; ; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; .8086 .model large option segment:USE16 option readonly option oldstructs assume ds:@data assume es:nothing RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH =1024 MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFERS =32 externdef GLOBALDOSALLOC:far externdef GLOBALDOSFREE:far .data IPXCallOffset dw 0 IPXCallSegment dw 0 RealSegment dw 0 PseudoES dw 0 RegisterDump db 32h dup (0) MyNetworkNumber db 4 dup (?) MyNodeAddress db 6 dup (?) MySocket dw ? ReceiveBufferSegment dw ? ReceiveBufferSelector dw ? ReceiveECBOffset dw ? CurrentReceiveBuffer dw ? LastPassedReceiveBuffer dw ? RealModeCallbackSegment dw ? RealModeCallbackOffset dw ? CallbackRegisterDump db 32h dup (0) Listening db ? NoReenter db 0 IPXHold db 0 OFFS =0 SEGM =2 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;These defines are for the IPX functions. The function number is specified ;by placing it in BX when IPX is called. There are two ways to invoke IPX: ;use interrupt 0x7a, or use a function whose address is obtained by calling ;interrupt 0x2f with AX=0x7a00; the function address is returned in ES:DI. ;This is the preferred method, since other apps are known to use int 0x7a. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPX_OPEN_SOCKET = 0000h IPX_CLOSE_SOCKET = 0001h IPX_GET_LOCAL_TARGET = 0002h IPX_SEND_PACKET = 0003h IPX_LISTEN_FOR_PACKET = 0004h IPX_SCHEDULE_EVENT = 0005h IPX_CANCEL_EVENT = 0006h IPX_GET_INTERVAL_MARKER = 0008h IPX_GET_INTERNETWORK_ADDRESS = 0009h IPX_RELINQUISH_CONTROL = 000Ah IPX_DISCONNECT_FROM_TARGET = 000Bh ;/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;These defines are for various IPX error codes: ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IPXERR_CONNECTION_SEVERED = 00ech IPXERR_CONNECTION_FAILED = 00edh IPXERR_NO_CONNECTION = 00eeh IPXERR_CONNECTION_TABLE_FULL = 00efh IPXERR_NO_CANCEL_ECB = 00f9h IPXERR_NO_PATH = 00fah IPXERR_ECB_INACTIVE = 00fch IPXERR_INVALID_PACKET_LENGTH = 00fdh IPXERR_SOCKET_TABLE_FULL = 00feh IPXERR_SOCKET_ERROR = 00ffh ;/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;These defines are for various interrupt vectors and DPMI functions: ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IPX_INT = 007ah DPMI_INT = 0031h DPMI_ALLOC_DOS_MEM = 0100h DPMI_FREE_DOS_MEM = 0101h DPMI_CALL_REAL_INT = 0300h DPMI_CALL_REAL_PROC = 0301h DPMI_ALLOCATE_CALLBACK = 0303h DPMI_RELEASE_CALLBACK = 0304h DPMI_LOCK_MEM = 0600h DPMI_UNLOCK_MEM = 0601h request_buffer struct len word ? buffer_type byte ? connect_number byte ? request_buffer ends request_local_target_buffer struct lt_network_number db ?,?,?,? lt_physical_node db ?,?,?,?,?,? lt_socket dw ? request_local_target_buffer ends local_target_reply_buffer struct lt_local_target db ?,?,?,?,?,? local_target_reply_buffer ends reply_buffer struct lem word ? network_number byte ?,?,?,? physical_node byte ?,?,?,?,?,? server_socket word ? reply_buffer ends userid_buffer struct struct_len word ? object_id byte ?,?,?,? object_type byte ?,? object_name byte 48 dup(?) login_time byte 7 dup (?) reserved word ? userid_buffer ends .code .386 include externdef pascal _IPX_Initiialise:far16 externdef pascal _IPX_Uninitialise:far16 _IPX_Initialise proc far pascal push ebx push ecx push edx push esi push edi push ebp push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax,7a00h int 2fh and eax,0ffh cmp al,-1 setz al test al,al jz @f mov bx,@data mov ds,bx mov [IPXCallSegment],es mov [IPXCallOffset],di @@: pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx ret _IPX_Initialise endp _IPX_Open_Socket95 proc far pascal uses bx cx dx si di ds es fs gs, socket:word mov bx,@data mov ds,bx mov bx,IPX_OPEN_SOCKET ;open socket mov_w dx,[socket] ;socket number mov_w [MySocket],dx ;save it for later mov ax,0ffh ;long lived call Call_IPX ret _IPX_Open_Socket95 endp _IPX_Close_Socket95 proc far pascal uses ax bx cx dx si di ds es fs gs, socket:word mov bx,1 mov_w dx,[socket] call Call_IPX ret _IPX_Close_Socket95 endp _IPX_Uninitialise proc far pascal int 3 ret _IPX_Uninitialise endp _IPX_Get_Connection_Number95 proc far pascal uses bx cx dx si di ds es fs gs mov ax,0dc00h call Call_DOS and eax,255 ret _IPX_Get_Connection_Number95 endp _IPX_Get_Internet_Address95 proc far pascal uses bx cx dx si di ds es fs gs, connection_number :dword, network_number_off :word, network_number_seg :word, physical_node_off :word, physical_node_seg :word local selector:word local segmento:word ret ifdef cuts ;(unfinished) ; ; Allocate DOS memory for buffers passed to interrupt ; int 3 xor ax,ax mov bx,(sizeof reply_buffer + sizeof request_buffer + 15) save bp push ax push bx call GLOBALDOSALLOC restore bp test ax,ax jz @@dpmi_error mov [segmento],dx mov [selector],ax mov fs,dx xor di,di mov_w fs:[di.len],2 mov_b fs:[di.buffer_type],13h mov_b al,[connection_number] mov_b fs:[di.connect_number],al mov di,sizeof request_buffer mov fs:[di.len],12 mov ax,0e300h mov ds,[segmento] mov es,[segmento] xor si,si pusha call Call_DOS popa les di,dword ptr [network_number_off] mov ds,[selector] mov si,sizeof request_buffer + network_number movsd les di,dword ptr [physical_node_off] mov si,sizeof request_buffer + physical_node movsd movsw ; ; Save it here for posterity (or perhaps later use) ; mov di,offset MyNetworkNumber mov ax,@data mov es,ax mov ds,[selector] mov si,sizeof request_buffer + network_number movsd mov di,offset MyNodeAddress mov si,sizeof request_buffer + physical_node movsd movsw ; ; Free the DOS memory ; mov bx,@data mov ds,bx mov es,bx mov fs,bx mov gs,bx mov bx,[selector] push bx call GLOBALDOSFREE xor ax,ax ret @@dpmi_error: mov ax,-1 ret endif _IPX_Get_Internet_Address95 endp _IPX_Get_User_ID95 proc far pascal uses bx cx dx si di ds es fs gs, connection_number:dword, user_id_off:word, user_id_seg:word local segmento:word local selector:word int 3 cmp [connection_number],0 jz @@return_error ; ; Allocate DOS memory for buffers passed to interrupt ; xor ax,ax mov bx,(sizeof reply_buffer + sizeof request_buffer + 15) save bp push ax push bx call GLOBALDOSALLOC restore bp test ax,ax jz @@return_error mov [segmento],dx mov [selector],ax mov fs,dx xor di,di mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov_w fs:[di.len],2 mov_b fs:[di.buffer_type],16h mov_b al,[connection_number] mov_b fs:[di.connect_number],al mov di,sizeof request_buffer mov fs:[di.struct_len],sizeof userid_buffer-2 mov ax,0e300h mov ds,[segmento] mov es,[segmento] xor si,si pusha call Call_DOS popa les di,dword ptr [user_id_off] mov ds,[selector] mov si,sizeof request_buffer + object_name mov cx,48/4 rep movsd ; ; Free the DOS memory ; mov bx,@data mov ds,bx mov es,bx mov fs,bx mov gs,bx mov bx,[selector] push bx call GLOBALDOSFREE xor ax,ax ret @@return_error: mov ax,-1 ret _IPX_Get_User_ID95 endp ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;This is the IPX Packet structure. It's followed by the data itself, which ;can be up to 546 bytes long. Annotation of 'IPX' means IPX will set this ;field; annotation of 'APP' means the application must set the field. ;NOTE: All header fields are ordered high-byte,low-byte. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IPXHeaderType struct CheckSum dw ? ; IPX: Not used; always 0xffff IPXLength dw ? ; IPX: Total size, incl header & data TransportControl db ? ; IPX: # bridges message crossed PacketType db ? ; APP: Set to 4 for IPX (5 for SPX) DestNetworkNumber db ?,?,?,? ; APP: destination Network Number DestNetworkNode db ?,?,?,?,?,? ; APP: destination Node Address DestNetworkSocket dw ? ; APP: destination Socket Number SourceNetworkNumber db ?,?,?,? ; IPX: source Network Number SourceNetworkNode db ?,?,?,?,?,? ; IPX: source Node Address SourceNetworkSocket dw ? ; IPX: source Socket Number IPXHeaderType ends ;/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;This is the IPX Event Control Block. It serves as a communications area ;between IPX and the application for a single IPX operation. You should set ;up a separate ECB for each IPX operation you perform. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ECB struct Link_Address dd ? Event_Service_Routine dd ? ; APP: event handler (NULL=none) InUse db ? ; IPX: 0 = event complete CompletionCode db ? ; IPX: event's return code SocketNumber dw ? ; APP: socket to send data through ConnectionID dw ? ; returned by Listen (???) RestOfWorkspace dw ? DriverWorkspace db 12 dup (?) ImmediateAddress db 6 dup (?) ; returned by Get_Local_Target PacketCount dw ? PacketAddress0 dd ? PacketLength0 dw ? PacketAddress1 dd ? PacketLength1 dw ? ECB ends SEND_ECB_OFFSET =0 SEND_HEADER_OFFSET =(sizeof ECB +3) AND 0fffch SEND_BUFFER_OFFSET =(SEND_HEADER_OFFSET + sizeof IPXHeaderType +3) AND 0fffch _IPX_Send_Packet95 proc far pascal uses ebx ecx edx esi edi ds es fs gs, send_address :far ptr byte, send_buffer :far ptr byte, send_buffer_len :word local selector :word local segmento :word local dos_send_ecb :far ptr ECB local dos_send_header :far ptr IPXHeaderType local dos_send_buffer :far ptr byte local completion_code :word int 3 ; ; Allocate required DOS memory ; xor ax,ax mov bx,(sizeof ECB + sizeof IPXHeaderType + 1024 +31) save bp push ax push bx call GLOBALDOSALLOC restore bp test ax,ax jz @@error mov [segmento],dx mov [selector],ax ; ; Set up the pointers to the dos memory ; mov_w [dos_send_ecb+OFFS],SEND_ECB_OFFSET mov_w [dos_send_ecb+SEGM],ax mov_w [dos_send_header+OFFS],SEND_HEADER_OFFSET mov_w [dos_send_header+SEGM],ax mov_w [dos_send_buffer+OFFS],SEND_BUFFER_OFFSET mov_w [dos_send_buffer+SEGM],ax ; ; Clear out the send ECB ; xor al,al mov cx,sizeof ECB les di,[dos_send_ecb] rep stosb ; ; Clear out the send header ; mov cx,sizeof IPXHeaderType les di,[dos_send_header] rep stosb ; ; Copy the data to be sent into the send buffer ; mov cx,546 cmp_w cx,[send_buffer_len] jle @@got_buffer_len mov_w cx,[send_buffer_len] @@got_buffer_len: mov_w [send_buffer_len],546 ;always send same size packets (nice and big for Kali hehe) les di,[dos_send_buffer] lds si,[send_buffer] rep movsb ; ; Fill in the ECB ; mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov fs,ax ;keep ptr to data seg in fs les di,[dos_send_ecb] assume ds:@data assume fs:@data mov ax,[MySocket] mov es:[di.SocketNumber],ax mov es:[di.PacketCount],2 mov ax,[segmento] shl eax,16 mov_w ax,[dos_send_header+OFFS] mov_d es:[di.PacketAddress0],eax mov_w es:[di.PacketLength0],sizeof IPXHeaderType mov_w ax,[dos_send_buffer+OFFS] mov_d es:[di.PacketAddress1],eax mov_w ax,[send_buffer_len] mov_w es:[di.PacketLength1],ax ;assume ds:nothing ; ; Fill in the address field ; lds si,[send_address] mov eax,[si] mov_d es:[di.ImmediateAddress],eax mov ax,[si+4] mov_w es:[di.ImmediateAddress+4],ax ; ; Fill in the outgoing header ; les di,[dos_send_header] mov es:[di.PacketType],4 push fs:[MySocket] pop es:[di.DestNetworkSocket] ; ; Fill in the nwtowrk number and node address ; mov_d eax,fs:[MyNetworkNumber] mov_d es:[di.DestNetworkNumber],eax mov_d eax,fs:[MyNodeAddress] mov_d es:[di.DestNetworkNode],eax mov_w ax,fs:[MyNodeAddress+4] mov_w es:[di.DestNetworkNode+4],ax ; ; Send that sucker! ; mov si,[segmento] mov fs:[PseudoES],si mov si,SEND_ECB_OFFSET mov bx,IPX_SEND_PACKET pusha push fs call Call_IPX pop fs popa mov fs:[PseudoES],0 assume fs:nothing ; ; Wait for the send to finish ; @@wait_send_loop: lds si,[dos_send_ecb] cmp [si.InUse],0 jz @@done mov bx,IPX_RELINQUISH_CONTROL save bp call Call_IPX restore bp jmp @@wait_send_loop ; ; Get the completion code ; @@done: lds si,[dos_send_ecb] mov al,[si.CompletionCode] xor ah,ah mov [completion_code],ax ; ; Free the DOS memory ; mov bx,@data mov ds,bx mov es,bx mov fs,bx mov gs,bx mov bx,[selector] save bp push bx call GLOBALDOSFREE restore bp cmp [completion_code],0 jz @@error @@success: mov ax,1 ret @@error: xor ax,ax ret _IPX_Send_Packet95 endp _IPX_Broadcast_Packet95 proc far pascal uses ebx ecx edx esi edi ds es fs gs, send_buffer :far ptr byte, send_buffer_len :word local selector :word local segmento :word local dos_send_ecb :far ptr ECB local dos_send_header :far ptr IPXHeaderType local dos_send_buffer :far ptr byte local completion_code :word int 3 ; ; Allocate required DOS memory ; xor ax,ax mov bx,(sizeof ECB + sizeof IPXHeaderType + 1024 +31) save bp push ax push bx call GLOBALDOSALLOC restore bp test ax,ax jz @@error mov [segmento],dx mov [selector],ax ; ; Set up the pointers to the dos memory ; mov_w [dos_send_ecb+OFFS],SEND_ECB_OFFSET mov_w [dos_send_ecb+SEGM],ax mov_w [dos_send_header+OFFS],SEND_HEADER_OFFSET mov_w [dos_send_header+SEGM],ax mov_w [dos_send_buffer+OFFS],SEND_BUFFER_OFFSET mov_w [dos_send_buffer+SEGM],ax ; ; Clear out the send ECB ; xor al,al mov cx,sizeof ECB les di,[dos_send_ecb] rep stosb ; ; Clear out the send header ; mov cx,sizeof IPXHeaderType les di,[dos_send_header] rep stosb ; ; Copy the data to be sent into the send buffer ; mov cx,546 cmp_w cx,[send_buffer_len] jle @@got_buffer_len mov_w cx,[send_buffer_len] @@got_buffer_len: mov_w [send_buffer_len],546 ;always send same size packets (nice and big for Kali hehe) les di,[dos_send_buffer] lds si,[send_buffer] rep movsb ; ; Fill in the ECB ; mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov fs,ax ;keep ptr to data seg in fs les di,[dos_send_ecb] assume fs:@data assume ds:@data mov ax,[MySocket] mov es:[di.SocketNumber],ax mov es:[di.PacketCount],2 mov ax,[segmento] shl eax,16 mov_w ax,[dos_send_header+OFFS] mov_d es:[di.PacketAddress0],eax mov_w es:[di.PacketLength0],sizeof IPXHeaderType mov_w ax,[dos_send_buffer+OFFS] mov_d es:[di.PacketAddress1],eax mov_w ax,[send_buffer_len] mov_w es:[di.PacketLength1],ax ;assume ds:nothing ; ; Fill in the address field ; mov_d es:[di.ImmediateAddress],0ffffffffh mov_w es:[di.ImmediateAddress+4],0ffffh ; ; Fill in the outgoing header ; les di,[dos_send_header] mov es:[di.PacketType],4 push fs:[MySocket] pop es:[di.DestNetworkSocket] ; ; Fill in the nwtowrk number and node address ; mov_d es:[di.DestNetworkNumber],0ffffffffh mov_d es:[di.DestNetworkNode],0ffffffffh mov_w es:[di.DestNetworkNode+4],0ffffh ; ; Send that sucker! ; mov si,[segmento] mov fs:[PseudoES],si mov si,SEND_ECB_OFFSET mov bx,IPX_SEND_PACKET pusha push fs call Call_IPX pop fs popa mov fs:[PseudoES],0 assume fs:nothing ; ; Wait for the send to finish ; @@wait_send_loop: lds si,[dos_send_ecb] cmp [si.InUse],0 jz @@done mov bx,IPX_RELINQUISH_CONTROL save bp call Call_IPX restore bp jmp @@wait_send_loop ; ; Get the completion code ; @@done: lds si,[dos_send_ecb] mov al,[si.CompletionCode] xor ah,ah mov [completion_code],ax ; ; Free the DOS memory ; mov bx,@data mov ds,bx mov es,bx mov fs,bx mov gs,bx mov bx,[selector] save bp push bx call GLOBALDOSFREE restore bp cmp [completion_code],0 jz @@error @@success: mov ax,1 ret @@error: xor ax,ax ret _IPX_Broadcast_Packet95 endp _IPX_Get_Local_Target95 proc far pascal uses ebx ecx edx esi edi ds es fs gs, dest_network :far ptr byte, dest_node :far ptr byte, socket :word, bridge_address :far ptr byte local segmento :word local selector :word local result_code :word int 3 ; ; Allocate DOS memory for buffers passed to interrupt ; xor ax,ax mov bx,(sizeof local_target_reply_buffer + \ sizeof request_local_target_buffer + 15) save bp push ax push bx call GLOBALDOSALLOC restore bp test ax,ax jz @@return_error mov [segmento],dx mov [selector],ax mov fs,dx xor di,di ; ; Init the request structure ; mov_d eax,[dest_network] mov_d fs:[di.lt_network_number],eax mov_d eax,[dest_node] mov_d fs:[di.lt_physical_node],eax mov_w ax,[dest_node+4] mov_w fs:[di.lt_physical_node+4],ax mov ax,[socket] mov fs:[di.lt_socket],ax mov bx,IPX_GET_LOCAL_TARGET mov ax,[segmento] mov ds,ax xor si,si mov es,ax mov di,sizeof request_local_target_buffer push bp call Call_IPX pop bp mov [result_code],ax mov ds,[selector] mov si,sizeof request_local_target_buffer + lt_local_target les di,bridge_address movsd movsw ; ; Free the DOS memory ; mov bx,@data mov ds,bx mov es,bx mov fs,bx mov gs,bx mov bx,[selector] save bp push bx call GLOBALDOSFREE restore bp ; ; Return the IPX result code ; mov ax,[result_code] ret @@return_error: mov ax,-1 ret _IPX_Get_Local_Target95 endp _IPX_Get_Outstanding_Buffer95 proc far pascal uses ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp ds es fs gs, copy_receive_buffer:far ptr byte int 3 mov ax,@data mov ds,ax xor ax,ax mov si,[LastPassedReceiveBuffer] cmp si,[CurrentReceiveBuffer] jz @@done push ds mov cx,RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH/4 mov ds,[ReceiveBufferSelector] les di,[copy_receive_buffer] rep movsd pop ds cmp si,RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH*MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFERS jc @@no_wrap xor si,si @@no_wrap: mov [LastPassedReceiveBuffer],si mov ax,1 @@done: ret _IPX_Get_Outstanding_Buffer95 endp Receive_Callback proc far pushf cli cld pushad push ds push es push fs push gs mov ax,@data mov ds,ax cmp [NoReenter],0 jnz @@out mov [NoReenter],1 mov ax,[CurrentReceiveBuffer] add ax,RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH cmp ax,RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH*MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFERS jc @@no_wrap xor ax,ax @@no_wrap: mov [CurrentReceiveBuffer],ax call Listen_For_Packet mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov [NoReenter],0 @@out: pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds popad popf ret Receive_Callback endp Init_Receive_ECB proc near uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp ds es mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov es,[ReceiveBufferSelector] ; ; Clear out the ECB ; mov di,[ReceiveECBOffset] mov cx,sizeof ECB xor al,al rep stosb ; ; Set up the ECB ; ; ;General ECB data mov di,[ReceiveECBOffset] mov ax,[MySocket] mov es:[di.SocketNumber],ax mov es:[di.PacketCount],2 ; ; Packet address for IPX header mov ax,[CurrentReceiveBuffer] mov bx,[ReceiveBufferSegment] mov_w es:[di.PacketAddress0+OFFS],ax mov_w es:[di.PacketAddress0+SEGM],bx mov es:[di.PacketLength0],sizeof IPXHeaderType ; ; Packet address for receive buffer mov ax,[CurrentReceiveBuffer] add ax,sizeof IPXHeaderType mov_w es:[di.PacketAddress1+OFFS],ax mov_w es:[di.PacketAddress1+SEGM],bx mov es:[di.PacketLength1],546 ; ; Set up the callback address mov ax,[RealModeCallbackOffset] mov_w es:[di.Event_Service_Routine+OFFS],ax mov ax,[RealModeCallbackSegment] mov_w es:[di.Event_Service_Routine+SEGM],ax ret Init_Receive_ECB endp _IPX_Start_Listening95 proc far pascal uses ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp ds es fs gs mov ax,@data mov ds,ax cmp [Listening],0 jnz @@restart ;already listening ; ; Allocate and lock DOS memory for listen ; ECB and receive buffers ; mov bx,(RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH*MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFERS + sizeof ECB + 15) xor ax,ax save bp,ds push ax push bx call GLOBALDOSALLOC restore bp,ds test ax,ax jz @@error mov [ReceiveBufferSegment],dx mov [ReceiveBufferSelector],ax ; ; Set up pointers to the DOS memory ; mov [ReceiveECBOffset],RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH * MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFERS mov [CurrentReceiveBuffer],0 ;1st receive buffer mov [LastPassedReceiveBuffer],0 ; ; Set up a real mode callback function ; mov ax,DPMI_ALLOCATE_CALLBACK mov si,offset Receive_Callback mov di,offset CallbackRegisterDump push cs pop ds mov bx,@data mov es,bx save bp int 31h restore bp bcs @@error mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov [RealModeCallbackSegment],cx mov [RealModeCallbackOffset],dx @@restart: save ds call Listen_For_Packet restore ds mov [Listening],1 @@out: mov ax,1 ret @@error: xor ax,ax ret _IPX_Start_Listening95 endp _IPX_Shut_Down95 proc far pascal uses eax ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp ds es fs gs int 3 mov ax,@data mov ds,ax cmp [Listening],0 jz @@out ; ; Stop listening for a packet ; mov es,[ReceiveBufferSegment] mov si,[ReceiveECBOffset] mov bx,IPX_CANCEL_EVENT save bp,ds call Call_IPX save bp,ds ; ; Remove the real mode callback function ; mov cx,[RealModeCallbackSegment] mov dx,[RealModeCallbackOffset] mov ax,DPMI_RELEASE_CALLBACK save bp,ds int 31h restore bp,ds ; ; Free the DOS memory ; mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax mov ax,[ReceiveBufferSelector] save bp,ds push ax call GLOBALDOSFREE restore bp,ds mov [Listening],0 @@out: ret _IPX_Shut_Down95 endp Listen_For_Packet proc near uses ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp ds es fs gs call Init_Receive_ECB mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov si,[ReceiveBufferSegment] mov [PseudoES],si mov si,[ReceiveECBOffset] mov bx,IPX_LISTEN_FOR_PACKET save ds call Call_IPX restore ds mov [PseudoES],0 ret Listen_For_Packet endp Call_IPX proc far push gs push ax mov ax,@data mov gs,ax pop ax push bp mov bp,offset IPXCallOffset call dword ptr gs:[bp] pop bp pop gs ret push gs push ax mov ax,@data mov gs,ax pop ax ; ; Prevent reenterancy ; @@hold: ;cmp gs:[IPXHold],0 ;jnz @@hold mov gs:[IPXHold],1 ; ; Dump the registers first so we can use them ; mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+0ch],0 mov_d gs:[RegisterDump],edi mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+4],esi mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+8],ebp mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+10h],ebx mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+14h],edx mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+18h],ecx mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+1ch],eax int 3 push gs xor ax,ax push ax mov ax,4096 ;4k real mode stack push ax call GLOBALDOSALLOC pop gs mov bx,4094 ;stack ptr test ax,ax jnz @f xor bx,bx ; ; Set up stack addr to zero - DPMI will supply a real mode stack ; @@: mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+2eh],bx ;sp mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+30h],dx ;ss save ax ;save selector so we can free the memory later ; ; Dump the flags ; pushf pop gs:[word ptr RegisterDump+20h] ; ; Set up all segment register areas to point to our real mode segment ; mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+22h],es mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+24h],ds mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+26h],fs mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+28h],gs cmp gs:[PseudoES],0 jz @f mov ax,gs:[PseudoES] mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+22h],ax @@: ; ; Set up the address to call ; mov ax,gs:[IPXCallSegment] mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+2ch],ax mov ax,gs:[IPXCallOffset] mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+2ah],ax mov ax,DPMI_CALL_REAL_INT ; Call real mode procedure with far return frame xor bh,bh ; flags - should be zero mov bl,07ah ; IPX interrupt mov ecx,0 ;512 ; number of words to copy from the protected mode stack mov di,offset RegisterDump push gs pop es save gs ;push ss ;push sp int 31h ;DPMI interrupt ;pop ax ;pop bx ;pushf ;pop cx ;cli ;mov sp,ax ;mov ss,bx ;add sp,2 ;push cx ;popf restore gs mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax call GLOBALDOSFREE mov_d eax,gs:[RegisterDump+1ch] mov gs:[IPXHold],0 pop gs ret Call_IPX endp Call_DOS proc far push gs push ax mov ax,@data mov gs,ax pop ax ; ; Dump the registers first so we can use them ; mov_d gs:[RegisterDump],edi mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+4],esi mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+8],ebp mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+10h],ebx mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+14h],edx mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+18h],ecx mov_d gs:[RegisterDump+1ch],eax ; ; Dump the flags ; pushf pop gs:[word ptr RegisterDump+20h] ; ; Set up all segment register areas to point to our real mode segment ; mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+22h],es mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+24h],ds mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+26h],fs mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+28h],gs ; ; Set up stack addr to zero - DPMI will supply a real mode stack ; xor ax,ax mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+2eh],ax ;sp mov_w gs:[RegisterDump+30h],ax ;ss mov ax,DPMI_CALL_REAL_INT; Simulate real mode interrupt xor bh,bh ; flags - should be zero mov bl,21h ; interrupt number mov ecx,0 ;512 ; number of words to copy from the protected mode stack mov di,offset RegisterDump push gs pop es save gs int 31h ;DPMI interrupt restore gs mov_d edi,gs:[RegisterDump] mov_d esi,gs:[RegisterDump+4] mov_d ebp,gs:[RegisterDump+8] mov_d ebx,gs:[RegisterDump+10h] mov_d edx,gs:[RegisterDump+14h] mov_d ecx,gs:[RegisterDump+18h] mov_d eax,gs:[RegisterDump+1ch] mov_w es,gs:[RegisterDump+22h] mov_w ds,gs:[RegisterDump+24h] pop gs ret Call_DOS endp end