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; Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
; Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
;* *
;* Project Name : Mono Screen system *
;* *
;* File Name : MONO.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Jeff Wilson *
;* *
;* Start Date : March 28, 1994 *
;* *
;* Last Update : September 8, 1994 [IML] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;GLOBAL MonoEnabled :DWORD
;GLOBAL C Mono_Set_Cursor :NEAR
;GLOBAL C Mono_Clear_Screen :NEAR
;GLOBAL C Mono_Scroll :NEAR
;GLOBAL C Mono_Put_Char :NEAR
;GLOBAL C Mono_Draw_Rect :NEAR
;GLOBAL C _Mono_Text_Print :NEAR
;GLOBAL C Mono_Text_Print :NEAR
;GLOBAL C Mono_Print :NEAR
;GLOBAL C Mono_View_Page :NEAR
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
; External declares so these functions can be called
GLOBAL Mono_Set_Cursor :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL Mono_Clear_Screen :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL Mono_Scroll :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL Mono_Put_Char :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL Mono_Draw_Rect :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL _Mono_Text_Print :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL Mono_Text_Print :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL Mono_Print :NEAR ; done
GLOBAL Mono_View_Page :NEAR ; done
; Equates used in this file
NULL = 0 ; null code
CR = 13 ; carriage return code
CPL = 80 ; characters per line
LPS = 25 ; lines per screen
MonoX DD 0
MonoY DD 0
MonoOff DD 0
MonoScreen DD 0b0000h ;Deffault to Real mode!
MonoEnabled DD 0 ; Is mono printing enabled?
CharData DB 0DAh,0C4h,0BFh,0B3h,0D9h,0C4h,0C0h,0B3h ; Single line
DB 0D5h,0CDh,0B8h,0B3h,0BEh,0CDh,0D4h,0B3h ; Double horz.
DB 0D6h,0C4h,0B7h,0BAh,0BDh,0C4h,0D3h,0BAh ; Double vert.
DB 0C9h,0CDh,0BBh,0BAh,0BCh,0CDh,0C8h,0BAh ; Double line.
; x,y,dist
BoxData DB 1,0,0 ; Upper left corner.
DB 1,0,1 ; Top edge.
DB 0,1,0 ; Upper right corner.
DB 0,1,2 ; Right edge.
DB -1,0,0 ; Bottom right corner.
DB -1,0,1 ; Bottom edge.
DB 0,-1,0 ; Bottom left corner.
DB 0,-1,2 ; Left edge.
DB 0,0,-1 ; End of list.
; Mono page segment layout array.
PageMap DD 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
;* Map_Segment_To_Address_ -- Translate a 16bit Seg:Offset address to a *
;* Linear address. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; int Map_Segment_To_Address ( unsigned seg , unsigned offset );
;* MONO_SET_CURSOR -- Sets the mono cursor to specified coordinates. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; void Mono_Set_Cursor(int x, int y);
PROC Mono_Set_Cursor C near
USES eax , ebx , edx
ARG xpos : DWORD
ARG ypos : DWORD
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
; mov es,ax
; sub eax,eax
mov eax,[ypos]
; mov ah,CPL
; imul ah
lea eax , [ eax + 4 * eax ] ; multiply by CPL
shl eax , 4
; sub ebx,ebx
mov ebx,[xpos]
add ebx,eax
; Update cursor position.
mov edx,03B4h
mov al,0Eh ; High byte register set.
out dx,al
inc edx
mov al,bh
out dx,al ; Set high byte.
dec edx
mov al,0Fh ; Low byte register set.
out dx,al
inc edx
mov al,bl
out dx,al ; Set low byte.
; Update the globals.
add ebx,ebx
mov [MonoOff],ebx
mov eax,[xpos]
mov [MonoX],eax
mov eax,[ypos]
mov [MonoY],eax
ENDP Mono_Set_Cursor
;* MONO_CLEAR_SCREEN -- Clears the mono screen and homes cursor. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; void Mono_Clear_Screen(void);
PROC Mono_Clear_Screen C near
USES eax , ecx , edi
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
; mov es,ax
; mov eax,[MonoScreen] ; ES:DI = Mono RAM address.
; mov es,ax
; sub edi,edi
mov edi , [ MonoScreen ]
mov eax,02000200h ; Clear leave attrib bit normal.
mov ecx,8000h/4 ; Number of longs to clear.
rep stosd ; Clear the mono screen.
push 0
push 0
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp , 8
ENDP Mono_Clear_Screen
;* MONO_SCROLL -- Scroll the mono screen up specified lines. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; void Mono_Scroll(DWORD lines);
PROC Mono_Scroll C near
USES eax , ebx , ecx , edx , edi , esi
ARG lines : DWORD
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
; mov es,ax
; xor eax,eax ; clear eax so no need for sign extend
mov eax, [lines] ; get lines available
or eax,eax ; any lines to scroll?
je short ??fini ; =>NO
mov ebx,eax ; set line counter
mov edx,[MonoY] ; get row count
ror edx,16 ; store it in high half of register
mov dx,[WORD PTR MonoOff] ; get column offset
ror edx,16
; mov eax,[MonoScreen] ; get selector for mono screen
; push ds ; save off data seg for later
; mov ds,ax ; set data source register
; mov es,ax ; and extra source register
sub eax,eax ; set to clear clear line
mov ecx,(80*24) ; Number of words to move.
; xor edi,edi ; dst start at top of screen area
; mov esi,80*2 ; src start at next line down
mov edi , [ MonoScreen ]
lea esi , [ 80 * 2 + edi ]
rep movsw ; Scroll the screen upward.
dec dx ; decrement Y counter
ror edx,16 ; switch to mono offset
sub dx,80*2 ; fix MonoOffset
ror edx,16 ; switch to y counter
mov ecx,40 ; Clear out the last line.
rep stosd ; by storing words across it
dec ebx ; last line?
jne ??looper ; =>NO
; reset data values
; pop ds ; restore the ds segment
mov [WORD PTR MonoY],dx ; store of the mono y position
ror edx,16 ; switch to screen offset
mov [WORD PTR MonoOff],dx ; store of the mono offset
ENDP Mono_Scroll
;* MONO_PUT_CHAR -- Output a character to the mono screen. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; void Mono_Put_Char(char character, int attrib=2);
PROC Mono_Put_Char C near
USES eax , edi
ARG character : BYTE
ARG attrib : DWORD
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
mov edi,[MonoOff]
; mov eax,[MonoScreen]
; mov es,ax ; ES:DI = First character output pointer.
add edi , [ MonoScreen ]
; Output character to monochrome monitor.
mov al,[character]
mov ah,[BYTE PTR attrib]
; stosw
mov [ edi ] , ax
; Update cursor position.
inc [MonoX] ; X position moves.
mov eax,[MonoY]
push eax
mov eax,[MonoX]
push eax
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp,8
ENDP Mono_Put_Char
;* MONO_DRAW_RECT -- Draw a rectangle using mono characters. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; void Mono_Draw_Rect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int attrib=2, int thick=0);
PROC Mono_Draw_Rect C near
USES eax , ebx , ecx , esi , edi
ARG height:DWORD
ARG attrib:DWORD
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
; mov es,ax
mov esi,OFFSET BoxData
mov edi,OFFSET CharData
; mov cl,3
; sub eax,eax
mov eax,[thick]
and eax,011b
shl eax,3
add edi,eax
; Prep width and height.
cmp [width],2
jb ??fini
cmp [height],2
jb ??fini
sub [width],2
sub [height],2
; Preserve cursor position for later restore.
mov ecx,[MonoX]
push ecx
mov ecx,[MonoY]
push ecx
; Cursor starts at upper left corner.
mov ecx,[ypos]
push ecx
mov ecx,[xpos]
push ecx
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp,8
; Determine the number of characters to output.
mov ecx,[width]
cmp [BYTE PTR esi+2],1
je short ??gotlen
mov ecx,[height]
cmp [BYTE PTR esi+2],2
je short ??gotlen
mov ecx,1
jecxz ??donerun
sub ebx,ebx
mov bl,[BYTE PTR edi]
; mov ebx,eax
sub eax,eax
mov al,[BYTE PTR attrib]
push eax
push ebx
call Mono_Put_Char
add esp,8
movsx eax,[BYTE PTR esi+1]
; cbw
add eax,[MonoY]
push eax
movsx eax,[BYTE PTR esi]
; cbw
add eax,[MonoX]
dec eax ; Undo cursor advance.
push eax
call Mono_Set_Cursor ; Properly advance cursor.
add esp,8
loop ??runloop
; Advance to next control entry.
add esi,3
inc edi
cmp [BYTE PTR esi+2],-1
jne ??drawloop
; Restore cursor to original position.
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp,8
ENDP Mono_Draw_Rect
;* MONO_TEXT_PRINT -- Prints text to the mono screen at coordinates. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; void Mono_Text_Print(void *text, int x, int y, int attrib, int update);
PROC _Mono_Text_Print C near
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
ARG attrib:DWORD
ARG update:DWORD
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
; mov es,ax
; Preserve cursor coordinates for later restoration.
mov eax,[MonoY]
push eax
mov eax,[MonoX]
push eax
cmp [text],NULL
je ??fini
mov eax,[ypos]
push eax
mov eax,[xpos]
push eax
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp,8
mov esi,[text]
xor eax,eax
mov al,[BYTE PTR esi] ; Fetch character to output.
inc esi
; Stop processing on a NULL character.
or eax,eax
je short ??fini
; Special processing for a '\r' characters.
cmp eax,CR
je short ??cr
; Output character to monochrome monitor.
; xor ah,ah
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,[attrib]
push eax
push ebx
call Mono_Put_Char
add esp,8
; Perform adjustments if wrapping past right margin.
cmp [WORD PTR MonoX],CPL
jb short ??nowrap
inc [ypos]
mov eax,[ypos]
push eax
; sub eax,eax
push 0
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp,8
jmp short ??nowrap
; Move to start of next line.
inc [ypos]
mov eax,[ypos]
push eax
mov eax,[xpos]
push eax
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp,8
; Scroll the monochrome screen if necessary.
cmp [MonoY],LPS
jb short ??noscroll
push 1
call Mono_Scroll
add esp,4
dec [ypos]
jmp short ??charloop
cmp [update],0
jne short ??noupdate
call Mono_Set_Cursor
add esp,8
ENDP _Mono_Text_Print
PROC Mono_Text_Print C near
USES eax
ARG attrib:DWORD
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; sub eax,eax
push 0
mov eax,[attrib]
push eax
mov eax,[ypos]
push eax
mov eax,[xpos]
push eax
mov eax,[text]
push eax
call _Mono_Text_Print
add esp,20
ENDP Mono_Text_Print
;* MONO_PRINT -- Prints text to the mono screen at current pos. *
;* *
;* *
;* *
;* INPUT: *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: *
;* *
;* *
; void Mono_Print(void *text);
PROC Mono_Print C near
USES eax
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
; mov es,ax
; mov eax,1
push 1
; mov eax,2
push 2
mov eax,[MonoY]
push eax
mov eax,[MonoX]
push eax
mov eax,[text]
push eax
call _Mono_Text_Print
add esp,20
ENDP Mono_Print
;* Mono_View_Page -- page in a mono screen *
;* *
;* Displays the specified page in displayable mono memory area. *
;* *
;* INPUT: WORD page = which page of memory we will use for storage *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: old_page *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: none. *
;* *
; int cdecl Mono_View_Page(int page);
PROC Mono_View_Page C near
USES eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,esi
cmp [MonoEnabled],0
je ??exit
; mov ax,cs
; and ax,7
; or ax,SS_DATA
; mov ds,ax
; mov es,ax
; Prepare the original page number for return to caller.
mov ebx,[PageMap]
mov [oldpage],ebx
; If the desired page is already displayed, then don't do anything.
mov eax,[page]
cmp eax,ebx
je short ??fini
; Verify that page specified is legal.
cmp eax,7
ja short ??fini
; Find where the logical page to display is actually located.
mov ecx,8
mov edi,OFFSET PageMap
repne scasd
neg ecx
add ecx,7 ; ECX = where desired page is located.
; Swap the page ID bytes in the PageMap array.
sub edi,4
mov ebx,[PageMap]
mov eax,[edi]
mov [edi],ebx
mov [PageMap],eax
; Set DS and ES to point to each page.
; mov eax,[MonoScreen]
; mov ds,ax
mov esi , [ MonoScreen ]
; shl ecx,8
shl ecx , 12
; add ecx,edi ; NO Addition to selectors!
lea edi , [ esi + ecx ]
; mov edi,ecx
; xor esi,esi
; Exchange the two pages.
mov ecx,1000H/4
mov edx,[edi]
mov ebx,[esi]
mov [edi],ebx
mov [esi],edx
add esi,4
add edi,4
loop ??looper
; Return with the original page number.
mov eax,[oldpage]
ENDP Mono_View_Page