1561 lines
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1561 lines
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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// FILE: PartitionManager.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Westwood Studios Pacific.
// Confidential Information
// Copyright (C) 2001 - All Rights Reserved
// Project: RTS3
// File name: PartitionManager.h
// Created: Steven Johnson, September 2001
// Desc: Partition management, this system will allow us to partition the
// objects in space, iterate objects in specified volumes,
// regions, by types and other properties.
#pragma once
// Includes
#include "Common/GameCommon.h" // ensure we get DUMP_PERF_STATS, or not
#include "GameLogic/ObjectIter.h"
#include "Common/KindOf.h"
#include "Common/Snapshot.h"
#include "Common/Geometry.h"
#include "GameClient/Display.h" // for ShroudLevel
// defines
Note, this isn't very accurate currently, so use with caution. (srj)
5% speed improvement, at cost of more memory.
#define FASTER_GCO
const Real HUGE_DIST = 1000000.0f;
// Type Definitions
struct Coord3D;
class CellAndObjectIntersection;
class Object;
class PartitionManager;
class PartitionData;
class PartitionFilter;
class PartitionCell;
class Player;
class PolygonTrigger;
class Squad;
class Team;
class ThingTemplate;
class GhostObject;
class CommandButton;
enum CommandSourceType;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum ValueOrThreat
VOT_CashValue = 1,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum FindPositionFlags
FPF_NONE = 0x00000000, // no options, default behavior
FPF_IGNORE_WATER = 0x00000001, // a position found underwater is ok
FPF_WATER_ONLY = 0x00000002, // find positions in the water only
FPF_IGNORE_ALL_OBJECTS = 0x00000004, // ignore all objects, positions inside objects are ok
FPF_IGNORE_ALLY_OR_NEUTRAL_UNITS = 0x00000008, // ignore friendly units (requires relationshipObject)
FPF_IGNORE_ALLY_OR_NEUTRAL_STRUCTURES = 0x00000010, // ignore friendly structures (requires relationshipObject)
FPF_IGNORE_ENEMY_UNITS = 0x00000020, // ignore enemy units (requires relationshipObject)
FPF_IGNORE_ENEMY_STRUCTURES = 0x00000040, // ignore enemy structures (requires relationshipObject)
FPF_USE_HIGHEST_LAYER = 0x00000080, // examine pos on highest layer at given xy (rather than on ground layer)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Real RANDOM_START_ANGLE = -99999.9f; ///< no start angle (an unlikely number to use for the start angle)
struct FindPositionOptions
FindPositionOptions( void )
flags = FPF_NONE;
minRadius = 0.0f;
maxRadius = 0.0f;
maxZDelta = 1e10f; // ie, any z delta.
ignoreObject = NULL;
sourceToPathToDest = NULL;
relationshipObject = NULL;
FindPositionFlags flags; ///< flags for finding the legal position
Real minRadius; ///< min radius to search around
Real maxRadius; ///< max radius to search around
Real startAngle; ///< use this angle to start the search at
Real maxZDelta; ///< maximum delta-z we will allow
const Object *ignoreObject; ///< ignore this object in legal position checks
const Object *sourceToPathToDest; ///< object that must be able to path to the position chosen
const Object *relationshipObject; ///< object to use for relationship tests
/** */
enum DistanceCalculationType
FROM_CENTER_2D = 0, ///< measure from Object center in 2d.
FROM_CENTER_3D = 1, ///< measure from Object center in 3d.
FROM_BOUNDINGSPHERE_2D = 2, ///< measure from Object bounding sphere in 2d.
FROM_BOUNDINGSPHERE_3D = 3 ///< measure from Object bounding sphere in 3d.
a Plain Old Data structure that is used to get optional results from collidesWith().
struct CollideLocAndNormal
Coord3D loc;
Coord3D normal;
PartitionContactList is a utility class used by the Partition Manager
to hold potential collisions as it updates objects in the partition.
It stores pairs of potentially-colliding objects (eliminating duplicates)
for processing after all partitions are updated.
class PartitionContactList;
This class (often called COI for short) is the abstraction
of the intersection between an Object and a Partition Cell.
For every Cell that an Object's geometry touches, even partially,
we allocate a COI. This allows us to maintain an efficient two-way
list, such that for every Object, we know the Cells that it touches;
and, for every Cell, we know the Objects that touch it.
class CellAndObjectIntersection // not MPO: we allocate these in arrays
PartitionCell *m_cell; ///< the cell being touched
PartitionData *m_module; ///< the module (and thus, Object) touching
CellAndObjectIntersection *m_prevCoi, *m_nextCoi; ///< if in use, next/prev in this cell. if not in use, next/prev free in this module.
// Note, we allocate these in arrays, thus we must have a default ctor (and NOT descend from MPO)
make 'this' refer to the specified cell and module. Normally, this
involves updated the member variables and adding 'this' to the Cell's
list of COIs.
void addCoverage(PartitionCell *cell, PartitionData *module);
make 'this' refer to nothing at all. this involves resetting the member
variables to null, and removing 'this' from the Cell's list of COI's.
void removeAllCoverage();
return the Cell for this COI (null if the COI is not in use)
inline PartitionCell *getCell() { return m_cell; }
return the Module for this COI (null if the COI is not in use)
inline PartitionData *getModule() { return m_module; }
return the previous COI in the Cell's list of COIs.
inline CellAndObjectIntersection *getPrevCoi() { return m_prevCoi; }
return the next COI in the Cell's list of COIs.
inline CellAndObjectIntersection *getNextCoi() { return m_nextCoi; }
// only for use by PartitionCell.
void friend_addToCellList(CellAndObjectIntersection **pListHead);
void friend_removeFromCellList(CellAndObjectIntersection **pListHead);
This class encapsulates one area interaction with PartitionCells. The user decides what to do with it.
class SightingInfo : public MemoryPoolObject, public Snapshot
void reset();
Bool isInvalid() const;
Coord3D m_where;
Real m_howFar;
PlayerMaskType m_forWhom; // ask not for whom the sighting is masked; it masks for thee
UnsignedInt m_data; // Threat and value use as the value. Sighting uses it for a Timestamp
// snapshot method
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess();
We sometimes need to save whether or not an area was fogged or permanently revealed through a
script. This helps us do so.
struct ShroudStatusStoreRestore
std::vector<UnsignedByte> m_foggedOrRevealed[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
Int m_cellsWide; // m_cellsHigh is computed by m_foggedOrRevealed[0].size() / m_cellsWide
The world's terrain is partitioned into a large grid of Partition Cells.
The Cell is the fundamental unit of space in the Partition Manager.
class PartitionCell : public Snapshot // not MPO: allocated in an array
CellAndObjectIntersection* m_firstCoiInCell; ///< list of COIs in this cell (may be null).
ShroudLevel m_shroudLevel[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
Real m_loTerrainZ; ///< lowest terrain-pt in this cell
Real m_hiTerrainZ; ///< highest terrain-pt in this cell
Int m_threatValue[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
Int m_cashValue[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
Short m_coiCount; ///< number of COIs in this cell.
Short m_cellX; ///< x-coord of this cell within the Partition Mgr coords (NOT in world coords)
Short m_cellY; ///< y-coord of this cell within the Partition Mgr coords (NOT in world coords)
// Note, we allocate these in arrays, thus we must have a default ctor (and NOT descend from MPO)
void init(Int x, Int y, Real loZ, Real hiZ) { m_cellX = x; m_cellY = y; m_loTerrainZ = loZ; m_hiTerrainZ = hiZ; }
void init(Int x, Int y) { m_cellX = x; m_cellY = y; }
// --------------- inherited from Snapshot interface --------------
void crc( Xfer *xfer );
void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
void loadPostProcess( void );
Int getCoiCount() const { return m_coiCount; } ///< return number of COIs touching this cell.
Int getCellX() const { return m_cellX; }
Int getCellY() const { return m_cellY; }
void addLooker( Int playerIndex );
void removeLooker( Int playerIndex );
void addShrouder( Int playerIndex );
void removeShrouder( Int playerIndex );
CellShroudStatus getShroudStatusForPlayer( Int playerIndex ) const;
// @todo: All of these are inline candidates
UnsignedInt getThreatValue( Int playerIndex );
void addThreatValue( Int playerIndex, UnsignedInt threatValue );
void removeThreatValue( Int playerIndex, UnsignedInt threatValue );
UnsignedInt getCashValue( Int playerIndex );
void addCashValue( Int playerIndex, UnsignedInt cashValue );
void removeCashValue( Int playerIndex, UnsignedInt cashValue );
void invalidateShroudedStatusForAllCois(Int playerIndex);
inline Real getLoTerrain() const { return m_loTerrainZ; }
inline Real getHiTerrain() const { return m_hiTerrainZ; }
void getCellCenterPos(Real& x, Real& y);
inline CellAndObjectIntersection *getFirstCoiInCell() { return m_firstCoiInCell; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void validateCoiList();
// intended only for CellAndObjectIntersection.
void friend_addToCellList(CellAndObjectIntersection *coi);
// intended only for CellAndObjectIntersection.
void friend_removeFromCellList(CellAndObjectIntersection *coi);
A PartitionData is the part of an Object that understands
how to maintain the Object in the space partitioning system.
class PartitionData : public MemoryPoolObject
enum DirtyStatus
Object *m_object; ///< Object this module is for
GhostObject *m_ghostObject; ///< Temporary object used when real object is gone but player thinks it's there because of fog.
PartitionData *m_next; ///< next module in master list
PartitionData *m_prev; ///< prev module in master list
PartitionData *m_nextDirty;
PartitionData *m_prevDirty;
Int m_coiArrayCount; ///< number of COIs allocated (may be more than are in use)
Int m_coiInUseCount; ///< number of COIs that are actually in use
CellAndObjectIntersection *m_coiArray; ///< The array of COIs
Int m_doneFlag;
DirtyStatus m_dirtyStatus;
ObjectShroudStatus m_shroudedness[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT];
ObjectShroudStatus m_shroudednessPrevious[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT]; ///<previous frames value of m_shroudedness
Bool m_everSeenByPlayer[MAX_PLAYER_COUNT]; ///<whether this object has ever been seen by a given player.
const PartitionCell *m_lastCell; ///< The last cell I thought my center was in.
Given a shape's geometry and size parameters, calculate the maximum number of COIs
that the object could possibly occupy.
Int calcMaxCoiForShape(GeometryType geom, Real majorRadius, Real minorRadius, Bool isSmall);
Given an object's geometry and size parameters, calculate the maximum number of COIs
that the object could possibly occupy. (This simply extracts the information from the object
and calls calcMaxCoiForShape.)
Int calcMaxCoiForObject();
allocate the array of COIs (m_coiArray) for this module.
void allocCoiArray();
free the array of COIs (m_coiArray) for this module (if any).
void freeCoiArray();
marks self as touching no cells. (and any previous cells as not touching self!)
void removeAllTouchedCells();
this discards all current 'touch' information (via removeAllTouchedCells) and recalculates
the cells touched by this module, based on the object's geometry. this will be called frequently and so
needs to be as efficient as possible.
void updateCellsTouched();
If you imagine the array of Partition Cells as pixels, then this method
'sets' the pixel [cell] at cell coordinate (x, y).
void addSubPixToCoverage(PartitionCell *cell);
fill in the pixels covered by the given 'small' shape with the given
center and radius. 'small' shapes are special in that they
are always assumed to cover at most 4 Cells, and so we can use
a more efficient special-purpose filler, rather than a general
void doSmallFill(
Real centerX,
Real centerY,
Real radius
/// helper function for doCircleFill.
void hLineCircle(Int x1, Int x2, Int y);
fill in the pixels covered by the given circular shape with the given
center and radius. Note that this is used for both spheres and cylinders.
void doCircleFill(
Real centerX,
Real centerY,
Real radius
fill in the pixels covered by the given rectangular shape with the given
center, dimensions, and rotation.
void doRectFill(
Real centerX,
Real centerY,
Real halfsizeX,
Real halfsizeY,
Real angle
do a careful test of the geometries of 'this' and 'that', and return
true iff the geometries touch (or intersect). if true is returned,
loc will be filled in to the collision location, and normal will be
filled in to the normal to the surface of 'this' at the collide location.
Bool collidesWith(const PartitionData *that, CollideLocAndNormal *cinfo) const;
void attachToObject( Object* object );
void detachFromObject( void );
void attachToGhostObject(GhostObject* object);
void detachFromGhostObject(void);
void setNext( PartitionData *next ) { m_next = next; } ///< set next pointer
PartitionData *getNext( void ) { return m_next; } ///< get the next pointer
void setPrev( PartitionData *prev ) { m_prev = prev; } ///< set the prev pointer
PartitionData *getPrev( void ) { return m_prev; } ///< get the prev pointer
/// mark the given module as being "dirty", needing recalcing during next update phase.
// if needToUpdateCells is true, we'll recalc the partition cells it touches and do collision testing.
// if needToUpdateCells is false, we'll just do the collision testing.
void makeDirty(Bool needToUpdateCells);
Bool isInNeedOfUpdatingCells() const { return m_dirtyStatus == NEED_CELL_UPDATE_AND_COLLISION_CHECK; }
Bool isInNeedOfCollisionCheck() const { return m_dirtyStatus != NOT_DIRTY; }
void invalidateShroudedStatusForPlayer(Int playerIndex);
void invalidateShroudedStatusForAllPlayers();
ObjectShroudStatus getShroudedStatus(Int playerIndex);
inline Int wasSeenByAnyPlayers() const ///<check if a player in the game has seen the object but is now looking at fogged version.
for (Int i=0; i<MAX_PLAYER_COUNT; i++)
if (m_everSeenByPlayer[i] && m_shroudedness[i] == OBJECTSHROUD_FOGGED)
return i;
return i;
Int getControllingPlayerIndex() const;
enumerate the objects that share space with 'this'
(ie, the objects in the same Partition Cells) and
add 'em to the given contact list. also, if self
is intersecting the ground, add it to the list as a possible
void addPossibleCollisions(PartitionContactList *ctList);
Object *getObject() { return m_object; } ///< return the Object that owns this module
const Object *getObject() const { return m_object; } ///< return the Object that owns this module
void friend_setObject(Object *object) { m_object = object;} ///< to be used only by the partition manager.
GhostObject *getGhostObject() const { return m_ghostObject; } ///< return the ghost object that serves as fogged memory of object.
void friend_setGhostObject(GhostObject *object) {m_ghostObject=object;} ///<used by ghost object manager to free link to partition data.
void friend_setShroudednessPrevious(Int playerIndex,ObjectShroudStatus status); ///<only used to restore state after map border resizing and/or xfer!
ObjectShroudStatus friend_getShroudednessPrevious(Int playerIndex) {return m_shroudednessPrevious[playerIndex];}
void friend_removeAllTouchedCells() { removeAllTouchedCells(); } ///< this is only for use by PartitionManager
void friend_updateCellsTouched() { updateCellsTouched(); } ///< this is only for use by PartitionManager
Int friend_getCoiInUseCount() { return m_coiInUseCount; } ///< this is only for use by PartitionManager
Bool friend_collidesWith(const PartitionData *that, CollideLocAndNormal *cinfo) const { return collidesWith(that, cinfo); } ///< this is only for use by PartitionContactList
// these are only for use by getClosestObjects.
// (note, if we ever use other bits in this, smarten this up...)
Int friend_getDoneFlag() { return m_doneFlag; }
void friend_setDoneFlag(Int i) { m_doneFlag = i; }
inline Bool isInListDirtyModules(PartitionData* const* pListHead) const
Bool result = (*pListHead == this || m_prevDirty || m_nextDirty);
DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(result == (m_dirtyStatus != NOT_DIRTY), ("dirty flag mismatch"));
return result;
inline void prependToDirtyModules(PartitionData** pListHead)
DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH((m_dirtyStatus != NOT_DIRTY), ("dirty flag mismatch"));
m_nextDirty = *pListHead;
if (*pListHead)
(*pListHead)->m_prevDirty = this;
*pListHead = this;
void removeFromDirtyModules(PartitionData** pListHead)
m_dirtyStatus = NOT_DIRTY;
if (m_nextDirty)
m_nextDirty->m_prevDirty = m_prevDirty;
if (m_prevDirty)
m_prevDirty->m_nextDirty = m_nextDirty;
*pListHead = m_nextDirty;
m_prevDirty = 0;
m_nextDirty = 0;
this is an ABC. PartitionData::iterate allows you to pass multiple filters
to filter out objects you don't want. it calls this method on the objects
in question; any that get false returned, are not iterated. Note that
either modMain or posMain will be null, but not both: the filter must be aware
of this, and respond appropriately. (ie, the filter may be used for filtering
against an object, or against a position.)
class PartitionFilter
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther) = 0;
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() = 0;
Reject any objects that aren't currently flying.
class PartitionFilterIsFlying : public PartitionFilter
PartitionFilterIsFlying() { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterIsFlying"; }
class PartitionFilterWouldCollide : public PartitionFilter
Coord3D m_position;
GeometryInfo m_geom;
Real m_angle;
Bool m_desiredCollisionResult; // collision must match this for allow to return true
PartitionFilterWouldCollide(const Coord3D& pos, const GeometryInfo& geom, Real angle, Bool desired);
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterWouldCollide"; }
Reject any objects that aren't controlled by the same player.
class PartitionFilterSamePlayer : public PartitionFilter
const Player *m_player;
PartitionFilterSamePlayer(const Player *player) : m_player(player) { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterSamePlayer"; }
Reject any objects that don't match the alliance
affiliations compared with 'm_obj'. You
may reject objects that are allied, neutral,
or enemy with respect to it.
class PartitionFilterRelationship : public PartitionFilter
const Object *m_obj;
Int m_flags;
ALLOW_ALLIES = (1<<ALLIES), ///< allow objects that m_obj considers allies
ALLOW_ENEMIES = (1<<ENEMIES), ///< allow objects that m_obj considers enemy
ALLOW_NEUTRAL = (1<<NEUTRAL) ///< allow objects that m_obj considers neutral
PartitionFilterRelationship(const Object *obj, Int flags) : m_obj(obj), m_flags(flags) { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterRelationship"; }
Reject any objects that aren't on the specific
class PartitionFilterAcceptOnTeam : public PartitionFilter
const Team *m_team;
PartitionFilterAcceptOnTeam(const Team *team);
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterAcceptOnTeam"; }
Reject any objects that aren't on the specific
class PartitionFilterAcceptOnSquad : public PartitionFilter
const Squad *m_squad;
PartitionFilterAcceptOnSquad(const Squad *squad);
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterAcceptOnSquad"; }
Reject any objects that are not within clear line-of-sight
of a given object. "Line of sight" takes into account
terrain (ie, no hills between 'em) but does not
yet take into account structures. Note that this
requires more computation that other filters, so
this should generally put toward the end of the filter
list so that simpler filters can reject other (simpler)
cases earlier.
class PartitionFilterLineOfSight : public PartitionFilter
const Object *m_obj;
PartitionFilterLineOfSight(const Object *obj);
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterLineOfSight"; }
Only objects that Can Possibly be attacked by the given object
class PartitionFilterPossibleToAttack : public PartitionFilter
const Object *m_obj;
CommandSourceType m_commandSource;
AbleToAttackType m_attackType;
PartitionFilterPossibleToAttack(AbleToAttackType t, const Object *obj, CommandSourceType commandSource);
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterPossibleToAttack"; }
* Accept only the last object who attacked me. Very fast.
class PartitionFilterLastAttackedBy : public PartitionFilter
ObjectID m_lastAttackedBy;
PartitionFilterLastAttackedBy(Object *obj);
virtual Bool allow(Object *other);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterLastAttackedBy"; }
Only objects that match the given masks are accepted.
class PartitionFilterAcceptByObjectStatus : public PartitionFilter
UnsignedInt m_mustBeSet, m_mustBeClear;
PartitionFilterAcceptByObjectStatus(UnsignedInt mustBeSet, UnsignedInt mustBeClear) : m_mustBeSet(mustBeSet), m_mustBeClear(mustBeClear) { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterAcceptByObjectStatus"; }
Just like PartitionFilterAcceptByObjectStatus, except that objects
that match the given masks are REJECTED.
class PartitionFilterRejectByObjectStatus : public PartitionFilter
UnsignedInt m_mustBeSet, m_mustBeClear;
PartitionFilterRejectByObjectStatus(UnsignedInt mustBeSet, UnsignedInt mustBeClear)
: m_mustBeSet(mustBeSet), m_mustBeClear(mustBeClear)
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterRejectByObjectStatus"; }
Objects that are stealthed and not detected or disguised are accepted or rejected based on allow bool.
class PartitionFilterStealthedAndUndetected : public PartitionFilter
const Object *m_obj;
Bool m_allow;
PartitionFilterStealthedAndUndetected( const Object *obj, Bool allow ) { m_obj = obj; m_allow = allow; }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterStealthedAndUndetected"; }
Only objects that match the given masks are accepted.
class PartitionFilterAcceptByKindOf : public PartitionFilter
KindOfMaskType m_mustBeSet, m_mustBeClear;
PartitionFilterAcceptByKindOf(const KindOfMaskType& mustBeSet, const KindOfMaskType& mustBeClear) : m_mustBeSet(mustBeSet), m_mustBeClear(mustBeClear) { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterAcceptByKindOf"; }
Just like PartitionFilterAcceptByKindOf, except that objects
that match the given masks are REJECTED.
class PartitionFilterRejectByKindOf : public PartitionFilter
KindOfMaskType m_mustBeSet, m_mustBeClear;
PartitionFilterRejectByKindOf(const KindOfMaskType& mustBeSet, const KindOfMaskType& mustBeClear)
: m_mustBeSet(mustBeSet), m_mustBeClear(mustBeClear)
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterRejectByKindOf"; }
* Reject any objects "behind" the given object.
* This is a 3D check.
class PartitionFilterRejectBehind: public PartitionFilter
Object *m_obj;
PartitionFilterRejectBehind( Object *obj );
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterRejectBehind"; }
* Allow only living victims
class PartitionFilterAlive : public PartitionFilter
PartitionFilterAlive(void) { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterAlive"; }
* If obj is on the map, reject all off-map objects.
* If obj is off the map, reject all on-map objects.
class PartitionFilterSameMapStatus : public PartitionFilter
const Object *m_obj;
PartitionFilterSameMapStatus(const Object *obj) : m_obj(obj) { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterSameMapStatus"; }
* If obj is on the map, accept it.
class PartitionFilterOnMap : public PartitionFilter
PartitionFilterOnMap() { }
virtual Bool allow(Object *objOther);
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterOnMap"; }
* Reject buildings, unless they can attack, or
* we are the computer-controlled AI and the building
* is owned by the enemy.
class PartitionFilterRejectBuildings : public PartitionFilter
const Object *m_self;
Bool m_acquireEnemies;
PartitionFilterRejectBuildings(const Object *o);
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterRejectBuildings"; }
* Accept/Reject Insignificant buildings
* Note: This will allow things that
class PartitionFilterInsignificantBuildings : public PartitionFilter
Bool m_allowNonBuildings;
Bool m_allowInsignificant;
PartitionFilterInsignificantBuildings(Bool allowNonBuildings, Bool allowInsignificant) :
m_allowNonBuildings(allowNonBuildings), m_allowInsignificant(allowInsignificant) {}
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterInsignificantBuildings"; }
* Accept if they are clear, not fogged or shrouded
class PartitionFilterFreeOfFog : public PartitionFilter
Int m_comparisonIndex;
PartitionFilterFreeOfFog(Int toWhom) :
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterFreeOfFog"; }
* Accept repulsor (enemies, or flagged as repulsor).
class PartitionFilterRepulsor : public PartitionFilter
const Object *m_self;
PartitionFilterRepulsor(const Object *o) : m_self(o) { }
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterRepulsor"; }
* Reject all objects outside of the irregularly shaped area defined by the set of points
* passed in at creation. This is done using the even-odd rule against the points, assuming
* that the area is closed.
class PartitionFilterIrregularArea : public PartitionFilter
Coord3D *m_area;
Int m_numPointsInArea;
PartitionFilterIrregularArea(Coord3D* area, Int numPointsInArea) : m_area(area), m_numPointsInArea(numPointsInArea) {}
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterIrregularArea"; }
* Reject all objects inside the irregularly trigger area
* passed in at creation. This is done using the even-odd rule against the points, assuming
* that the area is closed.
class PartitionFilterPolygonTrigger : public PartitionFilter
const PolygonTrigger *m_trigger;
PartitionFilterPolygonTrigger(const PolygonTrigger *trigger) : m_trigger(trigger) {}
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterPolygonTrigger"; }
* Reject all objects that aren't (or are) the player
* passed in at creation. .
class PartitionFilterPlayer : public PartitionFilter
const Player *m_player;
Bool m_match;
PartitionFilterPlayer(const Player *player, Bool match) : m_player(player), m_match(match) {}
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterPlayer"; }
* Allow or reject (based on match) all Objects whose affiliation matches one of those
* specified by
class PartitionFilterPlayerAffiliation : public PartitionFilter
const Player *m_player;
Bool m_match;
UnsignedInt m_affiliation;
// whichAffiliation should use AllowPlayerRelationship flags specified in PlayerList.h
PartitionFilterPlayerAffiliation(const Player *player, UnsignedInt whichAffiliation, Bool match)
: m_player(player), m_affiliation(whichAffiliation), m_match(match)
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterPlayerAffiliation"; }
* Accept all objects that aren't (or are) the thing
* passed in at creation. .
class PartitionFilterThing : public PartitionFilter
const ThingTemplate *m_tThing;
Bool m_match;
PartitionFilterThing(const ThingTemplate *thing, Bool match) : m_tThing(thing), m_match(match) {}
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterThing"; }
* Accept all objects that can/cannot be garrisoned by anyone.
class PartitionFilterGarrisonable : public PartitionFilter
Player *m_player;
Bool m_match;
PartitionFilterGarrisonable( Bool match ) : m_match(match)
//Added By Sadullah Nader
m_player = NULL;
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterGarrisonable"; }
* Accept all objects that can/cannot be garrisoned by source *Player*.
class PartitionFilterGarrisonableByPlayer : public PartitionFilter
Player *m_player;
Bool m_match;
CommandSourceType m_commandSource;
PartitionFilterGarrisonableByPlayer( Player *player, Bool match, CommandSourceType commandSource ):
m_player(player), m_match(match), m_commandSource(commandSource)
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterGarrisonableByPlayer"; }
* Accept all objects that are/n't unmanned.
class PartitionFilterUnmannedObject : public PartitionFilter
Bool m_match;
PartitionFilterUnmannedObject( Bool match ) : m_match(match) {}
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterUnmannedObject"; }
* Accept all objects that can/cannot have object X perform a command ability on them
class PartitionFilterValidCommandButtonTarget : public PartitionFilter
Object *m_source;
const CommandButton *m_commandButton;
Bool m_match;
CommandSourceType m_commandSource;
PartitionFilterValidCommandButtonTarget( Object *source, const CommandButton *commandButton, Bool match, CommandSourceType commandSource) :
m_source(source), m_commandButton(commandButton), m_match(match), m_commandSource(commandSource) {}
virtual Bool allow( Object *other );
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_INTERNAL)
virtual const char* debugGetName() { return "PartitionFilterValidCommandButtonTarget"; }
PartitionManager is the singleton class that manages the entire partition/collision
system. It maintains the set of PartitionCells that correspond to the world system,
and updates the PartitionDatas as needed during update phase.
class PartitionManager : public SubsystemInterface, public Snapshot
typedef std::vector<ICoord2D> OffsetVec;
typedef std::vector<OffsetVec> RadiusVec;
PartitionData *m_moduleList; ///< master partition module list
Region3D m_worldExtents; ///< should be same as TheTerrainLogic->getExtents()
Real m_cellSize; ///< edge size of each cell, in world coord space
Real m_cellSizeInv; ///< 1/cellSize (used for efficiency)
Int m_cellCountX; ///< number of cells, x
Int m_cellCountY; ///< number of cells, y
Int m_totalCellCount; ///< x * y
PartitionCell* m_cells; ///< array of cells
PartitionData* m_dirtyModules;
Bool m_updatedSinceLastReset; ///< Used to force a return of OBJECTSHROUD_INVALID before update has been called.
std::queue<SightingInfo *> m_pendingUndoShroudReveals; ///< Anything can queue up an Undo to happen later. This is a queue, because "later" is a constant
Int m_maxGcoRadius;
RadiusVec m_radiusVec;
This is an internal function that is used to implement the public
getClosestObject and iterateObjects calls.
Object *PartitionManager::getClosestObjects(
const Object *obj,
const Coord3D *pos,
Real maxDist,
DistanceCalculationType dc,
PartitionFilter **filters,
SimpleObjectIterator *iter, // if nonnull, append ALL satisfactory objects to the iterator (not just the single closest)
Real *closestDistArg,
Coord3D *closestVecArg
void shutdown( void );
/// used to validate the positions for findPositionAround family of methods
Bool tryPosition( const Coord3D *center, Real dist, Real angle,
const FindPositionOptions *options, Coord3D *result );
typedef Int (*CellAlongLineProc)(PartitionCell* cell, void* userData);
Int iterateCellsAlongLine(const Coord3D& pos, const Coord3D& posOther, CellAlongLineProc proc, void* userData);
// note iterateCellsBreadthFirst returns the cell index that made the CellBreadthFirstProc return
// non-Zero.
typedef Int (*CellBreadthFirstProc)(PartitionCell* cell, void* userData);
Int iterateCellsBreadthFirst(const Coord3D *pos, CellBreadthFirstProc proc, void *userData);
Int calcMinRadius(const ICoord2D& cur);
void calcRadiusVec();
// These are all friend functions now. They will continue to function as before, but can be passed into
// the DiscreteCircle::drawCircle function.
friend void hLineAddLooker(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *playerIndex);
friend void hLineRemoveLooker(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *playerIndex);
friend void hLineAddShrouder(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *playerIndex);
friend void hLineRemoveShrouder(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *playerIndex);
friend void hLineAddThreat(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *threatValueParms);
friend void hLineRemoveThreat(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *threatValueParms);
friend void hLineAddValue(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *threatValueParms);
friend void hLineRemoveValue(Int x1, Int x2, Int y, void *threatValueParms);
void processPendingUndoShroudRevealQueue(Bool considerTimestamp = TRUE); ///< keep popping and processing untill you get to one that is in the future
void resetPendingUndoShroudRevealQueue(); ///< Just delete everything in the queue without doing anything with them
PartitionManager( void );
virtual ~PartitionManager( void );
// --------------- inherited from Subsystem interface -------------
virtual void init( void ); ///< initialize
virtual void reset( void ); ///< system reset
virtual void update( void ); ///< system update
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------- inherited from Snapshot interface --------------
void crc( Xfer *xfer );
void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
void loadPostProcess( void );
inline Bool getUpdatedSinceLastReset( void ) const { return m_updatedSinceLastReset; }
void registerObject( Object *object ); ///< add thing to system
void unRegisterObject( Object *object ); ///< remove thing from system
void registerGhostObject( GhostObject* object); ///<recreate partition data needed to hold object (only used to restore after PM reset).
void unRegisterGhostObject (GhostObject *object); ///< release partition data held for ghost object.
void processEntirePendingUndoShroudRevealQueue(); ///< process every pending one regardless of timestamp
/// return the number of PartitionCells in the x-dimension.
Int getCellCountX() { DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(m_cellCountX != 0, ("partition not inited")); return m_cellCountX; }
/// return the number of PartitionCells in the y-dimension.
Int getCellCountY() { DEBUG_ASSERTCRASH(m_cellCountY != 0, ("partition not inited")); return m_cellCountY; }
/// return the PartitionCell located at cell coordinates (x,y).
PartitionCell *getCellAt(Int x, Int y);
const PartitionCell *getCellAt(Int x, Int y) const;
/// A convenience funtion to reveal shroud at some location
// Queueing does not give you control of the timestamp to enforce the queue. I own the delay, you don't.
void doShroudReveal( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
void undoShroudReveal( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
void queueUndoShroudReveal( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, PlayerMaskType playerMask );
void doShroudCover( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
void undoShroudCover( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
/// Perform threat map and value map updates.
void doThreatAffect( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, UnsignedInt threatVal, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
void undoThreatAffect( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, UnsignedInt threatVal, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
void doValueAffect( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, UnsignedInt valueVal, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
void undoValueAffect( Real centerX, Real centerY, Real radius, UnsignedInt valueVal, PlayerMaskType playerMask);
void getCellCenterPos(Int x, Int y, Real& xx, Real& yy);
// find the cell that covers the world coords (wx,wy) and return its coords.
void worldToCell(Real wx, Real wy, Int *cx, Int *cy);
// given a distance in world coords, return the number of cells needed to cover that distance (rounding up)
Int worldToCellDist(Real w);
Object *getClosestObject(
const Object *obj,
Real maxDist,
DistanceCalculationType dc,
PartitionFilter **filters = NULL,
Real *closestDist = NULL,
Coord3D *closestDistVec = NULL
Object *getClosestObject(
const Coord3D *pos,
Real maxDist,
DistanceCalculationType dc,
PartitionFilter **filters = NULL,
Real *closestDist = NULL,
Coord3D *closestDistVec = NULL
Real getRelativeAngle2D( const Object *obj, const Object *otherObj );
Real getRelativeAngle2D( const Object *obj, const Coord3D *pos );
void getVectorTo(const Object *obj, const Object *otherObj, DistanceCalculationType dc, Coord3D& vec);
void getVectorTo(const Object *obj, const Coord3D *pos, DistanceCalculationType dc, Coord3D& vec);
// just like 'getDistance', but return the dist-sqr, meaning we save a sqrt() call if you don't need it.
Real getDistanceSquared(const Object *obj, const Object *otherObj, DistanceCalculationType dc, Coord3D *vec = NULL);
Real getDistanceSquared(const Object *obj, const Coord3D *pos, DistanceCalculationType dc, Coord3D *vec = NULL);
// just like 'getDistanceSquared', but return the dist-sqr where the obj is at goalPos.
Real getGoalDistanceSquared(const Object *obj, const Coord3D *goalPos, const Object *otherObj, DistanceCalculationType dc, Coord3D *vec = NULL);
Real getGoalDistanceSquared(const Object *obj, const Coord3D *goalPos, const Coord3D *otherPos, DistanceCalculationType dc, Coord3D *vec = NULL);
// note that the 2d positions aren't guaranteed to be the actual spot within the cell where the terrain
// is lowest or highest.... just the center of the relevant cell. this function is used for rough-n-quick
// estimates only.
Bool estimateTerrainExtremesAlongLine(const Coord3D& startWorld, const Coord3D& endWorld, Real* minZ, Real* maxZ, Coord2D* minZPos, Coord2D* maxZPos);
void getPMStats(double& gcoTimeThisFrameTotal, double& gcoTimeThisFrameAvg);
SimpleObjectIterator *iterateObjectsInRange(
const Object *obj,
Real maxDist,
DistanceCalculationType dc,
PartitionFilter **filters = NULL,
IterOrderType order = ITER_FASTEST
SimpleObjectIterator *iterateObjectsInRange(
const Coord3D *pos,
Real maxDist,
DistanceCalculationType dc,
PartitionFilter **filters = NULL,
IterOrderType order = ITER_FASTEST
SimpleObjectIterator *iterateAllObjects(PartitionFilter **filters = NULL);
return the Objects that would (or would not) collide with the given
SimpleObjectIterator* iteratePotentialCollisions(
const Coord3D* pos,
const GeometryInfo& geom,
Real angle,
Bool use2D = false
Bool isColliding( const Object *a, const Object *b ) const;
/// Checks a geometry against an arbitrary geometry.
Bool geomCollidesWithGeom( const Coord3D* pos1,
const GeometryInfo& geom1,
Real angle1,
const Coord3D* pos2,
const GeometryInfo& geom2,
Real angle2
) const;
/// finding legal positions in the world
Bool findPositionAround( const Coord3D *center,
const FindPositionOptions *options,
Coord3D *result );
/// return the size of a PartitionCell, in world coords.
Real getCellSize() { return m_cellSize; } // only for the use of PartitionData!
/// return (1.0 / getCellSize); this is used frequently, so we cache it for efficiency
Real getCellSizeInv() { return m_cellSizeInv; }
return true iff there is clear line-of-sight between the two positions.
this only takes terrain into account; it does not consider objects, units,
trees, buildings, etc.
Bool isClearLineOfSightTerrain(const Object* obj, const Coord3D& objPos, const Object* other, const Coord3D& otherPos);
inline Bool isInListDirtyModules(PartitionData* o) const
return o->isInListDirtyModules(&m_dirtyModules);
inline void prependToDirtyModules(PartitionData* o)
inline void removeFromDirtyModules(PartitionData* o)
inline void removeAllDirtyModules()
while (m_dirtyModules)
PartitionData *tmp = m_dirtyModules;
Reveals the map for the given player, but does not override Shroud generation. (Script)
void revealMapForPlayer( Int playerIndex );
Reveals the map for the given player, AND permanently disables all Shroud generation (Observer Mode).
void revealMapForPlayerPermanently( Int playerIndex );
Adds a layer of permanent blindness. Used solely to undo the permanent reveal for debugging
void undoRevealMapForPlayerPermanently( Int playerIndex );
Resets the shroud for the given player with passive shroud (can re-explore).
void shroudMapForPlayer( Int playerIndex );
/** this doesn't change the actual shroud values in logic, just pushes them
back out to the display... this should generally only be used when the local
player changes.
void refreshShroudForLocalPlayer();
Shrouded has no absolute meaning. It only makes sense to say "Shrouded for him".
CellShroudStatus getShroudStatusForPlayer( Int playerIndex, Int x, Int y ) const;
CellShroudStatus getShroudStatusForPlayer( Int playerIndex, const Coord3D *loc ) const;
Real getGroundOrStructureHeight(Real posx, Real posy);
void getMostValuableLocation( Int playerIndex, UnsignedInt whichPlayerTypes, ValueOrThreat valType, Coord3D *outLocation );
void getNearestGroupWithValue( Int playerIndex, UnsignedInt whichPlayerTypes, ValueOrThreat valType, const Coord3D *sourceLocation,
Int valueRequired, Bool greaterThan, Coord3D *outLocation );
// If saveToFog is true, then we are writing STORE_FOG.
// If saveToFog is false, then we are writing STORE_PERMENANT_REVEAL
void storeFoggedCells(ShroudStatusStoreRestore &outPartitionStore, Bool storeToFog) const;
void restoreFoggedCells(const ShroudStatusStoreRestore &inPartitionStore, Bool restoreToFog);
}; // end class PartitionManager
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline void PartitionManager::worldToCell(Real wx, Real wy, Int *cx, Int *cy)
*cx = REAL_TO_INT_FLOOR((wx - m_worldExtents.lo.x) * m_cellSizeInv);
*cy = REAL_TO_INT_FLOOR((wy - m_worldExtents.lo.y) * m_cellSizeInv);
inline Int PartitionManager::worldToCellDist(Real w)
return REAL_TO_INT_CEIL(w * m_cellSizeInv);
inline PartitionCell *PartitionManager::getCellAt(Int x, Int y)
return (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= m_cellCountX || y >= m_cellCountY) ? NULL : &m_cells[y * m_cellCountX + x];
inline const PartitionCell *PartitionManager::getCellAt(Int x, Int y) const
return (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= m_cellCountX || y >= m_cellCountY) ? NULL : &m_cells[y * m_cellCountX + x];
// nothing
class CellOutwardIterator
PartitionManager *m_mgr;
Int m_cellCenterX, m_cellCenterY;
Int m_maxRadius;
Int m_cellRadius;
Int m_delta[2];
Int m_inc;
Int m_cnt;
Int m_axis;
Int m_iter;
PartitionCell *nextCell(Bool skipEmpties);
CellOutwardIterator(PartitionManager *mgr, Int x, Int y);
PartitionCell *next() { return nextCell(false); }
PartitionCell *nextNonEmpty() { return nextCell(true); }
Int getCurCellRadius() const { return m_cellRadius; }
Int getMaxRadius() const { return m_maxRadius; }
void setMaxRadius(Int max) { m_maxRadius = max; }
// Inlining
// Externals
extern PartitionManager *ThePartitionManager; ///< object manager singleton