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; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
;* *
;* Project Name : Timer interrupt for RM *
;* *
;* File Name : TIMEREAL.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Scott K. Bowen *
;* *
;* Start Date : July 8, 1994 *
;* *
;* Last Update : July 8, 1994 [SKB] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
;///////////////////////////////////// Equates ////////////////////////////////////////
INTCHIP0 EQU 20h ; 8259 interrupt chip controller 0
CLEARISR EQU 20h ; Value to write to 8259 to reenable interrupts.
;///////////////////////////////////// Data ////////////////////////////////////////
; This information may not change unless the protected mode version is
; also changed.
; For speed, PM uses a DD while RM used DW
TrueRate DW 0 ; True rate of clock. (only use word)
TrueRateNA DW 0 ; used for speed in prot mode.
; For speed, SysRate and SysError are DD in PM and are DW in real mode.
SysTicks DD 0 ; Tick count of timer.
SysRate DD 0 ; Desired rate of timer.
SysError DD 0 ; Amount of error in clock rate for desired frequency.
SysCurRate DW 0 ; Keeps track of when to increment timer.
SysCurError DW 0 ; Keeps track of amount of error in timer.
UserTicks DD 0 ; Tick count of timer.
UserRate DD 0 ; Desired rate of timer.
UserError DD 0 ; Amount of error in clock rate for desired frequency.
UserCurRate DW 0 ; Keeps track of when to increment timer.
UserCurError DW 0 ; Keeps track of amount of error in timer.
DosAdder DW 0 ; amount to add to DosFraction each interrupt.
DosFraction DW 0 ; Call dos when overflowed.
OldRMI DD 0 ; The origianl RM interrupt seg:off.
OldPMIOffset DD 0 ; The origianl PM interrupt offset
OldPMISelector DD 0 ; The original PM interrupt segment.
CodeOffset DW RM_Timer_Interrupt_Handler ; Offset of the code in the RM stuff.
CallRMIntOffset DW Call_Interrupt_Chain ; Offset of function to call DOS timer interrupt.
CallRMIntAddr DD 0 ; PM address of CallRealIntOffset for speed.
PMIssuedInt DD 0 ; PM signals RM to just call Int chain.
; These are just used for information on testing. When all is done, they can
; be removed, but why? The don't add too much proccessing time and can
; be useful.
NumPMInts DD 0 ; Number of PM interrupts
NumRMInts DD 0 ; Number of RM interrupts.
;///////////////////////////////////// Code ////////////////////////////////////////
; This is here for easy comparison with the PM version.
inc [NumRMInts] ; For testing.
; At this point, increment the system and user timers.
mov ax,[TrueRate] ; Get the rate of the PC clock.
sub [SysCurRate],ax ; Sub from our rate counter.
ja ??end_sys ; If !below zero, do not inc.
mov bx,[WORD PTR SysRate] ; Get rate of timer.
mov dx,[WORD PTR SysError] ; Get amount of error.
add [SysCurRate],bx ; Add rate to the current.
sub [SysCurError],dx ; Subtract err from error count.
jb ??error_adj_sys ; If !below 0, increment counter.
inc [SysTicks] ; increment the timer.
jmp short ??end_sys ; don't modify SysCurError.
add [SysCurError],bx ; reajust the error by timer rate.
sub [UserCurRate],ax ; Sub from our rate counter.
ja ??end_user ; If !below zero, do not inc.
mov bx,[WORD PTR UserRate] ; Get rate of timer.
mov dx,[WORD PTR UserError] ; Get amount of error.
add [UserCurRate],bx ; Add rate to the current.
sub [UserCurError],dx ; Subtract err from error count.
jb ??error_adj_user ; If !below 0, increment counter.
inc [UserTicks] ; increment the timer.
jmp short ??end_user ; don't modify UserCurError.
add [UserCurError],bx ; reajust the error by timer rate.
;* RM_INTERRUPT_HANDLER -- Called when processor interrupted in real mode. *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
;* 07/08/1994 SKB : Created. *
label RM_Timer_Interrupt_Handler
push ax
push bx
push dx
push ds
mov ax,cs ; Set data segment to code segment
mov ds,ax ; since data is in code seg.
cmp [WORD PTR PMIssuedInt],0; Check to see if PM made Int call.
mov [WORD PTR PMIssuedInt],0; Make it false.
jne ??call_int_chain ; if so, just call Int Chain.
; Now check to see if we should call the old timer handler.
mov ax,[DosAdder] ; Get amount to add each tick.
add [DosFraction],ax ; add it to the fraction.
jnc ??no_int_chain ; Skip call if no overflow.
pushf ; Push flags for interrupt call.
call [OldRMI] ; chain the call.
mov al,CLEARISR ; value to clear In Service Register
mov dx,INTCHIP0
out dx,al ; 8259 interrupt chip controller 0
pop ds
pop dx
pop bx
pop ax
;* CALL_INTERRUPT_CHAIN -- Function PM calls to call the RM interrupt chain*
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
;* 07/08/1994 SKB : Created. *
call [OldRMI] ;
STACK ; Don't really need this
IF 0
; mono print stuff.
push ax
push di
push es
mov ax,0B000h ; ES:DI = Mono RAM address.
mov es,ax
mov al,'A'
mov ah,2
and di,63
pop es
pop di
pop ax