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** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
* IconListClass -- Exactly like ListClass, but displays an icon as well
* (actually a 'shape' image), left-aligned, covering
* any text that happens to be there...
* Also, I've added the option of making this class
* responsible for the mem alloc. of the strings, and
* an automatic limiting of entries to a set maximum.
* *
* HISTORY: 07/07/1998 ajw : Created, largely in hack mode. *
#ifndef ICONLIST_H
#define ICONLIST_H
#include "function.h"
#include "vector.h"
ICON_SHAPE = 0, // pIcon points to a shape.
ICON_DIB // pIcon points to DIBitmap data.
struct FIXEDICON // For putting icons in list entries at a specific fixed offset.
void* pIcon;
int xOffset;
int yOffset;
int iWidth;
struct IconList_ItemExtras
IconList_ItemExtras() : bMultiSelected( false ), szHelp( NULL ), szExtraData( NULL ), pvExtraData( NULL )
pIcon[0] = NULL;
pIcon[1] = NULL;
pIcon[2] = NULL;
virtual ~IconList_ItemExtras()
delete [] szHelp;
delete [] szExtraData;
bool bMultiSelected; // True if selected when bMultiSelect is on.
void* pIcon[3]; // Icon that appears before an item.
ICONKIND IconKind[3]; // Specifies what kind of image data pIcon points to.
char* szHelp; // Tooltip help string that can be associated with item. Allocated and deleted here.
char* szExtraData; // Extra string that can be associated with item. Allocated and deleted here.
void* pvExtraData; // Hidden pointer that can be associated with item.
RemapControlType* pColorRemap; // Pointer to a color remap, or null for default colored text.
class IconListClass : public ListClass
IconListClass( int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, TextPrintType flags, void const * up, void const * down, bool bResponsibleForStringAlloc = FALSE, int iSelectionType = 1, int iMaxItemsSaved = 0 );
// IconListClass( const IconListClass& list );
virtual ~IconListClass( void );
virtual int Add_Item( char const * text );
virtual int Add_Item( const char* text, const char* szHelp,
void* pIcon0, ICONKIND IconKind0, const char* szExtraDataString = NULL,
void* pvExtraDataPtr = NULL, RemapControlType* pColorRemap = NULL,
void* pIcon1 = NULL, ICONKIND IconKind1 = ICON_SHAPE,
void* pIcon2 = NULL, ICONKIND IconKind2 = ICON_SHAPE,
void* pFixedIcon = NULL, ICONKIND FixedIconKind = ICON_SHAPE, int iXFixedIcon = 0, int iYFixedIcon = 0, int iFixedIconWidth = -1 );
virtual int Add_Item( int text );
virtual int Add_Item( int text, const char* szHelp,
void* pIcon0, ICONKIND IconKind0, const char* szExtraDataString = NULL,
void* pvExtraDataPtr = NULL, RemapControlType* pColorRemap = NULL,
void* pIcon1 = NULL, ICONKIND IconKind1 = ICON_SHAPE,
void* pIcon2 = NULL, ICONKIND IconKind2 = ICON_SHAPE,
void* pFixedIcon = NULL, ICONKIND FixedIconKind = ICON_SHAPE, int iXFixedIcon = 0, int iYFixedIcon = 0, int iFixedIconWidth = -1 );
// virtual int Add_Scroll_Bar(void);
// virtual void Bump(int up);
// virtual int Count(void) const {return List.Count();};
// virtual int Current_Index(void) const;
// virtual char const * Current_Item(void) const;
// virtual int Draw_Me(int forced);
// virtual char const * Get_Item(int index) const;
// virtual int Step_Selected_Index(int forward);
// virtual void Flag_To_Redraw(void);
// virtual void Peer_To_Peer(unsigned flags, KeyNumType & key, ControlClass & whom);
virtual void Remove_Item( char const * text );
virtual void Remove_Item( int );
// virtual int Remove_Scroll_Bar(void);
// virtual void Set_Selected_Index(int index);
// virtual void Set_Selected_Index(char const * text);
// virtual void Set_Tabs(int const * tabs);
// virtual int Set_View_Index(int index);
// virtual void Step(int up);
// virtual void Set_Position(int x, int y);
** These overloaded list routines handle adding/removing the scroll bar
** automatically when the list box is added or removed.
// virtual LinkClass & Add(LinkClass & object);
// virtual LinkClass & Add_Tail(LinkClass & object);
// virtual LinkClass & Add_Head(LinkClass & object);
// virtual GadgetClass * Remove(void);
virtual void Show_Last_Item();
virtual bool bItemIsMultiSelected( int index ) const;
virtual void MultiSelect( int index, bool bSelect );
virtual const char* Get_Item_ExtraDataString( int index ) const;
virtual void Set_Item_ExtraDataString( int index, const char* szNewString );
virtual void* Get_Item_ExtraDataPtr( int index ) const;
virtual void Set_Item_ExtraDataPtr( int index, void* pNewValue );
const char* Get_Item_Help( int index ) const;
virtual RemapControlType* Get_Item_Color( int index );
virtual void Set_Item_Color( int index, RemapControlType* pColorRemap );
virtual const IconList_ItemExtras* Get_ItemExtras( int index ) const;
virtual void Clear();
virtual int Get_View_Index() { return CurrentTopIndex; }
bool bScrollBeingDragged()
// Returns true if the scroll bar of the list is being dragged by the user.
return ( GadgetClass::StuckOn == &ScrollGadget );
virtual int Find( const char* szItemToFind );
virtual int FindColor( RemapControlType* pColorRemap );
virtual bool Set_Item( unsigned int index, const char* szText );
virtual bool Set_Icon( unsigned int index, unsigned int iIconNumber, void* pIcon, ICONKIND IconKind );
virtual int GetRealWidth();
virtual void Resize( int x, int y, int w, int h );
virtual int IndexUnderMouse();
virtual int OffsetToIndex( int iIndex, int y );
virtual int SetSelectType( int iSelectTypeNew )
// Provided to enable horrible hacks, mainly involved with dealing with ListClass's inability
// to have no item selected...
int iSelectTypeOld = iSelectType;
iSelectType = iSelectTypeNew;
return iSelectTypeOld;
virtual int Action(unsigned flags, KeyNumType &key);
virtual void Draw_Entry( int index, int x, int y, int width, int selected );
virtual int Add_Item_Detail( const char* szToken, const char* szHelp,
void* pIcon0, ICONKIND IconKind0, const char* szExtraDataString,
void* pvExtraData, RemapControlType* pColorRemap,
void* pIcon1, ICONKIND IconKind1, void* pIcon2, ICONKIND IconKind2,
void* pFixedIcon, ICONKIND FixedIconKind, int iXFixedIcon, int iYFixedIcon, int iFixedIconWidth );
// The list of Icons.
//DynamicVectorClass<void*> IconList;
//DynamicVectorClass< IconList_ItemExtras* > ExtrasList; ajw: creates hellacious linking problems
DynamicVectorClass< void* > ExtrasList;
bool bDoAlloc; // True if I am responsible for mem. allocation/deletion of strings.
// bool bMultiSelect; // True if we are using the multiple item selection feature.
int iSelectType; // 0 for no selection shown, 1 for normal ListClass selection, 2 for n multiple selections
int iMaxItems; // Number of items to limit list to, if bDoAlloc is true.