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458 lines
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** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer/ WW Library *
* *
* File Name : WINCOMM.H *
* *
* Programmer : Steve Tall *
* *
* Start Date : 1/10/96 *
* *
* Last Update : January 10th 1996 [ST] *
* *
* Overview: *
* *
* These classes was created to replace the greenleaf comms functions used in C&C DOS with *
* WIN32 API calls. *
* *
* *
* Functions: *
* *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef WIN32
#define WIN32
#define _WIN32
#endif //WIN32
#include <windows.h>
typedef enum WinCommDialMethodType {
} WinCommDialMethodType;
#define ASTIMEOUT -10
** The size of our serial buffer within the class.
** !!!!!! THIS MUST BE A POWER OF 2 !!!!!!
** WinModemClass.
** This class provides access to modems under Win95. The functions are designed to be more or less
** drop in replacements for the Grenleaf comms functions.
class WinModemClass
WinModemClass (void); //WinModemClass Contructor
virtual ~WinModemClass (void); //WinModemClass Destructor
** Serial port open should be called to get a handle to the COM port
** This needs to be called first as other class members rely on the handle
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: PortOpenGreenleafFast
//virtual HANDLE Serial_Port_Open (int port, int baud, int parity, int wordlen, int stopbits);
virtual HANDLE Serial_Port_Open (char *device_name, int baud, int parity, int wordlen, int stopbits, int flowcontrol);
** This function releases the COM port handle and should be called after
** communications have finished
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: PortClose
void Serial_Port_Close (void);
** This member copies any bytes from the internal class serial buffer
** into your user buffer.
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: ReadBuffer
int Read_From_Serial_Port (unsigned char *dest_ptr, int buffer_len);
** Write chars to the serial port
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: WriteBuffer
void Write_To_Serial_Port (unsigned char *buffer, int length);
** Wait for the outgoing buffer to empty
void Wait_For_Serial_Write (void);
** Set the dial type to DIAL_TOUCH_TONE or DIAL_PULSE
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: HMSetDiallingMethod
virtual void Set_Modem_Dial_Type (WinCommDialMethodType method);
** Get the status of the modem control lines
** Possible flags are: CTS_SET DSR_SET RI_SET & CD_SET
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: GetModemStatus
virtual unsigned Get_Modem_Status (void);
** Set the DTR line to the given state
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: SetDtr
virtual void Set_Serial_DTR (BOOL state);
** Get the result code from the modem after issuing an 'AT' command
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: HMInputLine
virtual int Get_Modem_Result (int delay, char *buffer, int buffer_len);
** Issue a dial command to the modem.
** Use Set_Modem_Dial_Type to select pulse or tone dial
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: HMDial
virtual void Dial_Modem (char *dial_number);
** Send a command to the modem. This is usually an 'AT' command.
** Function will optionally retry until 'OK' is received.
virtual int Send_Command_To_Modem (char *command, char terminator, char *buffer, int buflen, int delay, int retries);
** Sets a pointer to a function that will be called for each incoming serial char
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: HMSetUpEchoRoutine
virtual void Set_Echo_Function (void(*func)(char c));
** Sets a pointer to a function that will be called if ESC is pressed during a dial
** Replacement for Greenleaf function: HMSetUpAbortKey
virtual void Set_Abort_Function (int (*func)(void));
** Member to allow access to the serial port handle
HANDLE Get_Port_Handle(void);
** Status vars for debugging purposes
int FramingErrors;
int IOErrors;
int BufferOverruns;
int InBufferOverflows;
int ParityErrors;
int OutBufferOverflows;
int InQueue;
int OutQueue;
** Modem send result codes
enum SendModemEnum {
** Enums for modem status flags
enum {
CTS_SET = 0x10,
DSR_SET = 0x20,
RI_SET = 0x40,
CD_SET = 0x80
** Copy incoming data from the windows file buffer into the internal class buffer
BOOL Read_Serial_Chars(void);
** Pointer to the internal class circular buffer for incoming data
unsigned char *SerialBuffer;
** Overlap object for asyncronous reads from the serial port
** Overlap object for asyncronous writes to the serial port
OVERLAPPED WriteOverlap;
** Flag that there is no outstanding incoming data in the windows buffer
BOOL WaitingForSerialCharRead;
** Flag that we are waiting for the last write to port operation to complete
BOOL WaitingForSerialCharWrite;
** Head and Tail pointers for our internal serial buffer
int SerialBufferReadPtr;
int SerialBufferWritePtr;
** Windows handle to the COM port device
HANDLE PortHandle;
** Dialing method - DIAL_TOUCH_TONE or DIAL_PULSE
WinCommDialMethodType DialingMethod;
** Pointer to function for echoing incoming data - can be NULL
void (*EchoFunction)(char c);
** Pointer to function for aborting when ESC pressed - can be NULL
int (*AbortFunction)(void);
** Serial buffer for asyncronous reads
** WinNullModemClass.
** This class provides access to serial ports under Win95. The functions are designed to be more or less
** drop in replacements for the Grenleaf comms functions.
** This class just overloads the WinModemClass members that arent required for direct serial communications
** via a 'null modem' cable.
class WinNullModemClass : public WinModemClass
virtual inline void Set_Modem_Dial_Type (int){};
virtual inline unsigned Get_Modem_Status (void){return (0);};
virtual inline void Set_Serial_DTR (BOOL){};
virtual inline int Get_Modem_Result (int, char*, int){return(0);};
virtual inline void Dial_Modem (char*){};
virtual inline int Send_Command_To_Modem (char*, char, char*, int, int, int){return (0);};
virtual inline void Set_Echo_Function (void(*)(char)){};
virtual inline void Set_Abort_Function (int(*)(void)){};
extern WinModemClass *SerialPort;
// This bit swiped from the SDK because its not in the Watcom headers yet
* *
* mcx.h -- This module defines the 32-Bit Windows MCX APIs *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1990-1995, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. *
* *
#ifndef _MCX_H_
#define _MCX_H_
typedef struct _MODEMDEVCAPS {
DWORD dwActualSize;
DWORD dwRequiredSize;
DWORD dwDevSpecificOffset;
DWORD dwDevSpecificSize;
// product and version identification
DWORD dwModemProviderVersion;
DWORD dwModemManufacturerOffset;
DWORD dwModemManufacturerSize;
DWORD dwModemModelOffset;
DWORD dwModemModelSize;
DWORD dwModemVersionOffset;
DWORD dwModemVersionSize;
// local option capabilities
DWORD dwDialOptions; // bitmap of supported values
DWORD dwCallSetupFailTimer; // maximum in seconds
DWORD dwInactivityTimeout; // maximum in seconds
DWORD dwSpeakerVolume; // bitmap of supported values
DWORD dwSpeakerMode; // bitmap of supported values
DWORD dwModemOptions; // bitmap of supported values
DWORD dwMaxDTERate; // maximum value in bit/s
DWORD dwMaxDCERate; // maximum value in bit/s
// Variable portion for proprietary expansion
BYTE abVariablePortion [1];
typedef struct _MODEMSETTINGS {
DWORD dwActualSize;
DWORD dwRequiredSize;
DWORD dwDevSpecificOffset;
DWORD dwDevSpecificSize;
// static local options (read/write)
DWORD dwCallSetupFailTimer; // seconds
DWORD dwInactivityTimeout; // seconds
DWORD dwSpeakerVolume; // level
DWORD dwSpeakerMode; // mode
DWORD dwPreferredModemOptions; // bitmap
// negotiated options (read only) for current or last call
DWORD dwNegotiatedModemOptions; // bitmap
DWORD dwNegotiatedDCERate; // bit/s
// Variable portion for proprietary expansion
BYTE abVariablePortion [1];
// Dial Options
#define DIALOPTION_BILLING 0x00000040 // Supports wait for bong "$"
#define DIALOPTION_QUIET 0x00000080 // Supports wait for quiet "@"
#define DIALOPTION_DIALTONE 0x00000100 // Supports wait for dial tone "W"
// SpeakerVolume for MODEMDEVCAPS
#define MDMVOLFLAG_LOW 0x00000001
#define MDMVOLFLAG_MEDIUM 0x00000002
#define MDMVOLFLAG_HIGH 0x00000004
// SpeakerVolume for MODEMSETTINGS
#define MDMVOL_LOW 0x00000000
#define MDMVOL_MEDIUM 0x00000001
#define MDMVOL_HIGH 0x00000002
// SpeakerMode for MODEMDEVCAPS
#define MDMSPKRFLAG_OFF 0x00000001
#define MDMSPKRFLAG_DIAL 0x00000002
#define MDMSPKRFLAG_ON 0x00000004
#define MDMSPKRFLAG_CALLSETUP 0x00000008
// SpeakerMode for MODEMSETTINGS
#define MDMSPKR_OFF 0x00000000
#define MDMSPKR_DIAL 0x00000001
#define MDMSPKR_ON 0x00000002
#define MDMSPKR_CALLSETUP 0x00000003
// Modem Options
#define MDM_COMPRESSION 0x00000001
#define MDM_ERROR_CONTROL 0x00000002
#define MDM_FORCED_EC 0x00000004
#define MDM_CELLULAR 0x00000008
#define MDM_FLOWCONTROL_HARD 0x00000010
#define MDM_FLOWCONTROL_SOFT 0x00000020
#define MDM_CCITT_OVERRIDE 0x00000040
#define MDM_SPEED_ADJUST 0x00000080
#define MDM_TONE_DIAL 0x00000100
#define MDM_BLIND_DIAL 0x00000200
#define MDM_V23_OVERRIDE 0x00000400
#endif /* _MCX_H_ */