; ; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ; ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* C O N F I D E N T I A L -- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ;* ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* ;* FILE ;* xmode.asm ;* ;* DESCRIPTION ;* Xmode graphics display routines. (32-Bit protected mode) ;* ;* PROGRAMMER ;* Bill Randolph ;* Denzil E. Long, Jr. ;* ;* DATE ;* Febuary 3, 1995 ;* ;*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* ;* PUBLIC ;* SetXMode - Set the specified Xmode video mode. ;* ClearXMode - Clear the XMode VRAM. ;* ShowXPage - Set a specific page for XMode display. ;* Xmode_BufferCopy_320x200 - Copy 320x200 buffer to Xmode VRAM. ;* Xmode_Blit - Bit blit a block to the XMode display. ;* ;**************************************************************************** IDEAL P386 MODEL USE32 FLAT LOCALS ?? INCLUDE "vga.i" INCLUDE "video.i" CODESEG ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* NAME ;* SetXMode - Set the specified Xmode video mode. ;* ;* SYNOPSIS ;* Error = SetXMode(Mode) ;* ;* long SetXMode(long); ;* ;* FUNCTION ;* This routines set the current display adapter to the specified Xmode. ;* Portions of this routine were take from Dr. Dobb's, written in C, and ;* portions were taken from Dominic's 320x200 code. ;* ;* INPUTS ;* Mode - Xmode mode to set display to. ;* ;* RESULT ;* Error - 0 if successful, or -1 if error. ;* ;**************************************************************************** GLOBAL C SetXMode:NEAR PROC SetXMode C NEAR USES edx ARG mode:DWORD ??Set320x200: cmp [mode],XMODE_320X200 ;320x200? jne ??Set320x240 IF 0 mov eax,MCGA int 10h ; Memory Mode: ; bit3 (chain) = 0 (planes are accessed via Map Mask) ; bit2 (odd/even) = 1 (use sequential addressing mode) INPORT R_SEQUENCER,SEQ_MEMORY_MODE and al,not 08h ;Turn off chain 4 or al,04h ;Turn off odd/even out dx,al INPORT R_GRAPHICS_CONTROLLER,GC_MODE and al,not 10h ;Turn off odd/even out dx,al INPORT R_GRAPHICS_CONTROLLER,GC_MISC and al,not 02h ;Turn off chain out dx,al OUTPORT R_SEQUENCER,SEQ_MAP_MASK,0Fh INPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER, CRT_MAX_SCANLINE and al,not 1fh ;Clear low 5 bits or al,1 ;Mode = 0 => 400 lines out dx,al ;Mode =1 => 200 INPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_UNDERLINE and al,not 40h ;Turn off doubleword out dx,al INPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_MODE_CONTROL or al,40h ;Turn on byte mode bit, out dx,al ; so mem scanned linearly ENDIF ; The following section of code is from Roger Stevens' XMode ; example code; it's the same as 320x400, except the value sent ; to CRT_MAX_SCANLINE is 41, not 40. mov eax,MCGA int 10h OUTPORT R_SEQUENCER,SEQ_MEMORY_MODE,06h INPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_VERTRET_END and al,07Fh out dx,al OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_MAX_SCANLINE,41h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_UNDERLINE,00h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_MODE_CONTROL,0E3h mov eax,0 jmp ??Done ??Set320x240: cmp [mode],XMODE_320X240 ;320x240? jne ??Set320x400 ; Start by setting MCGA to let the BIOS program the registers; ; then, reprogram the registers that need it. mov eax,MCGA int 10h ; Memory Mode: ; bit3 (chain) = 0 (planes are accessed via Map Mask) ; bit2 (odd/even) = 1 (use sequential addressing mode) ; bit1 (extended mem) = 1 (>64K video RAM) ; bit0 (alpha/graph) = 0 (graphics mode) OUTPORT R_SEQUENCER,SEQ_MEMORY_MODE,06h ; Issue a Sequencer Reset OUTPORT R_SEQUENCER,SEQ_RESET,01h ; Misc Output: (set to 1100 0011) ; Bit 7: VSync polarity (1=negative) ; Bit 6: HSync polarity (1=negative) ; Bit 5: page bit for odd/even (0=low 64K) ; Bit 4: Video drivers (0=enable) ; Bit 3,2: clock select (0=25-MHz clock) ; Bit 1: VRAM access (1 = enable CPU to access) ; Bit 0: I/O Address (1=color emulation) mov edx,R_MISC_OUTPUT mov al,0C3h out dx,al ; Clear Sequencer Reset OUTPORT R_SEQUENCER,SEQ_RESET,03h ; Read Vertical Retrace End, and with 07f to clear high bit ; (clearing bit 7 enables writing to registers 0-7) INPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_VERTRET_END and al,07Fh out dx,al ; Program the CRT Controller to display 480 scanlines, but to ; double each scanline so only 240 are displayed: OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_UNDERLINE,00h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_MODE_CONTROL,0E3h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_VERT_TOTAL,0Dh OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_OVERFLOW,03Eh OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_VERTRET_START,0EAh OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_VERTRET_END,0ACh OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_VERTDISP_END,0DFh OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_START_VB,0E7h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_END_VB,06h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,CRT_MAX_SCANLINE,041h xor eax,eax jmp ??Done ??Set320x400: cmp [mode],XMODE_320X400 ;320x400 jne ??Set320x480 mov eax,MCGA int 10h OUTPORT R_SEQUENCER,04h,06h INPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,011h and al,07Fh out dx,al OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,09h,40h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,014h,00h OUTPORT R_CRT_CONTROLLER,017h,0E3h xor eax,eax jmp ??Done ??Set320x480: cmp [mode],XMODE_320X480 ;320x480? jne ??Set360x400 mov eax,MCGA int 10h mov edx,R_SEQUENCER mov eax,0604h out dx,ax mov eax,0100h out dx,ax mov edx,R_MISC_OUTPUT mov al,0C3h out dx,al mov edx,R_SEQUENCER mov eax,0300h out dx,ax mov edx,R_CRT_CONTROLLER mov al,011h out dx,al mov edx,03D5h in al,dx and al,07Fh out dx,al mov edx,R_CRT_CONTROLLER mov eax,04009h out dx,ax mov eax,00014h out dx,ax mov eax,0E317h out dx,ax mov eax,00D06h out dx,ax mov eax,03E07h out dx,ax mov eax,0EA10h out dx,ax mov eax,0AC11h out dx,ax mov eax,0DF12h out dx,ax mov eax,0E715h out dx,ax mov eax,00616h out dx,ax mov eax,04009h out dx,ax xor eax,eax jmp ??Done ??Set360x400: cmp [mode],XMODE_360X400 ;360x400 jne ??Set360x480 mov eax,MCGA int 10h mov edx,R_SEQUENCER mov eax,0604h out dx,ax mov eax,0100h out dx,ax mov edx,R_MISC_OUTPUT mov al,067h out dx,al mov edx,R_SEQUENCER mov eax,0300h out dx,ax mov edx,R_CRT_CONTROLLER mov al,011h out dx,al mov edx,03D5h in al,dx and al,07Fh out dx,al mov edx,R_CRT_CONTROLLER mov eax,06B00h out dx,ax mov eax,05901h out dx,ax mov eax,05A02h out dx,ax mov eax,08E03h out dx,ax mov eax,05E04h out dx,ax mov eax,08A05h out dx,ax mov eax,04009 out dx,ax mov eax,00014h out dx,ax mov eax,0E317h out dx,ax mov eax,02D13h out dx,ax xor eax,eax jmp ??Done ??Set360x480: cmp [mode],XMODE_360X480 ;360x480? jne ??Unknown_mode mov eax,MCGA int 10h mov edx,R_SEQUENCER mov eax,0604h out dx,ax mov eax,0100h out dx,ax mov edx,R_MISC_OUTPUT mov al,0E7h out dx,al mov edx,R_SEQUENCER mov eax,0300h out dx,ax mov edx,R_CRT_CONTROLLER mov al,011h out dx,al mov edx,03D5h in al,dx and al,07Fh out dx,al mov edx,R_CRT_CONTROLLER mov eax,06B00h out dx,ax mov eax,05901h out dx,ax mov eax,05A02h out dx,ax mov eax,08E03h out dx,ax mov eax,05E04h out dx,ax mov eax,08A05h out dx,ax mov eax,04009h out dx,ax mov eax,00014h out dx,ax mov eax,0E317h out dx,ax mov eax,00D06h out dx,ax mov eax,03E07h out dx,ax mov eax,0EA10h out dx,ax mov eax,0AC11h out dx,ax mov eax,0DF12h out dx,ax mov eax,0E715h out dx,ax mov eax,00616h out dx,ax mov eax,02D13h out dx,ax xor eax,eax jmp ??Done ??Unknown_mode: mov eax,0FFFFFFFFh ;Unknown mode ??Done: ret ENDP SetXMode ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* NAME ;* ClearXMode - Clear the XMode VRAM. ;* ;* SYNOPSIS ;* ClearXMode() ;* ;* void ClearXMode(void); ;* ;* FUNCTION ;* ;* INPUTS ;* NONE ;* ;* RESULT ;* NONE ;* ;**************************************************************************** GLOBAL C ClearXMode:NEAR PROC ClearXMode C NEAR USES eax ecx edi es IF PHARLAP_TNT mov eax,01Ch mov es,ax ;Set ES selector to VRAM mov edi,0 ELSE mov edi,0A0000h ENDIF SET_PLANE 0Fh mov ecx,((320*240*2)/4/4) xor eax,eax rep stosd ret ENDP ClearXMode ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* NAME ;* ShowXPage - Set a specific page for XMode display. ;* ;* SYNOPSIS ;* ShowXPage(Offset) ;* ;* void ShowXPage(); ;* ;* FUNCTION ;* Show the page at the specified offset in the bitmap. Page-flip takes ;* effect on the next active scan cycle. ;* ;* INPUTS ;* Offset - Offset to set page to. ;* ;* RESULT ;* NONE ;* ;**************************************************************************** GLOBAL C ShowXPage:NEAR PROC ShowXPage C NEAR USES eax ebx ecx edx ARG StartOffset:DWORD mov edx,R_CRT_CONTROLLER mov bl,CRT_STARTADDR_LOW mov bh,[byte ptr StartOffset] mov cl,CRT_STARTADDR_HIGH mov ch,[byte ptr StartOffset+1] mov eax,ebx out dx,ax mov eax,ecx out dx,ax ret ENDP ShowXPage ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* NAME ;* Xmode_BufferCopy_320x200 - Copy 320x200 buffer to Xmode VRAM. ;* ;* SYNOPSIS ;* Xmode_BufferCopy_320x200(Buffer, Screen) ;* ;* void Xmode_BufferCopy_320x200(char *, char *); ;* ;* FUNCTION ;* BitBlt copy to VRAM. ;* ;* INPUTS ;* Buffer - Pointer to buffer to copy to XMode VRAM. ;* Screen - XMode VRAM screen address to copy buffer to. ;* ;* RESULT ;* NONE ;* ;**************************************************************************** GLOBAL C Xmode_BufferCopy_320x200:NEAR PROC Xmode_BufferCopy_320x200 C NEAR USES eax ecx edx edi esi es ARG buffer:NEAR PTR ARG screen:NEAR PTR LOCAL save_esi:DWORD LOCAL save_edi:DWORD ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initialize ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF PHARLAP_TNT mov eax,01Ch ;Set ES selector to VRAM. mov es,ax ENDIF mov esi,[buffer] ;Set pointers mov edi,[screen] mov [save_esi],esi mov [save_edi],edi ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copy plane 1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET_PLANE XPLANE_1 mov ecx,4000 x_loop_1: mov al,[esi + 8] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 12] ;Get pixel ror eax,16 mov al,[esi] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 4] ;Get pixel mov [es:edi],eax ;Write plane 1 pixels to VRAM add esi,16 ;Next source pixel position add edi,4 ;Next VRAM position dec ecx jnz short x_loop_1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copy plane 2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mov esi,[save_esi] ;Restore pointers mov edi,[save_edi] inc esi ;Adjust source pointer to plane 2 SET_PLANE XPLANE_2 mov ecx,4000 x_loop_2: mov al,[esi + 8] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 12] ;Get pixel ror eax,16 mov al,[esi] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 4] ;Get pixel mov [es:edi],eax ;Write plane 2 pixels to VRAM add esi,16 ;Next source pixel position add edi,4 ;Next VRAM position dec ecx jnz short x_loop_2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copy plane 3 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mov esi,[save_esi] ;Restore pointers mov edi,[save_edi] add esi,2 ;Adjust source pointer to plane 3 SET_PLANE XPLANE_3 mov ecx,4000 x_loop_3: mov al,[esi + 8] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 12] ;Get pixel ror eax,16 mov al,[esi] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 4] ;Get pixel mov [es:edi],eax ;Write plane 3 pixels to VRAM add esi,16 ;Next source pixel position add edi,4 ;Next VRAM position dec ecx jnz short x_loop_3 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copy plane 4 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mov esi,[save_esi] ;Restore pointers mov edi,[save_edi] add esi,3 ;Adjust source pointer to plane 4 SET_PLANE XPLANE_4 mov ecx,4000 x_loop_4: mov al,[esi + 8] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 12] ;Get pixel ror eax,16 mov al,[esi] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 4] ;Get pixel mov [es:edi],eax ;Write plane 4 pixels to VRAM add esi,16 ;Next source pixel position add edi,4 ;Next screen position dec ecx jnz short x_loop_4 ret ENDP Xmode_BufferCopy_320x200 ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* NAME ;* Xmode_Blit - Bit blit a block to the XMode display. ;* ;* SYNOPSIS ;* XMode_Blit(Buffer, Screen, Width, Height) ;* ;* void XMode_Blit(char *, char *, long, long); ;* ;* FUNCTION ;* ;* INPUTS ;* Buffer - Pointer buffer to blit to screen. ;* Screen - Screen address to blit buffer to. ;* Width - Width of buffer. ;* Height - Height of buffer. ;* ;* RESULT ;* NONE ;* ;* WARNINGS ;* Assumes the screen to be 320 pixels wide and the source buffer width ;* to be divisible by 16. ;* ;**************************************************************************** GLOBAL C Xmode_Blit:NEAR PROC Xmode_Blit C NEAR USES ecx edx esi edi es ARG buffer:NEAR PTR ARG screen:NEAR PTR ARG imgwidth:DWORD ARG imgheight:DWORD LOCAL rowcount:DWORD LOCAL xplane:DWORD LOCAL edi_startval:DWORD LOCAL esi_startval:DWORD LOCAL xadd:DWORD ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initialize ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF PHARLAP_TNT mov eax,01Ch ;Set ES selector to VRAM mov es,ax ENDIF mov esi,[buffer] mov edi,[screen] mov [esi_startval],esi mov [edi_startval],edi mov edx,320 ;Compute modulo sub edx,[imgwidth] shr edx,2 mov [xadd],edx ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Transfer the data on plane at a time. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mov [xplane],1 ??Do_plane: SET_PLANE [xplane] ;Set plane to transfer to mov eax,[imgheight] mov [rowcount],eax mov edx,[xadd] ??Do_row: mov ecx,[imgwidth] ;Length of row to copy in DWORDS shr ecx,4 ; Transfer a row of pixels ??Not_done: mov al,[esi + 8] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 12] ;Get pixel ror eax,16 mov al,[esi] ;Get pixel mov ah,[esi + 4] ;Get pixel mov [es:edi],eax ;Write pixels to VRAM plane add esi,16 ;Next source position add edi,4 ;Next VRAM position dec ecx jnz ??Not_done add edi,edx ;Next VRAM row dec [rowcount] ;Decrement the row count jnz ??Do_row ; Go to next X-Plane inc [esi_startval] mov eax,[esi_startval] mov esi,eax mov eax,[edi_startval] mov edi,eax shl [xplane],1 cmp [xplane],16 jnz ??Do_plane ret ENDP Xmode_Blit END