**	Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
**	Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
**	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**	(at your option) any later version.
**	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	GNU General Public License for more details.
**	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

/* $Header: /counterstrike/SESSION.CPP 3     3/10/97 6:23p Steve_tall $ */
 ***              C O N F I D E N T I A L  ---  W E S T W O O D  S T U D I O S               ***
 *                                                                                             *
 *                 Project Name : Command & Conquer                                            *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                    File Name : SESSION.CPP                                                  *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                   Programmer : Bill R. Randolph                                             *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                   Start Date : 11/30/95                                                     *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                  Last Update : September 10, 1996 [JLB]                                     *
 *                                                                                             *
 * Functions:                                                                                  *
 *   SessionClass::SessionClass -- Constructor                                                 *
 *   SessionClass::~SessionClass -- Destructor                                                 *
 *   SessionClass::One_Time -- one-time initializations                                        *
 *   SessionClass::Init -- Initializes all values                                              *
 *   SessionClass::Create_Connections -- forms connections to other players                    *
 *   SessionClass::Am_I_Master -- tells if the local system is the "master"                    *
 *   SessionClass::Save -- Saves this class to a file                                          *
 *   SessionClass::Load -- Loads this class from a file                                        *
 *   SessionClass::Read_MultiPlayer_Settings -- reads settings from INI                        *
 *   SessionClass::Write_MultiPlayer_Settings -- writes settings to INI                        *
 *   SessionClass::Read_Scenario_Descriptions -- reads scen. descriptions                      *
 *   SessionClass::Free_Scenario_Descriptions -- frees scen. descriptions                      *
 *   SessionClass::Trap_Object -- searches for an object, for debugging                        *
 *   SessionClass::Compute_Unique_ID -- computes unique local ID number                        *
 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

#include "function.h"
#include <dos.h>			// for station ID computation
#include <time.h>			// for station ID computation

//#include "WolDebug.h"

/***************************** Globals *************************************/
//	This is the array of remap colors.  Each player in a network game is
// assigned one of these colors.  The 'G' is for graphics drawing; the 'T'
// is for text printing (indicates a remap table for the font to use).
//int SessionClass::GColors[MAX_MPLAYER_COLORS] = {
	//5, 			// Yellow
	//127, 			// Red
	//135, 			// BlueGreen
	//26,			// Orange
	//4,				// Green
	//202			// Blue-Grey

//int SessionClass::TColors[MAX_MPLAYER_COLORS] = {
	//CC_GDI_COLOR, 			// Yellow
	//CC_NOD_COLOR, 			// Red
	//CC_BLUE_GREEN, 		// BlueGreen
	//CC_ORANGE,				// Orange
	//CC_GREEN,				// Green
	//CC_BLUE_GREY,			// Blue

Min & Max unit count values; index0 = bases OFF, index1 = bases ON
int SessionClass::CountMin[2] = {1,0};
int SessionClass::CountMax[2] = {50,12};

//	This is a list of all the names of the multiplayer scenarios
char SessionClass::Descriptions[100][40];

// These values are used purely for the Mono debug display.  They show the
// names of the Global Channel packet types, and the event types.
char * SessionClass::GlobalPacketNames[] = {
	"Sign Off",

char * SessionClass::SerialPacketNames[] = {

char * SessionClass::DialMethodCheck[ DIAL_METHODS ] = {

char *SessionClass::CallWaitStrings[ CALL_WAIT_STRINGS_NUM ] = {
	"CUSTOM -                "

 * SessionClass::SessionClass -- Constructor                               *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   11/30/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *

	Options.ScenarioIndex = 0;
	Options.Bases = 0;
	Options.Credits = 0;
	Options.Tiberium = 0;
	Options.Goodies = 0;
	Options.Ghosts = 0;
	Options.UnitCount = 0;

	UniqueID = 0;

	Handle[0] = 0;
	PrefColor = PCOLOR_FIRST;
	House = HOUSE_GOOD;
	ObiWan = 0;
	Solo = 0;

	MaxPlayers = 8;
	NumPlayers = 0;

	MaxAhead = 5;

	LoadGame = 0;
	EmergencySave = 0;

	LastMessage[0] = 0;
	WWChat = 0;

	RecordFile.Set_Name("RECORD.BIN");		// always uses this name
	Record= 0;										// set via command line
	Play = 0;										// set via command line
	Attract = 0;									// set via command line

	IsBridge = 0;
	NetStealth = 0;
	NetProtect = 1;
	NetOpen = 0;
	GameName[0] = 0;
	GProductID = 0;


	ModemService = true;
	CurPhoneIdx = 0;										// set from INI file
	SerialDefaults.Port = 0x2f8;						// set from INI file
	SerialDefaults.IRQ = 3;								// set from INI file
	SerialDefaults.Baud = 9600;						// set from INI file
	SerialDefaults.DialMethod = DIAL_TOUCH_TONE;	// set from INI file
	SerialDefaults.InitStringIndex = 0;				// set from INI file
	SerialDefaults.CallWaitStringIndex = 0;		// set from INI file
	ModemType = MODEM_NULL_HOST;						// set from INI file

	TrapFrame = 0x7fffffff;		// frame to start trapping object values at
	TrapObjType = RTTI_NONE;	// type of object to trap
	TrapObject.Ptr.All = NULL;	// ptr to object being trapped
	TrapCoord = 0;					// COORDINATE of object to trap
	TrapTarget = TARGET_NONE;	// TARGET value of object to trap
	TrapCell = NULL;				// for trapping a cell
	TrapCheckHeap = 0;			// start checking the Heap
	TrapPrintCRC = 0;				// output CRC file

	TenPacket = NULL;
	TenSize = 200;
	TenPlayerID = -1;
	OptionsFile[0] = 0;
	AllowSolo = 0;
	NetResponseTime = 600;
#endif	// TEN

	MPathPacket = NULL;
	MPathSize = 200;
	OptionsFile[0] = 0;
	AllowSolo = 0;
	NetResponseTime = 600;
#endif	// MPATH

}	// end of SessionClass

 * SessionClass::~SessionClass -- Destructor                               *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   11/30/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
}	// end of ~SessionClass

 * SessionClass::One_Time -- one-time initializations                      *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/01/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
void SessionClass::One_Time(void)

	UniqueID = Compute_Unique_ID();

}	// end of One_Time

 * SessionClass::Init -- Initializes all values                            *
 *                                                                         *
 * This function should be called for every new game played; it only sets	*
 * those variables that should be set for a new game.								*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   11/30/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
void SessionClass::Init(void)

}	// end of Init

 * SessionClass::Create_Connections -- forms connections to other players  *
 *                                                                         *
 * This routine uses the contents of the Players vector, combined with		*
 * that of the Houses array, to create connections to each other player.	*
 * It is assumed that 'Players' contains all the other players to connect	*
 * to, and that the HouseClass's have been filled in with players' data.	*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = success, 0 = failure															*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   11/30/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
int SessionClass::Create_Connections(void)
	int i;

	if (Session.Type != GAME_IPX && Session.Type != GAME_INTERNET) {
		return (0);

	// Loop through all entries in 'Players'.  To avoid connecting to myself,
	// skip the 1st entry.
	for (i = 1; i < Players.Count(); i++) {
		// Make sure the name matches before creating the connection
		if (!stricmp (Players[i]->Name,
			HouseClass::As_Pointer(Players[i]->Player.ID)->IniName)) {
			Ipx.Create_Connection((int)Players[i]->Player.ID, Players[i]->Name,
				&(Players[i]->Address) );
		Players[i]->Player.ProcessTime = -1;
		else {
			return (0);

	return (1);

}	// end of Create_Connections

 * SessionClass::Create_TEN_Connections -- forms connections to TEN players*
 *                                                                         *
 * This routine uses the contents of the Players vector, combined with		*
 * that of the Houses array, to create connections to each other player.	*
 * It is assumed that 'Players' contains all the other players to connect	*
 * to, and that the HouseClass's have been filled in with players' data.	*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = success, 0 = failure															*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   11/30/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
int SessionClass::Create_TEN_Connections(void)
	int i;

	if (Session.Type != GAME_TEN) {
		return (0);

	// Loop through all entries in 'Players'.  To avoid connecting to myself,
	// skip the 1st entry.
	for (i = 1; i < Players.Count(); i++) {
		// Make sure the name matches before creating the connection
		if (!stricmp (Players[i]->Name,
			HouseClass::As_Pointer(Players[i]->Player.ID)->IniName)) {
			Ten->Create_Connection((int)Players[i]->Player.ID, Players[i]->Name,
			Players[i]->Player.ProcessTime = -1;
		else {
			return (0);

	return (1);

}	// end of Create_TEN_Connections

#endif	// TEN

 * SessionClass::Create_MPATH_Connections -- forms connections to MPATH players*
 *                                                                         *
 * This routine uses the contents of the Players vector, combined with		*
 * that of the Houses array, to create connections to each other player.	*
 * It is assumed that 'Players' contains all the other players to connect	*
 * to, and that the HouseClass's have been filled in with players' data.	*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = success, 0 = failure															*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   11/30/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
int SessionClass::Create_MPATH_Connections(void)
	int i;

	if (Session.Type != GAME_MPATH) {
		return (0);

	// Loop through all entries in 'Players'.  To avoid connecting to myself,
	// skip the 1st entry.
	for (i = 1; i < Players.Count(); i++) {
		// Make sure the name matches before creating the connection
		if (!stricmp (Players[i]->Name,
			HouseClass::As_Pointer(Players[i]->Player.ID)->IniName)) {
			MPath->Create_Connection((int)Players[i]->Player.ID, Players[i]->Name,
			Players[i]->Player.ProcessTime = -1;
		else {
			return (0);

	return (1);

}	// end of Create_MPATH_Connections

#endif	// MPATH

 * SessionClass::Am_I_Master -- tells if the local system is the "master"  *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   11/29/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
bool SessionClass::Am_I_Master(void)
	int i;
	HousesType house;
	HouseClass *hptr;

	// Check every house; if PlayerPtr points to the first human house, we're
	// the master.
	for (i = 0; i < Session.MaxPlayers; i++) {
		house = (HousesType)((int)HOUSE_MULTI1 + i);
		hptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house);
		if (hptr->IsHuman) {
			if (PlayerPtr == hptr) {
				return (true);
			else {
				return (false);

	return (false);

}	// end of Am_I_Master

 * SessionClass::Save -- Saves this class to a file                        *
 *                                                                         *
 * Only certain members of this class should be saved into a save-game		*
 * file; this routine saves only those members.										*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		file		file to save to															*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = OK, 0 = error																		*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/04/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
SessionClass::Save(Pipe & file) const
	file.Put(&CommProtocol, sizeof(CommProtocol));
	file.Put(&MaxAhead, sizeof(MaxAhead));
	file.Put(&FrameSendRate, sizeof(FrameSendRate));
	file.Put(&DesiredFrameRate, sizeof(DesiredFrameRate));
	file.Put(&PrefColor, sizeof(PrefColor));
	file.Put(&ColorIdx, sizeof(ColorIdx));
	file.Put(&House, sizeof(House));
	file.Put(&NumPlayers, sizeof(NumPlayers));
	file.Put(&Options.Bases, sizeof(Options.Bases));
	file.Put(&Options.Credits, sizeof(Options.Credits));
	file.Put(&Options.Tiberium, sizeof(Options.Tiberium));
	file.Put(&Options.Goodies, sizeof(Options.Goodies));
	file.Put(&Options.Ghosts, sizeof(Options.Ghosts));
	file.Put(&Options.UnitCount, sizeof(Options.UnitCount));
	file.Put(&Options.AIPlayers, sizeof(Options.AIPlayers));
	file.Put(&ObiWan, sizeof(ObiWan));
	file.Put(&EmergencySave, sizeof(EmergencySave));

	return (1);

}	// end of Save

 * SessionClass::Load -- Loads this class from a file                      *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		file		file to load from															*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = OK, 0 = error																		*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/04/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
SessionClass::Load(Straw & file)
//	if(GameVersion != 0x0100616D){
	file.Get(&CommProtocol, sizeof(CommProtocol));
	file.Get(&MaxAhead, sizeof(MaxAhead));
	file.Get(&FrameSendRate, sizeof(FrameSendRate));
	file.Get(&DesiredFrameRate, sizeof(DesiredFrameRate));
//	}
	file.Get(&PrefColor, sizeof(PrefColor));
	file.Get(&ColorIdx, sizeof(ColorIdx));
	file.Get(&House, sizeof(House));
	file.Get(&NumPlayers, sizeof(NumPlayers));
	file.Get(&Options.Bases, sizeof(Options.Bases));
	file.Get(&Options.Credits, sizeof(Options.Credits));
	file.Get(&Options.Tiberium, sizeof(Options.Tiberium));
	file.Get(&Options.Goodies, sizeof(Options.Goodies));
	file.Get(&Options.Ghosts, sizeof(Options.Ghosts));
	file.Get(&Options.UnitCount, sizeof(Options.UnitCount));
	file.Get(&Options.AIPlayers, sizeof(Options.AIPlayers));
	file.Get(&ObiWan, sizeof(ObiWan));
	file.Get(&EmergencySave, sizeof(EmergencySave));

	return (1);

}	// end of Load

 * SessionClass::Save -- Saves this class to a file                        *
 *                                                                         *
 * Only certain members of this class should be saved into a save-game		*
 * file; this routine saves only those members.										*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		file		file to save to															*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = OK, 0 = error																		*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/04/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
SessionClass::Save(CCFileClass & file)
	int i;

	file.Write(&Type, sizeof(Type));
	file.Write(&CommProtocol, sizeof(CommProtocol));
	file.Write(&FrameSendRate, sizeof(FrameSendRate));
	file.Write(&PrefColor, sizeof(PrefColor));
	file.Write(&ColorIdx, sizeof(ColorIdx));
	file.Write(&House, sizeof(House));
	file.Write(&NumPlayers, sizeof(NumPlayers));
	file.Write(&Options.Bases, sizeof(Options.Bases));
	file.Write(&Options.Credits, sizeof(Options.Credits));
	file.Write(&Options.Tiberium, sizeof(Options.Tiberium));
	file.Write(&Options.Goodies, sizeof(Options.Goodies));
	file.Write(&Options.Ghosts, sizeof(Options.Ghosts));
	file.Write(&Options.UnitCount, sizeof(Options.UnitCount));
	file.Write(&Options.AIPlayers, sizeof(Options.AIPlayers));
	file.Write(&ObiWan, sizeof(ObiWan));
	file.Write(&EmergencySave, sizeof(EmergencySave));

	i = Players.Count();
	file.Write(&i, sizeof(i));
	for (i = 0; i < Players.Count(); i++) {
		file.Write(Players[i], sizeof(NodeNameType));

	return (1);

}	// end of Save

 * SessionClass::Load -- Loads this class from a file                      *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		file		file to load from															*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		1 = OK, 0 = error																		*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/04/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
SessionClass::Load(CCFileClass & file)
	int count;
	int i;
	NodeNameType *node;

	file.Read(&Type, sizeof(Type));
	file.Read(&CommProtocol, sizeof(CommProtocol));
	file.Read(&FrameSendRate, sizeof(FrameSendRate));
	file.Read(&PrefColor, sizeof(PrefColor));
	file.Read(&ColorIdx, sizeof(ColorIdx));
	file.Read(&House, sizeof(House));
	file.Read(&NumPlayers, sizeof(NumPlayers));
	file.Read(&Options.Bases, sizeof(Options.Bases));
	file.Read(&Options.Credits, sizeof(Options.Credits));
	file.Read(&Options.Tiberium, sizeof(Options.Tiberium));
	file.Read(&Options.Goodies, sizeof(Options.Goodies));
	file.Read(&Options.Ghosts, sizeof(Options.Ghosts));
	file.Read(&Options.UnitCount, sizeof(Options.UnitCount));
	file.Read(&Options.AIPlayers, sizeof(Options.AIPlayers));
	file.Read(&ObiWan, sizeof(ObiWan));
	file.Read(&EmergencySave, sizeof(EmergencySave));

	file.Read(&count, sizeof(count));
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		node = new NodeNameType;
		file.Read(node, sizeof(NodeNameType));

	return (1);

}	// end of Load

 * SessionClass::Read_MultiPlayer_Settings -- reads settings INI           *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   02/14/1995 BR : Created.                                              *
void SessionClass::Read_MultiPlayer_Settings (void)
	char *tokenptr;						// ptr to token
	PhoneEntryClass *phone;				// a phone book entry
	char *entry;							// a phone book entry
	char buf[128];							// buffer for parsing INI entry
	int i;
	CELL cell;

//	CCFileClass file (CONFIG_FILE_NAME);

	//	Clear the initstring entries
	for (i = 0; i < InitStrings.Count(); i++) {
		delete[] InitStrings[i];

	//	Clear the dialing entries
	for (i = 0; i < PhoneBook.Count(); i++) {
		delete[] PhoneBook[i];

	//	Create filename and read the file.
	INIClass ini;
	if (ini.Load(RawFileClass(CONFIG_FILE_NAME))) {

		//	Get the player's last-used Handle
		ini.Get_String("MultiPlayer", "Handle", "Noname", Handle, sizeof(Handle));

		//	Get the player's last-used Color
		PrefColor = (PlayerColorType)ini.Get_Int("MultiPlayer", "Color", 0);
		int iSide = ini.Get_Int("MultiPlayer", "Side", HOUSE_USSR);
		iSide = max( 2, min( 6, iSide ) );
		House = (HousesType)iSide;
		House = (HousesType)ini.Get_Int("MultiPlayer", "Side", HOUSE_USSR);
		CurPhoneIdx = ini.Get_Int("MultiPlayer", "PhoneIndex", -1);
		TrapCheckHeap = ini.Get_Int("MultiPlayer", "CheckHeap", 0);

		//	Read in default serial settings
		ini.Get_String("SerialDefaults", "ModemName", "NoName", SerialDefaults.ModemName, MODEM_NAME_MAX);
		if (!strcmp ( SerialDefaults.ModemName, "NoName")) {
			SerialDefaults.ModemName[0] = 0;
		SerialDefaults.Port = ini.Get_Int("SerialDefaults", "Port", 0);
		SerialDefaults.IRQ = ini.Get_Int("SerialDefaults", "IRQ", -1);
		SerialDefaults.Baud = ini.Get_Int("SerialDefaults", "Baud", -1);
		SerialDefaults.Compression = ini.Get_Int ("SerialDefaults", "Compression", 0);
		SerialDefaults.ErrorCorrection = ini.Get_Int ("SerialDefaults", "ErrorCorrection", 0);
		SerialDefaults.HardwareFlowControl = ini.Get_Int ("SerialDefaults", "HardwareFlowControl", 1);

		ini.Get_String("SerialDefaults", "DialMethod", "T", buf, 2);

#ifndef WIN32
		** Ignore any modem name in DOS. This should only be nessasary if the user
		** previously set up the modem in the windows version.
		if (SerialDefaults.ModemName[0] && SerialDefaults.Port == 1) {
			SerialDefaults.Port = 0x3F8;
			SerialDefaults.ModemName[0] = 0;
#endif	//WIN32

		// find dial method
		for (i = 0; i < DIAL_METHODS; i++) {
			if ( !strcmpi( buf, DialMethodCheck[ i ]) ) {
				SerialDefaults.DialMethod = (DialMethodType)i;

		// if method not found set to touch tone
		if (i == DIAL_METHODS) {
			SerialDefaults.DialMethod = DIAL_TOUCH_TONE;

		SerialDefaults.InitStringIndex = ini.Get_Int("SerialDefaults", "InitStringIndex", 0);

		SerialDefaults.CallWaitStringIndex = ini.Get_Int("SerialDefaults", "CallWaitStringIndex", CALL_WAIT_CUSTOM);

		ini.Get_String("SerialDefaults", "CallWaitString", "", SerialDefaults.CallWaitString, CWAITSTRBUF_MAX);

		if (SerialDefaults.IRQ == 0 || SerialDefaults.Baud == 0) {
			SerialDefaults.Port = 0;
			SerialDefaults.IRQ = -1;
			SerialDefaults.Baud = -1;

		int initcount = ini.Entry_Count("InitStrings");
		for (int index = 0; index < initcount; index++) {
			entry = new char[ INITSTRBUF_MAX ];
			entry[0] = 0;
			ini.Get_String("InitStrings", ini.Get_Entry("InitStrings", index), NULL, entry, INITSTRBUF_MAX);
			strupr( entry );
			InitStrings.Add( entry );

		//	if no entries then have at least one
		if (initcount == 0) {
			entry = new char[ INITSTRBUF_MAX ];
			strcpy( entry, "ATZ" );
			InitStrings.Add( entry );
			SerialDefaults.InitStringIndex = 0;

		//	Read the entry names in
		int phonecount = ini.Entry_Count("PhoneBook");
		for (index = 0; index < phonecount; index++) {
			//	Create a new phone book entry
			phone = new PhoneEntryClass();

			//	Read the entire entry in
			ini.Get_String("PhoneBook", ini.Get_Entry("PhoneBook", index), NULL, buf, sizeof(buf));

			//	Extract name, phone # & serial port settings
			tokenptr = strtok( buf, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				strcpy( phone->Name, tokenptr );
				strupr( phone->Name );
			} else {
				phone->Name[0] = 0;

			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				strcpy( phone->Number, tokenptr );
				strupr( phone->Number );
			} else {
				phone->Number[0] = 0;

			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				sscanf( tokenptr, "%x", &phone->Settings.Port );
			} else {
				phone->Settings.Port = 0;

			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				phone->Settings.IRQ = atoi( tokenptr );
			} else {
				phone->Settings.IRQ = -1;

			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				phone->Settings.Baud = atoi( tokenptr );
			} else {
				phone->Settings.Baud = -1;

			phone->Settings.Compression = 0;
			phone->Settings.ErrorCorrection = 0;
			phone->Settings.HardwareFlowControl = 1;

			** Find out if this phonebook entry has the new settings included. If not
			** then we need to skip this section.
			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr){
				strcpy( buf, tokenptr );

				// find dial method

				for (i = 0; i < DIAL_METHODS; i++) {
					if ( !strcmpi( buf, DialMethodCheck[ i ]) ) {
						** This must be an old phonebook entry

				** Method wasnt found - assume its a new phonebook entry so get the extra settings
				// if method not found set to touch tone

				if (i == DIAL_METHODS) {

					phone->Settings.Compression = atoi( tokenptr );

					tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
					if (tokenptr) {
						phone->Settings.ErrorCorrection = atoi( tokenptr );

					tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
					if (tokenptr) {
						phone->Settings.HardwareFlowControl = atoi( tokenptr );

					tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );

			if (tokenptr) {
				strcpy( buf, tokenptr );

				//	find dial method
				for (i = 0; i < DIAL_METHODS; i++) {
					if ( !strcmpi( buf, DialMethodCheck[ i ]) ) {
						phone->Settings.DialMethod = (DialMethodType)i;

				//	if method not found set to touch tone
				if (i == DIAL_METHODS) {
					phone->Settings.DialMethod = DIAL_TOUCH_TONE;
			} else {
				phone->Settings.DialMethod = DIAL_TOUCH_TONE;

			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				phone->Settings.InitStringIndex = atoi( tokenptr );
			} else {
				phone->Settings.InitStringIndex = 0;

			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				phone->Settings.CallWaitStringIndex = atoi( tokenptr );
			} else {
				phone->Settings.CallWaitStringIndex = CALL_WAIT_CUSTOM;

			tokenptr = strtok( NULL, "|" );
			if (tokenptr) {
				strcpy (phone->Settings.CallWaitString, tokenptr);
			} else {
				phone->Settings.CallWaitString[0] = 0;

			//	Add it to our list

		//	Read special recording playback values, to help find sync bugs
		TrapFrame = ini.Get_Int("SyncBug", "Frame", 0x7fffffff);

		ini.Get_String("SyncBug", "Type", "NONE", buf, 80);

		if (!stricmp(buf,"AIRCRAFT"))
			TrapObjType = RTTI_AIRCRAFT;
		else if (!stricmp(buf,"ANIM"))
			TrapObjType = RTTI_ANIM;
		else if (!stricmp(buf,"BUILDING"))
			TrapObjType = RTTI_BUILDING;
		else if (!stricmp(buf,"BULLET"))
			TrapObjType = RTTI_BULLET;
		else if (!stricmp(buf,"INFANTRY"))
			TrapObjType = RTTI_INFANTRY;
		else if (!stricmp(buf,"UNIT"))
			TrapObjType = RTTI_UNIT;
		else {
			TrapObjType = RTTI_NONE;

		ini.Get_String("SyncBug", "Coord", "0", buf, 80);

		ini.Get_String("SyncBug", "Target", "0", buf, 80);

		ini.Get_String("SyncBug", "Cell", "0", buf, 80);
		cell = atoi(buf);
		if (cell) {
			TrapCell = &(Map[cell]);

		TrapPrintCRC = ini.Get_Int("SyncBug", "PrintCRC", 0x7fffffff);

 * SessionClass::Write_MultiPlayer_Settings -- writes settings INI         *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   02/14/1995 BR : Created.                                              *
void SessionClass::Write_MultiPlayer_Settings (void)
#ifdef NEVER
	char * buffer;					// INI staging buffer pointer.
	CCFileClass file;
	int i;
	char entrytext[4];
	char buf[128];					// buffer for parsing INI entry

	//	Get a working pointer to the INI staging buffer. Make sure that the
	// buffer starts cleared out of any data.
	buffer = (char *)_ShapeBuffer;
	memset(buffer, '\0', _ShapeBufferSize);

	if (file.Is_Available()) {
		file.Read(buffer, _ShapeBufferSize-1);

	//	Save the player's last-used Handle & Color
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt("MultiPlayer", "PhoneIndex", CurPhoneIdx, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("MultiPlayer", "Color", (int)PrefColor, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("MultiPlayer", "Side", House, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileString("MultiPlayer", "Handle", Handle, buffer);

	//	Clear all existing Settings.SerialDefault entries.
	WWWritePrivateProfileString ("SerialDefaults", NULL, NULL, buffer);

	//	Save default serial settings in opposite order you want to see them
	WWWritePrivateProfileString("SerialDefaults", "CallWaitString", SerialDefaults.CallWaitString, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("SerialDefaults", "CallWaitStringIndex", SerialDefaults.CallWaitStringIndex, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("SerialDefaults", "InitStringIndex", SerialDefaults.InitStringIndex, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileString("SerialDefaults", "DialMethod", DialMethodCheck[ SerialDefaults.DialMethod ], buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("SerialDefaults", "Baud", SerialDefaults.Baud, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("SerialDefaults", "IRQ", SerialDefaults.IRQ, buffer);
	sprintf(buf, "%x", SerialDefaults.Port);
	WWWritePrivateProfileString("SerialDefaults", "Port", buf, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("SerialDefaults", "Compression", SerialDefaults.Compression , buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("SerialDefaults", "ErrorCorrection", SerialDefaults.ErrorCorrection, buffer);
	WWWritePrivateProfileInt ("SerialDefaults", "HardwareFlowControl", SerialDefaults.HardwareFlowControl, buffer);

	//	Clear all existing InitString entries.
	WWWritePrivateProfileString ("InitStrings", NULL, NULL, buffer);

	//	Save all InitString entries.  In descending order so they come out in
	//	ascending order.
	for (i = (InitStrings.Count() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
		sprintf( buf, "%03d", i);
		WWWritePrivateProfileString ("InitStrings", buf, InitStrings[i], buffer);

	//	Clear all existing Phone Book entries.
	WWWritePrivateProfileString ("PhoneBook", NULL, NULL, buffer);

	//	Save all Phone Book entries.
	//	Format: Entry=Name,PhoneNum,Port,IRQ,Baud,InitString
	for (i = (PhoneBook.Count() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
			DialMethodCheck[ PhoneBook[i]->Settings.DialMethod ],
		sprintf( entrytext, "%03d", i );
		WWWritePrivateProfileString ("PhoneBook", entrytext, buf, buffer);

	//	Write the INI data out to a file.

	INIClass ini;
	RawFileClass file(CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
	if (ini.Load(file)) {

		//	Save the player's last-used Handle & Color
		ini.Put_Int("MultiPlayer", "PhoneIndex", CurPhoneIdx);
		ini.Put_Int("MultiPlayer", "Color", (int)PrefColor);
		ini.Put_Int("MultiPlayer", "Side", House);
		ini.Put_String("MultiPlayer", "Handle", Handle);

		//	Clear all existing Settings.SerialDefault entries.

		//	Save default serial settings in opposite order you want to see them
		ini.Put_String("SerialDefaults", "CallWaitString", SerialDefaults.CallWaitString);
		ini.Put_Int("SerialDefaults", "CallWaitStringIndex", SerialDefaults.CallWaitStringIndex);
		ini.Put_Int("SerialDefaults", "InitStringIndex", SerialDefaults.InitStringIndex);
		ini.Put_String("SerialDefaults", "DialMethod", DialMethodCheck[ SerialDefaults.DialMethod ]);
		ini.Put_Int("SerialDefaults", "Baud", SerialDefaults.Baud);
		ini.Put_Int("SerialDefaults", "IRQ", SerialDefaults.IRQ);
		ini.Put_Int("SerialDefaults", "Port", SerialDefaults.Port, 1);
		ini.Put_String("SerialDefaults", "ModemName", SerialDefaults.ModemName);
		ini.Put_Int ("SerialDefaults", "Compression", SerialDefaults.Compression );
		ini.Put_Int ("SerialDefaults", "ErrorCorrection", SerialDefaults.ErrorCorrection );
		ini.Put_Int ("SerialDefaults", "HardwareFlowControl", SerialDefaults.HardwareFlowControl );

		//	Clear all existing InitString entries.

		//	Save all InitString entries.
		for (int index = 0; index < InitStrings.Count(); index++) {
			char buf[10];
			sprintf( buf, "%03d", index);
			ini.Put_String("InitStrings", buf, InitStrings[index]);

		//	Clear all existing Phone Book entries.

		//	Save all Phone Book entries.
		//	Format: Entry=Name,PhoneNum,Port,IRQ,Baud,InitString
		for (int i = (PhoneBook.Count() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
			char buf[128];
			char entrytext[10];
				DialMethodCheck[ PhoneBook[i]->Settings.DialMethod ],
			sprintf( entrytext, "%03d", i );
			ini.Put_String("PhoneBook", entrytext, buf);

		//	Write the INI data out to a file.

// Determine if a mission is from counterstrike or aftermath, or either.
// Multiplayer maps >24, with a numerical name, are Counterstrike.
// Multiplayer maps with an alphabetical name, like SCMJGEA.INI, are Aftermath.

bool Is_Mission_Counterstrike (char *file_name)
	int scenario_number = 0;

	if ( isdigit ( file_name[5] )){
		sscanf (file_name, "SCM%03d", &scenario_number);
	} else {
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII	//	checked - ajw 9/28/98
		if (!isdigit(file_name[3]) || !isdigit(file_name[4])) {
		sscanf (file_name, "SCM%02d", &scenario_number);
	return ( scenario_number > 24 );

#ifdef FIXIT_CSII	//	checked - ajw 9/28/98
bool Is_Mission_Aftermath (char *file_name)
	//	ajw added
	//	Must start with "scm".
	char szCopy[ _MAX_PATH + 1 ];
	strcpy( szCopy, file_name );
	_strlwr( szCopy );
	if( strstr( szCopy, "scm" ) != szCopy )
		return false;

	if (isdigit(file_name[5])) {

	if ( !isdigit(file_name[3]) || !isdigit(file_name[4]) ) {
		return (true);
	return (false);

** Certain missions are 126x126 size, and those can't be downloaded to a
** non-Aftermath player, so this function checks to see if the map in
** question is one of those.  We'll know that by the file name: if it's
** K0 -> M9, it's 126x126.
bool Is_Mission_126x126 (char *file_name)		//	This is no longer used. ajw
	if (isdigit(file_name[5])) {

	if ( (file_name[3] >= 'k' && file_name[3] <= 'm') ||
			(file_name[3] >= 'K' && file_name[3] <= 'M') ) {
		return (true);
	return (false);


 * SessionClass::Read_Scenario_Descriptions -- reads scen. descriptions    *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   02/14/1995 BR : Created.                                              *
 *   09/10/1996 JLB : Searches using different method.                     *
void SessionClass::Read_Scenario_Descriptions (void)

	//	Clear the scenario description lists

	**	Fetch the main multiplayer scenario packet data.
	CCFileClass file("MISSIONS.PKT");
	if (file.Is_Available()) {
		INIClass ini;
		int count = ini.Entry_Count("Missions");
//debugprint( "Found %i missions in Missions.pkt\n", count );
		for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
			char const * fname = ini.Get_Entry("Missions", index);
			char buffer[128];
			ini.Get_String("Missions", fname, "", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
			Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, true,
									Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
#else	//	FIXIT_VERSION_3
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII	//	checked - ajw
			bool official = Is_Mission_126x126( (char *)fname);
			if (!official) {
				official = !Is_Mission_Aftermath((char *)fname);

			Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, official,
									Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
			Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, true,
									Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
#endif	//	FIXIT_VERSION_3
/*		//	ajw Copy file for viewing.
		CCFileClass fileCopy( "msns_pkt.txt" );
		file.Seek( 0, SEEK_SET );
		long lSize = file.Size();
		char* pData = new char[ lSize + 1 ];
		file.Read( pData, lSize );
		fileCopy.Write( pData, lSize );
*/	}

	**	Fetch any scenario packet lists and apply them first.
#ifdef WIN32
	WIN32_FIND_DATA block;
	HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile("*.PKT", &block);
	while (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
			char const * name = &block.cAlternateFileName[0];
			if (*name == '\0') name = &block.cFileName[0];
//Mono_Printf("Found file '%s'.\n", block.cAlternateFileName);
//Mono_Printf("Found file '%s'.\n", block.cFileName);
//debugprint("Found file '%s'.\n", block.cAlternateFileName);
//debugprint("Found file '%s'.\n", block.cFileName);
//debugprint( "Found alternate PKT file.\n" );
			CCFileClass file(name);
			INIClass ini;

			int count = ini.Entry_Count("Missions");
			for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
				char const * fname = ini.Get_Entry("Missions", index);
				char buffer[128];
				ini.Get_String("Missions", fname, "", buffer, sizeof(buffer));

			Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, true,
									Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
#else	//	FIXIT_VERSION_3
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII	//	checked - ajw
				bool official = Is_Mission_126x126( (char *)fname);
				if (!official) {
					official = !Is_Mission_Aftermath((char *)fname);
				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, official,
									Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, true,
									Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
#endif	//	FIXIT_VERSION_3

		if (FindNextFile(handle, &block) == 0) break;

  #ifdef FIXIT_CSII		//	checked - ajw
	**	Fetch the Counterstrike multiplayer scenario packet data.
	** Load the scenarios regardless of whether counterstrike's installed,
	** and at the point of hosting a network game, enable the counterstrike
	** maps only if they have CS installed.  If they don't, then the maps
	** are available as a guest, but not as a host, which fixes a multitude
	** of problems without obviously giving the maps away to non-CS owners.
	if( Is_Counterstrike_Installed() )
		CCFileClass file2("CSTRIKE.PKT");
		if (file2.Is_Available()) {
			INIClass ini;
			int count = ini.Entry_Count("Missions");
//debugprint( "Found %i missions in cstrike.pkt\n", count );
			for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
				char const * fname = ini.Get_Entry("Missions", index);
				char buffer[128];
				ini.Get_String("Missions", fname, "", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, true,
										Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
				bool official = Is_Mission_126x126( (char *)fname);
				if (!official) {
					official = !Is_Mission_Aftermath((char *)fname);
				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, official,
										Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
/*			//	ajw Copy file for viewing.
			CCFileClass fileCopy( "cs_pkt.txt" );
			file2.Seek( 0, SEEK_SET );
			long lSize = file2.Size();
			char* pData = new char[ lSize + 1 ];
			file2.Read( pData, lSize );
			fileCopy.Write( pData, lSize );
*/		}

#ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3		//	Aftermath scenarios are now in their own pkt file.
	if( Is_Aftermath_Installed() )
		CCFileClass file2("AFTMATH.PKT");
		if (file2.Is_Available()) {
			INIClass ini;
			int count = ini.Entry_Count("Missions");
//debugprint( "Found %i missions in aftmath.pkt\n", count );
			for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
				char const * fname = ini.Get_Entry("Missions", index);
				char buffer[128];
				ini.Get_String("Missions", fname, "", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, true,
										Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));

	** Scan the current directory for any loose .MPR files and build the appropriate entries
	**  into the scenario list list
	char const * file_name;
	char name_buffer[128];
	char digest_buffer[32];

	handle = FindFirstFile ( "*.MPR" , &block );
	while (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
			file_name = &block.cAlternateFileName[0];
			if (*file_name == '\0') file_name = &block.cFileName[0];
//debugprint( "Found MPR '%s'\n", file_name );
			CCFileClass file(file_name);
			INIClass ini;

			ini.Get_String ("Basic", "Name", "No Name", name_buffer, sizeof (name_buffer) );
			ini.Get_String ("Digest", "1", "No Digest", digest_buffer, sizeof (digest_buffer) );
			Scenarios.Add (new MultiMission (file_name, name_buffer, digest_buffer,ini.Get_Bool("Basic", "Official", false), false ));

		if (FindNextFile(handle, &block) == 0) break;

#else	//WIN32

#error	What? You think you can still build the DOS version after all this time?

	char name_buffer[128];
	char digest_buffer[32];

	struct find_t block;
	if (_dos_findfirst("*.PKT", _A_NORMAL, &block) == 0) {
		do {
			CCFileClass file(block.name);
			INIClass ini;
			int count = ini.Entry_Count("Missions");
			for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
				char const * fname = ini.Get_Entry("Missions", index);
				char buffer[128];
				ini.Get_String("Missions", fname, "", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
				bool official = Is_Mission_126x126( (char *)fname);
				if (!official) {
					official = !Is_Mission_Aftermath((char *)fname);
				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, official,
										Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, true,
									Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));

		} while(_dos_findnext(&block) == 0);

	** Scan the current directory for any loose .MPR files and build the appropriate entries
	**  into the scenario list list
	if (_dos_findfirst("*.MPR", _A_NORMAL, &block) == 0) {
		do {
			CCFileClass file(block.name);
			INIClass ini;
			ini.Get_String ("Basic", "Name", "No Name", name_buffer, sizeof (name_buffer) );
			ini.Get_String ("Digest", "1", "No Digest", digest_buffer, sizeof (digest_buffer) );
			bool official = ini.Get_Bool("Basic", "Official", false);
			Scenarios.Add (new MultiMission (block.name, name_buffer, digest_buffer, official, false ));
		} while(_dos_findnext(&block) == 0);

  #ifdef FIXIT_CSII
	**	Fetch the Counterstrike multiplayer scenario packet data.
	** Load the scenarios regardless of whether counterstrike's installed,
	** and at the point of hosting a network game, enable the counterstrike
	** maps only if they have CS installed.  If they don't, then the maps
	** are available as a guest, but not as a host, which fixes a multitude
	** of problems without obviously giving the maps away to non-CS owners.
//	if (Is_Counterstrike_Installed()) {
		CCFileClass file2("CSTRIKE.PKT");
		if (file2.Is_Available()) {
			INIClass ini;
			int count = ini.Entry_Count("Missions");
			for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
				char const * fname = ini.Get_Entry("Missions", index);
				char buffer[128];
				ini.Get_String("Missions", fname, "", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
				bool official = Is_Mission_126x126( (char *)fname);
				if (!official) {
					official = !Is_Mission_Aftermath((char *)fname);

				Scenarios.Add(new MultiMission(fname, buffer, NULL, official,
										Is_Mission_Counterstrike ((char*)fname)));
//	}

#endif	//WIN32

 * SessionClass::Free_Scenario_Descriptions -- frees scen. descriptions    *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *      none.                                                              *
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   06/05/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
void SessionClass::Free_Scenario_Descriptions(void)
	int i;

	//	Clear the scenario descriptions & filenames
	for (int index = 0; index < Scenarios.Count(); index++) {
		delete Scenarios[index];
//	Filenum.Clear();

	//	Clear the initstring entries
	for (i = 0; i < InitStrings.Count(); i++) {
		delete InitStrings[i];

	//	Clear the dialing entries
	for (i = 0; i < PhoneBook.Count(); i++) {
		delete PhoneBook[i];

}	/* end of Free_Scenario_Descriptions */

 * SessionClass::Trap_Object -- searches for an object, for debugging		*
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   06/02/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
void SessionClass::Trap_Object(void)
	int i;

	// Initialize
	TrapObject.Ptr.All = NULL;

	// Search for the object based upon its type, then its coordinate or
	// 'this' pointer value.
	switch (TrapObjType) {
			for (i = 0; i < Aircraft.Count(); i++) {
				if (Aircraft.Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Aircraft.Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Aircraft = Aircraft.Ptr(i);

		case RTTI_ANIM:
			for (i = 0; i < Anims.Count(); i++) {
				if (Anims.Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Anims.Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Anim = Anims.Ptr(i);

			for (i = 0; i < Buildings.Count(); i++) {
				if (Buildings.Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Buildings.Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Building = Buildings.Ptr(i);

			for (i = 0; i < Bullets.Count(); i++) {
				if (Bullets.Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Bullets.Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Bullet = Bullets.Ptr(i);

			for (i = 0; i < Infantry.Count(); i++) {
				if (Infantry.Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Infantry.Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Infantry = Infantry.Ptr(i);

		case RTTI_UNIT:
			for (i = 0; i < Units.Count(); i++) {
				if (Units.Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Units.Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Unit = Units.Ptr(i);

		// Last-ditch find-the-object-right-now-darnit loop
		case RTTI_NONE:
			for (i = 0; i < Aircraft.Count(); i++) {
				if (Aircraft.Raw_Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Aircraft.Raw_Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Aircraft = Aircraft.Raw_Ptr(i);
					TrapObjType = RTTI_AIRCRAFT;
			for (i = 0; i < Anims.Count(); i++) {
				if (Anims.Raw_Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Anims.Raw_Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Anim = Anims.Raw_Ptr(i);
					TrapObjType = RTTI_ANIM;
			for (i = 0; i < Buildings.Count(); i++) {
				if (Buildings.Raw_Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Buildings.Raw_Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Building = Buildings.Raw_Ptr(i);
					TrapObjType = RTTI_BUILDING;
			for (i = 0; i < Bullets.Count(); i++) {
				if (Bullets.Raw_Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Bullets.Raw_Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Bullet = Bullets.Raw_Ptr(i);
					TrapObjType = RTTI_BULLET;
			for (i = 0; i < Infantry.Count(); i++) {
				if (Infantry.Raw_Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Infantry.Raw_Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Infantry = Infantry.Raw_Ptr(i);
					TrapObjType = RTTI_INFANTRY;
			for (i = 0; i < Units.Count(); i++) {
				if (Units.Raw_Ptr(i)->Coord == TrapCoord ||
					Units.Raw_Ptr(i)->As_Target()==TrapTarget) {
					TrapObject.Ptr.Unit = Units.Raw_Ptr(i);
					TrapObjType = RTTI_UNIT;


 * SessionClass::Compute_Unique_ID -- computes unique local ID number      *
 *                                                                         *
 * INPUT:                                                                  *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * OUTPUT:                                                                 *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * WARNINGS:                                                               *
 *		none.																						*
 *                                                                         *
 * HISTORY:                                                                *
 *   12/07/1995 BRR : Created.                                             *
unsigned long SessionClass::Compute_Unique_ID(void)
	time_t tm;
	unsigned long id;
	struct diskfree_t dtable;
	char *path;
	int i;

	// Start with the seconds since Jan 1, 1970 (system local time)
	id = (unsigned long)tm;

	// Now add in the free space on the hard drive
	if (_dos_getdiskfree(3, &dtable) == 0) {
		Add_CRC(&id, (unsigned long)dtable.avail_clusters);
		Add_CRC(&id, (unsigned long)dtable.total_clusters);
		Add_CRC(&id, (unsigned long)dtable.bytes_per_sector);
		Add_CRC(&id, (unsigned long)dtable.sectors_per_cluster);

	// Add in every byte in the user's path environment variable
	path = getenv("PATH");
	if (path) {
		for (i = 0; i < strlen(path); i++) {
			Add_CRC(&id, (unsigned long)path[i]);

	return (id);

}	// end of Compute_Unique_ID

MultiMission::MultiMission(char const * filename, char const * description, char const * digest, bool official, bool expansion)

void MultiMission::Draw_It(int , int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected, TextPrintType flags) const
	RemapControlType * scheme = GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme();
	static int _tabs[] = {35, 60, 80, 100};
	if ((flags & 0x0F) == TPF_6PT_GRAD || (flags & 0x0F) == TPF_EFNT) {

		if (selected) {
			flags = flags | TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR;
			LogicPage->Fill_Rect(x, y, x + width - 1, y + height - 1, scheme->Shadow);
		} else {
			if (!(flags & TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL)) {
				flags = flags | TPF_MEDIUM_COLOR;

		Conquer_Clip_Text_Print(ScenarioDescription, x, y, scheme, TBLACK, flags, width, _tabs);
	} else {
		Conquer_Clip_Text_Print(ScenarioDescription, x, y, (selected ? &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_DIALOG_BLUE] : &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GREY]), TBLACK, flags, width, _tabs);

void MultiMission::Set_Description(char const * description)
	if (description != NULL) {
		strncpy(ScenarioDescription, description, ARRAY_SIZE(ScenarioDescription));
		ScenarioDescription[ARRAY_SIZE(ScenarioDescription)-1] = '\0';

void MultiMission::Set_Filename(char const * filename)
	if (filename != NULL) {
		strncpy(Filename, filename, ARRAY_SIZE(Filename));
		Filename[ARRAY_SIZE(Filename)-1] = '\0';

void MultiMission::Set_Digest(char const * digest)
	if (digest != NULL) {
		strncpy(Digest, digest, ARRAY_SIZE(Digest));
		Digest[ARRAY_SIZE(Digest)-1] = '\0';
		strcpy( Digest, "NODIGEST" );

void MultiMission::Set_Official (bool official)
	IsOfficial = official;

void MultiMission::Set_Expansion (bool expansion)
	IsExpansion = expansion;

/************************** end of session.cpp *****************************/