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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: Radar.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Author: Colin Day, January 2002
// Desc: Logical radar implementation
#pragma once
#ifndef __RADAR_H_
#define __RADAR_H_
// INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "Lib/BaseType.h"
#include "Common/SubsystemInterface.h"
#include "Common/GameMemory.h"
#include "GameClient/Display.h" // for ShroudLevel
#include "GameClient/Color.h"
// FORWARD REFERENCES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class GameWindow;
class Object;
class Player;
class TerrainLogic;
// GLOBAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// the following is used for the resolution of the radar "cells" ... this is how accurate
// the radar is and also reflects directly the size of the image we build ... which with
// WW3D must be a square power of two as well
RADAR_CELL_WIDTH = 128, // radar created at this horz resolution
RADAR_CELL_HEIGHT = 128 // radar created at this vert resolution
/** These event types determine the colors radar events happen in to make it easier for us
* to play events with a consistent color scheme */
enum RadarEventType
RADAR_EVENT_INFILTRATION, //for defection, hijacking, hacking, carbombing, and other sneaks
RADAR_EVENT_STEALTH_DISCOVERED, // we discovered a stealth unit
RADAR_EVENT_STEALTH_NEUTRALIZED, // our stealth unit has been revealed
RADAR_EVENT_FAKE, //Internally creates a radar event, but doesn't notify the player (unit lost
//for example, so we can use the spacebar to jump to the event).
RADAR_EVENT_NUM_EVENTS // keep this last
// PROTOTYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** Radar objects are objects that are on the radar, go figure :) */
class RadarObject : public MemoryPoolObject,
public Snapshot
RadarObject( void );
// destructor prototype defined by memory pool glue
// color management
void setColor( Color c ) { m_color = c; }
inline Color getColor( void ) const { return m_color; }
inline void friend_setObject( Object *obj ) { m_object = obj; }
inline Object *friend_getObject( void ) { return m_object; }
inline const Object *friend_getObject( void ) const { return m_object; }
inline void friend_setNext( RadarObject *next ) { m_next = next; }
inline RadarObject *friend_getNext( void ) { return m_next; }
inline const RadarObject *friend_getNext( void ) const { return m_next; }
Bool isTemporarilyHidden() const;
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
Object *m_object; ///< the object
RadarObject *m_next; ///< next radar object
Color m_color; ///< color to draw for this object on the radar
/** Radar priorities. Keep this in sync with the priority names list below */
enum RadarPriorityType
RADAR_PRIORITY_INVALID, // a priority that has not been set (in general it won't show up on the radar)
RADAR_PRIORITY_NOT_ON_RADAR, // object specifically forbidden from being on the radar
RADAR_PRIORITY_STRUCTURE, // structure level drawing priority
RADAR_PRIORITY_UNIT, // unit level drawing priority
RADAR_PRIORITY_LOCAL_UNIT_ONLY, // unit priority, but only on the radar if controlled by the local player
static const char *RadarPriorityNames[] =
"INVALID", // a priority that has not been set (in general it won't show up on the radar)
"NOT_ON_RADAR", // object specifically forbidden from being on the radar
"STRUCTURE", // structure level drawing priority
"UNIT", // unit level drawing priority
"LOCAL_UNIT_ONLY", // unit priority, but only on the radar if controlled by the local player
NULL // keep this last
/** Interface for the radar */
class Radar : public Snapshot,
public SubsystemInterface
Radar( void );
virtual ~Radar( void );
virtual void init( void ) { } ///< subsystem initialization
virtual void reset( void ); ///< subsystem reset
virtual void update( void ); ///< subsystem per frame update
// is the game window parameter the radar window
Bool isRadarWindow( GameWindow *window ) { return (m_radarWindow == window) && (m_radarWindow != NULL); }
Bool radarToWorld( const ICoord2D *radar, Coord3D *world ); ///< radar point to world point on terrain
Bool worldToRadar( const Coord3D *world, ICoord2D *radar ); ///< translate world point to radar (x,y)
Bool localPixelToRadar( const ICoord2D *pixel, ICoord2D *radar ); ///< translate pixel (with UL of radar being (0,0)) to logical radar coords
Bool screenPixelToWorld( const ICoord2D *pixel, Coord3D *world ); ///< translate pixel (with UL of the screen being (0,0)) to world position in the world
Object *objectUnderRadarPixel( const ICoord2D *pixel ); ///< return the object (if any) represented by the pixel coords passed in
void findDrawPositions( Int startX, Int startY, Int width, Int height,
ICoord2D *ul, ICoord2D *lr ); ///< make translation for screen area of radar square to scaled aspect ratio preserving points inside the radar area
// priority inquiry
Bool isPriorityVisible( RadarPriorityType priority ) const; ///< is the priority passed in a "visible" one on the radar
// radar events
void createEvent( const Coord3D *world, RadarEventType type, Real secondsToLive = 4.0f ); ///< create radar event at location in world
void createPlayerEvent( Player *player, const Coord3D *world, RadarEventType type, Real secondsToLive = 4.0f ); ///< create radar event using player colors
Bool getLastEventLoc( Coord3D *eventPos ); ///< get last event loc (if any)
void tryUnderAttackEvent( const Object *obj ); ///< try to make an "under attack" event if it's the proper time
void tryInfiltrationEvent( const Object *obj ); ///< try to make an "infiltration" event if it's the proper time
Bool tryEvent( RadarEventType event, const Coord3D *pos ); ///< try to make a "stealth" event
// adding and removing objects from the radar
void addObject( Object *obj ); ///< add object to radar
void removeObject( Object *obj ); ///< remove object from radar
void examineObject( Object *obj ); ///< re-examine object and resort if needed
// radar options
void hide( Bool hide ) { m_radarHidden = hide; } ///< hide/unhide the radar
Bool isRadarHidden( void ) { return m_radarHidden; } ///< is radar hidden
// other radar option methods here like the ability to show a certain
// team, show buildings, show units at all, etc
// forcing the radar on/off regardless of player situation
void forceOn( Bool force ) { m_radarForceOn = force; } ///< force the radar to be on
Bool isRadarForced( void ) { return m_radarForceOn; } ///< is radar forced on?
/// refresh the water values for the radar
virtual void refreshTerrain( TerrainLogic *terrain );
/// queue a refresh of the terran at the next available time
virtual void queueTerrainRefresh( void );
virtual void newMap( TerrainLogic *terrain ); ///< reset radar for new map
virtual void draw( Int pixelX, Int pixelY, Int width, Int height ) = 0; ///< draw the radar
/// empty the entire shroud
virtual void clearShroud() = 0;
/// set the shroud level at shroud cell x,y
virtual void setShroudLevel( Int x, Int y, CellShroudStatus setting ) = 0;
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
/// internal method for creating a radar event with specific colors
void internalCreateEvent( const Coord3D *world, RadarEventType type, Real secondsToLive,
const RGBAColorInt *color1, const RGBAColorInt *color2 );
void deleteListResources( void ); ///< delete list radar resources used
Bool deleteFromList( Object *obj, RadarObject **list ); ///< try to remove object from specific list
inline Real getTerrainAverageZ() const { return m_terrainAverageZ; }
inline Real getWaterAverageZ() const { return m_waterAverageZ; }
inline const RadarObject* getObjectList() const { return m_objectList; }
inline const RadarObject* getLocalObjectList() const { return m_localObjectList; }
void clearAllEvents( void ); ///< remove all radar events in progress
// search the object list for an object that maps to the given logical radar coords
Object *searchListForRadarLocationMatch( RadarObject *listHead, ICoord2D *radarMatch );
Bool m_radarHidden; ///< true when radar is not visible
Bool m_radarForceOn; ///< true when radar is forced to be on
RadarObject *m_objectList; ///< list of objects in the radar
RadarObject *m_localObjectList; /** list of objects for the local player, sorted
* in exactly the same priority as the regular
* object list for all other objects */
Real m_terrainAverageZ; ///< average Z for terrain samples
Real m_waterAverageZ; ///< average Z for water samples
// when dealing with world sampling we will sample at these intervals so that
// the whole map can be accounted for within our RADAR_CELL_WIDTH and
// RADAR_CELL_HEIGHT resolutions
Real m_xSample;
Real m_ySample;
enum { MAX_RADAR_EVENTS = 64 };
struct RadarEvent
RadarEventType type; ///< type of this radar event
Bool active; ///< TRUE when event is "active", otherwise it's just historical information in the event array to look through
UnsignedInt createFrame; ///< frame event was created on
UnsignedInt dieFrame; ///< frame the event will go away on
UnsignedInt fadeFrame; ///< start fading out on this frame
RGBAColorInt color1; ///< color 1 for drawing
RGBAColorInt color2; ///< color 2 for drawing
Coord3D worldLoc; ///< location of event in the world
ICoord2D radarLoc; ///< 2D radar location of the event
Bool soundPlayed; ///< TRUE when we have played the radar sound for this
RadarEvent m_event[ MAX_RADAR_EVENTS ];///< our radar events
Int m_nextFreeRadarEvent; ///< index into m_event for where to store the next event
Int m_lastRadarEvent; ///< index of the most recent radar event
GameWindow *m_radarWindow; ///< window we display the radar in
Region3D m_mapExtent; ///< extents of the current map
UnsignedInt m_queueTerrainRefreshFrame; ///< frame we requested the last terrain refresh on
// EXTERNALS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
extern Radar *TheRadar; ///< the radar singleton extern
#endif // __RADAR_H_