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Raw Normal View History

; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
;* *
;* Project Name : WWLIB32 *
;* *
;* File Name : SHAPE.INC *
;* *
;* Programmer : Scott Bowen *
;* *
;* Start Date : May 25, 1994 *
;* *
;* Last Update : September 14, 1994 [IML] *
;* *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
;****************************** Equates ************************************
;............................ Shape Types ..................................
TRUE equ 1 ; Boolean 'true' value
FALSE equ 0 ; Boolean 'false' value
MAKESHAPE_NORMAL EQU 0 ; 256-color compressed shape
MAKESHAPE_COMPACT EQU 1 ; 16-color shape (built-in color table)
MAKESHAPE_NOCOMP EQU 2 ; non-wwcomped shape
MAKESHAPE_VARIABLE EQU 4 ; <16-color shape with variable #
; of colors (ColorTable[0] = # of colors)
; old names:
;COLOR_SHAPE EQU 1 ; flag which determines a color shape
;NORM_SHAPE EQU 2 ; flag that indicates non wwcomped shp
;NORM_SHAPE_16 EQU 4 ; flag that tells us if we have a variable sized table
; variable sized table
; Drawing flags:
; The low byte is for coordinate transformations.
; The high byte is for drawing effects.
SHAPE_NORMAL EQU 0000h ; no options; just a copy
SHAPE_HORZ_REV EQU 0001h ; reverse horizontally
SHAPE_VERT_REV EQU 0002h ; reverse vertically
SHAPE_SCALING EQU 0004h ; scale
SHAPE_VIEWPORT_REL EQU 0010h ; viewport-relative coordinates
SHAPE_CENTER EQU 0020h ; use centered coordinates
SHAPE_FADING EQU 0100h ; fading effect shape
SHAPE_PREDATOR EQU 0200h ; predator effect shape
SHAPE_COMPACT EQU 0400h ; shape is in 16 colors
SHAPE_PRIORITY EQU 0800h ; priority draw shape
SHAPE_GHOST EQU 1000h ; ghosting effect
SHAPE_SHADOW EQU 2000h ; shadow effect
SHAPE_PARTIAL EQU 4000h ; partial predator effect
SHAPE_COLOR EQU 8000h ; use alternative color table effect
SHAPE_EFFECTS EQU 03F00h ; shape effect flags
;.......................... Shadow Effect ..................................
SHADOW_COL EQU 00FFh ; magic number for shadows
;......................... Priority System .................................
CLEAR_UNUSED_BITS EQU 0007h ; and with 0000-0111 to clear
; non-walkable high bit and
; scaling id bits
NON_WALKABLE_BIT EQU 0080h ; and with 1000-0000 to clear all
; but non-walkable bit
;......................... Predator Effect .................................
PRED_MASK EQU 0007h ; mask used for predator pixel puts
; This table is a list of the local stack variables in the function
; Draw_Shape. Many other functions in other modules access these variables
; on the stack. Since the BP is not changed when these other functions are
; called by Draw_Shape (possibly indirectly), they can also access these
; stack varibles. When adding or removing from the table, one must be very
; careful to change the offsets.
;.......................... proc addresses .................................
LSkipRout EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 04h ;DWORD pointer to the skip routine
RSkipRout EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 08h ;DWORD pointer to the skip routine
DrawRout EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 0Ch ;DWORD pointer to the draw routine
;........................ optional arguments ...............................
ColorTable EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 10h ;DWORD ptr to the shapes color table
FadingTable EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 14h ;DWORD ptr to the fading table
FadingNum EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 18h ;DWORD number of times to fade
IsTranslucent EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 1Ch ;DWORD ptr to is_translucent table
Translucent EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 20h ;DWORD ptr to actual translucent tbl
PriLevel EQU BYTE PTR ebp - 24h ;BYTE priority level of the object
ScaleX EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 28h ;DWORD the x increment to scale by
ScaleY EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 2Ch ;DWORD the y increment to scale by
ShadowingTable EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 30h ;DWORD ptr to the shadowing table
;........................ Shape header values ..............................
ShapeType EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 34h ;DWORD shape type
ShapeWidth EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 38h ;DWORD shape's unscaled width
ShapeHeight EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 3Ch ;DWORD shape's unscaled height
UncompDataLen EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 40h ;DWORD uncompressed data length
ShapeData EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 44h ;DWORD pointer to shape data
;...................... Scaled shape dimensions ............................
ScaledWidth EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 48h ;DWORD shape's scaled width
ScaledHeight EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 4Ch ;DWORD shape's scaled height
;...................... Pixel clipping variables ...........................
LeftClipPixels EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 50h ;DWORD # left-clipped pixels
RightClipPixels EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 54h ;DWORD # right-clipped pixels
TopClipPixels EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 58h ;DWORD # top-clipped pixels
BotClipPixels EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 5Ch ;DWORD # bottom-clipped pixels
PixelWidth EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 60h ;DWORD drawable area in pixels
PixelHeight EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 64h ;DWORD drawable area in pixels
;......................... Drawing variables ...............................
NumColors EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 68h ;DWORD # colors for 16-color shapes
StartDraw EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 6Ch ;DWORD offset of drawing start pos
NextLine EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 70h ;DWORD offset of next drawing line
LeftClipBytes EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 74h ;DWORD # left-clipped bytes
XTotal EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 78h ;DWORD accumulated x-pixels
XTotalInit EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 7Ch ;DWORD initial roundoff for XTotal
YTotal EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 80h ;DWORD accumulated y-pixels
HeightCount EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 84h ;DWORD ht counter for drawing lines
LineStart EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 88h ;DWORD address of start of line
WidthCount EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 8Ch ;DWORD counts down # bytes skipped
StashReg EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 90h ;DWORD temp variable for draw routines
MaskAdjust EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 94h ;DWORD priority buffer offset
BackAdjust EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 98h ;DWORD background buffer offset
StashECX EQU DWORD PTR ebp - 9Ch ;DWORD temp variable for ECX register
StashEDX EQU DWORD PTR ebp -0A0h ;DWORD temp variable for EDX register
Local_Size EQU 00A4h ; Amt of data on stack: 4+last offset
;****************************** Declarations *******************************
; Global variables used by the shape routines, defined in drawshp.asm
GLOBAL C ShapeBufferSize:DWORD
GLOBAL C _BackGroundPage:DWORD
; External tables that are defined in ds_table.asm.
; Public functions, declared in the order they appear in the function tables.
GLOBAL C Not_Supported:NEAR
; LSkipTable:
GLOBAL Left_Skip:NEAR ; ds_ls
GLOBAL Left_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_lrs
GLOBAL Left_Skip:NEAR ; ds_ls
GLOBAL Left_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_lrs
GLOBAL Left_Scale_Skip:NEAR ; ds_lss
GLOBAL Left_Scale_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_lsrs
GLOBAL Left_Scale_Skip:NEAR ; ds_lss
GLOBAL Left_Scale_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_lsrs
; RSkipTable:
GLOBAL Right_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rs
GLOBAL Right_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rrs
GLOBAL Right_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rs
GLOBAL Right_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rrs
GLOBAL Right_Scale_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rss
GLOBAL Right_Scale_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rsrs
GLOBAL Right_Scale_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rss
GLOBAL Right_Scale_Reverse_Skip:NEAR ; ds_rsrs
; DrawTable:
GLOBAL Draw_Normal:NEAR ; ds_dn
GLOBAL Draw_Reverse:NEAR ; ds_dr
GLOBAL Draw_Normal:NEAR ; ds_dn
GLOBAL Draw_Reverse:NEAR ; ds_dr
GLOBAL Draw_Scale:NEAR ; ds_ds
GLOBAL Draw_Scale_Reverse:NEAR ; ds_dsr
GLOBAL Draw_Scale:NEAR ; ds_ds
GLOBAL Draw_Scale_Reverse:NEAR ; ds_dsr
;************************* End of ********************************