247 lines
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247 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: GameState.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Author: Colin Day, September 2002
// Desc: Game state singleton from which to load and save the game state
#pragma once
#ifndef __GAME_STATE_H_
#define __GAME_STATE_H_
// INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
#include "Common/Snapshot.h"
#include "Common/SubsystemInterface.h"
#include "Common/UnicodeString.h"
#include "GameNetwork/NetworkDefs.h"
// FORWARD REFERENCES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class GameWindow;
class WindowLayout;
typedef void (*IterateSaveFileCallback)( AsciiString filename, void *userData );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The save/load window is used for a variety of formats, using this type during the
* save/load menu initialization you can make that menu allow loading only, or allow
* both saving and loading from the same menu */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SaveLoadLayoutType
SLLT_NUM_TYPES // keep this last, why? don't know, it's not really used, but we like it this way
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SaveDate
SaveDate() { year = month = day = dayOfWeek = hour = minute = second = milliseconds = 0; }
Bool isNewerThan( SaveDate *other );
UnsignedShort year;
UnsignedShort month;
UnsignedShort day;
UnsignedShort dayOfWeek;
UnsignedShort hour;
UnsignedShort minute;
UnsignedShort second;
UnsignedShort milliseconds;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SaveFileType
SAVE_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL, ///< a regular save game at any arbitrary point in the game
SAVE_FILE_TYPE_MISSION, ///< a save game in between missions (a mission save)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SaveGameInfo
SaveGameInfo( void );
~SaveGameInfo( void );
AsciiString saveGameMapName; // map name of the "scratch pad" map extracted from save file
AsciiString pristineMapName; // pristine map in the map or user maps directory
AsciiString mapLabel; // pretty name of this level set in the editor
SaveDate date; // date of file save
AsciiString campaignSide; // which campaign side we're playing
Int missionNumber; // mission number in campaign
UnicodeString description; // user description for save game file
SaveFileType saveFileType; // type of save file we're dealing with
AsciiString missionMapName; // used for mission saves
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct AvailableGameInfo
AsciiString filename;
SaveGameInfo saveGameInfo;
AvailableGameInfo *next;
AvailableGameInfo *prev;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum SaveCode
enum SnapshotType {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GameState : public SubsystemInterface,
public Snapshot
GameState( void );
virtual ~GameState( void );
// subsystem interface
virtual void init( void );
virtual void reset( void );
virtual void update( void ) { }
// save game methods
SaveCode saveGame( AsciiString filename,
UnicodeString desc,
SaveFileType saveType,
SnapshotType which = SNAPSHOT_SAVELOAD ); ///< save a game
SaveCode missionSave( void ); ///< do a in between mission save
SaveCode loadGame( AvailableGameInfo gameInfo ); ///< load a save file
SaveGameInfo *getSaveGameInfo( void ) { return &m_gameInfo; }
// snapshot interaction
void addPostProcessSnapshot( Snapshot *snapshot ); ///< add snapshot to post process laod
// manipulating files
Bool doesSaveGameExist( AsciiString filename ); ///< does the save file exist
void populateSaveGameListbox( GameWindow *listbox, SaveLoadLayoutType layoutType ); ///< populate listbox with available save games
void getSaveGameInfoFromFile( AsciiString filename, SaveGameInfo *saveGameInfo ); ///< get save game info from file
void friend_xferSaveDataForCRC( Xfer *xfer, SnapshotType which ); ///< This should only be called to DeepCRC sanity checking
Bool isInLoadGame(void) { return m_isInLoadGame; } // Brutal hack to allow bone pos validation while loading games
void setPristineMapName( AsciiString name ) { m_gameInfo.pristineMapName = name; }
AsciiString getPristineMapName( void ) { return m_gameInfo.pristineMapName; }
AsciiString getSaveDirectory() const;
AsciiString getFilePathInSaveDirectory(const AsciiString& leaf) const;
Bool isInSaveDirectory(const AsciiString& path) const;
AsciiString realMapPathToPortableMapPath(const AsciiString& in) const;
AsciiString portableMapPathToRealMapPath(const AsciiString& in) const;
AsciiString getMapLeafName(const AsciiString& in) const;
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer ) { }
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void ) { }
AsciiString findNextSaveFilename( UnicodeString desc ); ///< find next acceptable filename for a new save game
void iterateSaveFiles( IterateSaveFileCallback callback, void *userData ); ///< iterate save files on disk
void xferSaveData( Xfer *xfer, SnapshotType which ); ///< save/load the file data
void gameStatePostProcessLoad( void ); ///< post process entry point after a game load
void clearAvailableGames( void ); ///< clear any available games resources we got in our list
struct SnapshotBlock
Snapshot *snapshot; ///< the snapshot object that handles this block
AsciiString blockName; ///< the block name
typedef std::list< SnapshotBlock > SnapshotBlockList;
typedef SnapshotBlockList::iterator SnapshotBlockListIterator;
void addSnapshotBlock( AsciiString blockName, Snapshot *snapshot, SnapshotType which );
SnapshotBlock *findBlockInfoByToken( AsciiString token, SnapshotType which );
SnapshotBlockList m_snapshotBlockList[SNAPSHOT_MAX]; ///< list of snapshot blocks of save file data
SaveGameInfo m_gameInfo; ///< save game info struct
typedef std::list< Snapshot * > SnapshotList;
typedef SnapshotList::iterator SnapshotListIterator;
typedef SnapshotList::reverse_iterator SnapshotListReverseIterator;
SnapshotList m_snapshotPostProcessList;
AvailableGameInfo *m_availableGames; ///< list of available games we can save over or load from
Bool m_isInLoadGame; // Brutal hack to allow bone pos validation while loading games
// EXTERNALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
extern GameState *TheGameState;
UnicodeString getUnicodeTimeBuffer(SYSTEMTIME timeVal);
UnicodeString getUnicodeDateBuffer(SYSTEMTIME timeVal);
#endif // end __GAME_STATE_H_