1488 lines
57 KiB
1488 lines
57 KiB
** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer/ WW Library *
* *
* File Name : WINCOMM.H *
* *
* Programmer : Steve Tall *
* *
* Start Date : 1/10/96 *
* *
* Last Update : January 10th 1996 [ST] *
* *
* Overview: *
* *
* Functions for WinModemClass & WinNullModemClass *
* *
* These classes was created to replace the greenleaf comms functions used in C&C DOS with *
* WIN32 API calls. *
* *
* *
* Functions: *
* *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
//#include "function.h"
#include "wincomm.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
** Define this to log modem activity to disk.
//#define LOG_MODEM
** Object represents a serial port
WinModemClass *SerialPort = NULL;
* WMC::WinModemClass -- WinModemClass constructor *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:14PM ST : Created *
** Allocate memory for our internal circular serial input buffer
SerialBuffer = new unsigned char [SIZE_OF_WINDOWS_SERIAL_BUFFER];
** Initialise the serial buffer pointers
SerialBufferReadPtr = 0;
SerialBufferWritePtr = 0;
** Clear the waiting flags
WaitingForSerialCharRead = FALSE;
WaitingForSerialCharWrite = FALSE;
** No default abort or echo function
AbortFunction = NULL;
EchoFunction = NULL;
** Clear the running error count
** We havnt opened a port yet so...
PortHandle = 0;
* WMC::~WinModemClass -- destructor for WinModemClass *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:15PM ST : Created *
** Close the port
if (PortHandle){
** Free the serial buffer
if (SerialBuffer){
delete [] SerialBuffer;
* Get_Registry_Sub_Key -- search a registry key for a sub-key *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: handle of key to search *
* text to search for *
* true if old key should be closed when new key opened *
* *
* OUTPUT: handle to the key we found or 0 *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/12/96 2:11PM ST : Created *
HKEY Get_Registry_Sub_Key (HKEY base_key, char *search_key, BOOL close)
char class_string[1024];
DWORD string_size = 1024;
DWORD num_sub_keys;
DWORD longest_sub_key_name;
DWORD longest_class_string;
DWORD num_value_entries;
DWORD longest_value_name_length;
DWORD longest_value_data_length;
DWORD security_descriptor_length;
FILETIME last_write_time;
HKEY result_key;
DWORD sub_key_buffer_size;
char *sub_key_buffer;
char *sub_key_class;
if (RegQueryInfoKey (base_key,
&last_write_time) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return (0);
sub_key_buffer_size = longest_sub_key_name+16;
sub_key_buffer = new char [sub_key_buffer_size];
sub_key_class = new char [longest_class_string+1];
for (int key_num=0 ; key_num<num_sub_keys ; key_num++){
*sub_key_buffer = 0;
longest_sub_key_name = sub_key_buffer_size;
if (!stricmp(search_key, sub_key_buffer)){
if (RegOpenKeyEx( base_key,
&result_key) == ERROR_SUCCESS){
if (close){
delete [] sub_key_buffer;
delete [] sub_key_class;
return (result_key);
if (close){
delete [] sub_key_buffer;
delete [] sub_key_class;
return (0);
* Get_Modem_Name_From_Registry -- retrieve the name of the installed modem from the registry *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: buffer to put the name in *
* length of buffer *
* *
* OUTPUT: TRUE if modem was found in the registry *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/12/96 2:13PM ST : Created *
BOOL Get_Modem_Name_From_Registry(char *buffer, int buffer_len)
HKEY key;
char modem_name[256];
DWORD modem_name_size = 256;
key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Enum", FALSE);
if (!key) return (FALSE);
key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Root", TRUE);
if (!key) return (FALSE);
key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "Modem", TRUE);
if (!key) return (FALSE);
key = Get_Registry_Sub_Key (key, "0000", TRUE);
if (!key) return (FALSE);
if (RegQueryValueEx(key, "FriendlyName", NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)&modem_name[0], &modem_name_size) != ERROR_SUCCESS){
return (FALSE);
memcpy (buffer, modem_name, min(buffer_len, modem_name_size));
return (TRUE);
#ifdef cuts
* WMC::Serial_Port_Open -- opens a com port for asyncronous read/write and gets a handle to it*
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Com port - 0=com1, 1=com2 etc. *
* baud rate - bits per second *
* parity - true or false *
* word length - 5 to 8 bits *
* stop bits - 0=1 stop bit, 1=1.5 & 2=2 *
* *
* OUTPUT: Handle to port *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:17PM ST : Created *
//VOID FAR PASCAL lineCallbackFunc(DWORD hDevice, DWORD dwMsg,
// DWORD dwCallbackInstance, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2,
// DWORD dwParam3)
extern HINSTANCE ProgramInstance;
HANDLE WinModemClass::Serial_Port_Open (int com, int baud, int parity, int wordlen, int stopbits)
HANDLE com_handle; //temporary storage for the port handle
DCB device_control; //device control block
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; //timeout values
char modem_name[256]; //name of modem
char device_name[266]={"\\\\.\\"}; //device name to open
DWORD config_size = 2048;
char config[2048];
COMMCONFIG *modem_config = (COMMCONFIG*)&config[0];
MODEMDEVCAPS *modem_caps;
int temp;
BOOL found_modem;
** Map for com port values to device names
static char com_ids[8][5]={
HLINEAPP app_line_handle;
DWORD num_devices;
lineInitialise (&app_line_handle, ProgramInstance, &lineCallbackFunc, NULL, &num_devices);
found_modem = TRUE;
if (!Get_Modem_Name_From_Registry(modem_name, 256)){
strcpy(modem_name, com_ids[com]);
found_modem = FALSE;
strcat(device_name, modem_name);
PortHandle = 0;
** Open the com port for asyncronous reads/writes
if (com_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return (com_handle);
PortHandle = com_handle;
** Set the size of the windows communication buffers
SetupComm(com_handle, 2048, 2048);
** Create an event object for asyncronous reads
ReadOverlap.Internal = 0;
ReadOverlap.InternalHigh = 0;
ReadOverlap.Offset = 0;
ReadOverlap.OffsetHigh = 0;
ReadOverlap.hEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
** Create an event object for asyncronous writes
WriteOverlap.Internal = 0;
WriteOverlap.InternalHigh = 0;
WriteOverlap.Offset = 0;
WriteOverlap.OffsetHigh = 0;
WriteOverlap.hEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
if (!found_modem){
** Get the current state of the com port as a basis for our device control block
GetCommState (com_handle , &device_control);
** Communications settings
device_control.BaudRate = baud;
device_control.fParity = parity;
device_control.ByteSize = wordlen;
device_control.StopBits = stopbits-1;
** Misc settings for flow control etc.
device_control.fBinary = TRUE; // Binary mode data transfer
device_control.fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE; // CTS flow control
device_control.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; // RTS flow control
device_control.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Dont put an error char into our input stream
device_control.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // No DSR flow control
device_control.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; // Enable control of DTR line
device_control.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOF flow control
device_control.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOF flow control
device_control.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // Device continues to send after an error
** Pass the device settings to windows
if (SetCommState (com_handle , &device_control) != TRUE){
** If we are talking to a modem device then turn off compression and error correction
GetCommConfig(PortHandle ,modem_config, &config_size);
if (modem_config->dwProviderSubType == PST_MODEM){
temp = modem_config->dwProviderOffset;
temp += (int)modem_config;
modem_caps = (MODEMDEVCAPS*)temp;
modem_caps->dwModemOptions &= ~( MDM_COMPRESSION |
SetCommConfig(PortHandle, modem_config ,(unsigned)config_size);
** Set the device timeouts
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 10000; //10 seconds between incoming packets
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; //disable total timeouts
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; //disable total timeouts
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier= 0; //disable total timeouts
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; //disable total timeouts
if (SetCommTimeouts(com_handle, &timeouts) !=TRUE){
return (com_handle);
* WMC::Serial_Port_Open -- opens a com port for asyncronous read/write and gets a handle to it*
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Com port - 0=com1, 1=com2 etc. *
* baud rate - bits per second *
* parity - true or false *
* word length - 5 to 8 bits *
* stop bits - 0=1 stop bit, 1=1.5 & 2=2 *
* flow control- 0 = none, 1 = hardware *
* *
* OUTPUT: Handle to port *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:17PM ST : Created *
HANDLE WinModemClass::Serial_Port_Open (char *device_name, int baud, int parity, int wordlen, int stopbits, int flowcontrol)
HANDLE com_handle; //temporary storage for the port handle
DCB device_control; //device control block
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; //timeout values
#if (0)
** Map for com port values to device names
static char com_ids[8][5]={
#endif //(0)
int errorval;
char errortxt[128];
char devname[266]={"\\\\.\\"}; //device name to open
strcat (devname, device_name);
PortHandle = 0;
** Open the com port for asyncronous reads/writes
//com_handle = CreateFile (&com_ids[com][0], GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL);
if (com_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return (com_handle);
PortHandle = com_handle;
** Set the size of the windows communication buffers
** Reset any read or write operation and purge the buffers
** Create an event object for asyncronous reads
ReadOverlap.Internal = 0;
ReadOverlap.InternalHigh = 0;
ReadOverlap.Offset = 0;
ReadOverlap.OffsetHigh = 0;
ReadOverlap.hEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
** Create an event object for asyncronous writes
WriteOverlap.Internal = 0;
WriteOverlap.InternalHigh = 0;
WriteOverlap.Offset = 0;
WriteOverlap.OffsetHigh = 0;
WriteOverlap.hEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
** Get the current state of the com port as a basis for our device control block
if (GetCommState (com_handle , &device_control)){
** Communications settings
device_control.BaudRate = baud;
device_control.fParity = parity;
device_control.ByteSize = (char)wordlen;
device_control.StopBits = (char)(stopbits-1);
** Misc settings for flow control etc.
device_control.fBinary = TRUE; // Binary mode data transfer
device_control.fOutxCtsFlow = TRUE; // CTS flow control
device_control.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE; // RTS flow control
device_control.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Dont put an error char into our input stream
device_control.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // No DSR flow control
device_control.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; // Enable control of DTR line
device_control.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOF flow control
device_control.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOF flow control
device_control.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // Device continues to send after an error
** Disable hardware flow control if required
if (!flowcontrol){
device_control.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; // CTS flow control
device_control.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE; // RTS flow control
** Pass the device settings to windows
if ( !SetCommState (com_handle , &device_control)){
errorval = GetLastError();
sprintf (errortxt, "RA95 -- SetCommState returned error code %d.\n", errorval);
OutputDebugString (errortxt);
errorval = GetLastError();
sprintf (errortxt, "RA95 -- GetCommState returned error code %d.\n", errorval);
OutputDebugString (errortxt);
** Set the device timeouts
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1000; //1 second between incoming bytes will time-out the read
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; //disable per byte timeouts
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 3000; //Read operations time out after 3 secs if no data received
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier= 500; //Allow 1/2 ms between each char write
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000; //Write operations time out after 1 sec + 1/2 sec per char if data wasnt sent
if ( !SetCommTimeouts(com_handle, &timeouts) ){
errorval = GetLastError();
sprintf (errortxt, "RA95 -- SetCommTimeouts returned error code %d.\n", errorval);
OutputDebugString (errortxt);
return (com_handle);
* WMC::Set_Modem_Dial_Type -- sets dial type to WC_TOUCH_TONE or WC_PULSE *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:22PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Set_Modem_Dial_Type(WinCommDialMethodType method)
DialingMethod = method;
* WMC::Get_Modem_Status -- gets the status of the modem control lines *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Modem status. Any of the following bits CTS_SET, DSR_SET, RI_SET or CD_SET *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:24PM ST : Created *
unsigned WinModemClass::Get_Modem_Status(void)
DWORD modem_stat = 0;
unsigned long return_stat = 0;
** Get the modem status
GetCommModemStatus(PortHandle, &modem_stat);
** Translate the windows status flags to greenleaf flags
if (MS_CTS_ON & modem_stat) return_stat |= CTS_SET;
if (MS_DSR_ON & modem_stat) return_stat |= DSR_SET;
if (MS_RING_ON & modem_stat) return_stat |= RI_SET;
if (MS_RLSD_ON & modem_stat) return_stat |= CD_SET;
return (return_stat);
* WMC::Set_Serial_DTR -- set the state of the modems DTR control line *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: state - true or false *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:25PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Set_Serial_DTR(BOOL state)
if (state){
EscapeCommFunction(PortHandle, SETDTR);
EscapeCommFunction(PortHandle, CLRDTR);
* WMC::Serial_Port_Close -- close the port and free the port handle *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:26PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Serial_Port_Close (void)
if (PortHandle){
PortHandle = 0;
* WMC::Read_Serial_Chars -- copys chars from the windows serial buffer to the class buffer *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: TRUE if any chars read *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:26PM ST : Created *
void Smart_Printf( char *format, ... );
BOOL WinModemClass::Read_Serial_Chars (void)
DWORD bytes_read; //amount of data read this time
BOOL read_result; //result of ReadFile
BOOL overlap_result; //result of GetOverlappedResult
DWORD total_bytes_read=0; //total amount of data read
int bytes_to_read;
int i;
** Are we were still waiting for the last read operation to finish?
if (WaitingForSerialCharRead){
** Check the result of the last read operation
bytes_read = 0;
overlap_result = GetOverlappedResult(PortHandle, &ReadOverlap, &bytes_read, FALSE);
** If we got a good result from GetOverlappedResult and data was read then move it
** to our circular buffer
if (overlap_result){
WaitingForSerialCharRead = FALSE; //Flag that we are no longer waiting for a read
if (bytes_read){
for (i=0 ; i<bytes_read ; i++){
*(SerialBuffer + SerialBufferWritePtr++) = TempSerialBuffer[i];
SerialBufferWritePtr &= SIZE_OF_WINDOWS_SERIAL_BUFFER - 1;
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
** No chars were read since last time so just return
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE){
return (FALSE);
** There is no outstanding read to wait for so try a new read
** Clear the event object
** Clear any communications errors and get the number of bytes in the in buffer
DWORD error;
COMSTAT status;
bytes_to_read = 1;
if (ClearCommError(PortHandle, &error, &status)){
InQueue = status.cbInQue;
OutQueue = status.cbOutQue;
if (error){
if (CE_FRAME & error) FramingErrors++;
if (CE_IOE & error) IOErrors++;
if (CE_OVERRUN & error) BufferOverruns++;
if (CE_RXOVER & error) InBufferOverflows++;
if (CE_RXPARITY & error)ParityErrors++;
if (CE_TXFULL & error) OutBufferOverflows++;
bytes_to_read = 0;
bytes_to_read = min(status.cbInQue, SIZE_OF_WINDOWS_SERIAL_BUFFER);
if (!bytes_to_read) bytes_to_read++;
** Start reading bytes
** Try a read operation
bytes_read = 0;
read_result = ReadFile(PortHandle ,TempSerialBuffer ,bytes_to_read ,&bytes_read, &ReadOverlap);
if (!read_result){
** Read failed
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING){
** But it threaded in the background OK so flag that we must wait for it to finish
WaitingForSerialCharRead = TRUE;
** Read was successful - copy to our circular buffer and try reading again
if (bytes_read){
for (i=0 ; i<bytes_read ; i++){
*(SerialBuffer + SerialBufferWritePtr++) = TempSerialBuffer[i];
SerialBufferWritePtr &= SIZE_OF_WINDOWS_SERIAL_BUFFER - 1;
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
bytes_to_read = 1;
} while (read_result == TRUE);
return ((BOOL)total_bytes_read);
* WMC::Read_From_Serial_Port -- retrieves chars from the internal class circular buffer which *
* is filled from the windows serial buffer *
* *
* *
* INPUT: buffer to copy to *
* size of buffer *
* *
* OUTPUT: number of chars copied *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:27PM ST : Created *
int WinModemClass::Read_From_Serial_Port (unsigned char *dest_ptr, int buffer_len)
int bytes_read;
int bytes_to_copy = 0;
unsigned char *original_dest = dest_ptr;
** Get any outstanding data from the windows serial buffer into our class' circular buffer
bytes_read = Read_Serial_Chars();
if (bytes_read){
** Calculate how many bytes should be copied to the user buffer
bytes_to_copy = SerialBufferWritePtr - SerialBufferReadPtr;
if (bytes_to_copy <0 ) bytes_to_copy += SIZE_OF_WINDOWS_SERIAL_BUFFER;
if (bytes_to_copy>buffer_len) bytes_to_copy = buffer_len;
** Loop to copy the data from the internal class buffer to the users buffer
for (int i=0 ; i<bytes_to_copy ; i++){
** Call the users echo function if required
if (EchoFunction && *(SerialBuffer + SerialBufferReadPtr) !=13 ){
EchoFunction(*(SerialBuffer + SerialBufferReadPtr));
*dest_ptr++ = *(SerialBuffer + SerialBufferReadPtr++);
#ifdef LOG_MODEM
if (bytes_read){
char *outstr = new char[bytes_read+1];
memcpy (outstr, original_dest, bytes_read);
outstr[bytes_read] = 0;
OutputDebugString (outstr);
int handle;
if (handle != -1){
write(handle, original_dest, bytes_read);
#endif //LOG_MODEM
* WMC::Wait_For_Serial_Write -- waits for output buffer to empty *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:29PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Wait_For_Serial_Write()
DWORD bytes_written;
BOOL overlap_result;
BOOL wait_send;
CountDownTimerClass timer;
if (WaitingForSerialCharWrite){
** Wait until the overlapped port write is finished
wait_send = FALSE;
overlap_result = GetOverlappedResult(PortHandle, &WriteOverlap, &bytes_written, FALSE);
if (!overlap_result){
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE){
wait_send = TRUE;
}while(wait_send && timer.Time());
WaitingForSerialCharWrite = FALSE;
* WMC::Write_To_Serial_Port -- writes data to the serial port *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: ptr to data *
* bytes to write *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:29PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Write_To_Serial_Port (unsigned char *buffer, int length)
DWORD bytes_written;
BOOL write_result;
#ifdef LOG_MODEM
if (length){
char *outstr = new char[length+1];
memcpy (outstr, buffer, length);
outstr[length] = 0;
OutputDebugString (outstr);
int handle;
if (handle != -1){
write(handle, buffer, length);
#endif //LOG_MODEM
** Wait for the end of the last write operation
** Write the data to the port
write_result = WriteFile (PortHandle, buffer, length, &bytes_written, &WriteOverlap);
if (!write_result){
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING){
WaitingForSerialCharWrite = TRUE;
* WMC::Get_Modem_Result -- gets the result code from the modem after issuing an 'AT' command *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: delay for result time-out *
* ptr to buffer to receive modem result *
* length of buffer *
* *
* OUTPUT: un-elapsed delay *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:30PM ST : Created *
extern void CCDebugString (char*);
int WinModemClass::Get_Modem_Result(int delay, char *buffer, int buffer_len)
CountDownTimerClass timer;
int dest_ptr;
char *cr_ptr;
char *lf_ptr;
int copy_bytes;
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - In Get_Modem_Result\n");
char abuffer [128];
sprintf (abuffer, "Wincomm - delay = %d, buffer = %p, buffer_len = %d.\n", delay, buffer, buffer_len);
//OutputDebugString (abuffer);
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - About to clear input buffer.\n");
memset(buffer, 0 ,buffer_len);
dest_ptr = 0;
** Loop to parse data from the modem and discard any echoed 'AT' commands or spurious LF
** and CR characters.
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - Entering do loop.\n");
cr_ptr = NULL; //Set the result pointer to NULL
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - About to set timer.\n");
timer.Set(delay/16); //Set and start the timer
** Keep reading from the serial port until...
** 1. we time out
** 2. the user abort by pressing ESC
** 3. the supplied buffer fills up
** 4. there is an app switch
** or 5. we get a CR character from the modem
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - About to enter inner do loop.\n");
if (AbortFunction){// &&
//_Kbd->Check()) {
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - About to call abort function.\n");
int abort = AbortFunction();
sprintf (abuffer ,"Wincomm - About function returned %d.\n", abort);
//OutputDebugString (abuffer);
if (abort != COMMSUCCESS) return (abort);
** If we had lost focus then abort
if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - Aborting due to loss of focus.\n");
return (0);
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - About to call Read_From_Serial_Port.\n");
dest_ptr += Read_From_Serial_Port((unsigned char*)(buffer + dest_ptr), (int)buffer_len-dest_ptr);
sprintf (abuffer, "Wincomm - End of inner do loop. Time is %d.\n", timer.Time());
//OutputDebugString (abuffer);
} while (timer.Time() &&
dest_ptr < buffer_len &&
!strchr (buffer, 13) );
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - Exited inner do loop.\n");
** We need to discard this result if it is just an echo of the 'AT' command we sent
cr_ptr = strstr(buffer,"AT");
if (cr_ptr){
if (*buffer == 'A' && *(buffer+1) == 'T' && strchr(buffer,13)){
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - Discarding command echo.\n");
cr_ptr = strchr(buffer,13);
** If it wasnt an AT echo then strip off any leading CR/LF characters
if (!cr_ptr && (*buffer==13 || *buffer==10)){
cr_ptr = strchr(buffer,13);
lf_ptr = strchr(buffer,10);
if (!cr_ptr || (lf_ptr && lf_ptr < cr_ptr)){
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - Stripping CR/LF.\n");
cr_ptr = strchr(buffer,10);
** Copy the good stuff at the end of the buffer over the 'AT' or CR/LF chars
if (cr_ptr){
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - Copying over start of buffer.\n");
while(*cr_ptr == 13 || *cr_ptr == 10){
if (cr_ptr != buffer){
copy_bytes = (int)cr_ptr - (int)buffer;
memcpy(buffer, cr_ptr, buffer_len - copy_bytes);
dest_ptr -= copy_bytes;
//OutputDebugString ("Wincomm - End of outer do loop.\n");
** Terminate the string at the first CR character as this is what Greenleaf does
if (strchr(buffer, 13)){
//OutputDebugString ("Truncating result string.\n");
*(strchr(buffer, 13)) = 0;
//sprintf (abuffer, "Wincomm - returning remaining delay of %d.\n", timer.Time());
//OutputDebugString (abuffer);
return (timer.Time());
* WMC::Dial_Modem -- issue an 'ATD' command to the modem *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: string - number to dial *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: Use Set_Modem_Dial_Type to choose pulse or tone dialling *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:32PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Dial_Modem(char *dial_number)
char dial_string[80];
** Create the dial command to send to the modem
strcpy (dial_string, "ATD");
if (DialingMethod == WC_TOUCH_TONE){
strcat(dial_string, "T");
strcat(dial_string, "P");
** Stick a carriage return on the end
strcat (dial_string, dial_number);
strcat (dial_string, "\r");
** Write the dial command to the serial port and wait for the write to complete
Write_To_Serial_Port ((unsigned char*)dial_string, strlen(dial_string));
* WMC::Send_Command_To_Modem -- send an 'AT' command to the modem and await a response *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: command string *
* terminator byte (usually "\r") *
* ptr to buffer to receive modem result code *
* length of buffer *
* timeout delay for waiting for result *
* number of times to retry the command *
* *
* OUTPUT: result code *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:33PM ST : Created *
int WinModemClass::Send_Command_To_Modem(char *command, char terminator, char *buffer, int buflen, int delay, int retries)
int times;
unsigned char tmp_string[80];
char tmp_buff[80];
char term_string[2];
int time;
** Build the terminator string
term_string[0] = terminator;
term_string[1] = 0;
** Create the command from the supplied command and terminator
strcpy((char*)tmp_string, command);
strcat((char*)tmp_string, term_string);
** Flush out any pending characters from the port
unsigned char nothing_buff[80];
Sleep (100);
for (times = 0 ; times<retries; times++){
** Write the command to the serial port
Write_To_Serial_Port (tmp_string, strlen((char*)tmp_string));
** Wait for the result of the command from the modem
memset(tmp_buff, 0, 80);
time = Get_Modem_Result(delay, tmp_buff, 80);
** If it is a pretty standard result then just return
if (!strcmp(tmp_buff,"0")) return (MODEM_CMD_0);
if (strstr(tmp_buff,"OK")) return (MODEM_CMD_OK);
if (strstr(tmp_buff,"ERROR")) return (MODEM_CMD_ERROR);
** If the result was a 3 digit number then copy it to the users buffer and return OK
if (strlen(tmp_buff)==3){
if ( (tmp_buff[0] >= '0' && tmp_buff[0] <='9') &&
(tmp_buff[1] >= '0' && tmp_buff[1] <='9') &&
(tmp_buff[2] >= '0' && tmp_buff[2] <='9')) {
strncpy(buffer, tmp_buff, MIN(buflen, 80));
return (MODEM_CMD_OK);
** It was a non-standard(ish) result so copy it to the users buffer
strncpy(buffer, tmp_buff, MIN(buflen, 80));
** Spurious write for no apparent reason. Well it was there in the DOS version so...
Sleep (100);
Write_To_Serial_Port((unsigned char*)"\r",1);
Sleep (100);
return (ASTIMEOUT);
* WMC::Set_Echo_Function -- set up the echo function pointer *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: ptr to echo function *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:35PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Set_Echo_Function( void ( *func )( char c) )
EchoFunction = func;
* WMC::Set_Abort_Function -- set up the abort function pointer *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: ptr to abort function *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 1/10/96 2:35PM ST : Created *
void WinModemClass::Set_Abort_Function(int (*func)(void))
AbortFunction = func;
* WMC::Get_Port_Handle -- returns a handle to the communications port *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Com port handle *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 5/23/96 1:25PM ST : Created *
HANDLE WinModemClass::Get_Port_Handle(void)
return (PortHandle);