218 lines
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218 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: PlayerTemplate.h ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Westwood Studios Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: RTS3
// File name: PlayerTemplate.h
// Created: Steven Johnson, October 2001
// Desc: @todo
#pragma once
#include "Common/SubsystemInterface.h"
#include "Common/GameMemory.h"
#include "Common/Debug.h"
#include "Common/Handicap.h"
#include "Common/Money.h"
#include "Common/Science.h"
#include "Common/AsciiString.h"
#include "Common/UnicodeString.h"
#include "Common/NameKeyGenerator.h"
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class INI;
struct FieldParse;
class Image;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PlayerTemplate
inline void setNameKey(NameKeyType namekey) { m_nameKey = namekey; }
inline NameKeyType getNameKey() const { DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(m_nameKey != NAMEKEY_INVALID, ("bad namekey")); return m_nameKey; }
inline AsciiString getName() const { return KEYNAME(m_nameKey); }
inline UnicodeString getDisplayName() const { return m_displayName; }
inline AsciiString getSide() const { return m_side; }
/// return the tech tree for the player.
inline const Handicap *getHandicap() const { return &m_handicap; }
/// return the money for the player.
inline const Money *getMoney() const { return &m_money; }
inline const RGBColor* getPreferredColor() const { return &m_preferredColor; }
inline AsciiString getStartingBuilding( void ) const { return m_startingBuilding; }
AsciiString getStartingUnit( Int i ) const;
inline const ProductionChangeMap& getProductionCostChanges() const { return m_productionCostChanges; }
inline const ProductionChangeMap& getProductionTimeChanges() const { return m_productionTimeChanges; }
inline const ProductionVeterancyMap& getProductionVeterancyLevels() const { return m_productionVeterancyLevels; }
inline Bool isObserver() const { return m_observer; }
inline Bool isPlayableSide() const { return m_playableSide; }
inline AsciiString getScoreScreen (void ) const { return m_scoreScreenImage; }
inline AsciiString getLoadScreen (void ) const { return m_loadScreenImage; }
inline AsciiString getBeaconTemplate( void ) const { return m_beaconTemplate; }
const Image *getHeadWaterMarkImage( void ) const;
const Image *getFlagWaterMarkImage( void ) const;
const Image *getEnabledImage( void ) const;
//const Image *getDisabledImage( void ) const;
//const Image *getHiliteImage( void ) const;
//const Image *getPushedImage( void ) const;
const Image *getSideIconImage( void ) const;
const ScienceVec& getIntrinsicSciences() const { return m_intrinsicSciences; }
Int getIntrinsicSciencePurchasePoints() const { return m_intrinsicSPP; }
AsciiString getPurchaseScienceCommandSetRank1( void ) const {return m_purchaseScienceCommandSetRank1; }
AsciiString getPurchaseScienceCommandSetRank3( void ) const {return m_purchaseScienceCommandSetRank3; }
AsciiString getPurchaseScienceCommandSetRank8( void ) const {return m_purchaseScienceCommandSetRank8; }
AsciiString getSpecialPowerShortcutCommandSet( void ) const {return m_specialPowerShortcutCommandSet; }
AsciiString getSpecialPowerShortcutWinName( void ) const {return m_specialPowerShortcutWinName; }
Int getSpecialPowerShortcutButtonCount( void ) const {return m_specialPowerShortcutButtonCount; }
AsciiString getLoadScreenMusic( void ) const {return m_loadScreenMusic; }
static const FieldParse* getFieldParse();
// for parsing from INI
static void parseStartMoney( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void* /*userData*/ );
static void parseProductionCostChange( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void* /*userData*/ );
static void parseProductionTimeChange( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void* /*userData*/ );
static void parseProductionVeterancyLevel( INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void* /*userData*/ );
NameKeyType m_nameKey;
UnicodeString m_displayName;
AsciiString m_side;
Handicap m_handicap; ///< initial baseline for Player capabilities
Money m_money; ///< starting credits, if any
RGBColor m_preferredColor; ///< our preferred starting color
AsciiString m_startingBuilding; ///< template name of our multiplayer start building (con yard, i'd expect)
AsciiString m_startingUnits[MAX_MP_STARTING_UNITS]; ///< template names of our multiplayer start units
ProductionChangeMap m_productionCostChanges;
ProductionChangeMap m_productionTimeChanges;
ProductionVeterancyMap m_productionVeterancyLevels;
ScienceVec m_intrinsicSciences; ///< sciences that this Player will always know
AsciiString m_purchaseScienceCommandSetRank1; ///< the command set we'll use when we want to purchase sciences
AsciiString m_purchaseScienceCommandSetRank3; ///< the command set we'll use when we want to purchase sciences
AsciiString m_purchaseScienceCommandSetRank8; ///< the command set we'll use when we want to purchase sciences
AsciiString m_specialPowerShortcutCommandSet; ///< the command set we'll use when we want to show the shortcut to the special powers
AsciiString m_specialPowerShortcutWinName; ///< The name of the window we'll be using for the shortcut bar
Int m_specialPowerShortcutButtonCount; ///< The number of buttons located on the shortcut bar
AsciiString m_loadScreenMusic; ///< the load screen music we want to play
Bool m_observer;
Bool m_playableSide;
Int m_intrinsicSPP;
AsciiString m_scoreScreenImage; ///< Image that will be shown on the score screen
AsciiString m_loadScreenImage;
AsciiString m_headWaterMark; ///< Image that will be the background on the observer control bar
AsciiString m_flagWaterMark; ///< Imabe that will be the background on the observer control bar
AsciiString m_enabledImage; ///< enable button image
//AsciiString m_disabledImage; ///< disabled button image
//AsciiString m_hiliteImage; ///< hilite button image
//AsciiString m_pushedImage; ///< pushed button image
AsciiString m_sideIconImage; ///< The little icon we show on game info screens for the sides
AsciiString m_beaconTemplate; ///< ThingTemplate name for beacons
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a singleton class that maintains the list of PlayerTemplates.
class PlayerTemplateStore : public SubsystemInterface
virtual void init();
virtual void reset();
virtual void update();
static void parsePlayerTemplateDefinition( INI* ini );
const PlayerTemplate* getNthPlayerTemplate(Int i) const;
const PlayerTemplate* findPlayerTemplate(NameKeyType namekey) const;
inline Int getPlayerTemplateCount() const { return m_playerTemplates.size(); }
// This function will fill outStringList with all the sides found in all the templates
void getAllSideStrings(AsciiStringList *outStringList);
typedef std::vector<PlayerTemplate> PlayerTemplateVector;
PlayerTemplateVector m_playerTemplates;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern PlayerTemplateStore *ThePlayerTemplateStore; ///< singleton instance of PlayerTemplateStore