/* ** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /*********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Westwood 32 bit Library * * * * File Name : MOUSE.CPP * * * * Programmer : Philip W. Gorrow * * * * Start Date : 12/12/95 * * * * Last Update : December 12, 1995 [PWG] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * WWMouseClass::WWMouseClass -- Constructor for the Mouse Class * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "mouse.h" #include <mmsystem.h> static WWMouseClass *_Mouse=NULL; void CALLBACK Process_Mouse( UINT event_id, UINT res1 , DWORD user, DWORD res2, DWORD res3 ); extern BOOL GameInFocus; /*********************************************************************************************** * MOUSECLASS::MOUSECLASS -- Constructor for the Mouse Class * * * * INPUT: GraphicViewPortClass * screen - pointer to screen mouse is created for * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/12/1995 PWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ WWMouseClass::WWMouseClass(GraphicViewPortClass *scr, int mouse_max_width, int mouse_max_height) { MouseCursor = new char[mouse_max_width * mouse_max_height]; MouseXHot = 0; MouseYHot = 0; CursorWidth = 0; CursorHeight = 0; MouseBuffer = new char[mouse_max_width * mouse_max_height]; MouseBuffX = -1; MouseBuffY = -1; MaxWidth = mouse_max_width; MaxHeight = mouse_max_height; MouseCXLeft = 0; MouseCYUpper = 0; MouseCXRight = 0; MouseCYLower = 0; MCFlags = 0; MCCount = 0; Screen = scr; PrevCursor = NULL; MouseUpdate = 0; State = 1; timeBeginPeriod ( 1000/ 60); InitializeCriticalSection (&MouseCriticalSection); // // Install the timer callback event handler // EraseBuffer = new char[mouse_max_width * mouse_max_height]; EraseBuffX = -1; EraseBuffY = -1; EraseBuffHotX = -1; EraseBuffHotY = -1; EraseFlags = FALSE; _Mouse = this; TimerHandle = timeSetEvent( 1000/60 , 1 , ::Process_Mouse, 0 , TIME_PERIODIC); /* ** Force the windows mouse pointer to stay withing the graphic view port region */ Set_Cursor_Clip(); } WWMouseClass::~WWMouseClass() { MouseUpdate++; if (MouseCursor) delete[] MouseCursor; if (MouseBuffer) delete[] MouseBuffer; if (TimerHandle) { timeKillEvent(TimerHandle); } timeEndPeriod (1000/60); DeleteCriticalSection(&MouseCriticalSection); /* ** Free up the windows mouse pointer movement */ Clear_Cursor_Clip(); } void Block_Mouse(GraphicBufferClass *buffer) { if (_Mouse){ _Mouse->Block_Mouse(buffer); } } void Unblock_Mouse(GraphicBufferClass *buffer) { if (_Mouse){ _Mouse->Unblock_Mouse(buffer); } } void WWMouseClass::Block_Mouse(GraphicBufferClass *buffer) { if (buffer == Screen->Get_Graphic_Buffer()){ EnterCriticalSection(&MouseCriticalSection); } } void WWMouseClass::Unblock_Mouse(GraphicBufferClass *buffer) { if (buffer == Screen->Get_Graphic_Buffer()){ LeaveCriticalSection(&MouseCriticalSection); } } void WWMouseClass::Set_Cursor_Clip(void) { if (Screen){ RECT region; region.left = 0; region.top = 0; region.right = Screen->Get_Width(); region.bottom = Screen->Get_Height(); ClipCursor(®ion); } } void WWMouseClass::Clear_Cursor_Clip(void) { ClipCursor(NULL); } void WWMouseClass::Process_Mouse(void) { POINT pt; // define a structure to hold current cursor pos // // If the mouse is currently hidden or it has not been installed, then we // have no need to redraw the mouse. // if (!Screen || !_Mouse || State > 0 || MouseUpdate || EraseFlags || !GameInFocus) return; // // Make sure there are no conflicts with other // threads that may try and lock the screen buffer // //Block_Mouse(Screen->Get_Graphic_Buffer()); // // If the screen is already locked by another thread then just exit // if (Screen->Get_LockCount()!=0){ //Unblock_Mouse(Screen->Get_Graphic_Buffer()); return; } // // Get the mouse's current real cursor position // GetCursorPos(&pt); // get the current cursor position // // If the mouse has moved then we are responsible to redraw the mouse // if (pt.x != MouseBuffX || pt.y != MouseBuffY) { // // If we can't lock the surface we need to draw to, we cannot update // the mouse. // if (Screen->Lock()) { // // Erase the old mouse by dumping the mouses shadow buff // to the screen (if its position had ever been recorded). // Low_Hide_Mouse(); // // Verify that the mouse has not gone into a conditional hiden area // If it has, mark it as being in one. // if (MCFlags & CONDHIDE && pt.x >= MouseCXLeft && pt.x <= MouseCXRight && pt.y >= MouseCYUpper && pt.y <= MouseCYLower) { MCFlags |= CONDHIDDEN; } // // Show the mouse if we are allowed to. // if (!(MCFlags & CONDHIDDEN)) { Low_Show_Mouse(pt.x, pt.y); } // // Finally unlock the destination surface as we have sucessfully // updated the mouse. // Screen->Unlock(); } } // // Allow other threads to lock the screen again // //Unblock_Mouse(Screen->Get_Graphic_Buffer()); } void *WWMouseClass::Set_Cursor(int xhotspot, int yhotspot, void *cursor) { // // If the pointer to the cursor we got is invalid, or its the same as the // currently set cursor then just return. if (!cursor || cursor == PrevCursor) return(cursor); // // Wait until we have exclusive access to our data // MouseUpdate++; // // Since we are updating the mouse we need to hide the cursor so we // do not get some sort of weird transformation. // Hide_Mouse(); // // Now convert the shape to a mouse cursor with the given hotspots and // set it as our current mouse. // void *retval = ASM_Set_Mouse_Cursor(this, xhotspot, yhotspot, cursor); // // Show the mouse which will force it to appear with the new shape we // have assigned. // Show_Mouse(); // // We are done updating the mouse cursor so on to bigger and better things. // MouseUpdate--; // // Return the previous mouse cursor which as conveniantly passed back by // Asm_Set_Mouse_Cursor. // return(retval); } void WWMouseClass::Low_Hide_Mouse() { if (!State) { if (MouseBuffX != -1 || MouseBuffY != -1) { if (Screen->Lock()){ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer(this, Screen, MouseBuffer, MouseBuffX, MouseBuffY, MouseXHot, MouseYHot, 0); Screen->Unlock(); } } MouseBuffX = -1; MouseBuffY = -1; } State++; } void WWMouseClass::Hide_Mouse() { MouseUpdate++; Low_Hide_Mouse(); MouseUpdate--; } void WWMouseClass::Low_Show_Mouse(int x, int y) { // // If the mouse is already visible then just ignore the problem. // if (State == 0) return; // // Make the mouse a little bit more visible // State--; // // If the mouse is completely visible then draw it at its current // position. // if (!State) { // // Try to lock the screen til we sucessfully get a lock. // if (Screen->Lock()){ // // Save off the area behind the mouse. // Mouse_Shadow_Buffer(this, Screen, MouseBuffer, x, y, MouseXHot, MouseYHot, 1); // // Draw the mouse in its new location // ::Draw_Mouse(this, Screen, x, y); // // Save off the positions that we saved the buffer from // MouseBuffX = x; MouseBuffY = y; // // Unlock the screen and lets get moving. // Screen->Unlock(); } } } void WWMouseClass::Show_Mouse() { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); MouseUpdate++; Low_Show_Mouse(pt.x, pt.y); MouseUpdate--; } void WWMouseClass::Conditional_Hide_Mouse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { POINT pt; MouseUpdate++; // // First of all, adjust all the coordinates so that they handle // the fact that the hotspot is not necessarily the upper left // corner of the mouse. // x1 -= (CursorWidth - MouseXHot); x1 = MAX(0, x1); y1 -= (CursorHeight - MouseYHot); y1 = MAX(0, y1); x2 += MouseXHot; x2 = MIN(x2, Screen->Get_Width()); y2 += MouseYHot; y2 = MIN(y2, Screen->Get_Height()); // The mouse could be in one of four conditions. // 1) The mouse is visible and no conditional hide has been specified. // (perform normal region checking with possible hide) // 2) The mouse is hidden and no conditional hide as been specified. // (record region and do nothing) // 3) The mouse is visible and a conditional region has been specified // (expand region and perform check with possible hide). // 4) The mouse is already hidden by a previous conditional. // (expand region and do nothing) // // First: Set or expand the region according to the specified parameters if (!MCCount) { MouseCXLeft = x1; MouseCYUpper = y1; MouseCXRight = x2; MouseCYLower = y2; } else { MouseCXLeft = MIN(x1, MouseCXLeft); MouseCYUpper = MIN(y1, MouseCYUpper); MouseCXRight = MAX(x2, MouseCXRight); MouseCYLower = MAX(y2, MouseCYLower); } // // If the mouse isn't already hidden, then check its location against // the hiding region and hide if necessary. // if (!(MCFlags & CONDHIDDEN)) { GetCursorPos(&pt); if (MouseBuffX >= MouseCXLeft && MouseBuffX <= MouseCXRight && MouseBuffY >= MouseCYUpper && MouseBuffY <= MouseCYLower) { Low_Hide_Mouse(); MCFlags |= CONDHIDDEN; } } // // Record the fact that a conditional hide was called and then exit // // MCFlags |= CONDHIDE; MCCount++; MouseUpdate--; } void WWMouseClass::Conditional_Show_Mouse(void) { MouseUpdate++; // // if there are any nested hides then dec the count // if (MCCount) { MCCount--; // // If the mouse is now not hidden and it had actually been // hidden before then display it. // if (!MCCount) { if (MCFlags & CONDHIDDEN) { Show_Mouse(); } MCFlags = 0; } } MouseUpdate--; } void WWMouseClass::Draw_Mouse(GraphicViewPortClass *scr) { POINT pt; if (State != 0) return; MouseUpdate++; // // Get the position that the mouse is currently located at // GetCursorPos(&pt); if (MCFlags & CONDHIDE && pt.x >= MouseCXLeft && pt.x <= MouseCXRight && pt.y >= MouseCYUpper && pt.y <= MouseCYLower) { Hide_Mouse(); MCFlags |= CONDHIDDEN; } else { // // If the mouse is already visible then just ignore the problem. // EraseFlags = TRUE; // // Try to lock the screen - dont do video stuff if we cant. // if (scr->Lock()){ // // Save off the area behind the mouse into two different buffers, one // which will be used to restore the mouse and the other which will // be used to restore the hidden surface when we get a chance. // Mouse_Shadow_Buffer(this, scr, EraseBuffer, pt.x, pt.y, MouseXHot, MouseYHot, 1); memcpy(MouseBuffer, EraseBuffer, MaxWidth * MaxHeight); // // Draw the mouse in its new location // ::Draw_Mouse(this, scr, pt.x, pt.y); // // Save off the positions that we saved the buffer from // EraseBuffX = pt.x; MouseBuffX = pt.x; EraseBuffY = pt.y; MouseBuffY = pt.y; EraseBuffHotX = MouseXHot; EraseBuffHotY = MouseYHot; // // Unlock the screen and lets get moving. // scr->Unlock(); } } MouseUpdate--; } void WWMouseClass::Erase_Mouse(GraphicViewPortClass *scr, int forced) { // // If we are forcing the redraw of a mouse we already managed to // restore then just get outta here. // if (forced && EraseBuffX == -1 && EraseBuffY == -1) return; MouseUpdate++; // // If this is not a forced call, only update the mouse is we can legally // lock the buffer. // if (!forced) { #if(0) if (scr->Lock()) { // // If the surface has not already been restore then restore it and erase the // restoration coordinates so we don't accidentally do it twice. // if (EraseBuffX != -1 || EraseBuffY != -1) { Mouse_Shadow_Buffer(this, scr, EraseBuffer, EraseBuffX, EraseBuffY, 0); EraseBuffX = -1; EraseBuffY = -1; } // // We are done writing to the buffer so unlock it. // scr->Unlock(); } #endif } else { // // If the surface has not already been restore then restore it and erase the // restoration coordinates so we don't accidentally do it twice. // if (EraseBuffX != -1 || EraseBuffY != -1) { if (scr->Lock()){ Mouse_Shadow_Buffer(this, scr, EraseBuffer, EraseBuffX, EraseBuffY, EraseBuffHotX, EraseBuffHotY, 0); scr->Unlock(); } EraseBuffX = -1; EraseBuffY = -1; } } MouseUpdate--; EraseFlags = FALSE; } int WWMouseClass::Get_Mouse_State(void) { return(State); } /*********************************************************************************************** * WWKeyboardClass::Get_Mouse_X -- Returns the mouses current x position in pixels * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: int - returns the mouses current x position in pixels * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1995 PWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int WWMouseClass::Get_Mouse_X(void) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); return(pt.x); } /*********************************************************************************************** * WWKeyboardClass::Get_Mouse_Y -- returns the mouses current y position in pixels * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: int - returns the mouses current y position in pixels * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1995 PWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int WWMouseClass::Get_Mouse_Y(void) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); return(pt.y); } /*********************************************************************************************** * WWKeyboardClass::Get_Mouse_XY -- Returns the mouses x,y position via reference vars * * * * INPUT: int &x - variable to return the mouses x position in pixels * * int &y - variable to return the mouses y position in pixels * * * * OUTPUT: none - output is via reference variables * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1995 PWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void WWMouseClass::Get_Mouse_XY(int &x, int &y) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; } #pragma off(unreferenced) void CALLBACK Process_Mouse( UINT event_id, UINT res1 , DWORD user, DWORD res2, DWORD res3 ) { static BOOL in_mouse_callback = false; if (_Mouse && !in_mouse_callback) { in_mouse_callback = TRUE; _Mouse->Process_Mouse(); in_mouse_callback = FALSE; } } #pragma on(unreferenced) void Hide_Mouse(void) { if (!_Mouse) return; _Mouse->Hide_Mouse(); } void Show_Mouse(void) { if (!_Mouse) return; _Mouse->Show_Mouse(); } void Conditional_Hide_Mouse(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (!_Mouse) return; _Mouse->Conditional_Hide_Mouse(x1, y1, x2, y2); } void Conditional_Show_Mouse(void) { if (!_Mouse) return; _Mouse->Conditional_Show_Mouse(); } int Get_Mouse_State(void) { if (!_Mouse) return(0); return(_Mouse->Get_Mouse_State()); } void *Set_Mouse_Cursor(int hotx, int hoty, void *cursor) { if (!_Mouse) return(0); return(_Mouse->Set_Cursor(hotx,hoty,cursor)); } int Get_Mouse_X(void) { if (!_Mouse) return(0); return(_Mouse->Get_Mouse_X()); } int Get_Mouse_Y(void) { if (!_Mouse) return(0); return(_Mouse->Get_Mouse_Y()); }