1259 lines
50 KiB
1259 lines
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** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer - Red Alert *
* *
* File Name : VORTEX.CPP *
* *
* Programmer : Steve Tall *
* *
* Start Date : August 12th, 1996 *
* *
* Last Update : September 6th, 1996 [ST] *
* *
* Overview: *
* *
* Circley vortexy swirly type thing. (Really just a pixel & color remap). *
* *
* Functions: *
* *
* CVC::ChronalVortexClass -- vortex class constructor *
* CVC::~ChronalVortexClass -- vortex class destructor *
* CVC::Appear -- Makes a chronal vortex appear at the given coordinate. *
* CVC::Disappear -- Makes the chronal vortex go away. *
* CVC::Hide -- Makes the vortex hide. It might come back later. *
* CVC::Show -- Makes a hidden vortex visible again. *
* CVC::Stop -- Stops the vortex without going through the hide animation *
* CVC::Load -- Loads the chronal vortex from a savegame file. *
* CVC::Save -- Saves the vortex class data to a savegame file *
* CVC::AI -- AI for the vortex. Includes movement and firing. *
* CVC::Movement -- Movement AI for the vortex. *
* CVC::Set_Target -- Make the vortex zap a particular object. *
* CVC::Attack -- look for objects to attack *
* CVC::Zap_Target -- If the vortex has a target object then zap it with lightning. *
* CVC::Coordinate_Remap -- Draws the vortex *
* CVC::Render -- Renders the vortex at its current position. *
* CVC::Set_Redraw -- Flags the cells under to vortex to redraw. *
* CVC::Setup_Remap_Tables -- Initialises the color remap tables based on theater. *
* CVC::Build_Fading_Table -- Builds a fading color lookup table. *
* *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "function.h"
#include "vortex.h"
** Instance of chronal vortex class. This must be the only instance.
ChronalVortexClass ChronalVortex;
* CVC::ChronalVortexClass -- vortex class constructor *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:25PM ST : Created *
ChronalVortexClass::ChronalVortexClass (void)
Active = 0;
Speed = 10;
Range = 10;
Damage = 200;
RenderBuffer = NULL; //We havn't allocated it yet. It will be allocated as needed.
* CVC::~ChronalVortexClass -- vortex class destructor *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:25PM ST : Created *
ChronalVortexClass::~ChronalVortexClass (void)
if (RenderBuffer) delete RenderBuffer;
Active = 0;
* CVC::Appear -- Makes a chronal vortex appear at the given coordinate. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Coordinate that vortex should appear at. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: This member does nothing if the vortex is already active *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:27PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Appear (COORDINATE coordinate)
if (Active) return;
** Adjust the given coordinate so the vortex appears in a central position
int x = Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_X(coordinate));
int y = Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_Y(coordinate));
x -= 32;
y -= 32;
LEPTON lx = Pixel_To_Lepton (x);
LEPTON ly = Pixel_To_Lepton (y);
Position = XY_Coord (lx, ly);
** Initialise the vortex variables.
AnimateDir = 1;
AnimateFrame = 0;
Active = true;
Animate = 0;
StartShutdown = false;
LastAttackFrame= Frame;
TargetObject = TARGET_NONE;
ZapFrame = 0;
Hidden = false;
StartHiding = false;
XDir = 0;
YDir = 0;
** Vortex starts off in a random direction.
DesiredXDir = Random_Pick (-Speed, Speed);
DesiredYDir = Random_Pick (-Speed, Speed);
* CVC::Disappear -- Makes the chronal vortex go away. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:30PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Disappear (void)
if (Hidden) {
Active = false;
} else {
StartShutdown = true;
* CVC::Hide -- Makes the vortex hide. It might come back later. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: This doesnt deactivate the vortex. Use Disappear to get rid of it permanently. *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:30PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Hide (void)
if (!StartShutdown) {
StartHiding = true;
* CVC::Show -- Makes a hidden vortex visible again. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:31PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Show (void)
** Dont do anything if vortx is dying.
if (!StartShutdown) {
** If the vortex is hidden then show it again.
if (Hidden) {
Hidden = false;
StartHiding = false;
AnimateFrame = 0;
XDir = 0;
YDir = 0;
} else {
** If the vortex is in the process of hiding then reverse it.
StartHiding = false;
if (State == STATE_SHRINK) {
AnimateFrame = VORTEX_FRAMES - AnimateFrame;
* CVC::Stop -- Stops the vortex without going through the hide animation *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:32PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Stop(void)
if (Active) Active = false;
* CVC::Load -- Loads the chronal vortex from a savegame file. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: ptr to file *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:32PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Load(Straw &file)
** Delete the render buffer as we are going to lose the pointer anyway.
** It will be re-allocated when needed.
if (RenderBuffer) delete RenderBuffer;
file.Get (this, sizeof (ChronalVortexClass));
* CVC::Save -- Saves the vortex class data to a savegame file *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: file *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:33PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Save(Pipe &file)
GraphicBufferClass *save_ptr = NULL;
if (RenderBuffer){
** Save the ptr to the render buffer so we can null it for the save
save_ptr = RenderBuffer;
RenderBuffer = NULL;
file.Put (this, sizeof (ChronalVortexClass));
** Restore the render buffer ptr
if (save_ptr){
RenderBuffer = save_ptr;
* CVC::AI -- AI for the vortex. Includes movement and firing. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:34PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::AI(void)
int chance;
** No AI if vortex isnt active
if (Active) {
** Do the movement AI
** Do the attack AI
if (Hidden && (Frame - HiddenFrame > 50) ) {
** Vortex is hidden. Chance of it showing itself increases the longer its stays hidden.
chance = Random_Pick(0,2000);
if (chance <= Frame - HiddenFrame) {
} else {
if (Animate == 0) {
** Its time to animate the vortex.
AnimateFrame += AnimateDir;
if (AnimateFrame > VORTEX_FRAMES) {
** State changes can only occur on final animation frames.
AnimateFrame = 1;
if (StartShutdown) {
** Vortex is in the process of dying.
if (State == STATE_SHRINK) {
Active = false;
AnimateFrame = 0;
} else {
} else {
if (StartHiding) {
** Vortex wants to hide.
if (State == STATE_SHRINK) {
** Hide the vortex now.
StartHiding = false;
Hidden = true;
HiddenFrame = Frame;
if (Random_Pick(0,4) == 4) {
} else {
** Start hiding the vortex.
} else {
if (State == STATE_GROW) {
} else {
} else {
if (AnimateFrame == VORTEX_FRAMES / 2) Attack();
Animate &= 1;
* CVC::Movement -- Movement AI for the vortex. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:39PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Movement (void)
bool newpick = true;
** Update the vortex position by applying the x and y direction variables
LEPTON x = Coord_X(Position);
LEPTON y = Coord_Y(Position);
x += XDir;
y += YDir;
Position = XY_Coord (x,y);
** Reverse the direction of the vortex if its drifting off the map.
if (x > CELL_LEPTON_W *(Map.MapCellX + Map.MapCellWidth -4)) {
newpick = false;
if (DesiredXDir >0 ) DesiredXDir = -DesiredXDir;
if (y > CELL_LEPTON_H *(Map.MapCellY + Map.MapCellHeight -4)) {
newpick = false;
if (DesiredYDir >0 ) DesiredYDir = -DesiredYDir;
if (x < CELL_LEPTON_W *Map.MapCellX + 2*CELL_LEPTON_W) {
newpick = false;
if (DesiredXDir <0 ) DesiredXDir = -DesiredXDir;
if (y < CELL_LEPTON_H *Map.MapCellY + 2*CELL_LEPTON_W) {
newpick = false;
if (DesiredYDir <0 ) DesiredYDir = -DesiredYDir;
** Vortex direction tends towards the desired direction unless the vortex is shutting down or
** appearing in which case the direction tends towards 0.
if (State == STATE_ROTATE || Hidden) {
if (XDir < DesiredXDir) XDir ++;
if (XDir > DesiredXDir) XDir --;
if (YDir < DesiredYDir) YDir ++;
if (YDir > DesiredYDir) YDir --;
} else {
if (XDir > 0) XDir -= Speed/8;
if (XDir < 0) XDir += Speed/8;
if (YDir > 0) YDir -= Speed/8;
if (YDir < 0) YDir += Speed/8;
** Occasionally change the direction of the vortex.
if (newpick && Random_Pick (0, 100) == 100) {
DesiredXDir = Random_Pick (-Speed, Speed);
DesiredYDir = Random_Pick (-Speed, Speed);
* CVC::Set_Target -- Make the vortex zap a particular object. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: ptr to object to zap *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:42PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Set_Target (ObjectClass *target)
if (Active){
ZapFrame = 0;
TargetObject = TARGET_NONE;
if (target != NULL) TargetObject = target->As_Target();
LastAttackFrame = Frame;
TargetDistance = (target != NULL) ? Distance (target->Center_Coord(), Position) : 0;
* CVC::Attack -- look for objects to attack *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:42PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Attack(void)
int distance;
// if(TargetObject) return;
// if(!TargetObject) return;
** Calculate the position of the center of the vortex.
int x = Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_X(Position));
int y = Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_Y(Position));
x += 32;
y += 12;
LEPTON lx = Pixel_To_Lepton (x);
LEPTON ly = Pixel_To_Lepton (y);
COORDINATE here = XY_Coord (lx, ly);
** Scan through the ground layer objects and see who we should attack
** First scan - find any object directly above the vortex.
for (unsigned i= 0; i < Map.Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); i++) {
ObjectClass * obj = Map.Layer[LAYER_GROUND][i];
if ( obj->Is_Techno() && obj->Strength > 0 ) {
distance = Distance (obj->Center_Coord(), here);
if (distance <= CELL_LEPTON_W*2) {
Set_Target (obj);
** If we found something to attack then just return
if (!Target_Legal(TargetObject)) return;
** Scan through all ground level objects.
** Objects within range have a chance of being selected based on their distance from the vortex.
int chance = Random_Pick (0, 1000);
if (chance > Frame - LastAttackFrame) return;
for (i= 0; i < Map.Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); i++) {
ObjectClass * obj = Map.Layer[LAYER_GROUND][i];
if ( obj && obj->Is_Techno() ) {
distance = Distance (obj->Center_Coord(), Position);
if (distance < CELL_LEPTON_W * Range) {
chance = Random_Pick (0, distance);
if (chance < CELL_LEPTON_W) {
Set_Target (obj);
* CVC::Zap_Target -- If the vortex has a target object then zap it with lightning. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:45PM ST : Created *
#define ZAP_COUNT 1
void ChronalVortexClass::Zap_Target (void)
if (!Hidden && Target_Legal(TargetObject) && ZapFrame < ZAP_COUNT) {
** Get the center of the vortex.
int x = Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_X(Position));
int y = Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_Y(Position));
x += 32;
y += 12;
LEPTON lx = Pixel_To_Lepton (x);
LEPTON ly = Pixel_To_Lepton (y);
COORDINATE here = XY_Coord (lx, ly);
** Create a temporary techno object se we can access the lightning ability of the tesla.
TechnoClass *temptech = new BuildingClass (STRUCT_TESLA, HOUSE_GOOD);
if (temptech != NULL) {
temptech->Coord = here;
ObjectClass * obj = As_Object(TargetObject);
TARGET target = As_Target (obj->Center_Coord());
Sound_Effect(VOC_TESLA_ZAP, obj->Center_Coord());
temptech->Electric_Zap (target, 0, here, LightningRemap);
delete temptech;
** Flag the whole map to redraw to cover the lightning.
** Zap the target 3 times but only do damage on the last frame.
if (ZapFrame == ZAP_COUNT) {
ZapFrame = 0;
int damage = Damage;
obj->Take_Damage(damage, TargetDistance, WARHEAD_TESLA, NULL, 1);
TargetObject = TARGET_NONE;
** Vortex might pretend to go away after zapping the target.
if (Random_Pick (0,2) == 2) Hide();
* CVC::Coordinate_Remap -- Draws the vortex *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: ptr to view port to draw the vortex into *
* x offset *
* y offset *
* width of vortex *
* height of vortex *
* ptr to shading remap tables *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:48PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Coordinate_Remap ( GraphicViewPortClass *inbuffer, int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char *remap_table)
unsigned char getx,gety, remap_color, pixel_color;
BufferClass destbuf (width * height);
unsigned char *destptr = (unsigned char*) destbuf.Get_Buffer();
int destx = x;
int desty = y;
int dest_width = width;
int dest_height = height;
if (inbuffer->Lock()) {
** Get a pointer to the section of buffer we are going to work on.
unsigned char *bufptr = (unsigned char *) inbuffer->Get_Offset()
+ destx
#ifdef WIN32
+ desty* (inbuffer->Get_Width() + inbuffer->Get_XAdd() + inbuffer->Get_Pitch());
+ desty* (inbuffer->Get_Width() + inbuffer->Get_XAdd());
#ifdef WIN32
int modulo = inbuffer->Get_Pitch() + inbuffer->Get_XAdd() + inbuffer->Get_Width();
int modulo = inbuffer->Get_XAdd() + inbuffer->Get_Width();
for (int yy = desty ; yy < desty+dest_height ; yy++) {
for (int xx = destx ; xx < destx+dest_width ; xx++) {
** Get the coordinates of the pixel to draw
getx = *(remap_table++);
gety = *(remap_table++);
remap_color = *(remap_table++);
pixel_color = * (bufptr + getx + (gety * modulo) );
*(destptr++) = VortexRemapTables [remap_color] [pixel_color];
remap_table += 3*(width - dest_width);
destptr += width - dest_width;
destbuf.To_Page(destx, desty, dest_width, dest_height, *inbuffer);
* CVC::Render -- Renders the vortex at its current position. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:49PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Render (void)
if (Active && !Hidden) {
char fname [80];
int frame;
** Calculate which coordinate lookup table we should be using for this frame.
switch (State) {
frame = 0;
frame = VORTEX_FRAMES*2;
frame += AnimateFrame;
sprintf (fname, "HOLE%04d.lut", frame);
void const *lut_ptr = MFCD::Retrieve(fname);
if (lut_ptr) {
** Build a representation of the area of the screen where the vortex will be
** in an off-screen buffer.
** This is necessary for clipping as we cant remap pixels from off screen if we build
** the image from the hidpage.
if (!RenderBuffer) {
RenderBuffer = new GraphicBufferClass(CELL_PIXEL_W * 4, CELL_PIXEL_H * 4, (void*)NULL);
CELL xc = Coord_XCell (Position);
CELL yc = Coord_YCell (Position);
CellClass *cellptr;
CELL cell;
TemplateTypeClass const * ttype = 0;
int icon; // The icon number to use from the template set.
#ifdef WIN32
GraphicViewPortClass * oldpage = Set_Logic_Page(RenderBuffer);
GraphicBufferClass * oldpage = Set_Logic_Page(RenderBuffer);
** Temporarily modify the tactical window so it works with our offscreen buffer
int wx = WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWX];
int wy = WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWY];
WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWWIDTH] = RenderBuffer->Get_Width();
WindowList[WINDOW_TACTICAL][WINDOWHEIGHT] = RenderBuffer->Get_Height();
** Loop through all the cells that the vortex overlaps and render the template, smudge
** and overlay for each cell.
for (int y = 0 ; y<4 ; y++) {
for (int x = 0 ; x<4 ; x++) {
cell = XY_Cell (xc+x,yc+y);
if (cell != -1) {
//cellptr = &Map[ Coord_Whole (Cell_Coord(cell)) ];
cellptr = &Map [cell];
** Fetch a pointer to the template type associated with this cell.
if (cellptr->TType != TEMPLATE_NONE && cellptr->TType != TEMPLATE_CLEAR1 && cellptr->TType != 255) {
ttype = &TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->TType);
icon = cellptr->TIcon;
} else {
ttype = &TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference(TEMPLATE_CLEAR1);
icon = cellptr->Clear_Icon();
** Draw the template
if (ttype->Get_Image_Data()) {
RenderBuffer->Draw_Stamp(ttype->Get_Image_Data(), icon, x*CELL_PIXEL_W, y*CELL_PIXEL_H, NULL, WINDOW_MAIN);
** Draw any smudge.
if (cellptr->Smudge != SMUDGE_NONE) {
SmudgeTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->Smudge).Draw_It(x*CELL_PIXEL_W, y*CELL_PIXEL_H, cellptr->SmudgeData);
** Draw the overlay object.
if (cellptr->Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) {
OverlayTypeClass const & otype = OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->Overlay);
IsTheaterShape = (bool)otype.IsTheater; //Tell Build_Frame if this overlay is theater specific
IsTheaterShape = false;
** Restore the tactical window to its correct value
** Render the vortex over the cells we just rendered to our buffer
Coordinate_Remap (RenderBuffer, Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_X(Coord_Fraction(Position))),
(unsigned char*) lut_ptr);
** Calculate the pixel position of our fresh block of cells on the tactical map so
** we can blit it to the hid page.
COORDINATE render_pos = XY_Coord(xc * CELL_LEPTON_W, yc * CELL_LEPTON_H); //Coord_Whole(Position);
int xtac = Pixel_To_Lepton(Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_X(Map.TacticalCoord)));
int xoff = Pixel_To_Lepton(Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_X(render_pos)));
xoff -= xtac;
int ytac = Pixel_To_Lepton(Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_Y(Map.TacticalCoord)));
int yoff = Pixel_To_Lepton(Lepton_To_Pixel(Coord_Y(render_pos)));
yoff -= ytac;
** Create a view port to blit to
GraphicViewPortClass target (LogicPage->Get_Graphic_Buffer(),
8*RESFACTOR + LogicPage->Get_YPos(),
Lepton_To_Pixel (Map.TacLeptonWidth),
Lepton_To_Pixel (Map.TacLeptonHeight));
** Do some clipping since the library clipping gets it wrong.
int diff;
int source_x = 0;
int source_y = 0;
int source_width = CELL_PIXEL_W*4;
int source_height = CELL_PIXEL_H*4;
int dest_x = Lepton_To_Pixel (xoff);
int dest_y = Lepton_To_Pixel (yoff);
int dest_width = source_width;
int dest_height = source_height;
if (dest_x < 0) {
source_width += dest_x;
dest_width += dest_x;
source_x -= dest_x;
dest_x = 0;
if (dest_y <0) {
source_height += dest_y;
dest_height += dest_y;
source_y -= dest_y;
dest_y = 0;
if (dest_x + dest_width > target.Get_Width() ) {
diff = dest_x + dest_width - target.Get_Width();
dest_width -= diff;
source_width -= diff;
if (dest_y + dest_height > target.Get_Height() ) {
diff = dest_y + dest_height - target.Get_Height();
dest_height -= diff;
source_height -= diff;
** Blit our freshly draw cells and vortex into their correct position on the hidpage
if (dest_width > 0 && dest_height > 0) {
RenderBuffer->Blit (target, source_x, source_y, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height, false);
* CVC::Set_Redraw -- Flags the cells under to vortex to redraw. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:50PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Set_Redraw(void)
if (Active) {
CELL xc = Coord_XCell (Position);
CELL yc = Coord_YCell (Position);
CELL cell;
for (int y = MAX(0,yc - 1) ; y< yc+4 ; y++) {
for (int x = MAX(0, xc-1) ; x< xc + 4 ; x++) {
cell = XY_Cell (x,y);
if (cell != -1) {
* CVC::Setup_Remap_Tables -- Initialises the color remap tables based on theater. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Theater *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:51PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Setup_Remap_Tables (TheaterType theater)
** The names of the remap files for each theater
static char _remaps[3][13] ={
int i;
** If the theater has changed then load the remap tables from disk if they exist or create
** them if they dont.
if (theater != Theater) {
Theater = theater;
CCFileClass file (_remaps[(int)Theater]);
if (file.Is_Available()) {
file.Read (VortexRemapTables, MAX_REMAP_SHADES*256);
} else {
for (i=0 ; i<MAX_REMAP_SHADES ; i++) {
Build_Fading_Table ( GamePalette, &VortexRemapTables[i][0], 0, 240- ((i*256)/MAX_REMAP_SHADES) );
file.Write (VortexRemapTables, MAX_REMAP_SHADES*256);
** Set up the remap table for the lightning
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++) {
LightningRemap[i] = i;
LightningRemap[192] = 208;
LightningRemap[193] = 209;
LightningRemap[194] = 210;
LightningRemap[195] = 211;
LightningRemap[196] = 212;
LightningRemap[197] = 213;
LightningRemap[198] = 214;
LightningRemap[199] = 215;
* CVC::Build_Fading_Table -- Builds a fading color lookup table. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: ptr to palette to base tables on *
* ptr to buffer to put clut in. *
* color to bias colors to *
* percentage of bias *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: Based on Conquer_Build_Fading_Table *
* *
* 8/29/96 4:53PM ST : Created *
void ChronalVortexClass::Build_Fading_Table(PaletteClass const & palette, void * dest, int color, int frac)
if (dest) {
unsigned char * ptr = (unsigned char *)dest;
** Find an appropriate remap color index for every color in the palette.
** There are certain exceptions to this, but they are trapped within the
** loop.
for (int index = 0; index < PaletteClass::COLOR_COUNT; index++) {
** If this color should not be remapped, then it will be stored as a remap
** to itself. This is effectively no remap.
if (index == 0 ||
index == CC_PULSE_COLOR ||
index == CC_EMBER_COLOR) {
*ptr++ = index;
} else {
** Find the color that, ideally, the working color should be remapped
** to in the special remap range.
RGBClass trycolor = palette[index];
trycolor.Adjust(frac, palette[color]); // Try to match this color.
** Search through the remap range to find the color that should be remapped
** to.
int best = -1;
int bvalue = 0;
for (int id = 0; id < PaletteClass::COLOR_COUNT; id++) {
if (id != 0 &&
int diff = palette[id].Difference(trycolor);
if (best == -1 || diff < bvalue) {
best = id;
bvalue = diff;
*ptr++ = best;
void ChronalVortexClass::Detach(TARGET target)
if (Target_Legal(target) && target == TargetObject) {