; ; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; ;*************************************************************************** ;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D A S S O C I A T E S ** ;*************************************************************************** ;* * ;* Project Name : Westwood 32 bit Library * ;* * ;* File Name : FILLQUAD.ASM * ;* * ;* Programmer : Ian M. Leslie * ;* * ;* Start Date : August 11, 1994 * ;* * ;* Last Update : August 30, 1994 [IML] * ;* * ;*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* ;* Functions: * ;* Fill_Quad -- Flood fills an arbitrary convex quadrilateral * ;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * IDEAL P386 MODEL USE32 FLAT INCLUDE "mcgaprim.inc" INCLUDE ".\gbuffer.inc" SLOT_VACANT EQU 80008000h NULL EQU 0h CODESEG ;*************************************************************************** ;* VVC::FILL_QUAD -- Flood fills an arbitrary convex quadrilateral * ;* * ;* INPUT: DWORD this - associated graphic viewport * ;* DWORD span_buff - pointer to span array * ;* DWORD x0_pixel - the zeroth x pixel position * ;* DWORD y0_pixel - the zeroth y pixel position * ;* DWORD x1_pixel - the first x pixel position * ;* DWORD y1_pixel - the first y pixel position * ;* DWORD x2_pixel - the second x pixel position * ;* DWORD y2_pixel - the second y pixel position * ;* DWORD x3_pixel - the third x pixel position * ;* DWORD y3_pixel - the third y pixel position * ;* DWORD color - the color of the quad to fill * ;* * ;* Bounds Checking: Compares quad points with the graphic viewport it * ;* has been assigned to. * ;* * ;* Rasterization Rules: FILL_QUAD is designed to be used within a quad * ;* mesh. There is no pixel overlapping or stitching * ;* effects at shared borders. FILL_QUAD is NOT * ;* recommended for isolated quads. * * ;* HISTORY: * ;* 08/11/1994 IML : Created. * ;* 08/26/1994 IML : Various optimizations. * ;* 08/30/1994 IML : Added rasterization rules for shared borders. * ;*=========================================================================* PROC MCGA_Fill_Quad C NEAR USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi ;*================================================================== ;* Define the arguments that the function takes. ;*================================================================== ARG this:DWORD ; associated graphic viewport ARG span_buff:DWORD ; pointer to span array ARG x0_pixel:DWORD ; the zeroth x pixel position ARG y0_pixel:DWORD ; the zeroth y pixel position ARG x1_pixel:DWORD ; the first x pixel position ARG y1_pixel:DWORD ; the first y pixel position ARG x2_pixel:DWORD ; the second x pixel position ARG y2_pixel:DWORD ; the second y pixel position ARG x3_pixel:DWORD ; the third x pixel position ARG y3_pixel:DWORD ; the third y pixel position ARG color:DWORD ; the color of the quad ;*================================================================== ;* Define the local variables that we will use on the stack. ;*================================================================== LOCAL clip_min_x:DWORD ; boundary of viewport LOCAL clip_max_x:DWORD ; LOCAL clip_min_y:DWORD ; LOCAL clip_max_y:DWORD ; LOCAL clip_var:DWORD LOCAL left_clip_base:DWORD:2 ; storage for additional edges LOCAL left_clip_index:DWORD ; generated by clipping LOCAL right_clip_base:DWORD:2 ; LOCAL right_clip_index:DWORD ; LOCAL scanline_min:DWORD ; vertical extent of quad LOCAL scanline_max:DWORD LOCAL realignment:DWORD LOCAL bpr:DWORD ; bytes per row of associated buffer ;*================================================================== ;* Extract essential GraphicViewPort info. ;*================================================================== mov ebx,[this] mov [clip_min_x],eax mov [clip_min_y],eax mov eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPWidth] mov [clip_max_x],eax add eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPXAdd] mov [bpr],eax mov eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPHeight] mov [clip_max_y],eax ;*================================================================== ;* Adjust top and right edges of viewport for rasterization rules. ;*================================================================== dec [clip_max_y] dec [clip_min_y] ;*================================================================== ;* Find the vertical extent of the quad BEFORE clipping. ;* y0_pixel = y0, y1_pixel = y1, y2_pixel = y2, y3_pixel = y3 ;*================================================================== mov eax,[y0_pixel] cmp eax,[y1_pixel] jle short ??y1_not_smaller mov eax,[y1_pixel] ??y1_not_smaller: cmp eax,[y2_pixel] jle short ??y2_not_smaller mov eax,[y2_pixel] ??y2_not_smaller: cmp eax,[y3_pixel] jle short ??y3_not_smaller mov eax,[y3_pixel] ??y3_not_smaller: cmp eax,[clip_min_y] jge short ??no_clamp_min_min mov eax,[clip_min_y] ??no_clamp_min_min: cmp eax,[clip_max_y] jle short ??no_clamp_max_min mov eax,[clip_max_y] ; scanline_min = MIN (y0, y1, y2, y3) ??no_clamp_max_min: ; scanline_min = MAX (scanline_min, clip_min_y) mov [scanline_min],eax ; scanline_min = MIN (scanline_min, clip_max_y) mov eax,[y0_pixel] cmp eax,[y1_pixel] jge short ??y1_not_greater mov eax,[y1_pixel] ??y1_not_greater: cmp eax,[y2_pixel] jge short ??y2_not_greater mov eax,[y2_pixel] ??y2_not_greater: cmp eax,[y3_pixel] jge short ??y3_not_greater mov eax,[y3_pixel] ??y3_not_greater: cmp eax,[clip_min_y] jge short ??no_clamp_min_max mov eax,[clip_min_y] ??no_clamp_min_max: cmp eax,[clip_max_y] jle short ??no_clamp_max_max mov eax,[clip_max_y] ; scanline_max = MAX (y0, y1, y2, y3) ??no_clamp_max_max: ; scanline_max = MAX (scanline_max, clip_min_y) mov [scanline_max],eax ; scanline_max = MIN (scanline_max, clip_max_y) ;*================================================================== ;* Initialize memory for spans. ;*================================================================== sub eax,[scanline_min] je ??abort_fill_quad ; don't render quads with zero height mov ebx,eax mov eax,[span_buff] ; check span_buff for NULL ptr cmp eax,NULL je ??abort_fill_quad sal ebx,2 ??span_initialize_loop: mov [DWORD PTR eax + ebx],SLOT_VACANT sub ebx,4 jl short ??exit_span_initialize mov [DWORD PTR eax + ebx],SLOT_VACANT sub ebx,4 jl short ??exit_span_initialize mov [DWORD PTR eax + ebx],SLOT_VACANT sub ebx,4 jl short ??exit_span_initialize mov [DWORD PTR eax + ebx],SLOT_VACANT sub ebx,4 jge short ??span_initialize_loop ;*================================================================== ;* Clip and scan convert the four edges defining the quad. ;*================================================================== ??exit_span_initialize: mov [left_clip_index],0 mov [right_clip_index],0 mov eax,[x0_pixel] mov ebx,[y0_pixel] mov ecx,[x1_pixel] mov edx,[y1_pixel] call NEAR PTR ??clip_and_scan_convert mov eax,[x1_pixel] mov ebx,[y1_pixel] mov ecx,[x2_pixel] mov edx,[y2_pixel] call NEAR PTR ??clip_and_scan_convert mov eax,[x2_pixel] mov ebx,[y2_pixel] mov ecx,[x3_pixel] mov edx,[y3_pixel] call NEAR PTR ??clip_and_scan_convert mov eax,[x3_pixel] mov ebx,[y3_pixel] mov ecx,[x0_pixel] mov edx,[y0_pixel] call NEAR PTR ??clip_and_scan_convert ;*================================================================== ;* Scan convert up to 2 additional left and right vertical edges ;* generated by the clipping process. ;*================================================================== cmp [left_clip_index],0 je short ??no_left_edge mov eax,[clip_min_x] mov ebx,[left_clip_base] mov ecx,eax mov edx,[left_clip_base + 4] call NEAR PTR ??scan_convert ??no_left_edge: cmp [right_clip_index],0 je short ??no_right_edge mov eax,[clip_max_x] mov ebx,[right_clip_base] mov ecx,eax mov edx,[right_clip_base + 4] call NEAR PTR ??scan_convert ;*================================================================== ;* Fill the quad with specified color. Use DWORD copies where ;* appropriate. ;*================================================================== ??no_right_edge: mov eax,[this] mov edi,[(GraphicViewPort eax).GVPOffset] mov eax,[scanline_min] ; eax = scanline_min mov ebx,[scanline_max] sub ebx,[scanline_min] ; ebx = span count mov esi,[span_buff] ; esi = address of top span mul [bpr] add edi,eax ; edi = address of top scanline ; containing quad mov al,[BYTE PTR color] ; extend pixel color into eax ready mov ah,al ; for DWORD copies mov edx,eax shl eax,16 mov ax,dx cld ; only fill forwards jmp ??skip_span ; rasterization rule: don't ; render topmost span ??quad_fill_loop: cmp [DWORD PTR esi],SLOT_VACANT ; test for unused spans due to clipping je ??skip_span xor ecx,ecx xor edx,edx mov cx,[WORD PTR esi] mov dx,[WORD PTR esi + 2] sub ecx,edx push edi jns short ??not_negative_count add edi,ecx neg ecx ; ecx = span width ??not_negative_count: add edi,edx ; edi = address of start of span cmp ecx,OPTIMAL_BYTE_COPY ; does span width justify DWORD copies? jl short ??byte_copy mov edx,ecx mov ecx,edi and ecx,3 ; if (ecx == 0) edi is already jz short ??dword_copy_no_alignment ; DWORD aligned xor ecx,3 inc ecx ; ecx = number of pixels before alignment sub edx,ecx rep stosb ??dword_copy_no_alignment: mov ecx,edx ; ecx = remaining pixels on span shr ecx,2 ; copy (ecx / 4) DWORDS rep stosd mov ecx,edx and ecx,3 ; ecx = remaining pixels on span ??byte_copy: rep stosb ; byte copy remaining pixels on span pop edi ??skip_span: add edi,[bpr] ; edi = address of start of next scanline add esi,4 ; esi = address of next span dec ebx jge short ??quad_fill_loop ; is span count >= 0? ??abort_fill_quad: ret ;*================================================================== ;* This is the section that "pushes" the edge into bounds. ;* I have marked the section with PORTABLE start and end to signify ;* how much of this routine is 100% portable between graphics modes. ;* It was just as easy to have variables as it would be for constants ;* so the global vars clip_min_x, clip_min_y, clip_max_x, clip_max_y ;* are used to clip the edge (default is the screen). ;* PORTABLE start. ;*================================================================== ;*================================================================== ;* Clip an edge against the viewport. ;*================================================================== ??clip_and_scan_convert: call NEAR PTR ??set_left_right_bits xchg eax,ecx xchg ebx,edx mov edi,esi call NEAR PTR ??set_left_right_bits mov [clip_var],edi or [clip_var],esi jz ??clip_up_down ; trivial acceptance? test edi,esi jne ??exit ; trivial rejection? shl esi,2 call [DWORD PTR cs:??clip_tbl+esi] xchg eax,ecx xchg ebx,edx shl edi,2 call [DWORD PTR cs:??clip_tbl+edi] ??clip_up_down: call NEAR PTR ??set_up_down_bits xchg eax,ecx xchg ebx,edx mov edi,esi call NEAR PTR ??set_up_down_bits mov [clip_var],edi or [clip_var],esi jz ??scan_convert ; trivial acceptance? test edi,esi jne ??exit ; trivial rejection? shl esi,2 call [DWORD PTR cs:??clip_tbl+esi] xchg eax,ecx xchg ebx,edx shl edi,2 call [DWORD PTR cs:??clip_tbl+edi] jmp ??scan_convert ;*================================================================== ;* Subroutine table for clipping conditions. ;*================================================================== ??clip_tbl DD ??nada,??a_lft,??a_rgt,??nada DD ??a_up,??nada,??nada,??nada DD ??a_dwn ;*================================================================== ;* Subroutines for clipping conditions. ;*================================================================== ??nada: retn ??a_up: mov esi,[clip_min_y] call NEAR PTR ??clip_vert retn ??a_dwn: mov esi,[clip_max_y] call NEAR PTR ??clip_vert retn ??a_lft: mov esi,[clip_min_x] call NEAR PTR ??clip_horiz push ebx mov esi,[left_clip_index] cmp ebx,[clip_min_y] jge ??no_left_min_clip mov ebx,[clip_min_y] ??no_left_min_clip: cmp ebx,[clip_max_y] jle ??no_left_max_clip mov ebx,[clip_max_y] ??no_left_max_clip: mov [left_clip_base + esi],ebx ; a left edge will be generated mov [left_clip_index],4 ; store off yb pop ebx retn ??a_rgt: mov esi,[clip_max_x] call NEAR PTR ??clip_horiz push ebx mov esi,[right_clip_index] cmp ebx,[clip_min_y] jge ??no_right_min_clip mov ebx,[clip_min_y] ??no_right_min_clip: cmp ebx,[clip_max_y] jle ??no_right_max_clip mov ebx,[clip_max_y] ??no_right_max_clip: mov [right_clip_base + esi],ebx ; a right edge will be generated mov [right_clip_index],4 ; store off yb pop ebx retn ;*================================================================== ;* Clip a line against a horizontal edge at clip_y. ;* (eax,ebx) = (xa,ya), (ecx,edx) = (xb,yb) ;* xa' = xa+[(clip_y-ya)(xb-xa)/(yb-ya)] ;* ya' = clip_y ;*================================================================== ??clip_vert: push edx push eax mov [clip_var],edx ; clip_var = yb sub [clip_var],ebx ; clip_var = (yb-ya) neg eax ; eax = -xa add eax,ecx ; eax = (xb-xa) mov edx,esi ; edx = clip_y sub edx,ebx ; edx = (clip_y-ya) imul edx ; eax = (clip_y-ya)(xb-xa) idiv [clip_var] ; eax = (clip_y-ya)(xb-xa)/(yb-ya) pop edx add eax,edx ; eax = xa+[(clip_y-ya)(xb-xa)/(yb-ya)] pop edx mov ebx,esi ; ebx = clip_y retn ;*================================================================== ;* Clip a line against a vertical edge at clip_x. ;* (eax,ebxx) = (xa,ya), (ecx,edxx) = (xb,yb) ;* ya' = ya+[(clip_x-xa)(yb-ya)/(xb-xa)] ;* xa' = clip_x ;*================================================================== ??clip_horiz: push edx mov [clip_var],ecx ; clip_var = xb sub [clip_var],eax ; clip_var = (xb-xa) sub edx,ebx ; edx = (yb-ya) neg eax ; eax = -xa add eax,esi ; eax = (clip_x-xa) imul edx ; eax = (clip_x-xa)(yb-ya) idiv [clip_var] ; eax = (clip_x-xa)(yb-ya)/(xb-xa) add ebx,eax ; ebx = ya+[(clip_x-xa)(yb-ya)/(xb-xa)] pop edx mov eax,esi ; eax = clip_x retn ;*================================================================== ;* Set the condition bits for the subroutine table. ;*================================================================== ??set_left_right_bits: xor esi,esi cmp eax,[clip_min_x] ; if x >= left its not left jge short ??a_not_left or esi,1 ??a_not_left: cmp eax,[clip_max_x] ; if x <= right its not right jle short ??a_not_right or esi,2 ??a_not_right: retn ??set_up_down_bits: xor esi,esi cmp ebx,[clip_min_y] ; if y >= top its not up jge short ??a_not_up or esi,4 ??a_not_up: cmp ebx,[clip_max_y] ; if y <= bottom its not down jle short ??a_not_down or esi,8 ??a_not_down: retn ;*================================================================== ;* PORTABLE end. ;*================================================================== ;*================================================================== ;* Scan convert an edge. ;* (eax,ebx) = (xa,ya), (ecx,edx) = (xb,yb) ;*================================================================== ??scan_convert: cmp ebx,edx je ??exit ; if (ya == yb) don't scan convert jl short ??no_swap ; if (ya < yb) swap vertices xchg eax,ecx xchg ebx,edx ??no_swap: sub edx,ebx ; edx = (yb - ya) sub ebx,[scanline_min] sal ebx,2 add ebx,[span_buff] ; ebx = span_buff + 4(ya - clip_min_y) sub ecx,eax ; ecx = (xb - xa) je ??v_scan ; if the edge is vertical use a ; special case routine push eax mov eax,ecx ; eax = (xb - xa) mov ecx,edx ; ecx = (yb - ya) sal edx,1 mov [realignment],edx ; realignment = 2(yb - ya) cwd idiv cx cwde movsx edx,dx mov edi,eax ; edi = (xb - xa) / (yb - ya) mov esi,edx mov edx,ecx pop eax ; eax = xa neg edx ; edx = -(yb - ya) sal esi,1 ; esi = 2[(xb - xa) % (yb - ya)] jns short ??r_scan ; scan to the left or right? neg esi ;*================================================================== ;* Edge scan conversion DDA moving down and to the left. ;* eax = xpos, ebx = span to reference ;*================================================================== cmp ebx,[span_buff] jg ??l_scan_convert ??l_scan_convert_loop: cmp [DWORD PTR ebx],SLOT_VACANT ; if the left slot of span is jne short ??l_next_slot ; vacant fill it with xpos mov [ebx],ax ??l_next_slot: mov [ebx + 2],ax ; otherwise fill the right slot ; with xpos ??l_scan_convert: dec ecx jl short ??exit add ebx,4 add eax,edi add edx,esi jle short ??l_scan_convert_loop dec eax sub edx,[realignment] jmp ??l_scan_convert_loop ;*================================================================== ;* Edge scan conversion DDA moving down and to the right. ;* eax = xpos, ebx = span to reference ;*================================================================== ??r_scan: cmp ebx,[span_buff] jg ??r_scan_convert ??r_scan_convert_loop: cmp [DWORD PTR ebx],SLOT_VACANT ; if the left slot of span is jne short ??r_next_slot ; vacant fill it with xpos mov [ebx],ax ??r_next_slot: mov [ebx + 2],ax ; otherwise fill the right slot ; with xpos ??r_scan_convert: dec ecx jl short ??exit add ebx,4 add eax,edi add edx,esi jle short ??r_scan_convert_loop inc eax sub edx,[realignment] jmp ??r_scan_convert_loop ;*================================================================== ;* Scan convert a vertical edge. ;* eax = xpos, ebx = span to reference ;*================================================================== ??v_scan: cmp ebx,[span_buff] jg ??v_scan_convert ??v_scan_convert_loop: cmp [DWORD PTR ebx],SLOT_VACANT ; if the left slot of span is jne short ??v_next_slot ; vacant fill it with xpos mov [ebx],ax ??v_next_slot: mov [ebx + 2],ax ; otherwise fill the right slot ; with xpos ??v_scan_convert: add ebx,4 dec edx jge ??v_scan_convert_loop ??exit: retn ENDP MCGA_Fill_Quad END