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** Command & Conquer Generals(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
// //
// (c) 2001-2003 Electronic Arts Inc. //
// //
// TurretAI.h
// Author: Steven Johnson, April 2002
// Simple turret behavior
#pragma once
#ifndef _TURRETAI_H_
#define _TURRETAI_H_
#include "Common/StateMachine.h"
#include "Common/GameMemory.h"
const Real DEFAULT_TURN_RATE = 0.01f;
const Real DEFAULT_PITCH_RATE = 0.01f;
* The TurretAI state IDs.
* Each of these constants will be associated with an instance of a State class
* in a given StateMachine.
enum TurretStateType
TURRETAI_AIM, ///< aim turret at GoalObject
TURRETAI_FIRE, ///< fire turret at GoalObject
TURRETAI_RECENTER, ///< rotate turret back to default position
TURRETAI_HOLD, ///< hold turret position for a bit before recenter
// FORWARD DECLARATIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class Weapon;
class TurretAI;
* The AI state machine. This is used by AIUpdate to implement all of the
* commands in the AICommandInterface.
class TurretStateMachine : public StateMachine
MEMORY_POOL_GLUE_WITH_USERLOOKUP_CREATE( TurretStateMachine, "TurretStateMachine" );
* The implementation of this constructor defines the states
* used by this machine.
TurretStateMachine( TurretAI* tai, Object* owner, AsciiString name );
TurretAI* getTurretAI() const { return m_turretAI; }
virtual void clear();
virtual StateReturnType resetToDefaultState();
virtual StateReturnType setState( StateID newStateID );
TurretAI* m_turretAI;
// snapshot interface
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess();
class TurretState : public State
TurretState( TurretStateMachine* machine, AsciiString name ) : State( machine, name) { }
TurretAI* getTurretAI() { return ((TurretStateMachine*)getMachine())->getTurretAI(); }
class TurretAIIdleState : public TurretState
TurretAIIdleState( TurretStateMachine* machine ) : TurretState( machine, "TurretAIIdleState"), m_nextIdleScan(0) { }
virtual StateReturnType onEnter();
virtual StateReturnType update();
// snapshot interface
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess();
void resetIdleScan();
UnsignedInt m_nextIdleScan;
class TurretAIIdleScanState : public TurretState
TurretAIIdleScanState( TurretStateMachine* machine ) : TurretState( machine, "TurretAIIdleScanState"), m_desiredAngle(0) { }
virtual StateReturnType onEnter();
virtual void onExit( StateExitType status );
virtual StateReturnType update();
// snapshot interface
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess();
Real m_desiredAngle;
* Aim a turret at GoalObject
class TurretAIAimTurretState : public TurretState
UnsignedInt m_extraDelay;
TurretAIAimTurretState( TurretStateMachine* machine ) : TurretState( machine, "TurretAIAimTurretState" )
virtual StateReturnType onEnter();
virtual void onExit( StateExitType status );
virtual StateReturnType update();
// snapshot interface STUBBED - no member vars to save. jba.
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer ){};
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer ){XferVersion cv = 1; XferVersion v = cv; xfer->xferVersion( &v, cv );}
virtual void loadPostProcess(){};
* Rotate a turret back to its default position
class TurretAIRecenterTurretState : public TurretState
MEMORY_POOL_GLUE_WITH_USERLOOKUP_CREATE(TurretAIRecenterTurretState, "TurretAIRecenterTurretState")
TurretAIRecenterTurretState( TurretStateMachine* machine ) : TurretState( machine, "TurretAIRecenterTurretState" ) { }
virtual StateReturnType onEnter();
virtual void onExit( StateExitType status );
virtual StateReturnType update();
// snapshot interface STUBBED - no member vars to save. jba.
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer ){};
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer ){XferVersion cv = 1; XferVersion v = cv; xfer->xferVersion( &v, cv );}
virtual void loadPostProcess(){};
* Hold turret position for a bit before recenter
class TurretAIHoldTurretState : public TurretState
UnsignedInt m_timestamp; ///< frame this state was last entered
TurretAIHoldTurretState( TurretStateMachine* machine ) : TurretState( machine , "AIHoldTurretState")
m_timestamp = 0;
virtual StateReturnType onEnter();
virtual void onExit( StateExitType status );
virtual StateReturnType update();
// snapshot interface
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess();
class TurretAIData : public MemoryPoolObject
Real m_turnRate;
Real m_pitchRate;
Real m_naturalTurretAngle;
Real m_naturalTurretPitch;
Real m_turretFireAngleSweep[WEAPONSLOT_COUNT]; ///< if nonzero, sweep within +/- this angle range while firing
Real m_turretSweepSpeedModifier[WEAPONSLOT_COUNT]; ///< While sweeping, change your speed by this
Real m_firePitch; ///< if nonzero, I am on target at this fixed pitch, not when pointing at target
Real m_minPitch; ///< dependent on allowspitch. defaults to 0 (horizontal). The lowest pitch allowed (negative to allow pointing down of a high turret)
Real m_groundUnitPitch; ///< dependent on allowspitch. defaults to 0 (horizontal). The lowest pitch allowed when firing at ground units to give the weapon an arc. jba
UnsignedInt m_turretWeaponSlots; ///< which WeaponSlots are controlled by this turret
UnsignedInt m_interTurretDelay; ///< special-case for multiturret battleships
Real m_minIdleScanAngle; ///< max angle the turret can turn while idling
Real m_maxIdleScanAngle; ///< max angle the turret can turn while idling
UnsignedInt m_minIdleScanInterval; ///< min interval between idle scans
UnsignedInt m_maxIdleScanInterval; ///< max interval between idle scans
UnsignedInt m_recenterTime; ///< time to wait before recentering turret
Bool m_initiallyDisabled; ///< manually controlled and disabled.
Bool m_firesWhileTurning; ///< so the firing state does not instantly expire the turning state
Bool m_isAllowsPitch; ///< This type of turret can pitch up and down as well as spin
static void buildFieldParse(MultiIniFieldParse& p);
static void parseTurretSweep(INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void* userData);
static void parseTurretSweepSpeed(INI* ini, void *instance, void *store, const void* userData);
enum TurretTargetType
* Turret behavior implementation.
class TurretAI : public MemoryPoolObject, public Snapshot, public NotifyWeaponFiredInterface
TurretAI(Object* owner, const TurretAIData* data, WhichTurretType tur);
// virtual destructor prototype provided by memory pool declaration
Real getTurretAngle() const { return m_angle; }
Real getTurretPitch() const { return m_pitch; }
Real getMinPitch() const { return m_data->m_minPitch; }
Bool isAllowsPitch() const { return m_data->m_isAllowsPitch; }
Real getTurnRate() const { return m_data->m_turnRate; }
Real getNaturalTurretAngle() const { return m_data->m_naturalTurretAngle; }
Real getPitchRate() const { return m_data->m_pitchRate; }
Real getFirePitch() const { return m_data->m_firePitch; }
Real getGroundUnitPitch() const { return m_data->m_groundUnitPitch; }
Real getNaturalTurretPitch() const { return m_data->m_naturalTurretPitch; }
Real getTurretFireAngleSweepForWeaponSlot( WeaponSlotType slot ) const;
Real getTurretSweepSpeedModifierForWeaponSlot( WeaponSlotType slot ) const;
Real getMinIdleScanAngle() const { return m_data->m_minIdleScanAngle; }
Real getMaxIdleScanAngle() const { return m_data->m_maxIdleScanAngle; }
UnsignedInt getMinIdleScanInterval() const { return m_data->m_minIdleScanInterval; }
UnsignedInt getMaxIdleScanInterval() const { return m_data->m_maxIdleScanInterval; }
UnsignedInt getRecenterTime() const { return m_data->m_recenterTime; }
Object* getOwner() { return m_owner; }
const Object* getOwner() const { return m_owner; }
Bool isOwnersCurWeaponOnTurret() const;
Bool isWeaponSlotOnTurret(WeaponSlotType wslot) const;
Bool isAttackingObject() const { return m_target == TARGET_OBJECT; }
Bool isForceAttacking() const { return m_isForceAttacking; }
// this will cause the turret to continuously track the given victim.
// passing null will allow the turret to revert back to "normal" position.
void setTurretTargetObject(Object* o, Bool forceAttacking);
void setTurretTargetPosition(const Coord3D* pos);
void recenterTurret();
Bool isTurretInNaturalPosition() const;
void setTurretEnabled( Bool enabled );
Bool isTurretEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
return true iff the turret is trying to aim at the victim, BUT not yet pointing in
the right dir.
Bool isTryingToAimAtTarget(const Object* victim) const;
UpdateSleepTime updateTurretAI(); ///< implement this module's behavior
virtual void notifyFired();
virtual void notifyNewVictimChosen(Object* victim);
virtual const Coord3D* getOriginalVictimPos() const { return NULL; } // yes, we return NULL here
virtual Bool isWeaponSlotOkToFire(WeaponSlotType wslot) const;
// these are only for use by the state machines... don't call them otherwise, please
Bool friend_turnTowardsAngle(Real desiredAngle, Real rateModifier, Real relThresh);
Bool friend_turnTowardsPitch(Real pitch, Real rateModifier);
Bool friend_getPositiveSweep() const { return m_positiveSweep; }
void friend_setPositiveSweep(Bool b) { m_positiveSweep = b; }
Bool friend_isSweepEnabled() const;
WhichTurretType friend_getWhichTurret() const { return m_whichTurret; }
UnsignedInt friend_getInterTurretDelay();
Bool friend_isAnyWeaponInRangeOf(const Object* o) const;
TurretTargetType friend_getTurretTarget(Object*& obj, Coord3D& pos) const;
Bool friend_getTargetWasSetByIdleMood() const { return m_targetWasSetByIdleMood; }
const Team* friend_getVictimInitialTeam() const { return m_victimInitialTeam; }
void friend_checkForIdleMoodTarget();
UnsignedInt friend_getNextIdleMoodTargetFrame() const;
void friend_notifyStateMachineChanged();
// snapshot interface
virtual void crc( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void xfer( Xfer *xfer );
virtual void loadPostProcess();
void startRotOrPitchSound(); ///< start turret rotation sound
void stopRotOrPitchSound(); ///< stop turret rotation sound
void removeSelfAsTargeter();
void getOtherTurretWeaponInfo(Int& numSelf, Int& numSelfReloading, Int& numSelfReady, Int& numOther, Int& numOtherReloading, Int& numOtherReady) const;
const TurretAIData* m_data;
const WhichTurretType m_whichTurret;
Object* m_owner;
TurretStateMachine* m_turretStateMachine; ///< the state machine
Real m_angle; ///< angle of the turret
Real m_pitch; ///< pitch angle, if this supports it
AudioEventRTS m_turretRotOrPitchSound; ///< Sound of turret rotation
UnsignedInt m_enableSweepUntil;
Team* m_victimInitialTeam; // The team of the victim at the BEGINNING of the attack. If it changes, we may need to stop the attack.
mutable TurretTargetType m_target;
UnsignedInt m_continuousFireExpirationFrame;
UnsignedInt m_sleepUntil;
Bool m_playRotSound : 1;
Bool m_playPitchSound : 1;
Bool m_positiveSweep : 1;
Bool m_didFire : 1;
Bool m_enabled : 1;
Bool m_firesWhileTurning : 1;
Bool m_isForceAttacking : 1;
mutable Bool m_targetWasSetByIdleMood : 1;
#endif // end _TURRETAI_H_