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Raw Normal View History

; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
;* *
;* Project Name : Westwood 32 bit Library *
;* *
;* File Name : VSCALE.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow *
;* *
;* Start Date : January 16, 1995 *
;* *
;* Last Update : January 16, 1995 [PWG] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;* Linear_Scale_To_Vesa -- Scales a graphic viewport to a vesa viewport *
;* Vesa_Scale_To_Linear -- Scales a Vesa viewport to a graphic viewport *
;* Vesa_Scale_To_Vesa -- Scales a vesa viewport to a vesa viewport *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
GLOBAL Vesa_Asm_Set_Win : near
GLOBAL cpu_video_page : dword
GLOBAL cpu_page_limit : dword
;* LINEAR_SCALE_TO_VESA -- Scales a graphic viewport to a vesa viewport *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* PROTO: *
;* *
;* *
;* 01/16/1995 PWG : Created. *
PROC Linear_Scale_To_Vesa C near
;* Define the arguements that our function takes.
ARG this:DWORD ; pointer to source view port
ARG dest:DWORD ; pointer to destination view port
ARG src_x:DWORD ; source x offset into view port
ARG src_y:DWORD ; source y offset into view port
ARG dst_x:DWORD ; dest x offset into view port
ARG dst_y:DWORD ; dest y offset into view port
ARG src_width:DWORD ; width of source rectangle
ARG src_height:DWORD ; height of source rectangle
ARG dst_width:DWORD ; width of dest rectangle
ARG dst_height:DWORD ; width of dest height
ARG trans:DWORD ; is this transparent?
ARG remap:DWORD ; pointer to table to remap source
;* Define local variables to hold the viewport characteristics
local src_x0 : dword
local src_y0 : dword
local src_x1 : dword
local src_y1 : dword
local dst_x0 : dword
local dst_y0 : dword
local dst_x1 : dword
local dst_y1 : dword
local src_win_width : dword
local dst_win_width : dword
local dy_intr : dword
local dy_frac : dword
local dy_acc : dword
local dx_frac : dword
local dx_intr : dword
local scan_line : dword
local counter_x : dword
local counter_y : dword
local remap_counter :dword
local entry : dword
;* Check for scale error when to or from size 0,0
cmp [dst_width],0
je ??all_done
cmp [dst_height],0
je ??all_done
cmp [src_width],0
je ??all_done
cmp [src_height],0
je ??all_done
mov eax , [ src_x ]
mov ebx , [ src_y ]
mov [ src_x0 ] , eax
mov [ src_y0 ] , ebx
add eax , [ src_width ]
add ebx , [ src_height ]
mov [ src_x1 ] , eax
mov [ src_y1 ] , ebx
mov eax , [ dst_x ]
mov ebx , [ dst_y ]
mov [ dst_x0 ] , eax
mov [ dst_y0 ] , ebx
add eax , [ dst_width ]
add ebx , [ dst_height ]
mov [ dst_x1 ] , eax
mov [ dst_y1 ] , ebx
; Clip Source Rectangle against source Window boundaries.
mov esi , [ this ] ; get ptr to src
xor ecx , ecx
xor edx , edx
mov edi , [ (VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPWidth ] ; get width into register
mov eax , [ src_x0 ]
mov ebx , [ src_x1 ]
shld ecx , eax , 1
inc edi
shld edx , ebx , 1
sub eax , edi
sub ebx , edi
shld ecx , eax , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov edi,[ ( VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPHeight ] ; get height into register
mov eax , [ src_y0 ]
mov ebx , [ src_y1 ]
shld ecx , eax , 1
inc edi
shld edx , ebx , 1
sub eax , edi
sub ebx , edi
shld ecx , eax , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
xor cl , 5
xor dl , 5
mov al , cl
test dl , cl
jnz ??all_done
or al , dl
jz ??clip_against_dest
mov bl , dl
test cl , 1000b
jz ??src_left_ok
xor eax , eax
mov [ src_x0 ] , eax
sub eax , [ src_x ]
imul [ dst_width ]
idiv [ src_width ]
add eax , [ dst_x ]
mov [ dst_x0 ] , eax
test cl , 0010b
jz ??src_bottom_ok
xor eax , eax
mov [ src_y0 ] , eax
sub eax , [ src_y ]
imul [ dst_height ]
idiv [ src_height ]
add eax , [ dst_y ]
mov [ dst_y0 ] , eax
test bl , 0100b
jz ??src_right_ok
mov eax , [ (VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPWidth ] ; get width into register
mov [ src_x1 ] , eax
sub eax , [ src_x ]
imul [ dst_width ]
idiv [ src_width ]
add eax , [ dst_x ]
mov [ dst_x1 ] , eax
test bl , 0001b
jz ??clip_against_dest
mov eax , [ (VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPHeight ] ; get width into register
mov [ src_y1 ] , eax
sub eax , [ src_y ]
imul [ dst_height ]
idiv [ src_height ]
add eax , [ dst_y ]
mov [ dst_y1 ] , eax
; Clip destination Rectangle against source Window boundaries.
mov esi , [ dest ] ; get ptr to src
xor ecx , ecx
xor edx , edx
mov edi , [ (VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPWidth ] ; get width into register
mov eax , [ dst_x0 ]
mov ebx , [ dst_x1 ]
shld ecx , eax , 1
inc edi
shld edx , ebx , 1
sub eax , edi
sub ebx , edi
shld ecx , eax , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
mov edi,[ ( VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPHeight ] ; get height into register
mov eax , [ dst_y0 ]
mov ebx , [ dst_y1 ]
shld ecx , eax , 1
inc edi
shld edx , ebx , 1
sub eax , edi
sub ebx , edi
shld ecx , eax , 1
shld edx , ebx , 1
xor cl , 5
xor dl , 5
mov al , cl
test dl , cl
jnz ??all_done
or al , dl
jz ??do_scaling
mov bl , dl
test cl , 1000b
jz ??dst_left_ok
xor eax , eax
mov [ dst_x0 ] , eax
sub eax , [ dst_x ]
imul [ src_width ]
idiv [ dst_width ]
add eax , [ src_x ]
mov [ src_x0 ] , eax
test cl , 0010b
jz ??dst_bottom_ok
xor eax , eax
mov [ dst_y0 ] , eax
sub eax , [ dst_y ]
imul [ src_height ]
idiv [ dst_height ]
add eax , [ src_y ]
mov [ src_y0 ] , eax
test bl , 0100b
jz ??dst_right_ok
mov eax , [ (VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPWidth ] ; get width into register
mov [ dst_x1 ] , eax
sub eax , [ dst_x ]
imul [ src_width ]
idiv [ dst_width ]
add eax , [ src_x ]
mov [ src_x1 ] , eax
test bl , 0001b
jz ??do_scaling
mov eax , [ (VideoViewPort esi) . VIVPHeight ] ; get width into register
mov [ dst_y1 ] , eax
sub eax , [ dst_y ]
imul [ src_height ]
idiv [ dst_height ]
add eax , [ src_y ]
mov [ src_y1 ] , eax
mov ebx , [ this ]
mov esi , [ (VideoViewPort ebx) . VIVPOffset ]
mov eax , [ (VideoViewPort ebx) . VIVPXAdd ]
add eax , [ (VideoViewPort ebx) . VIVPWidth ]
mov [ src_win_width ] , eax
mul [ src_y0 ]
add esi , [ src_x0 ]
add esi , eax
mov ebx , [ dest ]
mov edi , [ (VideoViewPort ebx) . VIVPOffset ]
mov eax , [ (VideoViewPort ebx) . VIVPXAdd ]
add eax , [ (VideoViewPort ebx) . VIVPWidth ]
mov [ dst_win_width ] , eax
mul [ dst_y0 ]
add edi , [ dst_x0 ]
add edi , eax
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; set the window
mov eax , [ src_height ]
xor edx , edx
mov ebx , [ dst_height ]
idiv [ dst_height ]
imul eax , [ src_win_width ]
neg ebx
mov [ dy_intr ] , eax
mov [ dy_frac ] , edx
mov [ dy_acc ] , ebx
mov eax , [ src_width ]
xor edx , edx
shl eax , 16
idiv [ dst_width ]
xor edx , edx
shld edx , eax , 16
shl eax , 16
mov ecx , [ dst_y1 ]
mov ebx , [ dst_x1 ]
sub ecx , [ dst_y0 ]
jz ??all_done
sub ebx , [ dst_x0 ]
jz ??all_done
mov [ counter_y ] , ecx
mov [ scan_line ] , ebx
cmp [ trans ] , 0
jnz ??transparency
cmp [ remap ] , 0
jnz ??normal_remap
; *************************************************************************
; normal scale
mov ecx , ebx
and ecx , 01fh
lea ecx , [ ecx + ecx * 2 ]
shr ebx , 5
neg ecx
mov [ counter_x ] , ebx
lea ecx , [ ??ref_point + ecx + ecx * 2 ]
mov [ entry ] , ecx
mov ebx , [ scan_line ]
push esi
add ebx , edi
xor ecx , ecx
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
push edi
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??in_range
mov ebx , [ scan_line ]
jmp ??trailing_entry
mov cl , [ esi ]
add ecx , eax
adc esi , edx
mov [ edi ] , cl
inc edi
dec ebx
cmp edi , 0b0000h
jl ??trailing_bytes
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; set the window
mov cl , [ esi ]
add ecx , eax
adc esi , edx
mov [ edi ] , cl
inc edi
dec ebx
jg ??end_of_scanline
sub [ dword ptr esp ] , 010000h
jmp ??next_line
mov ebx , [ counter_x ]
jmp [ entry ]
mov cl , [ esi ]
add ecx , eax
adc esi , edx
mov [ edi ] , cl
inc edi
dec ebx
jge ??inner_loop
pop edi
pop esi
add edi , [ dst_win_width ]
add esi , [ dy_intr ]
mov ebx , [ dy_acc ]
add ebx , [ dy_frac ]
jle ??skip_line
add esi , [ src_win_width ]
sub ebx , [ dst_height ]
dec [ counter_y ]
mov [ dy_acc ] , ebx
jnz ??outter_loop
; *************************************************************************
; normal scale with remap
mov ecx , ebx
mov [ dx_frac ] , eax
mov [ dx_intr ] , edx
and ecx , 01fh
mov eax , [ remap ]
shr ebx , 5
imul ecx , - 13
mov [ counter_x ] , ebx
lea ecx , [ ??remapref_point + ecx ]
mov [ entry ] , ecx
mov ebx , [ scan_line ]
push esi
add ebx , edi
xor ecx , ecx
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
push edi
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??remap_in_range
mov edx , [ scan_line ]
xor ebx , ebx
jmp ??remap_trailing_entry
mov bl , [ esi ]
add ecx , [ dx_frac ]
adc esi , [ dx_intr ]
mov cl , [ eax + ebx ]
mov [ edi ] , cl
inc edi
dec edx
cmp edi , 0b0000h
jl ??remap_trailing_bytes
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; set the window
mov bl , [ esi ]
add ecx , [ dx_frac ]
adc esi , [ dx_intr ]
mov cl , [ eax + ebx ]
mov [ edi ] , cl
inc edi
dec edx
jg ??remap_end_of_scanline
sub [ dword ptr esp ] , 010000h
jmp ??remap_next_line
mov ebx , [ counter_x ]
push esi
mov [ remap_counter ] , ebx
push edi
mov edx , [ dx_intr ]
xor ecx , ecx
xor ebx , ebx
jmp [ entry ]
mov bl , [ esi ]
add ecx , [ dx_frac ]
adc esi , edx
mov cl , [ eax + ebx ]
mov [ edi ] , cl
inc edi
dec [ remap_counter ]
jge ??remapinner_loop
pop edi
pop esi
add edi , [ dst_win_width ]
add esi , [ dy_intr ]
mov ebx , [ dy_acc ]
add ebx , [ dy_frac ]
jle ??remapskip_line
add esi , [ src_win_width ]
sub ebx , [ dst_height ]
dec [ counter_y ]
mov [ dy_acc ] , ebx
jnz ??remapoutter_loop
; scale with transparency
cmp [ remap ] , 0
jnz ??trans_remap
; *************************************************************************
; normal scale with transparency
mov ecx , ebx
and ecx , 01fh
imul ecx , -13
shr ebx , 5
mov [ counter_x ] , ebx
lea ecx , [ ??tr_ref_point + ecx ]
mov [ entry ] , ecx
mov ebx , [ scan_line ]
push esi
add ebx , edi
xor ecx , ecx
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
push edi
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??tr_in_range
mov ebx , [ scan_line ]
jmp ??tr_trailing_entry
mov cl , [ esi ]
test cl , cl
jz ??tr_skip
mov [ edi ] , cl
add ecx , eax
adc esi , edx
inc edi
dec ebx
cmp edi , 0b0000h
jl ??tr_trailing_bytes
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; set the window
mov cl , [ esi ]
test cl , cl
jz ??tr_skip1
mov [ edi ] , cl
add ecx , eax
adc esi , edx
inc edi
dec ebx
jg ??tr_end_of_scanline
sub [ dword ptr esp ] , 010000h
jmp ??tr_next_line
mov ebx , [ counter_x ]
jmp [ entry ]
local skip
mov cl , [ esi ]
test cl , cl
jz skip
mov [ edi ] , cl
add ecx , eax
adc esi , edx
inc edi
dec ebx
jge ??tr_inner_loop
pop edi
pop esi
add edi , [ dst_win_width ]
add esi , [ dy_intr ]
mov ebx , [ dy_acc ]
add ebx , [ dy_frac ]
jle ??tr_skip_line
add esi , [ src_win_width ]
sub ebx , [ dst_height ]
dec [ counter_y ]
mov [ dy_acc ] , ebx
jnz ??tr_outter_loop
; *************************************************************************
; normal scale with remap and transparency
mov ecx , ebx
mov [ dx_frac ], eax
mov [ dx_intr ] , edx
and ecx , 01fh
mov eax , [ remap ]
shr ebx , 5
imul ecx , - 17
mov [ counter_x ] , ebx
lea ecx , [ ??trans_remapref_point + ecx ]
mov [ entry ] , ecx
mov ebx , [ scan_line ]
push esi
add ebx , edi
xor ecx , ecx
add ebx , [ cpu_video_page ]
push edi
cmp ebx , [ cpu_page_limit ]
jl ??trans_remap_in_range
mov edx , [ scan_line ]
xor ebx , ebx
jmp ??trans_remap_trailing_bytes1
mov bl , [ esi ]
test bl , bl
jz ??trans_remp
mov cl , [ eax + ebx ]
mov [ edi ] , cl
add ecx , [ dx_frac ]
adc esi , [ dx_intr ]
inc edi
dec edx
cmp edi , 0b0000h
jl ??trans_remap_trailing_bytes
add edi , [ cpu_video_page ]
call Vesa_Asm_Set_Win ; set the window
mov bl , [ esi ]
test bl , bl
jz ??trans_remp1
mov cl , [ eax + ebx ]
mov [ edi ] , cl
add ecx , [ dx_frac ]
adc esi , [ dx_intr ]
inc edi
dec edx
jg ??trans_remap_end_of_scanline
sub [ dword ptr esp ] , 010000h
jmp ??trans_remap_next_line
mov ebx , [ counter_x ]
push esi
mov [ remap_counter ] , ebx
push edi
mov edx , [ dx_intr ]
xor ecx , ecx
xor ebx , ebx
jmp [ entry ]
local skip
mov bl , [ esi ]
test bl , bl
jz skip
mov cl , [ eax + ebx ]
mov [ edi ] , cl
add ecx , [ dx_frac ]
adc esi , edx
inc edi
dec [ remap_counter ]
jge ??trans_remapinner_loop
pop edi
pop esi
add edi , [ dst_win_width ]
add esi , [ dy_intr ]
mov ebx , [ dy_acc ]
add ebx , [ dy_frac ]
jle ??trans_remapskip_line
add esi , [ src_win_width ]
sub ebx , [ dst_height ]
dec [ counter_y ]
mov [ dy_acc ] , ebx
jnz ??trans_remapoutter_loop
ENDP Linear_Scale_To_Vesa