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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// PolygonTrigger.h
// Class to encapsulate polygon triggers for maps.
// Note - Polygons are used for two reasons - one is area triggers for
// scripts, so units can be tested for entering or exiting areas, and
// second to specify areas that are filled with water in the map.
// See the m_isWaterArea to differentiate.
// Author: John Ahlquist, November 2001
#pragma once
#ifndef PolygonTrigger_H
#define PolygonTrigger_H
#include "Common/GameMemory.h"
#include "Common/Snapshot.h"
#include "Common/STLTypedefs.h"
class DataChunkInput;
class DataChunkOutput;
struct DataChunkInfo;
class PolygonTrigger;
class Xfer;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Water handles are used to represent instances of areas of water, no matter which type
* of implementation the water is (grid, trigger area, etc) */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WaterHandle
WaterHandle( void ) { m_polygon = NULL; }
///@todo we need to formalize the water systems
PolygonTrigger *m_polygon; ///< valid when water is a polygon area, NULL if water is a grid
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PolygonTrigger : public MemoryPoolObject,
public Snapshot
PolygonTrigger* m_nextPolygonTrigger; ///< linked list.
AsciiString m_triggerName; ///< The name of this polygon area.
Int m_triggerID; ///< Unique int id for the trigger.
WaterHandle m_waterHandle; ///< handle to use this polygon as a water table
ICoord3D* m_points; ///< Points that are the polygon.
Int m_numPoints; ///< Num points in m_points.
Int m_sizePoints; ///< Space allocated for m_points.
mutable IRegion2D m_bounds; ///< 2D bounding box for quick checks.
mutable Real m_radius;
Int m_riverStart; ///< Identifies the start point of the river.
mutable Bool m_boundsNeedsUpdate;
Bool m_exportWithScripts;
Bool m_isWaterArea; ///< Used to specify water areas in the map.
Bool m_isRiver; ///< Used to specify that a water area is a river.
static PolygonTrigger* ThePolygonTriggerListPtr;
static Int s_currentID; ///< Current id for new triggers.
void reallocate(void);
void updateBounds(void) const;
// snapshot methods
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess( void );
PolygonTrigger(Int initialAllocation);
//~PolygonTrigger(void); ///< Note that deleting the head of a list deletes all linked objects in the list.
static PolygonTrigger *getFirstPolygonTrigger(void) {return ThePolygonTriggerListPtr;}
static PolygonTrigger *getPolygonTriggerByID(Int triggerID);
static Bool ParsePolygonTriggersDataChunk(DataChunkInput &file, DataChunkInfo *info, void *userData);
/// Writes Triggers Info
static void WritePolygonTriggersDataChunk(DataChunkOutput &chunkWriter);
static void deleteTriggers(void);
static void addPolygonTrigger(PolygonTrigger *pTrigger);
static void removePolygonTrigger(PolygonTrigger *pTrigger);
void setNextPoly(PolygonTrigger *nextPoly) {m_nextPolygonTrigger = nextPoly;} ///< Link the next map object.
void addPoint(const ICoord3D &point);
void setPoint(const ICoord3D &point, Int ndx);
void insertPoint(const ICoord3D &point, Int ndx);
void deletePoint(Int ndx);
void setTriggerName(AsciiString name) {m_triggerName = name;};
void getCenterPoint(Coord3D* pOutCoord) const;
Real getRadius(void) const;
const ICoord3D *getPoint(Int ndx) const {if (ndx<0) ndx=0; if (ndx>=m_numPoints) ndx=m_numPoints-1; return m_points+ndx;} ///< Get a point.
Int getNumPoints(void) const {return m_numPoints;}
Int getID(void) const {return m_triggerID;}
PolygonTrigger *getNext(void) {return m_nextPolygonTrigger;}
const PolygonTrigger *getNext(void) const {return m_nextPolygonTrigger;}
AsciiString getTriggerName(void) const {return m_triggerName;} ///< Gets the trigger name.
Bool pointInTrigger(ICoord3D &point) const;
Bool doExportWithScripts(void) const {return m_exportWithScripts;}
void setDoExportWithScripts(Bool val) {m_exportWithScripts = val;}
Bool isWaterArea(void) const {return m_isWaterArea;}
void setWaterArea(Bool val) {m_isWaterArea = val;}
Bool isRiver(void) const {return m_isRiver;}
void setRiver(Bool val) {m_isRiver = val;}
Int getRiverStart(void) const {return m_riverStart;}
void setRiverStart(Int val) {m_riverStart = val;}
const WaterHandle* getWaterHandle(void) const;
Bool isValid(void) const;