLMONTHS[GetMonth()-1], GetMDay(),GetYear()); ptr+=6; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"ddddd",5)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld/%ld/%02ld",GetMonth(),GetMDay(), GetYear()%100); ptr+=5; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"dddd",4)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%s",FULLDAYS[GetWDay()-1]); ptr+=4; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"ddd",3)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%s",DAYS[GetWDay()-1]); ptr+=3; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"dd",2)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetMDay()); ptr+=2; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"d",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetMDay()); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"ww",2)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetYWeek()); ptr+=2; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"w",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetWDay()); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"mmmm",4)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%s",FULLMONTHS[GetMonth()-1]); ptr+=4; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"mmm",3)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%s",MONTHS[GetMonth()-1]); ptr+=3; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"mm",2)==0) { if (lastWasH==1) sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetMinute()); else sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetMonth()); ptr+=2; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"m",1)==0) { if (lastWasH==1) sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetMinute()); else sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetMonth()); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"q",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",((GetMonth()-1)/4)+1); // GetQuarter ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"yyyy",4)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetYear()); ptr+=4; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"yy",2)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetYear()%100); ptr+=2; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"y",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetYDay()); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"hh",2)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetHour()); lastWasH=2; // needs to be 1 after top of loop decs it ptr+=2; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"h",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetHour()); lastWasH=2; // needs to be 1 after top of loop decs it ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"nn",2)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetMinute()); ptr+=2; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"n",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetMinute()); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"ss",2)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld",GetSecond()); ptr+=2; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"s",1)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld",GetSecond()); ptr+=1; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"ttttt",5)==0) { sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%ld:%02ld:%02ld",GetHour(),GetMinute(), GetSecond()); ptr+=5; } else if (strncmp(ptr,"aa",2)==0) { uint32 tmp = (GetHour() <= 12) ? GetHour() : GetHour() - 12; sprintf(out+strlen(out),"%02ld", tmp); lastWasH=2; // needs to be 1 after top of loop decs it ptr+=2; ampmflag = 1; } else // an unknown char, move to next ptr++; } if(ampmflag) { char ampm[4]; if( GetHour() < 12 ) strcpy(ampm, " AM"); else strcpy(ampm, " PM"); sprintf(out+strlen(out), "%s", ampm); } return(TRUE); } // In addition to PrintTime & PrintDate there is the 'Print' function // which prints both in RFC 1123 format void Wtime::PrintTime(FILE *out) const { char string[80]; PrintTime(string); fprintf(out,"%s",string); } void Wtime::PrintTime(char *out) const { sprintf(out," %02lu:%02lu:%02lu",GetHour(),GetMinute(),GetSecond()); } void Wtime::PrintDate(FILE *out) const { char string[80]; PrintDate(string); fprintf(out,"%s",string); } void Wtime::PrintDate(char *out) const { sprintf(out,"%s, %lu %s %lu",DAYS[GetWDay()-1],GetMDay(),MONTHS[GetMonth()-1], GetYear()); } uint32 Wtime::GetSec(void) const { return(sec); } uint32 Wtime::GetUsec(void) const { return(usec); } void Wtime::SetSec(uint32 newsec) { sec=newsec; } void Wtime::SetUsec(uint32 newusec) { usec=newusec; } void Wtime::Set(uint32 newsec, uint32 newusec) { sec=newsec; usec=newusec; } // Get a timeval ptr from a Wtime class struct timeval *Wtime::GetTimeval(void) { static struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec=sec; tv.tv_usec=usec; return(&tv); } // Get a timeval ptr from a Wtime class void Wtime::GetTimevalMT(struct timeval &tv) { tv.tv_sec=sec; tv.tv_usec=usec; } uint32 Wtime::GetSecond(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); return(tptr->tm_sec); } uint32 Wtime::GetMinute(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); return(tptr->tm_min); } uint32 Wtime::GetHour(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); return(tptr->tm_hour); } uint32 Wtime::GetMDay(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); return(tptr->tm_mday); } uint32 Wtime::GetWDay(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); return(tptr->tm_wday+1); } uint32 Wtime::GetYDay(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); return(tptr->tm_yday+1); } uint32 Wtime::GetYWeek(void) const { uint32 yweek; uint32 yday=GetYDay(); uint32 wday=GetWDay(); //phase holds the first weekday of the year. If (Jan 1 = Sun) phase = 0 sint32 phase=((wday-yday)%7); if (phase<0) phase+=7; yweek=((yday+phase-1)/7)+1; return(yweek); } uint32 Wtime::GetMonth(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); return(tptr->tm_mon+1); } uint32 Wtime::GetYear(void) const { struct tm t; struct tm *tptr; tptr=localtime_r((time_t *)&sec,&t); if ((tptr->tm_year)>=70) return((tptr->tm_year)+1900); else return((tptr->tm_year)+2000); } bit8 Wtime::GetSign(void) const { return(sign); } // 1 = *this > other //-1 = *this < other // 0 = *this == other int Wtime::Compare(const Wtime &other) const { if ((sec==other.sec)&&(usec==other.usec)) return(0); // equal else if (sec>other.sec) return(1); else if (secother.usec) return(1); else return(-1); } bit8 Wtime::operator == ( const Wtime &other ) const { bit8 retval=Compare(other); if (retval==0) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } bit8 Wtime::operator != ( const Wtime &other ) const { bit8 retval=Compare(other); if (retval==0) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE); } bit8 Wtime::operator < ( const Wtime &other ) const { int retval=Compare(other); if (retval==-1) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } bit8 Wtime::operator > ( const Wtime &other ) const { int retval=Compare(other); if (retval==1) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } bit8 Wtime::operator <= ( const Wtime &other ) const { int retval=Compare(other); if ((retval==-1)||(retval==0)) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } bit8 Wtime::operator >= ( const Wtime &other ) const { int retval=Compare(other); if ((retval==1)||(retval==0)) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } // None of the operators pay attention to sign // only the functions that begin with 'Signed' void Wtime::SignedAdd(const Wtime &other) { Wtime temp; if ((sign==POSITIVE)&&(other.sign==POSITIVE)) { *this+=other; sign=POSITIVE; } else if ((sign==POSITIVE)&&(other.sign==NEGATIVE)) { if (*this>other) { *this-=other; sign=POSITIVE; } else { temp=other; temp-=*this; *this=temp; sign=NEGATIVE; } } else if ((sign==NEGATIVE)&&(other.sign==POSITIVE)) { if (*thisother) { *this-=other; sign=POSITIVE; } else { temp=other; temp-=*this; *this=temp; sign=NEGATIVE; } } else if ((sign==NEGATIVE)&&(other.sign==NEGATIVE)) { if (*this1000000) { sec++; usec-=1000000; } return *this; } Wtime &Wtime::operator -= (const Wtime &other) { sint32 temp; if (Compare(other)==-1) { sec=0; // can't handle negative time usec=0; return *this; } sec-=other.sec; temp=(sint32)usec; temp-=(sint32)other.usec; if (temp<0) { sec--; temp+=1000000; } usec=temp; return *this; } Wtime Wtime::operator - (Wtime &other) { Wtime temp(*this); temp-=other; return(temp); } Wtime Wtime::operator + (Wtime &other) { Wtime temp(*this); temp+=other; return(temp); } Wtime &Wtime::operator = (const Wtime &other) { sign=other.sign; sec=other.sec; usec=other.usec; return *this; } Wtime &Wtime::operator += (const uint32 other) { sec+=other; return *this; } Wtime &Wtime::operator -= (const uint32 other) { sec-=other; return *this; } Wtime Wtime::operator - (uint32 other) { Wtime temp(*this); temp-=other; return(temp); } Wtime Wtime::operator + (uint32 other) { Wtime temp(*this); temp+=other; return(temp); } Wtime &Wtime::operator = (const uint32 other) { sign=POSITIVE; sec=other; usec=0; return *this; }